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The Oshawa Times, 29 Sep 1961, p. 4

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 29, 1961 Conservatives Flayed At Liberal Nomination BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --this feeling of uncertainty had) "A Canadian with business Spearheading his attack with: heen transmitted to "people interests here and in England "There never was a government from other lands looking for in- (Gariield Weston) recently ad- less competent to handle af-/vestments in this country. vertised for 500 Canadians to] fairs than that headed by our, 'And why not -- when our work for him in England. I wish present Prime Minister," for- | trade policy is so unsettled and|we had those jobs here. mer Minister of National Health|we have so many domestic prob-| "'¥ and Welfare, Paul Martin MP lems." Minister tell us a couple of (Fssex East) flayed the govern- "Mackenzie King, Laurier, St.|yeass ago in Massey Hall? ment on matters 'domestic and Laurent were able to get the * 'Elect me and no-one will international" in an address confidence of the people because suffer because of unemploy- given at Newcastle Thursday they were able to tackle prob-|ment, ", Mr. Martin said to a night. |iems immediately," said the|mirthful audience. A rapt audience attending a|speaker attacking what he call- In the event of a nuclear war Liberal nominating convention ed "lack of capacity and judg- 50 per cent of Canadians would to elect a federal candidate to ment in Ottawa today." die, went on the speaker. run for the riding of Durham "Another prime example of| Urging support for Liberal County heard Mr. Martin, in this, not to mention the disgrace, |leader Lester Pearson ('a man an hour long address, run thelis the way in which our leading|who would have been UNO sec- gamut from atomic warfare, public servant was dismissed ratary-general in 1946 and 1952 through Coyne-Fleming, to over- from office. had it not been for the 'Soviet seas trade policy. "A central bank in this coun-|Union's veto") Mr. Martin "In every area", the former try is an essential institution; |said the party leader "will never minister charged, "the present its affairs are certainly our serve the world". government was guilty of pro- concern. And yet I don't know| "But Mr. Pearson would crastination and post-ponement."" of any other country where a/make a contribution second to Also present at the meeting dispute of such substance has|nc man's as Prime Minister, in {were: Royce Frith, Ontario Lib- ever publicly arisen. It has hurt |this period of trouble and turbu- eral Association President: Rich-|the name of Canada all over|lence," concluded Mr. Martin. | ard Lovekin, president of the the world." rem -------- . Durham County Liberals; Rus-| Mr, Martin pointed out that |didate: John James, former fed- giving out of public statements {eral member of the county and 'by Mr. Coyne. present represented portunity, in the Banking and Manvers, Hope Cart- Commerce Committee, to ques- BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- {wright and Darlington Town- (ion the governuor about these Canada's "world series" of {ships; the towns of Bowmanville | siatements. This we were de. SPOrts car racing, the Canadian 'and Port Hope; and the village ji.q Grand Prix for $10,000 cash, and SEAGRAVE BATON TWIRLER of Newcastle. the Pepsi Cola Trophy, to be Renowned lawyer, scholar, BILL OF RIGHTS he'd at Mosport Park this Satur- course and entertained the politician, Mr. Martin Ila- "We both reminded the Prime day, shapes up as the greatest Twirling a baton is not | oki i | 'wherever one goes Minister of the July 1 Bill of|SPorts event of its kind ever held only fun but can also take a | Mayor of Watkin's Glen with imented that * | 1. : a : person to many new places, | an exhibition of her twirling [in this country today one finds Rights, where the dignity and In His coumry. 250.mile racing says Miss Jean Bright of Sea- | ability. The daughter of Mr. |disquietitude among the people honor of 2very Canadian would classic, being organized by 'the grave who returned recently | and Mrs. Grant Bright, Miss caused by lack of confidence in Ye Drotected We were denied British Empire Motor Club. is from a course in Watkin's | Bright currently teaches our government and its execu- We the elected. represents: attracting the world's | finest Glen, New York. She passed | dancing in Port Perry tive ' $ . drivers, who will demonstrate qo ~ o bk say lives to the House of Commons| ' : the advanced baton twirling --Oshawa Times Photo The speaker went on io Savi re denied the right to question | their skill and 'aring behind the - - Mr. Coyne wheels of man's "astest modified "This man, was tried by the machinery over the tricky 2.4- BUSINESSMEN PLEAD CASE government, found guilty by the| je rail. of Montreal, Lud Beyerment, ami ickea uw bY! wig Heimrath, Scarboro, Francis R Mr. Maripgradley, Toronto, and Grant » ; wm sald . y Clark, Georgetown, will be 1I'1 H 101 ) Another area -- Jam € 5 among drivers who will defend Coyne s pension -- came in for| Canaga's racing honor. a lively comment by the They will compete against speaker such internationally - famous] "That pension, was voted in|drivers as Stirling Moss of Eng a a or es {by a majority of the Board of Di-| land. Olivier Gendebien, Bel rectors of the Bank of Canada gium, and the late entry of well ~ all Conservative appointees.