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The Oshawa Times, 2 Oct 1961, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 2, 1961 | Mauled To Death by strong advance winds of ty- 1 By Bear In Bush phoon Tilda destroyed 720 SUDBURY (CP) -- Thurman homes in the South Kyushu city | Thompson, 62, of Cleve land, |of Kagoshima today. The Kyodo :|Ohio, was mauled to death by|news agency said two persons "la bear Friday in remote bush|were injured and 800 families :1100 miles north of here, provin-|left homeless. /|cial police said Sunday. the bear before it attacked him, FOR RENT A smashed camera and broken eyeglasses were found near the| close to his cabin. Deputy Chief| Ranger Walter Punstell shot thel} Central location in Whithy. 200-pound bear he found still Jig ation) a ny PHONE Police believe Mr. Thompson door of his cabin. ! Residents of the area said he| STORE OR | mauling the body. MO 8-2855 Invite Legion | Ruxiliary To Sister Groups The Royal Canadian Legion} ® Ladies' Auxiliary held its meet- ing on Wednesday at the Legion| Hall with Mrs. E. Ormiston * | presiding. . i | Members were asked to bring] lin groceries for the draw and| lany articles for the bazaar. Two invitations were received, lone to Ajax Auxiliary on Mon- 'day, Oct. 16, and the second to|§ | Sunderland Auxiliary on Oct. 18. Buses will leave the Legion {Hall at 7.30 p.m, and 7.45 p.m, % More information will be given} lin the press. | The president, Mrs. E. Ormis- dlton, has been invited to attend) the Branch's 35th anniversary 'dinner. pee Mrs. Munro reported the) DESTROYS 720 HOMES TOKYO (AP)~Fire whipped WHITBY And DISTRICT WINNERS IN BIKE RODEO may have tried to photograph often fed bears which came] OFFICE SPACE. CHARGES HUSBAND TORONTO (CP)--Anatole Pu- chalski, 54, husband of Anna Pu- chalski, 44, whose axe - beaten 4 (body was found by their six- year-old daughter Wednesday, was charged Sunday with mur-| der. Puchalski, who has been| under observation in hospital since being found in a semi-| conscious condition Wednesday, | was taken from hospital by de-| tectives, members on sick list as follows: | "Mrs. A, Stanlick, Mrs. A. Mac-| Carl, Mrs. C. Bruce and Mrs.| |B. Johnston's mother, Mrs, F. Tavener, Games were enjoyed and a lovely lunch in charge of Mrs. A. Carr and her committee brought the evening to a close. } GUEST SPEAKER at the sath Birthday Banquet of Branch 112, Whitby Royal Canadian Legion, Comrade Art Adams, left, is pictured WHITE NEWSPRINT 4V3-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in 9-1b. pkgs. | IDEAL FOR TYPING, if PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC, On Sole at . . . | WHITBY OFFICE & | CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times with Mrs. Dorothy Ormiston, Ladies' Auxiliary president and Vern MacCarl, Branch | 112 president, Comrade | Adams is the first vice-presi- dent of Provincial Command and spoke to the Whitby members on a housing proj- ect for the aged. ~QOshawa Times Photo Suggests Legion Adopt Apartments As Project ; A challenge of engaging in a|per cent down payment, a build- : Minutes of the last meeting, ino project for the aged) ing could be erected on a special were read. was issued to members of the CMHC. mortgage for the remain- { Mrs. Hilda Hewis gave the piv Branch 112, Royal Cana-|ing 90 per cent. In addition, he i sick report. Plans were made|gian ogion, on Saturday by|stated, Federal grants of five i for transportation of the install- con ade Art Adams, 1st Vice-|per cent of the total cost were ing staff for the first installa-|progident of Provincial Com-|available. tion to be held on Tuesday, at| mang "One apartment could be con- jj Ajax. | Comrade Adams was theisirycted at an initial cost of] The meeting adjourned and a! guest speaker at the 35th birth-|¢300» he said, "and 11 suites | Precast Concrete !draw was made with the fol-lGay panquet of the Whithy|ace i lowing winners: Mrs, Frank Legion, which was attended by | ccommidating 16 peuple word SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY . BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT | Unity Club | Meets At Hall The regular meeting of Unity | Club (Rebekah) was held on Wednesday evening in the I00F hall. Mrs. Isabelle Saunders,| president, was in the chair Bi A ll DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-5231 C.I.L, Paint Dealer YOUR Painting & Decorcting Contractors Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Wall Murels and Ab Price, recording secre- tary. | Charter members present at the banquet were: Comrades! Andy Muir, Dave McClean, | Fred James, Harry James and, Robert McNee. Specialists in Custom Precasting ¢ CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. gE The second annual