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The Oshawa Times, 10 Oct 1961, p. 19

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusedey, October 10, 1961 19 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Few Understand Enough Business By FORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Business Editor Nearly everyone makes hi: living out of business of onc kind or another and yet, busi ness feels, too few people reall: understand its nature. The, first essential for busines: as we know it is what we cal' the free or private enterprise system. To the business ma this system is synonymous w freedom and he feels somewhat baffled when the public appears apathetic, W. S. Kirkpatrick, president of Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada Ltd., and recently elected presi- dent of the Canadian Chamber: of Commerce, expressed some of {this bafflement at a press con- {ference when he said: "One of the problems facing |Canada is the survival of the asid free enterprise system. And yet C OF C'S VIEW the public attitude appears to be| "py "Canadian Chamber of |Regative; wif to have|cimerce, at its recent Halifax te morse, that, bliss | meeting, expressed set an rk |comes down to a question {Ie edlerprise and profits as Fantini Do they want| "Because businesses do not | The complete alternative fo lg rg BA LR EL business as we know it would ang joss' system be a system in which the gov- «qari is need of greater pub- ernment directs everything, 85 1ic understanding of the nature {in Communist countries {of profits and the necessity for HAVE MIXED SYSTEM them. Profits not only provide a Probably everyone recognizes return on investment but are es- that our present system is a|senfial for business progress mixture of private enterprise and economic expansion. Profits and socialism. also provide a margin of safety The business man's current|!0 protect the wage earner, the concern--and he thinks it would consumer, the supplier and the be the concern of everybody--is| economy generally. The main that the socialist side of the mix-| fruits of a growing profitable ture will grow and gradually, ex-|business are better employment tinguish individual initiative as Opportunities, more goods and it now operates. {services and a higher standard He recognizes that there are|Of living for all Canadians. {certain things private enter-|__ prise can't undertake. He ob- jects, however, to government lextending its activities nent Jails Another 32--Articles for Sale WINE recipes of 15 for $1.00. Send money order to "Recipes", PO Box 265, Whitby, Ontario. YOU have a good chance to buy a "Fencer" electric guitar and amplifier, $200 cash. 655-3575. THREEpiece antique oak, perfect condition; also few antique d For further information tele- phone MA 3.2554 Bowmanville. USED furniture and appliances cost less at Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe Street South, 728-4873. We buy and sell. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt free estimates. Chalr, table Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, TENTS, tarpaulins, eamp cots, ground sheets. rentals, Oshawa Hardware, 8 Church Street. 723.7624. BABY carriage, Lloyd, grey, good con- dition, makes Into car bed, $20, double brake, includes harness. For informa- tion telephone 728-5920. 35--Legal IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MORLEY LEG- GETTE CANNING, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, MERCHANT, DECEASED, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of MOR- LEY LEGGETT CANNING, lote of the City of Oshawo, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 16th day of August, A.D. 1961, are hereby notified to send full porticulars to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of October, A.D. 1961, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. DATED ot Oshawa this 29th day of September, A.D. 1961. ISABEL MARIE CANNING, JOAN ISABEL CANNING LARWAY and JOHN MORLEY CANNING, Administrators, with Will Annexed, By their Solicitor, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, Q.C., 1472 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, |27--Real Estate for Sale Ww com | $7,500. LOW down payment, brick, two Ave Tooth kitchens, hardwood floors, central. Call " 0 Bob Johnson, Howe and Peters 728-2548, SIX-ROOM house for rent cr sale, oil burner, garage, TV aerial. Telephone 725-3307 aiter 6.30 p.m. FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, $8,500, 29--Automobiles for Sale 127 --Reel Estate Por Sole |27--Real Estate for Sale £600 DOWN buys this seven room brick NEAR Os Golf Club, home, close io downtown, In good ve home, large lot, low taxes. pair, oil heat, low taxes. $9,000 fullllow down paymeni. XK, humko, price. Ask for Bill Horner at 727.512 18-4606, Joseph Bosco Realtor, Lioyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor. | opp Wp nR0OM home, two baths, ol A WN seven-room split |heat, hardwood and tile floors, large ne oy astefully = decorated, ap-|modern kitchen, close to shops, schools praised $13,900. Will sell for $10,000,/and bus. A buy at only $12,900 with 26--Rooms for Rent BEDROOM -- furnished for business gentlemen Central, large, bright and clean, twin beds, wired for two telephones, light housekeeping facilities. Telephone 723-9767. CE ™o furnished rooms, bedroom and kitchen with new refrigerator, built-in cupboards and sink, all conveniences. Apply 887 Ritson Road South. ONE single and one double room, sin: gle beds, continuous hot water, small apartment. 