27--Reol Estate For Sale | Rooms for Rent 4 with Toftigerator, Built io new eral pboards and i naar, Dull in low pply 887 Ritson Road South. ms, hardwood, floors, hy landscaped, patio, paved | |driveway. North en end. Call 728-5885. RNISHED room, suit gentlemen, | parking space, Jaundry, breakfast, bus at sor, yin 356 Park Road South or [133 ACRES, 100 acres workable, bal ance wood and pasture, Big river runs through pasture; 7-room house with con- big barn, water in; 2 drive BRIGHT furnished bedrorm in quiet me, very central location, continuous t water, Only five minutes walk to town. Telephone 725-0393. sheds, 2 brooder houses, garage, tool|Zf shed. This farm is for beef cattle or carh crop. Plenty of water and large garden, raspberries, strawberries, some {are trees. For sale or will trade for| rooms ed, cupboards, sink, close to Shopping | Centre. Te 728-5549, HED light Feasonable, cent (rv 725-3751. fliness forces sale; make| ady |offer. Apply owner, S. Hussel, RR URNISHED bedroom, near King and Ritson, continuous hot water, parking, breakfast optional, abstainers only 3) | Rowe Street, 725-1 365, NEWLY DECORATED furnished room, ousekeeping privileges if (one very [df partly n a ving room and kitchen facilities. aisle only. Central location, Telephone 728- 2718 after 6 p.m. HOUSE -- with two separate apart: | ments, in Newcastle, Apply McLaren's | Barbershop, Ponty! Pontypool. Orono 8R14, | ~ LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD -- THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $8,900.00 $65.00 monthly for balonce LARGE clean room, private home, eooking privileges, near four corners, suit one or two girls. Apply 29 Charles. 723.9128. BINGLE or double room, use of kitch. en, washing machine, ladies or gentle. men, central to downtown. Telephone 725-8150. FURNISHED, bright ight housekesping room, clean, quiet, central, close to hospital. Telephone 728-5984 or 728-4401. 27---Real Estate for Sale $6.900 ASKING price for economical four-room bungalow, very suitable for older couple, low monthly payment. Modern down payment, Newt Hodgson, 728-6408. Joseph Bosco Reallor STEPHEN buys this 6 room home with garage. New forced air oil furnace, Nothing to do -- just move in. Will be sold today. Don't wait call Bill Horner Now ! At 728-5123. ON HORTOP LOW TAXES IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $10,500 buys this 6 room home completely decorated from top to bottom. Two Kit- chen sirks installed for rent- ing the apartment upstairs. Modern oil furnace. Lot over 180 feet deep. No harm to MACKO 187 KING ST. E. 728-4661 OWNER LEAVING FOR US.A., must sell this at- tractive five-room modern bungalow, three bedrooms, NHA resale, low 54% in- terest, aluminum storms and screens, large well-landscaped lot. Close to all schools, Ter- rific buy ~ see for yourself All for $11,800. Make an early appointment, look. See this home by phon- ing Bill Millar 728-5123 NORTH- WEST 5 room brick bungalow, just two years old, owner built, plenty of extras oincluding paved drive, Over 1100 sq. ft. $13,000 full price. With $2000 down. Carries for $85 per month. Interest and prin- cipal, To inspect call Ed Drumm 728-5123 Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd Realtor,--728-5123 101 Simcoe St. N. BUY OF THE This must be sold -- one inspection and you'll want it ranch bungalow, ond decorated, aluminum storms and screens tractive ore the good-sized rooms throuhout, L-shaped living-dining room. This brick home, modern, 3-bedroom ningham, at only $13,500, easy N.H.A. make your offer. is close to all schools and churches. /. WEEK - 5% A completely landscaped Especially at- including the located on Cun- Listed to sell terms. Call us to see this and WILSON Realtor Oshawa Shopping Centre After hours Ken Honn, 723-7963 Open 'til 9 please call Charlie Rankine, 725-6588 728-3682 Doug Wilson, 725-5625 Harry F. Millen | REAL ESTATE 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate tor Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 29-- Automobiles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 3, 1961 157 RIV. , five room brick bunga-| [UNFINISHED house for sale, hot, cold allo are gd tile| water, Maple Grove, on half-acre lot $4,500 cash or Bestest near school, offer, or consider good ten: Box 401, Oshawa es. WHITBY -- Bungalow, 500 full three bedrooms, sewers, garage, schools, immudiate possession, Private, 655- price, near INCOME home with four apartments, consider a small house in trade. Apply $12,500 full price, $2,000 down. Would $500 DOWN -- six-room bungalow, all conveniences, south section only, $7 W. McAuley, Realtor, 26 Prince Street. 