Bicycle Rodeo, which took place on the parking lot of St. John the Evangelist Church, Whitby, on Saturday, was a complete success. Nearly 400 children competed for top honors in the cycling tests in the competition sponsored by the Whitby Safety Council. Assisting the - Safety Council in judging and organizing the rodeo were members of the Whitby Police Department, the Whitby Detachment of the OPP and several local citi zens, Pictured, top, are the | four first prize winners of the contest. Top row, left to right, are Judy Bennett, 12, 832 Brock street north, and Carole Avent, 10, of 914 Bay- view avenue, Front row, left to right, are Larry Horack, | 11, 306 Euclid street, and CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! Comrade Adams said he hoped| |e would never be another : CALENDAR {war and that in spite of this| -- Ow [the Canadian Legion would con-| tinue for many years. | WEE L In issuing a challenge for| members to plan for the future of World War II veterans, the| speaker said that never had there been so many people . over the age of 65 in Canada. | This Programme Presented By The Local Ee ore) Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT !! STAFFORD WHITBY MOTORS LTD. to turn after they retire," he | said, "and it is up. to the G.M. DEALER FOR PONTIAC, BUICK Brothers Lid. VAUXHALL & G.M.C. TRUCKS Monuments NEW AND USED CARS MO 8-3552 Whitby New Car Sales 1006 Brock South VIGOR OIL STATION 107 Dundas East Mo 38-4911 Operated by Rousseau Upholstery FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our location et 216 MARY ST. EAST 1 block North of Post Office in Whitby Is Most Convenient For Your Buy- ing Needs of Quality Goods et Prices That Save! MO 8-3483 VW. C. TOWN making life better for all people Legion to do something about| after their retirement age." | | | MO 8-3610 Used Car Sales THIS WEEK'S "Yie" Yan Luven Dominion Royal Tires The Best Deal on New ond Used Tires DIESEL OIL Phone MO 8-3644 501 Brock St. N.,, Whitby If You Have a Car, A Home, A Family One man can solve all of your insurance problems, He is your friendly State Farm agent. See him soon. / WM. H. (BILL) TECHNICOLOR® ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLUS Second Feature Attraction "MACHETE" Starring Albert Dekker end Marie Blanchard thanked everyone Lunch meeting closed, Roberts, Mrs. Alvin Foster and|pearly 300 members in |NEW PROJECT Winnie Wilkinson, Mrs, Gladysja great thing for any service have contributed a great deal McConnell and Mrs. Kathleen! organization to celebrate a 35thitg our respective communities," Brough. anniversary, especially theihe said, "but this project will -------- Whitby branch, which he said really be something we can all Mrs. K. Cullen GREATEST SERVICE Ipods, comrades of Whitby | "We are the greatest service branc ) sho lo AR in Canada," helproud of the past 35 years," he WHEN POURING ON SITE, OUR QUALIT Y IS GUARANTEED, [s "and at times we are|said in closing, "but what of the i f Whit- SoThe eguiar mechine ol was| broadcast the services we per-| Head table guests at the ban- y y he ~lform in a community." quet were as follows: i held on Tuesday evening at the 'V/ . ; ig A : home of Mrs. Ken Cullen with] lowever, we get out own| gecond vice-pres. of Whitby Aa satisfaction from fulfilling our Branch, Don Meclvor; Ladies' | ® DURA STEPS ® WALK SLABS The meeting opened with the! ceo 1000 Jess fortunate than : : A 7 ve | BILE § : thy Ormiston; financial secre- group I feanng He Lord 5! ourselves," he continued. ory Frank Steffler; Ajax Le-| ® RAILINGS ® WELL TILE prayer. The committees pre-| «aang people are jealous of gion' pres. John Shanks: dis- sented their reports and items|;s pecause they cannot join the|(yriot a. Al Purges; ® PATIO SLABS s ® CHIMNEY CAPS The meeting was in the form stated. Comrade Adams con-|Quesnelle; 1st vice-pres. of Pro-| of a work night to prepare alfided that prior to World War|yincial Command, Art Adams; | Christmas gift box. The de-/II he would have given any-( Whitby branch pres, Vern | votional was in charge of Mrs.