|known Pedro and Ricardo Rod CLAREMONT -- At the con-|through Agincourt and Myrtle," |should try and give a little bet- Ope of them is a Mr. Bryden, riguez, the hard-driving Mexi- clusion of a public hearing replied Mr, Stewart ter service. who Is an insurance executive in cans. Tuesday morning, at which| He went on to say that rev- orp FOR YEAR Toronto; and one of Mr. Flem- The colorful Latin pair will objections were heard against enues had fallen pretty low| Mr. Stewart said the CPR 8S political supporters. pilot Ferrarris against Lotus the proposal to remove the CPR! ssme months, down to $563 in| would be glad {o stave off the On Royal Commissions ap- Mk. 19's io be Qriven Dv Moss Station agent, and place the pecember and only $548 in| change for a year, at least, it pointed by Conservatives (14) (winnet wt Players Fun J Ryan Claremont station in a_care[August. some help could be given to in- the former minister comment 2-9 gian, oe aker c ry /. § 5 " : g: YW ren' ,' bien. taker category, J. W. Stewart, po oc not much profit in{crease business ol We avers had so many i ¥ > U.S. CHALLENGE Operations Superintendent for|,, =n aa | a iam: med gures with the salaries| . Mr, J. Mansell presented the =p, ° i 4 the local division, indicated that wo ave" to pay," he continued. |prief for the village business. . The ZOMIDISHOR members sit, Four of the United States' top the question might be deferredip. one from the Locust Hillmen. The brief stated that the aroune on 3 Ceomplish no- international drivers, all with for a year or two. hat jf flag station was not included|gtation served an estimated 75 thing," he added. victory in mind and Ferrarris to Th resumption was that if . Han iw 3 1 2 ? Oo ' row : Whaall Sump! Pe increased with Claremont, it was pointed smiles and a population of RURAL PEOPLE SUFFER in, Feconlly Wey down ihe through the Claremont outlet, *"" 2,000 Mr. Martin asked the rural joan " as those present asserted * it!$300 SAVING | Local express pickup would audience if they had noticed any!" George Constantine, George could, the present agent sefup "There are many other points help, he said improvement in what he called Reed, Bob Grossman and would remain. besides revenue to be consider-| In speaking for the Sarco Co., the "price-squeeze" since "this|Charlie Haves will spearhead Conducting the hearing was|ed," said Mr. Pringle. Mr.|Mr. Mansell said that the com- government you elected with the the U.S. challenge in the 100-lap W. A, Pringle, District Inspec-| Stewart said that the savings|bany had had 230 outbound ship- biggest majority in Canadian] event tor for the Board of Transport by having a caretaker as op- ments by rail during 1960 and 129 history got into power." Reed, who will drive a 3.litre Commissioners, along withiposed to an agent would be! inbound, He said that although produc- V-12 Testa Rosa Ferrari, finish- J. W. Stewart, of the Canadian |$200 a month. "We feel that local business tivity had gone up by 50 per ed second on the Road America| Pacific Railway. Solicitor Hassard asked if the could be increased if the service cent, today there are 25 per 900 at Elkhart Lake, Wis., two NO TELEGRAPH CPR had projected the future was better, particularly the cent fewer farmers than 10 weeks ago. Mr "Pringle stated that the for the area. He said that the |trans-shipments."" He said the vears ago. Constantine, a veleran cam- CPR had made application for| Pickering Township boom in the company would have to ship en-| wwpuon ached the speaker Palgner on U.S. courses, will the change but the application south was bound to reach north. |tirely by truck if the change quizzically. also be at the wheel of a Tes- could be withdrawn, or any de. Mr. Pringle said the Boardiwas made. Moving i ; ta Rosa cision by the Board deferred, if could only judge by the present TINER SERVICE Mi Drie mon He Finance ~c.. coman and Hayes will both the railway so requested "There's a general (trend DAYLINER SERVICE yinisier . agam, Mr. Martin drive Ferrari Berlinettas, closed