723-2512 or MO 8-5765. 8,000 full price, near Oshawa Golf Club, |, five-room, oil heat, taxes $114. Tow down payment. K. Chomke MO Joseph Bosco Realtor. 58 PONTIAC coach, body, motor and tires, A-1 new paint, seat covers and "inside iim, 2 Must be sold, Price $395. -1890. rite |206 Tresane Street. LMOST NI RW room brick bun- any $10,500 price down, balance a $72 monthly. Located in Apple Hill price. Call Bift Sener of EQ Drumm CLAS L. GOWER REALTOR 204 BOND ST. W. 728-4651 $13,350 -- Finely appointed S-roomed Bungalow on Wel- * land Ave. Landscaped, alum- inum windows. Close to schools and transportation. See this one for good value. $15,500 -- Immaculate 6- roomed Bungalow with new garage. Landscaped front and back. On Gibbons St. North, in good residential dis- trict. Good house. district. Good value. all: Sally Wallace, Vic Hulott C Doug Gower, _ Mary Clarke, today at 725-5123. Lloyd Realty (Osh- awa Ltd.) Realtor. PRIVA' -- Three-bedroom bungalow, paved driveway, aluminum storms, near schools bus, $11,200. Tele: phone 725-8158 after 5. $2,000 DOWN. New seven-room apts level rok tastefully decorated, |praised $13,900. Will sell for $10,000, balance one 6 per cent government. 725-1343. L. S. SNELGROVE €O.. LTD. REALTORS 723-9810--725-8761 43 PARK ROAD SS. $800 DOWN Split level brick of 6 rooms, modem kitchen, dining room, fomily size living room, 3 good size bedrooms, 4 piece bath, recreation room, 6% N.H.A. mortgage, excellent Corson & Young Realtors 18 BOND ST. WEST 723-1121 NORTH EAST SECTION Well maintained home for the discriminating buyer that has a better than average down payment. Broadloom, finished rec room new forced air oil furnace, dryer, paved drive, covered patio, lovely hedged lot. For full particulars cali today. OWNER TRANSFERRED Leaving this lovely 3 bedroom home in Whitby. Complete with storms and screens, fin- ished rec i1oom, Close to schools, Immediate possession. IMAGINE ONLY $15,900 or this lovely six room ranch- h attached garage ond blace in Oshawa's choice close to schools, Eus and shopping. For appoint. £ to inspect call 725- We have a 3 bedroom home completely renovated in Whitby for rent owner asking $95.00 per month, Call today full particulars OPEN 9 AM. TO 9 P.M. 723-1121 After hours call Lloyd Corson 723-2537 or Dick Young 723-7183 anytime value here and free inspection without obligation. $10,500 FULL PRICE 5 room, 3 bedroom bungalow just a few years cid, fully mo- dern kitchen, modern size liv- ing room with natural fire place ,4 piece bath, full size high, divided basement, really priced to sell with terms. $1,500 DOWN $12,200. full price for o large 5 room brick bungalow with oversize modern kitchen, spacious living room, 3 bed- rooms, 4 piece tiled bath, 3 rooms in basement, forced wir by oil heating, storms and screens, large garage, close to separate and High Schools, excellent value here. WINTERIZED COTTAGE Modern kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms, 3 piece bath, garage, large lot 64 x 235 ft. located north of Port Perry, full price $4,500 with $1,500 down PICKERING BEACH Bnilding lot, 50 x 200 ft. $1,200. full price with $200 down 1%4 ACRE ORCHARD 30 apple trees, mixed fruit, located on Taunton Rd. E asking $2,300. Small bungalow, central, commercial lot, $3,000 full price. To buy or seil an do it well call Snelrove 723-9810 or 725-8761. METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 with $2,700 less than new 728-1679 (OW OW LOW LOW DOWN PAYMENT -- $1,000. or even less to the right person. LOW TAXES -- $168.00. LOW PRICE -- $11,500.00 for a 13-year-old, five- bedroom storey and half home in the north east district. Close to schools and bus service. Modern family kitchen, large living room, 4-pc. tiled bath- all nicely decorated. Just waiting for the large fam. ily. cel pen Kellet today for an appointment 723-377 AT THE CENTRE CASTLE HOMES $600 DOWN ONE