103 Ritson Road North, 725-1300. 'Si METEOR Rideau "500", two-door hardtop, V-8 automatic, all white with red interior, many other extras, in- cluding continental kit, 725-8465 after 4. GOOD chance to buy '60 PONTIAC Laurentian four-door, automatic, orig- ina] twenty-six thousand miles. Like new, private, $600 and take over pay- ments. 655-3575. 5 51 VANGUARD, Mght blue, excellent running condition, good tires, heater, £125, 33 Colborne Street East. 725-7142. TUMBLER-FREE with $3 worth of gasoline at 'The Hilltop. Open from 10 a.m. until midnight. > CHRYSLER. mechanically good, reasonably priced for quick sale. Tele- Iphone 728-6368 for appointment. 1957 CHEVROLET; also "50 Chevrolet. Both in excellent condifion, Chenp for cash, Must sell. Telephone 723 2578. MAN, good condition. $70 or 728-1425 or 323 Verdun Road set in fumed New near with be deemed necessary to the wver-all good. Considerable public misunder- standing centres around *'prof- ts." To the business man a bus- ness that isn't making a profit 's one that is in the process of going out of existence. To him, a successful business s one that creates jobs, pays proper wages, creates goods out "lof a combination of manpower and investment, pays taxes and has enough left over to see the company through a "rainy day" and pay a reasonable return on the money invested in it. It probably also will put aside some money to help pay for ex- pansion. Its over-all situation should be such that it will be attractive to investors. And in. vestors, in today's world, means anyone with some money to put ROOM, furnished, for fwo gentlemen, nice, clean room at Simcoe South. Parking. Telephone 723-2066. 27--Real Estate For Sale | service, rentals. SIX-ROOM brick storev and a half, for | sale or rent, Albert Street, newly de-| corated, landscaped lot. For further in- formation. Apply 348 Albert. TELEVISION General Electric eom.| pletely . overhauled $69. Phillips 21*| console, $99. All sets guaranteed, Meag- hers, 5 King Street West, ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes. | No. 1 quality, Measurements, estimates free. Terms, Order early. 723-4989. | BUYING or disposing of used furniture, | | appliances, etc, Call Elmer, 30 years' | experience. COlax 3-2204. Siblock at EMERGENCY POWER SYSTEM ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE DETACHMENT BUILDING WHITBY, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED: SUM TENDERS roperly endorsed, on forms supplied by the Department, will be re ceived by the Tenders Secretary, Room 6630, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, until 3.00 p.m. (ES.T.) on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31s, 1961 for the Supply and Installation of a 1500 watt gasoline driven gener- | ator with associated wiring for use | es an emergency lighting and | power system for the tario Pro- vincial Police Detachment Build- ing, Whitby, Ontario. Plans, Specification, Tendsr form ond Tender envelope may be ob- tained from, or viewed at Room 6527, Department of Public Works, Eost Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. Tenders will not be considered unless made on forms supplied by | the Department of Public Works, Ontario, in accordance with the Trade paid otf 5q in jown DODD MC nm n or ens Bill DD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. § 723-9421 d el add- brick Horn used. Bill! thre e sale, delivered. Tele-| mortgage | Mr. Appleby, 723-3398 at de room beautifully and landscaped 21 ora 210 vith fast Horner dhwov or | a highwe yd Realty aw | lot nec reezeway 728.5123 101 Simcoe St. N OUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR 204 BOND ST. W. 728-4651 recreation room ng $18,000.00 appointment only room, we! with 2 lorge trees Ex $12,500 $2000. | 725- willow 1Stru front -- buy with Mr. Works, save, 4 Members O. D, R. F Mortgages Arranged, Bought and Sold B Wedding Like new. 725-9191 725-7610 ous buy and sell with confidence HOWE & PETERS your neighborhood realtors Listen to Howe & Peters Radio Home News Wednesday morning C.K.L.B. after 11 AM. News 2 BEDROOM Ideol home for executive or business man, large r