I yal ¥ lained hes der the downward on the whole divi- Mr. Mansell touched an im- slammed Mr. Flemings rejec- Grand Turismo cars " ie plate] al on yo d sion," said Mr. Stewart. Mr. |portant local point when he said tion of Great Britain's 'free' A{ (he Le Mans 24-hour race tarela Bul and no Hassard replied that the econ- | that there were few people who trade offer in 1957" earlier this year, Grossman fin- money would be handled for omy was backward everywhere knew that Claremont was Servs. I say what this country ished fifth overall and second in freight. The caretaker would in 1960. ed by three dayliners each way jeeds is more positive trade class driving a Berlinetta be a commissioned express, "We're here to find out how €ach day. policies. If Britain joins with) With the addition of lesser man. "We don't instruct the much the agent is needed and You can gel on here at Clare- France and Germany in a Com- known John Fulp, the entry of railway to make such a change. what the alternatives are," said mont in the morning and be at ,;,o Market, we certainly would| U.S. drivers brings to seven the it is strictly up to them." he. pp. Cooper reminded them the Union in 34 minutes," helgain more than we would lose," [number of Italian-made Ferra- said that Myrtle had been closed *2id. "but few people know it "And what did Mr. Fleming ris competing in the race. Mr. R. Hassard solicitor, once and since re-opened. "It's oir. Sherman Scott, reeve of say, "This would be the end of In all. a field of 30 cars will speaking for Pickering Town-' oh chailer than Claremont," Pickering, said that the change {he commonwealth' " parodied face the starter at 2.30 p.m. | | | | | Woman Steer HIGH SCHOOL NEWS ET ow at Now that the weather is Riding Champ | Whitby Clobbers i: wr CALGARY (CP) -- For 36 years Mrs. Charles (Bertha) . rea woman weer mans. BOWMaANVille 17-6 vo ie son we champion of Canada. In 1925 Mrs. Whyle--she was| Bertha Laviawsy then Sinise] Bowmanville High School's in top place in the women's football team lost its first game. steer-riding event at the Calgary| to Whitby jast Friday by a Kcore Smale Highland, A {of 17 to 6. Considering that the John Rundle and Joan Ormis- Tap Baton "Yet what did our Prime 'ear such a competition was team didn't play at all last year,!!0n, two university students ' Stampede. That was the last be held when it's warm! poor kids who are having fire gets havy- they The gym By PAT GILL The door prize, a light colored , Ballet {poodle dog, was won by Peter ' held. they didn't do too badly. home for the weekend, won the Twirling Mrs. Whyte began riding This Friday, Courtice plays Elimination Dance. steers in 1924, a year in which our the then governor-general, Lord hoping we do better! everyone was eliminated except Byng of Vimy, and his wife. The second dance of the school two couples, it was announced team at BHS, so here's' During this dance, when REGISTER NOW attended the stampede. They year -- Autumn Shake -- was that the first boy fo kiss his ACCM, RMT. saw Bertha tossed from a held last Friday at BHS. The { : 4 : Brahma Bull's back. When auditorium was decorated in|P2rtner would win. John didn't Bertha emerged from the first-|apple boughs, rakes, shovels Waste any time! aid room Lady Byng was there and to give her the bouquet which' At the back, high on the wall, fire direction posters in each' GARY COOPER - DEBORAH KERR | had been presented to the gov- was ernor-general's wife earlier in . MC for the night was Marg the day. : Corden. She is a member of the Born in Killarney, Man., newly formed Students' Council. | Bertha came with her parents| Elections were held on Tuesday, CDTA, NBTA. 424 KING ST. WEST wheel-barrows. This year we have bright new PHONE 725-6122 IRENE HARVEY a huge scarecrow. to Calgary 52 years ago, when|Sept. 19 . . NO ONE- she was a little girl. She, ---- . = i 0) asawtay learned to ride at ranches near ere. Her husband, Jack, was a jockey before they were mar.' ried. » sell Honey, of Port Hope, the both he and Lester Pearson {nominated Durham County can- had previously criticized the any op rivers % {many other party officials. '"'Because of the March re- port, I asked, and Mr. Pearson t 0S ort at IMANY TOWNSHIPS asked, that we be given an op- " slaught of an estimated 30,000 spectators expected at the 510. acre parkland. i A total of 150 rest stations and | 11 refreshment stands will be! spotted about the racing circuit. Officials say five large parking lots, capable of assimilating 30,- 000 cars, will be ready for use. A European touch will be add-| ed on Friday evening. There will | be dancing around a gigantic NO ONE - SEATED DURING THE LAST LST isa 10 es FE grep pe ORWROE SIHEE mata, 15] DURING