MORTGAGE $71 MONTHLY YES, AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT $600 is your full down payment for the 6-room brick bungalows, complete with storms and screens and storm doors. There are no second mortgages and nothing extra to buy. Visit our model home on the North parking lot of the Oshawa Shopping Centre. Completely serviced area. No pioneering and no HILLCROFT STREET Come see these beautiful homes just completed, four to choose from, new paved road with curbs, fully paid for. Three are 3- bedroom bungalows, one is a four-bedroom split level. Homes priced from $13,800.00 to $17,800.00. SIMCOE STREET NORTH Executive 2V2-storey family home, 8 extra large rooms, natural fireplace in gracious large living room. Chestnut trim, lorge entrance foyer, hot water, oil heated, high divided basement, large treed lot. Shown by appointment only. AFTER 5:30 CALL 725-6243 Joe Moga, 725-9191 723-9290 Marion Drew, 725-7610 John Kemp, 728-2392 Dick Barrioge, Everett Elliott, NASSAU Street, six-room house, mod- ern kitchen, nice lot $3509. Low down payment, John Sandy 725-8119 Jeseph Bosco Realtor 725-987 0. SEVEN - ROOM 1%-storey house, %- coe acre land, suitable for VLA modern. Town line vicinity. Write Box 413, Osh- awa Times. | BUYING a home? Need money? For lowest rates, fast service, Seaboard Fi nance, 29% Simcoe Street South, or phone RA 8-6283. SELL OR RENT, 19 Arlington ut Sim. North, '61 PONTIAC two-door hardtop, black, 348 ine, 3 by 2 carburetor, 4.11 posi-traction, three-speed Corvett trans- mission, radio, white walls, wheel discs. Can be financed. 725-3652. rate entrance, four rooms, ground floor, rated, oil, garage, near bus, schools, hospital, lovely district. sider offer less than twenty-five hun. | 725 |FOR SALE -- White frame winter. dred. Phone 723-3537. ized cottage on lot. frem White Rose Station. Hydro, "MO 8-4294 or WH 2-314 LARGE six-room custom built brick bungalow with built-in stove and oven, wal] to wall carpeting in living and |dining room. ceramic tile bathroom |plus two other washrooms, fireplace upstairs, and in finished recreation room, split level entrance, outside en- france to basement, double garage and lots of other extras, strictly residential. $10,000 down and take over mortgage, need money for other business. Tele- phone MO 8-3119. Realto 725.4330.728-5109 PATRICIA AVE. Well maintained five room brick, plus a sunroom, and utility room. T.V, Aerial, storms, screens, venetian blinds. Large garage. Conven- ient financing, owner will carry the mortage. SOUTHMEAD N.H.A, RESALE 5%2% Six room brick bungalow, ot- tractively decorated, 4 pc. tiled bathroom, nicely land- scaped ond hedged yord. Patio, Owner transferred and must sell. This bungalow is only six years old, and has all the extras taken care of. With a subsiantiai down pay- ment, the balance carries for $55 ao month principal ond interest. MARY ST. Five room Urick bungalow, with double garage, Attrac- tive living room, and dining room, wiin natural fireplace. Recreation room, awnings, storms, screens, and many extras. Owner leaving city, and con give early posses- sion Roy Flintoff, 725-3454 Irene Brown 725-3867 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Members Oshawa ond Dist. Real Estate Board LUCAS PEACOCK SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? USE PHOTO CO-OP FOR ACTION 728-5107 RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA '58 CHEVROLET Impala, two-tone, low mileage, V-8, automatic, radio, white- 32--Articles for Sale WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor ei radios only at Parkway TV, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your authorized RCA V! tor service depot for Oshawa. USED parts and repatrs for all makes type washers, 3% hp motors, % to $8, guaran! wash- aranteed ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton, CO 3-2241. walls, 725-9659 after 5. USED 52 PONTIAC sedan, good condition, $100, Radio, $25. Left front fender and | SY headlight, $10. 