|thing to have served in World|aracGarl; banquet chairman, The meeting closed with the| Legion at that time. (Marshall; Mayor Stan Martin; Mizpah, Mrs. H, Crawforth and| The member of the Toronto zone commander, Ed Maven; her committee served refresh-|Scottish Regiment said that by | past pres., Harry Inkpen; Osh- | ments. |working with other comrades| awa Legion rep., Harry Brown y S i rer {tion that Legion members work- Wood crescent, Priges Wel H E ct led to understand each other. | donated by Dunlop of Canada | 1] 1ans Xpe | In speaking of future times, Ltd.,, and the Du Pont Com- | Jd pany of Canada. In the lower 'More Hostility Sandford of the Whithy Police . department explains a F R d Ch mechanical point to Laurie rom e na Bryant, 12, 222 Euclid street, mi Canadian Press Correspondent --Oshawa Times Photos | "poMBAY (CP)--Informed ob- % {servers here believe Red| ling on the availability of Grade|China's attitude towards the HIGH SCHOOL NEWS 10 study accommodation, West and to such "unfriendly" , : become more hostile in the fut- Henry's Junior football squad re territory last week when thelior that may be at the root of latter scored 13 points to Whit-|peking's increasing bellinger- {ency, Lead To Letters irst battle of the season and,|tjo " political and commercial! As a result of research work| ia : : : Gry {ful game considering their in-lo¢ Chinese scientists in their the Royal Canadian Legion had By JOAN CALDER given for achievement in sports, experience, progress toward production of formed a non-profit organiza-| large institutions to avoid the tivity clubs. When a student A * | It is believed heré the Chin-|mogation problem for the aged.| untoward practice. of theft receives ten bars in at least vs Years camer eidb Molue bomb may be completed in|Across Canada, he said, three taken seem 'to have no avail|warrani a school letter. to ha hosen the vast waste- ed in building homes for the " yas b . will supervise two y oun ge r|l0 have chosen > . ed in bulding for it takes all types to make a| The BAA feel that students, groups in photography process. | 12nds of northern Tibet for its! needy. Lately at Henry High, andi ie : . efi OFS! Observers here think it pos-|ing on $35 a month and veter- series of thefts have occurred, Standing service to the school [0 Ser oie Tica ut aclivity/. mie the Soviet Union's deci- ans, living on $44.75 a month and also * textbooks. In somelany bar - receiving category,| oo." year was influenced by Chinese pro- supplied a refrigerator, stove, cases, money has been taken should receive special bars. : : gress in the atomic field. It is|venetian blinds, heat and TV| ein , tI Thus Ron Bremner and Jim Me- BIOLOGY? : | has access to the combinations| cho a ate going to receive informed the Russians that re-|[to the tenants. . ey or he calptits are einer dor a group of students witness. gardless of developments else-| "In the next 20 years," he e culprits | : yim : do "led the cruel death of a fluffy safe-crackers who can open the of action by an especially ap a test explosion in Tibet or will double and the problem of | a? was a tan King snake which|Sinkiang by next summer, housing the aged will be seri- Students who go to the office Wo Secretary Dost vas 2 was almost four feet in length. h Wat to complain are told that there So si councl ar lo the Russians would like to re-| "It is up to you as Legion po on live young chicks. |tain nuclear initiative in their, members to form a building about it! Lesad Gra 1 stude : Grade 10 students rade 11 student, problem," COUNCIL NEWS no quiet snake to|CONGRESS PROBEM | Adams. Student Council is negotiating place during the noon hour for School for the benefit of the] A national people's congress pected to deal with Peking's pe- cult because for an initial 10] to attend the Monday noon hourities, The cafeteria which is permitted before students who question to the controversial tive, asked Council for its con-|their lunch when Grade 10's are not bound to respect any BROCK EVENING SHOWS AT 6:55 & 8:40 Home League Meet A few nuclear test explosions vation Army Women's Home|Redq China's position in world north. Some of the members| ipink that in going ahead with in ig, Z With All The TUNES OF They afterwards returned to|impress and overawe adjoining Gl ORY Z nuclear ft AT AN with Mrs. Major Simpson in devices in Tibet or in any re- ./ Award-Winning Performance In held and the group system was|strongly. | held in honor of Mrs. A. Berg-| ; ROTTERDAM (Reuters) MIDDLETON strom who was presented with Some 400 troops of the 4th Ca- their generosity. was!on board the Greek steamer Ar-| State Fam Mita! utomobie nsurance Company served. The kadia on their way to Soest,|Cenedion Heed Office--Yoronts, Ont.| Master David McKenzie. Legion Hall. Donations were made by Mrs.