eut, attached garage, located in east end, nicely lot, stone fireplace, excellent terms. Coll Don Howe SUBURBAN Located north eost of City near Zion, 6 room ranch bungalow, double ottoched garage, large rooms, good well, close to school, lovely view. Call Keith Peters 725-4701 or 725-4162 sevnings COMMERCIAL LOT wocated on Simcoe St, 40' x 143', ideal location for business only $1,000 down -- call Ossie Martin 725-4701 or 728-9714 ROXBOROUGH STREET brick bungalow, 2 bedrooms and bath on ground floor, hot water heating, quiet street, ideal home for retiring Call Bob Johnson 725-4701 728-2548 6 brick 2 storey, centrally located, 2 kitchens, ideal for income, Taxes only $157.00. Call Ossie Martin 725-4701 or 728.9714 | $1200. DOWN é room 2 storey home, Burk St., low taxes of $181.00 payments $75.00. Coll Rolande Tierney 725-5207, WHITBY CLASSIFIED TOR RENT: Four roomed apartment, FOR RENT -- Small furnished room, private bath, centrally located. Suit continuous hot water, good parking, suit business couple. 158 Brock Street North gentleman. 821 Dundas Street West MO 8. 0) er a APARTMENT FOR RED £€ ing room and apartment, built-in cupboards, peat ight included machine special! she 3-bedroom brick bungalow with oversized bedrooms, kit chen, breakfast nook, living ond dining roem combined. | $93 principal, interest ond taxes and the north-west area with a very reasonable down payment required Sally Wallace Doug Gower Hellcrafter television, perfect recreation room, $30. MO 8.4183 USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, '4 hp motors, $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash- | and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hamp: s through landscaped 725-7732. and other free delivery varie. Tele-| Vie Hulatt Mary Clarke money? -- apam-- Seaboard Street South, For Fi- BEATTY washing machine, or tion, combination door, 7° x 3 phone 728-1567 for further lars | be | ELECTRIC razor service, Sunbeam, | 'Remington, Schick, Philashave, Ron son ete. Cords, cutting heads in stock. Oshawa Meagher's King Street West COMPLETE SALE OF | ALUMINUM PRODUCTS | Storm windows end Prime | windows and doors only $40. Install Canada's finest awn- ing and Porch railing. Very reasonable price. Call ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 T.V. TOWERS 40-ft structure all channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed | year. TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St 728-6781 LATEST A-1 condi 314" tele- particu. | phone 728.6283 TRUCK '55 Y4-ton GMC $460. May 6 room sil garage, 'ouple 723-9810--725-8761 43 PARK RD. "SOUTH seen at 1036 Cedar Street South "3% VOLKSWAGEN -- first class shape See M. Gutman, Faculty &m.,, Missionary College, from Sunda Vv Vv | SPECIAL, $800 DOWN OL O 6-room brick split level bung leader on alow built under N.H.A track supervision, 6% mortgage, | JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE fully modern kitchen, living FINA SERVICE dining room, 3-bed- 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 rooms and 4-piece bath, plus recreation room, owner living In Toronto Is willing to sacrifice, open for inspec. tion SUMMER AND WINTER PARADISE Cosy ond modern 2-bedroom bungalow just a few years old, large work shop, located on Nonquon River, park POON dable, on the road ond de The | | } room, monthly now Trade your boat on ¢ car-- New or Used SMITHS SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd RA 8-5912 Open evenings or weekends WILLIS FTER 5 \ rick low woul 2 : - AFTER 5:30 CAL hick, oungolow would be PAINT, interior, exterior, Bargain FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib. | paid the fine later. Thursday the minion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West : Singer electric portable, one only, $39. te garage, fenced-in lot, trees [formation telephone 728-6238. Sea , 3 ~--|written by a member of the Prince Albert whom she loved of the law. Magistrate Bigelow reasonable; also TV aerial, tower, good | '52 Austin. Priced for quick s. it would likely lead to a request {steering and brakes, Sacrifice! 728.0079 an fake masrifice: 720-0078 CALIBRE Cooey repeating rifle TABLEWARE and fearless in protecting the(@nd struggle, he returns to reasonable prices, All Saints' Anglican Church {know as a writer of historical opened with the members' | | 55 Drew Street | *7%%.