725-9329. '56 CHEVROLET four matic, power steering, cellent 723-4002 56 FORD Fairlane V8 _automatic,|™ radio, 40,000 miles, in excellent condi- tion, private. Telephone 728- BUYING - door, auto- pew paint, ex-|>S after 5. a car? Need money? For lowest rates, fast service, Seaboard Fi nance, 29% Simcoe Street South, phone 728-6283. TUMPLEE FLEE with $3 worth of |gasoline at e Hilltop. Open from i a.m. until and [less Ly Superior peanle, South, 728-4873. cost 140 Simcoe 'e buy and sell. prot Stock of rugs and broad. ust sell. Box 507 REFRIGERATOR, stove and washing machine, jor 3250 = best offer. Will jell separately. in good condi pict canvas. Prompt service, table rentals. free estimates. Chair, or |Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. FALL wedding gown, full length, car- nation white silk faille, chapel train, long sleeved bodice, scoop 1 tion. | nail. : Dies After Toenail Operation STRATFORD (CP) -- Mason, 18, of Stratford fri in hospital Monday following a mi- nor operation on an ingrown toe- * L bpee ne waad DR a Hospital officials said that « when the operation was over, the anesthetist noticed a blue » color on the youth's face and * foticed his heart had stopped. « cented wiih lace and seed pearls. 723-9102. PONTIAC, low '60 six, in perfect shape, black with white top, equipped. Telephone MA -3854. TENTS, sheets, Church Street, > '5 CHRYSLER, mechanically good, reasonably priced for quick sale. Tele- phone 728-6368 for TYPEW ers, sales, service, ery, "oll new, SHARF '60 ENVOY, black with h red insert and wheels, red.white interior, one owner. May be seen at 255 Guelph between 5 and 9. WINE press for sale, never been used, large size. Apply 244 Toronto Avenue evenings or 725-4183 after 5. TRAILER, box style, $20. '60 MGA 1600 red sports car, excellent LAST CHANCE! Only $9500 for this lovely suburban home. Wonderful location with a view of Lake Ontario. This delightful bun- galow has three bedrooms, living room and large modern kitchen, plus sun-porch and utility room. Full water-proof- ed basement, forced air oil heating. Lovely landscaped lot on a quiet street. Ideal for children. Reasonable low down payment and easy terms to carry the bolance WHAT'S YOUR OFFER? Act Now, Must Be Sold CALL KEN HANN 725-6588 WILSON REALTOR condition, radio, seat belts, etc. Sid Nobhin, 84 Warren Avenue. 1957 CHEVROL ET; also "50 Chevrolet, Both in excellent condition, Cheap for cash. Must sell. Telephone 723-2578. 1952 HILLMAN, good condition, $70 or best offer, 728-1425 or 323 Verdun Road | -- after 5. 30--Automobiles Wanted |29--Automobiles for Sale (1954 CHEV. sedan, good condition and | INICHOLS MOTOR SALES Apply 302 Oshawa [new paint, $395, | Boulevard South |BUY your car for cash, Fast confiden. {tial service, convenient terms. For in. formation, telephone |board Finance, 29% Simcoe Street S. [1951 PONTIAC, exceptionally good con- | dition, new tires, radio, two-tone, auto- | matic, | 728-2758. {CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor ear gp | radios, lowest prices in town. Try Do. FROM THE HOME OF PHOTO CO-OP WELLINGTON ST. W. Eight year old, six room bun- galow in excellent condition, black top drive, large, well cared for lot, Only $11,300 with $4,000 down, 52% N.H.A. mortgage for the ba- lance TWO CAR PROBLEM? This grocious home has a two cor garage attached ond a spacious lot to match its tong, low ranch lines. Wonder- ful roominess throughout the six room design, a recreation room to round out complete family enjoyment. Located in that quiet setting on Beaufort, East of Harmony Road. Realistically offered ot $23, 900 with terms. COMMERCIAL SITES Whether you are looking for @ vacant business lot on which to build or a commercial lo- cation with existing dwelling suitable for conversion or ad- SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD. R. Aker Vice-Pres: B. McFeeters 360 KING STREET WEST LA SALLE AVENUE | Va-storey with garage =---- 5-room brick with stairway on 2nd floor to 2 extra rooms. This tastefully decoroted home is in a fine residential area. Broadloom in living room and dining room. Rec-room in basement. Asking $12,500.00. APPLE HILL AREA New home -- List price $13,850 -- 5-room brick with carport. Very modern hollywood kitchen, 3 good-size bedrooms, tiled bath with vanity. Garwood furnace, $1,258.00 down, balance N.H.A. mortgage. MARY: STREET NORTH Ranch bungalow -- In this desirable location, featuring large living room with fireplace and broadloom, dining area, large modern kitchen and 3 bright bedrooms. Attached garage, oil heating, nicely hedged lot, this property just listed and priced to sell, AFTER 5:30 CALL Pres: Don Stradeski 728-8423 Hony Stinson, 725-0243 mud. 725- 1186 EVENINGS CALL: MR. McMULLE MRS. HANDSO N -- 725-0104 N -- 728.5075 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED | WHITBY CLASSIFIED | POR RENT -- Three-bedroom house, fentrally located, ofl heated, garage nd carport, vacant October 3. MO +3984, 339 Perry | Street. 