| The speaker said that it was| "We as Legion members | had solid foundations. get our teeth into." . ins 3B' Entertains 3B's din closing. | criticized because we do notinext 35 years? Current Range of Products include: ® SEPTIC TANKS ® CURBING Mrs. Ruth Maw presiding. {major obligation of looking| Auxiliary president, Mrs, Doro- of business were discussed. | Royal Canadian Legion," he membership chairman, Mark] | J, McLeod, {War I and qualified to join the gar], Ormiston; Rev. David Tom Naylor, 10, 906 Green- he achieved a personal satisfac | picture, Constable Richard | | By RUKMINI DEVI Whitby. Asian countries as India may FODIEAL Ask School Bars [or im Si mmm mo oe by's seven. This was the team's! as evidenced in diploma-| APARTMENTS FOR AGED |from all reports, played a skil-ispheres, is the reported success completed in the early 1950's,! It is almost impossible in| scholastic ability and extra ac- SUTTERBUGS the country's first atomic bomb. |tion to help solve the accom- Whatever corrective steps are|two different categories they eorporaisd some Rew Mess 18 about a year. Peking is reported| million dollars has been invest- world. {who give extra time. and oul-|ing, More people seem anxious, nuclear tests. Housing units for widows liv-| mainly boys' gym equipment/and who are not recognized in bership is greatly increased|Sion Ot resume nuclear tests had been buiit, he said, which from lockers. Either somepne| thought here that the Chinese antennae at no additional cost J ( ; ) ast week in the upper corri-| Which are listed in the office special bars as a consequence 3 is Sp va w where they intended to conduct said, 'the population of Canada rack i ; i young chick. The executioner cambination locks. {pointed committee. g 1 Qualified commentators feel ous if we don't act now. te A : : ~"|Apparently this creature lives is nothing that the office can do ¢/¢¢t @ successor in Dale La- \ Sharon! hands. committee and help solve this have a|g/. ta problem. They have Smith, brought the . ; | 1 He said that financing of with Mr. Tutt to excuse Grade homework and study purposes. biology students. It is her pet.|to be held in November is ex- housing projects was not diffi-| 10 councillors from noon lessons, Other grades have these facili-|s} is ¢ acte Should this cruel practice be sition on disarmament. The |= Ag Ne veseuls sie Ry jes He Fo sate of Mother Ra, Ee Hy ) / . ity with students eating » 5 rival? *0) pi '8|ture's formula for survival? issue of UN admission by as- gent to permit the BAA execu-|have their free time. As a re-| H serting that as "outsiders" they tive to wear bars. Bars arelsult, student council is enquir-! 9 ave Shower At convictions or decisions reached without their participation. C Av aoe _, |in Tibet or Sinkiang would cer- WHITBY LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:40 | On Thursday evening the Salli gin ly dramatically highlight League met at the home of| ¢rairs. ALEC GUINNESS - JOHN MILLS Mrs. A. Carr, Brock street, Many responsible Indians (toured the Stokely Van Camplits atom bomb. program the canning factory. {Chinese Communists plan to i. . {the Carr's residence and a short!Asian nations. A Pride And Power devotional meeting was held] If Red China tests 2# Of His Academy charge. gion adjacent to India, New - A brief business meeting was|Delhi is most likely to protest} ; | "The Bridge On : established. Following this al" The River Kwai." "Shower of Blessings' was| CANUCKS ARRIVE b n i 608 Brock St. S. many lovely gifts. nadian Infantry Brigade Group Whitby, Ont. MO 8-3762 She for arrived from Canada Saturday | with prayer. West Germany. | | GEORGE H. HARDING CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. said Comrade} GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 411 Fairview Drive MO 8-3566 WHITBY TRENCHING AND COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE HOCKEY: vited to attend. SKATING : YOU WANTA SELLUM YOU GOTTA TELLUM USE The Classified Ads Dial MO 8-3703 Arena, Wednesday, SPORTS EVENTS FOOTBALL: O'Neill Collegiate, Oshawa, vs Anderson St. High School, Whitby, Junior Football, at 4 p.m. Monday, Oct. 2. Whitby Junior A Hockey Club holds prac- tices at' the Whitby Community Arena Mon- day, Oct, 2; Tuesday, Oct, 3, and Thursday, Oct. 5, from 7 to 9 p.m. The public is in- Public Skating at the Whitby Community Oct. 6, from 8 to 10 p.m. LAWN BOWLING: 110 Dundes St. E. FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Funeral & Ambulance Service You don't have to play a sport to be a good sport MO 83-3410 WHITBY Oct. 4, and Friday, begin at 10 a.m. Men's Trebles Tournament at Whitby Lawn Bowling Club on Saturday, Oct. 7. Games WILSON Cycle & Sales C.C.M. & RALEIGH DEALER "The Best in Bicycles" 100 Colborne St, E. MO 8.3746 COUNTY BOWL "OPEN BOWLING" Saturday: 1 p.m, - 5 p.m. 7 pm. - 11 p.m. Sunday, Start Oct, 1 1pm. 6pm 118 Byron N. MO 8.2651 K & M CLEANERS AND DYERS Alterations--Repairing 8-HOUR SERVICE 112 Colborne St. West, Whitby Whitby--Ph. MO 8.2831 Oshewo--725.0181 Looking For A ® FREE TRY THIS ONE FOR SIZE RON ARMSTRONG WHITBY PLAZA Fine Men's Shop? MEN'S SHOP MO 8-8721 PARKING eo SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SPORTS Buy from your local Fuel & Builder Supplier JAMES SAWDON & SONS 244 Brock St. S. MO 8.3524 WHITBY

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