| JUDITH OF FRANCE by Mar. Balcombe became a friend of the form of an "Interior Decor- ro! Lauder striped cat. with VLA modern. [FOR SALE -- White frame winter-|$2,500 down. 723-3498. Town line vicinity, Write Box 413, Osh- (ized cottage on lot. th section only, 87.800. SALE or rent -- seven-room brick, 160/in Apple Hill, $2,000 less than new W. McAuley, Re: SELLING YOUR |$8,900 -- FIVE-ROOM bungalow, three INCOME home with four apartments, | phone 728-4060. GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's t { vision, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your {30--Automobiles Wanted large lot, low taxes, 4'4 per cent mort- er TYPEWRITERS for students. Guaran | Telephone 725-9417. ) 723-2265. - 2 brick with white trim. Very, | pide uish For clean cars we deal up or Sacrifice 1% storey. FOR sale or rent: Sa e 1% sf > 725.6544. ST. W. OSHAWA THE CALL YOUR MOVER tia ---- N.H.A. RESALE MO 8-8001 | TT pe es | WINE press for sale, never been used, 86" x 174'. Two baths with | $825. down, A real buy, To SPOT CASH {large size. Apply 244 Toronto Avenus oved lot 70° x d {Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. approve ot ro built € DUPLEX be front NEW Steven's pump gun, 12 gauge block basement >asement stone ron! f Sava i $7 500 Ac) 6-room bath, fully leased Asking 723-479 affer 5 Bill inspect call Talk "Cash" to the New 728-5123 {Beautiful smooth-top continental he ted VACUUM cleaner repairs. all makes, | 5 floors. Only $13,500. with 728-5123 BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- A vice. 728-0391 anytime [ Beoutiful ranch bur w on Ne MADISON AVENUE 67 KING ST. W Bond Street West, 725-6511. Terms to Shown by 2 patterns to choose from. Buy one roll,| necessarily accepted. weping TYPING paper 1-D. MI | The chief function of govern-| built-in stove ond oven, colored bath fixtures, ceramic tiled Circulation Department. Oshawa Times. | mattresses. Clean out of odds and ends. | Ontario, climate in which private initia-|¢rate S. Tupper Bigelow refused 6544 or TS-UnsY down NEW Mary Maxim ATTENTION Brides-to-be! " Tt c ct two-bedroom | 3 o . compe ig skating pattern. 723-3336 ater 8 p.m. |APPly 76 Bond Street E Earlier this week he sen- BAM A% 1 f wy family, The A i Dick Barriage 725-6243 Joe Maga ideal tor any y prices. All colors, guaranteed, flat, (eral trade-in allowance, Free demon-| . they requested time to pay. One Boys And Gir ls attorney - general's department {CUSTOM (in the dash) teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele h " --- - -- : with terms to be arranged. ration, lowest tices i to Try Do ; CHESTERFIELD and two chairs, mar hs . SEWING Rebuilt able. Apply 32 McLaughlin Boulevard. | tastefully: decorated, fectures BUICK, two-door hardtop, white Ajax Sewing Centre, WH 2-6361 or MO ZIG ZAG sewing machine sews forward | 5 onto lawyer who won their re- $73 per month principal, in- 5 : ! J Mag tial service, convenient terms. For in- > Box 428 Oshawa Times. | The following reviews were of Belgium and handsomeis mistaken in his interpretation 3 ECTRIC range, 30 inch, almost new, | ------ - -- board Finance, 29'% Sim Street S ot " "el : _Simeoe Street S. | condition. Telephone 778.2309 for fursher Good Reconditioned staff of the McLaughlin Public|qearly and with whom says he has no authority und wagon, '51 Chevrolet, "50 Pontiac panel, Fina Service Station, 627 Simcos Sire J | lotte M. Yonge I'm not interfering." Harwood Avenue North Five hundred years old in YORE iy lliam Common predicted that -|Spain is not an out-of-date(0f William the Conqueror, be-| I : 8 BUICK hardtop, automatic, power | Les, Orders ta SARGEANT'S {heroine. She was as animated| came the Duke of Normandy at|for a change in the Liquor Con- (Please leave telephone number if not ke new, reasonably priced. Telephone £4 RENTALS for her invalid mother; bold|L:ater, after years of hardship i govern his country wisely and T D H 11 anniversaries buffets, |life of her small brother. Her 0 Decorate Ha 725-3338 . Margaret Guild held its bi- x : by Charlotte Yonge who is well and her knight, Ferdinand of], 8 | Aragon, pledged themselves to! 4 tales for children charge of the meeting which prayer. dropes and rugs. {34--Lost & Foun | ) : 3 & Found courage was triumph. how thirteen - year - old Betsy| Oct. 18 meeting which will be in . .« ao ation Meeting". garet Leighton Bonaparte. Her father was a 8 vil. with $3,000 down. Must sell, Telephone 2 ernment. | easy terms. Call now, Mr, Swarbrick 728-0978. Lt 5 Ver went ove |at 725-6544 or 725-8342. John A. J. Bola. Manchester Across| yaosT NEW -- 5t.room brick bun awa Times. or, 26 Prince Street. (Park Road North, partly furnished, |orice. Call Bill Horner or Ed Drumm 3-2512 or MO 8-5765. {nedrooms, large living room and kitch- {$12,500 full price, $2,000 down. Would PROPERTY? i broker. 725-3852. best offe garages. Near Pontypool. Low taxes, radio, 55,000 origina] miles. $275. 