3 JOR RENT: Small apartment, one m, light, heat, water and TV aerial, ly. 107 Euclid, Whitby, PTIC TANKS cleaned, Walter Ward, Chestnut West, Phone MO 38-2563. DY desires ride from "Oshawa _to itby leaving four i nl around § clock. MO 8-5039 after 6 FREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, second floor, with private bath and avy duty wiring. One child welcome. lephone Mo 8.5709. n SALE: "Whitby, large modern clap- rd bungalow, finished recreation m. Oil heated. Near school, stores nd bus. MO 8-8765 after 4 p.m. OR RENT: : Four room apartment, tral location, spacious yard, $65 per nth, including heat, light, water. MO 94 after '5. (STUDENTS! A super value, - | mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.0: Apply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, | 111 Dundas Street West. [SELF-CONTAINED three-room ment for rent, very central MO 8.2398, FOR RENT -- $60 n monthly, three and | tour room apartments, balcony. Resi. dential area, newly decorated, laundry facilities. Parking, close to schools, Shilaren's playground Apply 300 High | reet FOR SALE: Income home, 15 rooms, excellent revenue, $5000 down, terms arranged. Choice building lots, 70x165, will sell 50 feet or more frontage, fully serviced, $600 down, .terms arranged. apart. 'Telephone tive Helen Allan, MO 8-4065, FOR RENT -- Spacious three-roomed | self - contained apartment, central, parking. Reasonable to a good tenant. | Telephone 655-4471, RENT -- Three-room self-con apartment, Say, 209 RENT: hitons aw. and $100, in modern building; ves, refrigerators. MO 8-3591. OUR-ZOOM _ apartment for rent, ly furnished, all conveniences. Ap- after 6.30 p.m. Mrs. Bates. nt Street West, Whitby. ATTENTION HUNTERS We rent: Canoes, Car Top Boots, Shot Guns, Decoys, Cabin Trailers, also Power Tools, Garden ond Lawn Equipment. MO 8-3226. WILDE RENTAL 305 [service for small businesses, LOST -- Lady's pink gold Gruen wrist watch, brown cord strap, reward. 318 Mary Street West or phone MO 8-4294. FOR SALE: Late model Crosley auto. matic defrosting refrigerator: four ele ment, heavy duty Gurney stove. MO BC SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping weekly, monthly or as desired. Statements pre. pared, income tax returns. MO 8.8252 GRAVEL - LCAM Cement, Gravel, Driveway Gravel ond Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON | SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY MO 8-2660 | Russ Reeve, 725-4840 | McFeeters, 725-1726 DAYTIME 723- 2265 dition, we can offer variety, flexible terms and properties competatively priced. Loca- tions on request, 728-5107 After 6.00 p.m, Hilda Ristow .... 725-3605 Joy Dell 725-3283 Poul Ristow .... 725-8152 Howard Forder .. 728-2155 Carl Olsen . 725-3412 RISTOW & OLSEN Reaitors 19 ATHOL ST. WEST Members Oshawa and District Real Estate Board JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD REALTOR LTD. INSURANCE Howe & Peters realtors 67 KING ST. EAST 725-4701 or 728-9714 Listen to Howe & Peters News 11:05 Wednesday Mornings SACRIFICE PRICE $11,900 will buy this beautiful ranch style bungalow with brick and stone front, walkout basement, large ultra-modern kit- chen, 3 spacious bedrooms, located close to proposed new french | school and church Don't miss this opportunity with a very | ow Sawn payment by calling Bob Johnson 725-4701 or 728- | RUSH SALE--NORTH EAST $1,000 DOWN, 2 storey brick home in excellent condition, com- pletely modernized, oil heating, garage. See this one tonight by calling Mrs. Tierney 725-5207. $11,500--FULL PRICE For this 3 bedroom brick bungalow, hardwood and tile floors, forced air with oil heating, 5% mortgage ond carries for $80, per month including principal, interest and toxes. Call Martin 725-4701, pa Call McAuley Rea) Estate, representa- | 9 ROOMS Owner anxious, make on offer, excellent location north end. To inspect, call Earle Allen 725. 