LAST 13 MINUTES HE /X NAKED EDGE camp fire to the music of a top-| games " DRAKE - VIRGINIA GREY notch jazz frio. A large SCale| Jui MEADE we Ceck Kelaway - Bish Bond Western barbecue and corn roast] dg bch. Gp Pre - ants Moe | | will be another attraction that| night. TAKE RESCUE COURSE TODAY » LJ men, the rs of teveral groups THRU SUNDAY § THRU SUNDAY of the Ontario department o commerce and development's| male employees, will begin al week-long rescue course in sub-| urban Scarborough next week. Now thru Saturday ! IF IT'S LAUGHS YOU WANT, HERE PLUS MORE FUN! ' ' BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 7:00 SHOW STARTS AT 7:35 CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE OSHAWA ship. stated that the original, = 2.4 would impede the orderly growth! Myr, Martin. Similarly, a team of 100 mem-| resolution by the township coun- of the township. bers of the Ontario Provincial| cil had been rescinded and the Mr. Stewart said the earnings 0 004 ihe point that this HGH UNEMPLOYMENT Police will face the wheeled on-' council now stood opposed to there were grealer and it was ga. the only agent station in Unemployment (323.000 -- 11 the change strategically situated as a train the entire township. per cent of the work force) was NO AGENT NEEDED ordering office. Pontypool is' Mr. Fred Lewis, Altona, said given a sly nudge by the now Mr. Stewart explained that also being considered for a care. that his business had increased perspiring former minister: | | N the railway is trying to cul {zker he said. 1200 percent since he had taken on Ford implements, and this the railroad had done much to costs where the agent is not ' o t only r : ¢ It was pointed out that only {was in the first year, try and increase business. Justiied and suig that J pres one trucking company served were not sufficient to maintain jhe village and it couldn't go C such an agent : last year and only $91 the year ronto although our local agent : d. Th He said he believed that a 'lt could be a prelude to clos- pefore, does his best," said Mr. Cooper. |] W9% wrongly inserted. e caretaker, on duty eight hours, ing the station and a backward : Mr. Cooper also presented the] appeared in its place is could give approximately the step for the northern part NO CO-OPERATION brief for the Claremont Co-op ne tess' del di same service. Myrtle would be of the township," said Mr. Has. Chas. Cooper, speaking for|who could not be represented. Lountess"" model and 1s p the closest station with an agent. sard his own usiness. said thal his|1t stated that 32 carloads had tised. Mr, Chas. Cooper, one of the Mp Cooper said that the rail- 18rge implement shipments been brought in last year and leading spokesmen in trying to Wav -- Were more" favors were spread among several rail- more were expected this year as RUTH ERFORD keep the service for the village! °° roads in the States but here the new lines of feed had been add- He said he paid $1100 to the "We get no co-operation in In last night's advertisement for Rutherford Furni- PR station in nine months of tracing shipments through To- ture, the stereophonic Clairtone "Empress" model model which should have St. Gregory's Young People's Club Features PAT RICCIO and His Orchestra This Sunday OCT. 1st AT 9PM, St. Gregory's Auditorium Simcoe St. N. known as the Clairtone AAAAAAAAA, A riced at 399.00 as adver- FURNITURE asked about carload freight, "It|able but the trucks were faster/CPR had it all. ed. would have to be handled and suggested the railway| He said that he did not think -- Thinking of much more comfort, toc If your! present furnace wt step up to a new fi give you more room in yo Phone 725-3581 for a obligate you in any way Many models AY OST CommmunT % B ; : to choose from A GEORGE PAL PRODUCTION we ANTHONY HALL - JOYCE TAYLOR - JOHN DALL FEATURE DAILY AT . . . 2/00.3:55.5:55.7:55.9:5§ MODERNIZING Your Home: One good way is a Brand New Oil Furnace It will improve the value of your home and bring you se your home look young again n convenient 5-year payment plan. Phone us now, ) is old and out-of-date why illy enclosed until thet will ur basement , , . and make free estimate it won't And, by the way, we hove PHONE 725-3581 wows MUSIC STUDIOS LIMITED Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instrument ® ACCORDION "@ CLARINET ® SAXOPHONE HAWAIIAN ® VIOLIN GUITAR @ SPANISH GUITAR e TROMBONE _® POPULAR PIANO @ VIOLA ® TRUMPET e CELLC Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion at 1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an accordion during that period which is taken home for practice, WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725.4706 CR

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