723. frigerators, 's, washers, o'anos, FE - - | G0 ENVOY custom, 14,000 miles, like] with good business. Must sacrifice be- {$2,500 DOWN with $65 monthly includ-| REALTOR Ltd. INSURANCE 996-4894 Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton ace. $6,900. Call today, Newt Hod | ovina mins TUMBLER free with $3 worth of gaso gage, owner needs larger home, For MODERN new five.room bungalaw, cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. CALL | teed standards at low prices. Bill Ham. | SR | AIOUSE -- with two separate apart V | very clean. Extra lorge lot, | LT Y | 160' deep, repoy ofl heated hot water, very small down down. Liens paid off. 5 00 00 DOWN NEW TWO-STOREY North - east, 5-room brick vanity lots of mahogany inspect call Mr PAID FOR evenings or 725-4183 after 3 price includes: clay kitchen with mahogany ents. Ad oF Cloke te Orr Sonos I TYPEWRITERS, cash regi Winchester rifle 25.20, § e 22 repeat. double closet i ( entrol only $20,900. with low d CARS WANTED central, nmi MANURE for 725.6544 or Car Dealer and SAVE' | complete with headboard and legs, ND LO {31--Automobile Repairs slightly soiled, less than half 'prics. | t off Rd en - REAL ESTATE LIMITED patio. 3 good size bedrooms, | parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- easy terms. Ask for Mr. Swar PLETE BRAKE SERVICE | TENTS, camp cots, sleeping bags, lan. | andscaped atto garage " 2 or 3 bedroom brick bunga I 723-7822 sult you. terms and eonditions as set forth [those enterprises which are ne-| D MARY STREET 'Woman runk on sale, letter size, Bet one roll free at Edgar's Sale, 34| LLAR ceptional at white newsprint " PIC " {Tremendous discounts, all sizes, regu. Parliament Bulldings, | : o ur yg . mahogany trim and kitchen cupboards. Estimated date of corr | FHREE-PIECE JDedroom suite, waimut, Ei oo Stlasount. price. 370.95. EQ| Toronto 2, Onforio: jlive will be Sncolrazed, and t0| Friday to give a woman time { good . maintain such controls as may iy pay a $10 fine for first-ofe 3 pac broadloomed fan --a stration. Telephone 728-4683 723-9290 Marion Drew op | y ne : gloss, Oshawa Hardware snd Electric, be I niin ss Everett Elliott 723 John Kemp 728-2392 ily room, rec-room and land- [$300 CASH, °55 Plymouth V-8 sedan, 3 hurch Street, 723-7624 PIANO upright, in A-1 condition, just, released the other woman and three women sentenced Thurs. {walls, heater, radio, excellent condi- |g 5457. {and reverse, makes buttonholes, does tion, private. Apply 807 Grierson or| oC Frigidaire Imperial, 40° wide, decorative stitches. Original price $170. terest and taxes. Full price $8,500 with $1,900 down t | 3 Z0NTIAC = Struto-Clhief Standard, |injormation REFRIGERATORS & WASHERS |Library, Boys' and Girls' De red Bary Ribow. vears jthe Liquor Control Act to giv PINCH All parts and service | partment. | y happy ¥ . {ime for payment. South, | "84 PONTIAC good condition, blue, $235 ton "C0 3.231 0 and vigorous as any modern|the age of eight. You read ofjtrol Act to permit time to pay | «| home) voung girl, very clever in|his childhood full of treachery|fines | BUYING CATT Foch 723-3829 after 5 p.m L S SNELGROVE Punch bowls, chafing dishes, ice buckets, dinnerwars, lw ri yw i {youthful romance with Ferdin.| Well. He rightfully won for him- land belongs to any time or Self the title "Richard the Fear-| ¢, | monthly meeting on Thursday at PRIVATE SALE the church hall. In the absence 1 N re \ ' + OF HOME FURNISHINGS {a Crusader's life against mighty forces of greed, hatred and BETSY'S NAPOLEON by Jean violent oppression, No personal ete Eaton During the business meeting po h g sacrifice was too great to bel hig story takes place in the arrangements were made and a | LOST and black be . A new member was In this book the author tells representative of He Past India comed, Mrs. Margaret Rowe. the story of one of history's| Company on the Island. SIX-ROOM bungalow, garage, - A | ., Ritr. SEVEN - ROOM 1%.storey hood Lid, Rite {from White Rose Station. Hydro, MO|gai0y, $10,500 full price with $2,700 [$500 DOWN |1arge corner lot. Good income possibili-|today at 725-5123. Lloyd Realty (Osh- len, near St. Gregory's. Terms arranged, | consider a small house in trade. Apply Oh Se rons - fter 5. SIX-ROOM brick bungalow, south Osh: USE |%7,500. SEE this one, seven room fam- JOHN A. J {acter 9 HA = 4 4 y |stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact GENERAL store 100 lockers ice cream terms to suit purchaser, John M. Sandy! new. RR 3, Bowmanville, Telephone cause of health. Full price $6500 with ling taxes, will purchase this fous FOR 167 SIMCOE ST. S n . lie at The Hilltop. Open from 10 a.m detail d int i all aluminum storms and screens, porch; $1,000. YOWN {ars fo jetails and appointmen to see ca ! - - {lton, Ashburn, Brooklin. ments, in Newcastle. Apply McLaren's 728-5107 LLOYD REA $75 month on easy terms payment. Apply 343 Elmgrove Avenue 19 ATHOL NICHOLS MOTOR SALES Here's volue Six-room bungalow, new condition $12,950.00 FULL PRIC i : cupboards, built =in gloss 725.6544 WE pay highest prices in the city for hermo r ers, sales, service, new, - {e) d screens thermo-pane i a cupboards, storms ar creer at 728-5123 FAIREST i a, ler, meat slicer, manual, 30 Ibs, com Allen 725-4701 © B 5 4 . rooms good payment ond balance on easy Buying a New Car See this one phone 725-6028. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 8 with headboard and legs, 3 | count price $54.30. eight-piace burk be: ye PRICED TO SELL {complete 80" x -- [From $19.00, Ed Wilson's Discount ur. | 1 t ) | | [4 ' . 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728 4678 $900.00 HOUSTON'S GARAGE teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. | brick 725-6544 72" MOTOR TUNE-UP AND Heh? os Best | {terns, plenic 3 t| 3 large bedrooms, natural stone fireplace FREE wall t Bd Faint and | th y \ 4 E vallpaper ldgar's int and | herein. | : low, completed rec per. 'Ready pasts - cessary into realms where pri- A 6 room bungalow with attached garage under tion on Duy io bulk lots and King Street West. | Deputy Minister, TORONTO (CP) -- For the or offer only pletion is Nov. 15, 1961. Act fast for this one ond have your tress. in good condition. A bargam. Tel. Wilson's Discount Furniture Mart, 20| October 6th, 1961. fence drunkenness. The alterna« sweaters, Boy's, y t 2 " scaped lot will be the envy of |aulomatic, power steering, clean recently tuned. Price $275 or best offer. | day. 725-3494, 18 | [in excellent condition, Apply 17 Me. Can be had for balance owing $47.00/ You should inspec New tires, 24,000 miles. 728-0745 rder, ideal for i | : 3 vs THE LI 2 DUKE. y Senior Magistrate §. T. El- AJAX 1SABELIA, | YOUNG: wus THE LITTLE DUEE, RICHARD or best cash offer, Apply 213 Mon APPLES Macintosh | confounding her enemies; af.|and intrigue and of his captiv-|------ lowest rates, fast service, CO LTD glasswore, tableware . ' | place. less". Long a favorite with of the president, Mrs. A. Me- twin beds, chesterfield and made and the result of thisyime of Napoleon during his|committee was selected for the |4704. Following the business meeting most fascinating prin 'Canadian National Railways TORONTO AREA house, %a-| South General Motors, $12,500 acre land, suitable for room hungaiow, all> 124 or WH 23145, down, balance at $72 monthly, Located conveniences, 8 eer | 10%. 725-8133. awa Ltd.) Realtor, {balance $50 monthly, Gerald Barrow, |206 _Tresane Street {1952 HW awa. $13,100 full price. £500 down. Tele- fly home in excellent condition, two {55 FORD Tudor. biack, good tires and A )- , B 0 L A H 0 0 D 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. and pop cooler, sho cases, gas pumps PHOTO GC OP .8010, Joseph Bosco Realtor. I's z | MA 3.2750. g i reasonable prices. Parkway Tele. terms. Fred Cook Real Estate. Phone) |room home with three-piece bath, fur. {color TV store gson, . MASSON Street five-room bungalow on ACTION 26-6408. Joseph Bosco Realtor 725-9870. OFFICE HRS. 9 am. to § pm |S or om Co me until midnight. Ia Schofield Aker railing, centrally located, $2,000 down. | Resale, 5-room bungalow, red rn -- Don Stradeski, 726-8423. S $ALL CASH$ Barbershop, Pontypool. Orono BR14 s, 3 Qi RISTOW. & OLSEN REALTORS LIST WITH LLOYD Mr. Ratcliffe after 7 p. . 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY brick home situated on lot Asking only $12,750. with Have a 1100 ON Fis Hanh china cur dining c lused furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture 11 | Hamilton, Ashburn, Brooklin n living room, colored fixtures an bath, | } DOWN $500 DOWN ments, each with kitchen and y puter scales, rubber suit, jacket heater. | HOWE & PETERS REALTORS $65 00 month! oe terms, N.H.A T Sell your used Car to "Ted now calling Horner {DISCOUNT prices on continental beds! 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 complete with springs and mattresse: 512 Tauntor | niture Mart, 20 Church Street gleaming hardwood and tile ask Bil | and SERVICE STATION SUBURBAN LIVING Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser 8342 GENERAL REPAIRS prices in town. Domini Truly @ beautiful home in a choice setting. Ask Y * Wallpaper. Ready pasted and regular| 'The lowest or any tender not landscaped lot 32--Articles for Sale |vate initiative can do the job. Mary street north. The home will include a stone a Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib pkg. $2.00. SPECTACULAR savings on smooth-top | Department of Public ment, he feels, is to create a third consecutive day, Magis. down. Call Zurba ~hoice of colors, Total price $15,500.00 with approx. $3,000 ephone 725-8544 Church Street. ry TTT x tive is five days in jail, XEw Mary Musi seniors. Boys STLERTION,, Boetiph LIBRARY WORLD ys in § {tenced two women to jail when {throughout 1252 Valley Drive B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat. | Be AS your friends Only $9,600 | Telephone 728-8587 for information, transistor car yigion., Thrifty 'Budget Plan. 725-4543, oon and green, lovely condition, reason- 4.room Insul brick in Ajax, Ld J fe ut 1story | Donald Bitter, a young Tor- tks ATA ER : 4 |lease, says Magistrate Bigelow BUY your ear for cash. Fast confiden: || ay ghiin Boulevard after 3 cash of seven payments of $7. Write | y 8 Bf |'33 FORD '52 Plymouth station | Telephone evenings, BARGAIN CENTRE OF SPAIN by Mildred Criss| THE FEARLESS by Char./More says his view differs "but . . Deputy Attorney - General AJAX -- WH 2-6410 |history, but young Isabella of Richard the Fearless, the son yj |trave, Apartment 9 ES ties, orders taken, 1 i ity at the court of France. nance, 291 Simcoe fectionate and gentle in caring|!