4701 or 725-7782. $4,500--FULL PRICE Bungalow located on No. 2 highway east of Oshawa, 3 piece, modern bath, 80 x 165 ft. lot. Try any low dow t Joe Crawford 725-4701 or MA 3. 3672 " poymers. Zl COMMERCIAL LOT---REDUCED $2,000 Located. on Simoce St. 40 x 143 ft. Extreme valu t $25 with $100 down. Call Ossie Martin 725-7732 $2500 97 ACRE FARM Located approximately 2V42 miles from Oshawa City limits on paved road, over 2000 ft. of road frontage on 3 roads, beauti- ful 4 bedroom home with 4 piece bath, hardwood floors and forced air, with oil heating. Can be purchased in one parcel or divided. For further information please call Bob Johnson 725- 4701 or 728-2548 LIST WITH HOWE & PETERS [4 { 167 SIMCOE S. OFFICE HRS. 9 AM. to 9 P.M. S SUITE APT. BLDG. 1 yr, old, beautifully kept and fully leased. Electrically equip- ped income $5,628. year. Must see to appreciate, Ask- ing $45,000. with low down payment. Call Mr. Appleby now at 725-6544 or 723- | STOREY AND A HALF 3 bedroom upstairs, large kitchen and living room, hot water heating, private drive ond extra deep lot. House very clean, located between Simcoe St, and Park Rd. Ask- ing $8,400. with $1,500 down, Call Mr. Ratcliffe at 725-6544, SERVICE GARAGE Brooklin Asking only $6,000. with $2,000. down. 132' frontage; consisting of paint shop, 4 floodlights, ex- haust fan, grease pit, stock room, office, plus 4 room apartment. A real good buy, Call Mr, Siblock now at 725- 6544 GRIERSON STREET 1V2 storey brick with garage and paved drive. 3 nice size bedrooms and 4 pc. bath up, stool in basement, complete heavy duty wiring for dry- er. Well landscaped with extra lot at rear. This is a well kept home in an area of good homes, Very low down pay- ment with one lon term mort- age for balance. Contact Mr. Zurba, 725-6544 or 728- 0569 Members O. D. R, E. B. Mortgages Arranged, Bought and Sold, minion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West, 728-6238. Sea- hardtop, $200 cash. Telephone LAKESHORE ruto Wreckers want |ears for wrecking. Highest prices paid 725-1181. CARS WANED Buying o New Cor? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Apply 201 venue or 728-8409. telephone WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniturs iy 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South, DEER rifle, Remington Model high power autoloading rifle, .300 ecali- bre, $95 like new. Telephone 728-9105. LADY'S Clothing, two winter coats, several dresses, size 11 to 13, good en dition, also young man's winter cher. 94. To, : ECTRIC stove, pushbutton, Viking 25" automatic oven, timer, warming oven, timed plug. New condition. Rea- sonable, 725-4955. TUMBLER free with $3 worth of gaso- line at The Hilltop. Open from 10 a.m. until midnight. TYPEWRITERS for students. Guaran- teed standards at low prices. Bill Ham. ilton, Ashburn, Brooklin. TELEVISION General Electric com. pletely overhauled $69, Phillips 21" console, $99. All sets guaranteed, Meag- hers, 5 King Street West. $ALL CASHS For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off. ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, free. Terms. Order early. 723-4989, BUYING or disposing of used furniture, appliances, etc. Call Elmer, 30 years' experience, COlfax 3-2294, mp cots, ground rentals. Oahaws Hardware, 8 him. 7624. No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates itative measures, includ. » ing heart massage, were car ried out in an effort to revive" Jack Mason, the youth's - father, said David appeared to _ be in good heaith. He was ac- | companied to hospital by his ~ brother, Philip, 13, who had previously undergone a similar « . operation. Coroner Dr. David Gemmell « of Stratford said the results of * a post mortem will be incon- . clusive until further tests have - ' been made. He said it appeared the youth } had a cardiac arrest--his heart just stopped. There was no way of telling whether the anesthetic caused it. Dr. Gemmell added : that the anesthetic had been ad- ministered perfectly. No inquest is expected. | "= Rrrest Suspect Carrying Will aryl ig -- A young gunman arrested for attempted = bank robbery Monday chal- : lenged police to shoot him and _ COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 512 BROCK SI. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 SPOT CASH PAID FCR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. | WORTH it to the last penny. '55 Lob. {ise V-8, radio, signals, 723-9421 good condition, $395 cash. rivets. fa 184 Simcoe Street South, side | door. {Gop a chance to buy | Laurentian four-door, automatic, ina] twenty-six thousand miles. |new, private, $ | ments. 655-3575. %60 PONTIAC orig- Like take over pay 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON"S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. VOLVO Most dependable. The leader =n The road and | JAKE & BILL' % GARAGE FINA SERVICE |_449 Ritson S. 728-092) Trade your boat on a car New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 12 Open evenings or weekends THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS "Before You Buy -- Give Bill A Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-4741 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD, EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars. 725-0331 SEPTEMBER CLEARANCE IALL OFFERS CONSIDERED '59 CHEVROLET Impala . Convertible, radio, auto- matic, power brakes, etc. PONTIAC Sedan, auto- matic transmission. MERCURY Monterey Se- dan, automatic, radio. CHEVROLET Deluxe Coach, leather uphol- tery, new tires. CHEVROLET Deluxe Se- dan, gqutomatic trans- mission, "Immaculate Condition" CHEVROLET Four-door Hardtop "Interior Like New". TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS '58 CHEVROLET V2 -Ton Pick-Up $895 '52 FARGO 12-Ton Pick- Up .. $145 Sedan, . $139 OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE * FROM '56 '5s1 MERCURY radio . : FOR AN HONEST DEAL SEE "TED" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. E. OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 -- RES, 725-5574 MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 32--Articles for Sale PIANO, upright, in A-1 condition, just recently tuned. Price $275 or best offer. Telephone 728-8587 for information. LARGE boat for sale, %-inch t by 6 feet. Best offer. 728-8932, PAINT, interior, exterior. Ba prices. All colors, guaranteed, fat. gloss, Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street, 723-7624. MEAT grinder, first class condition, 4" blade. Telephone MO 8-4311. ATTENTION Brides-to-bel Wed Crinoline with hoop. $10, Apply 76 Bond Street E. Wedding Like new. and groved board and plywood, 18 jo Storm windows and Prime windows and doors only $40. Install Conada's finest awn- | ing ond Porch railing. Very | reasonable price. Call | ALEX VAJDA, 723-985 carried a note willing his body to medical researchers. Edgar Lloyd Soper, 26, of no , fixed address, was charged with « attempting to rob a downtown J branch of the Bank of Montreal » and with a $7,000 Ottawa bank {robbery in August. Bank manager William Orm- 3 rod was confronted in his office. " » SALE NOW ON Now is the time to replace those draughty wooden doors and windows with the best Aluminum-products obtain- able. Reid Installations 725-4344 by a gunman who appeared ner- 1 vous but demanded money. The - manager signalled an employee, A who called police. One of the officers noticed the * 4 man was wielding only a start- er's pistol and disarmed him » » without a struggle. Hunter's Body Found Monday Good Advertising and Good Merchandising GO HAND in HAND PORT ARTHUR (CP) -- The body of a hunter who was « drowned during the weekend was recovered Monday, while = three other mis sing hunters were found in good condition, provincial police reported. The body of John Steward, about 25, of Manitouwadge, who was drowned Sunday night when his small boat capsized on Lake Manitouwadge, was recovered. 34--Lost & Found Ivan Peeples of Sudbury was rescued immediately after the LLOYD six-way baby excels lent condition, pear] grey, harness in- cluded. 1018 dortop or 725-2822. BABY carriage, | Lloyd, | grey, good con- con- dition, makes into car bed, $20, double | brake, includes harness. For informa- tion telephone 728-5920. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance, Free demon- stration. Telephone 728-4683. B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- "Tires, bat. bat. teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725.4543. APPLES MacIntosh and other varie- ties, orders taken, free delivery. Tele- phone 725-1053. PERSIAN Paw, jacket (black) size 14, in first class condition. Telephone 728-2603 after 6 p.m. STAUFFER posture rest with plastic chair, stirrups and stretcher bar, $150. In Perfect condition. Telephone Orono PIANO, two, apartment size, $395 ar and | up. Apply 32 King Street East, Kelly Furniture and Appliances. GURNEY electric stove, four Vi 21" width, good condition, reasonably priced. Telephone 725-2962. FURNACES, forced air, ten year on antee. $2.25 per week, no down ment, Package deal $130, Telephone 725-4729. SELLING fur We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TVs, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact 19 Prince Street, Phone 728-1131, TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save, 4% |b. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib pkg, $2.00 Circulation Department. Oshawa Times ELECTRIC razor service, Sunbeam, Remington, Schick, Philashave, Ron- son etc. Cords, cutting heads in stock. Meagher's, 5 King Street West. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacu Cleaner Repair Vice. 728.0591 anyTihe. TENTS, camp cots, sleeping bags, lan. terns, picnic jugs, camp stoves. Best prices in town. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, 725-6511. Terms to suit you. FREE wallpaper at Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper. Ready pasted and regular patterns to choose from, Buy one roll, get one roll free at Edgar's Sale, 34 King Street West. T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed | year. TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 FALL SPECIAL COMBINATION ALUMINUM DOORS $45.00 ALUMINUM WINDOWS, AWNINGS, CANOPIES, RAILINGS i | Colonial Aluminum Sales Co OPEN 9 AM.-9 P.M, 134 SIMCOE ST. S. 728-4614 PRIVATE SALE OCT. 3 and 4 of home furnishings. Twin beds, dining table and chairs, chesterfield and chair, drapes rugs. 55 DREW ST. LOST: Brown bank envelope con- p.m, Bank, Whitby. Reward, MO 8-5178. LOST -- Black leather wallet, Friday September 29. Would finder please mail call Blackstock 172R3. Pi phone MA 3-5579, taining week's pay Thursday at 12:45 in vicinity of Toronto Dominion driver's permit and other papers or t LOST in vicinity ty of Metropolitan litan Store, arcel containing six lbs. bacon, Tele- EEE EE aT ETE boat overturned. Earl McDonald of Fort Wil- liam was found unharmed in the * Shabaqua area, 50 miles west" of the Lakehead. McDonald be- - came separated from his hunt- - ing party Sunday. 3 Two Port Arthur men, Otto I Sirria, 50, and Bob McLeod, = P= 1 35--Legal IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MORLEY LEG- | GETTE CANNING, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, MERCHANT, DECEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of MOR- LEY LEGGETT CANNING, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 16th day of August, A.D. 1961, are hereby notified to send full particulars to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of October, A.D. 1961, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. DATED aot Oshawo this 29th day of September, A.D. 1961. ISABEL MARIE CANNING, JOAN Shee CANNING LARWAY JOHN MORLEY CANNING, Administrators, with Will Annexed, By their Solicitor, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C,, 14Y5 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, were found by a search party Monday. Sirria had been miss- ing since Saturday in the Black Sturgeon area 60 miles north of the Lakehead. McLeod was re- ported missing Sunday. NEWS BRIEFS OLD FAVORITE Circus crowds in ancient _ Rome rated the rhinoceros high on their list of animal favorites. ISLAND DATE ' Prince Edward Island, small- | est province covering 2,184 square miles, entered Confeder- ation July 1, 1873. QUEBEC PEAK Highest point in Quebec prov. . ince, Mount Jacques Cartier, * reaches 4,160 feet above sea | level. ; SELKIRK COLONY The first colonists at Lord + Selkirk's Red River Settlement at the forks of the Red and As- siniboine Rivers arrived in 1812. BIRD BUILDERS The bower bird, a type of crow native to Australia, builds an arbor of grasses or sticks that may be six feet high. MERRY MENAGERIE "He doesn't actually laugh yet, but he's beginning to giggle!" :