%¥y 2 St Mar ar t G il : . garet Gui rentals for weddings, show- REALTORS | childre hi ok was written Isabella, her young brother|S jigrer, this be R i Allister, Mrs. S. Armstrong took chair, dresser, new . wine determined unselfishness and exile on St. Helena. It tells you|decorating of the hall for the |35--Legal {members continued on the proj- two bedrooms, nice liv.| East beautiful Judith of France, kitchen, $75 monthly, | 1247 Dundas Street 728-7680. {ect of stuffed animals for the | granddaughter of Charlemagne. Self-contained threse bazaar, |Her father wants her to marry| | The meeting closed with pray- er and rdwood, floors, large closet space, pao' Whitt ory Telephone MO 8-2393 o. hithy 'ory furnished bed-sitting if desired. Apply 21 , Whitby FOR RENT -- House, centrally located slso two furnished rooms. Phone MO 8-2786 COMFORTABLE furnished room with board for lady, home privileges. Tele phone MO 8-3682 mornings or evenings FOR RENT: Small apartment, one bed room, light, heat, water and TV aerial Apply 107 Euclid, Whitby THR OOM unfurnished apartment, on second floor, with private bath and heavy duty wiring. One child welcome Telep! MO 8.5700 FOR tained apartment, $50. Mr Brock Street South, MO 3-5947 FOR RENT: two-bedroom apartments $90 and $100, in building: tov: refrigerators. M self-con Say, 209 = Three-room ATTENTION HUNTERS We rent: Canoes, Car Top Boats, Shot Guns, Decoys, Cabin Trailers, also Power [3 Tools, Garden ond Lawn |! Equipment. MO 8.3226 WILDE RENTAL SALES, WHITBY t FOR PLAN v 150r ¢ SCHNEIDER'S FOOD through ECONOMART 20 cu. ft. FRIG er, one ALL-STEEL ¢ GENERAL $16.95 cs a fomily GOOD LIVING is total cost of freezer 90% *of your food your | home. Full WARRANTY [5 food ond freezer. Our food consultants will gladly ex plain our plan in detail. NO DOWN PAYMENT, NO OBL! GATION, fo call MO 8-5381 ANTEE to save you money ond time ECONOMIZE WITH ECONOMART, t of per of and appointment We SUAR dential FOR RENT MO 8-3151 after 6. LOST watch FOR SALE B-4509 BC month), SPACIOUS modern two bedroom apa ments for , from $83. Call J Daly, MO 8 plece "Hutc cha dining room suite, hesterfleld, matching other articles cabine brown, like shone MO 8-4065 new | rte A. ir, Tele APPLES -- §2 and up. Bring own con tainers. MayBelle Orchard, north of Whitby, Highway Telephone MO 8.2162 SEPTIC 204 Chestnut West 14 mil es 12. West side TANKS cleaned. Walter Ward Phone MO 8.2563. | FOR RENT: two room apartment, pri. | vate entrance, heavy wiring, cupboards and sink. $40 monthly phone MO 8.3467, built-in Tel e- STUDENTS! A super value, approxi ly 630 sheets of letter size typing| r (news Apply Oshawa 111 Dundas print) for only Times Office, Street West FOR RENT -- $80 monthly our room apartments, balcony area, newly decorated, laund ties, Parking, close to schoo for sale, for Phone MO 8.4514. awns Unfurnished bright rooms, private entrance block from Shopping wo large ground floor, pace 5188 fireplace Plaza RENT: Large bed with kitchenette, furnished, ne or two' girls, central sitting roo Lady's pink gold Gruen wri brown cord strap, reward. 3 Street West or phone MO 8-429 Mary defrosting refrigerator: heavy duty Gurney stove .M SERVICES, Complete bookkeepl ervice for small businesses, week or fs desired Statements income tax returns, MO 8-82: GRAVEL - LCAM Cement Yared Grave! Gravel and F Drivewa ! D Mer tn p n er RIC C. BRANTON MO B-2660 E Late model Crosley ial $1.00. Whitby, three and Rest: | children's playground. Apply 300 High | Street IMANURE gardens and) apartment, ., parking MO m suitable for | Telephone | st 18 4 | four ele. | 0 grounds, easy commuting dis- tance to Oshawa, asking $13,500. with $5,000, down GRIERSON STREET Cosy, 5-room brick bungalow, located one of Oshawa's best residential districts, fully modern windows and doors, TV ontenna, recrea tion room, paved drive, nicely landscaped lot, asking $11,- 500. with $3,000. down, balance on one open mort goge WINTERIZED COTTAGE Check to extras for the money, modern kitchen, built in heavy duty electric stove living room, 2 bedrooms, 3 piece bath, storm windows ond doors, space heater with 200 gallon oil tank, TV an- tenna, large garage, land- scaped lot with lawn and garden, outside barbeque, few fruit trees, oll for $4. 500. with $1,500, down, hold mortgage for the balonce, located north of Port Perry $12,200. FULL PRICE Eosy terms, large 5-room, 3- bedroom brick bungalow with 3 rooms me in m owner will ond open in oil basement, heat fully large gar- a real buy at this price. $1,000. full price, 50 x 200 ft. building lot, Pickering Beach, close to new schoc! dern age 1%4 ocre building lot, Taun ton Rd. East trees, asking number of fruit $2 300 To buy or sell ar t we coll. Snelgrove, 723-9810 er 725-8761. MOTORS TAUNTON RD, EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We hove @ d ass ¢] of Used Car 725-0331 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS KING 57 OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 rtmént 607 y KXXXXK KX 50 x X¢ XXX 3K 2 300K XO XK XX X 3020 00K XXX XXX 5 O RASS SX WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! BUY IT NOW WITH 4 LOW.COST LIFE. INSURED x XXX X LOAN [HE BANK. OF NOVA SCOTIA M & C DRYGOODS MODERN DESIGNS In living room drapery ma- terials 79¢ a yard ond up iroom drapery in satins and rayons , . . 1.40 and up. Kitchen drapery materials. 6%¢ up Drapes made to order by ex perts at nominal cost. Also a of ready - made dropes ot discount prices selection Street 723-7827 SALE NOW ON Now the time to replace those draughty wooden 'doors and windows with the best Aluminum-products obtain 74 Celina bie Reid Installaiions 725-4344 FALL SPECIAL COMBINATION ALUMINUM DOORS $45.00 UMINUM WINDOWS AWNINGS, CANOPIES RAILINGS A Colonial Aluminum Sales Co OPEN 9 AM 9 P.M 134 SIMCOE 728-4614 Conadian National Railways is offering for sale, demoli~ tion and removal the stock pens (less chute) ot Pickering Ontario. These pens are lo- cated about 400' west of the Pickering Station on the north side of the tracks and they measure approximately 50' x 50' Those interested in the pur- chase of this facility should forward their offer addressed to the undersigned in a sealed envelope marked distinctly on the outside "Offer for Pickering Stock Pen" so as to reach the address given below not later thon 12:00 o'clock noon orn October 16th, 1961. All offers must be accom- ponied by a certified cheque or money order drawn in fo vour of Canadian National Railways for ot least 25% of the offer. Th sccessful bidder will, upon acceptance of the offer, be required to then deposit the full amount of the offer. The 259% deposit will be re- turned when the structure has been removed ond the premises left in a clean and tidy condition satisfactory to the Railway. Complete re- moval of the. pens must be made within 20 days from acceptance of the offer une less otherwise arronged Offers must not be with drawn before 60 doys after the closing date for receiving bids, The highest or any offer will hot necessarily be accepted. Mr. RG. Moffat Area Enginee Canadian National Railways 20 Yark Street, Toronto, Ontario. an aging British king, although she is in love with the hand- some warrior, Bras de Fer. Her life as a queen is full of danger. Judith's | country is a flight from the| fierce Vikings, menace to all ships. How she| later defends herself against the Rocky Mountain hamlet of|tains of the moon was equival- Saxons after her husband dies Frank, Alta., in 1903, killed 68|ent to that of 16,200,000,000 atom and is reunited with Bras de|persons. Fer is an exciting story. This] is an outstanding book for the MERRY MENAGERIE teenage girl. [QUEEN VICTORIA by Noel trip to her new who were a Streatfield The story of what happened at Kensington Palafe on the morning of June 20, 1837, is| probably as England as the tale of Cinder- ella. At the early hour of six o'clock Victoria was awakened and told |that there were visitors to see| her. She went down stairs, to learn that she was Queen of England. At the time of Vic- toria's birth, few people thought that . the tiny princess would some day rule Great Britain. Yet eved girl who succeeded Wil- liam IV to the throne proved Ito he a great queen, and her 64 year reign is one of the most celebrated in English his-| tory. well known in the eighteen-year-old the round-cheeked, blue. In this book appear the many colorful persons who played an important life Victoria's foolish part in her suspicious, (mother, her strict German gov- PB iB Bo, erness, her uncle and self-ap- | pointed adviser, King Leopold) refreshments served by Mrs. Glenna Fry and Mrs. Barbara Tutton. STILL HOLDS Agreement that no fortifica- tions would be built on the Canada - U.S. border was the main provision of the Rush-| Bagot Treaty of 1817. | MOUNTAIN DISASTER were ENORMOUS ENERGY LONDON (CP) -- Hungarian [scientist "Dr. Peter Hedervari {claims that the energy needed The rock slide that buried the to create the craters and moun- ibombs. © 1961 Productions me Reserved an. Wak Warld "One consolation: we never have to worry what a blind date will look like!"

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