hia "INSPECT WRECKED BOAT of a 32-foot cabin cruiser that exploded in the Detroit Spectators watch firemen fnspect the burned interior * ps River, near Windsor, Ont, Sunday, injuring six persons. By JOHN 0. KEOHLER BONN (AP) -- West German s fighting off the most massiv ommunist espionage attac '| wer launched against a sing) country. Interior Minister Gerhar: Schroeder said recently that a | >stimated 16,000 agents wor' for Eastern bloc intelligenc services in West Germany. Despite many obstacles, Bon: government agents manage tc uncover about 200 agents month. Still, for every lost sp: the Communists seem to have B | another ready to take his place | High ranking officials of Communist intelligence ser- vices, who defected to the West, have reported that about 18,500 Hordes Of Spies In West Germany ing names of agents operating behind the Iron Curtain. John remained in East Ger- many for 17 months and then redefected to the West. After a long trial, during which he claimed he was drugged, kid- napped and held against his will in East Germany, John was sentenced to four years at hard labor. He served barely half of his sentence. There were perhaps another {half-dozen serious cases but the {overwhelming majority of {agents are 'little operators." Communist spy recruiters gp : : |have a relatively easy job find- Ef LR ing prospects in this divided na- After four t {tion. One - fifth of West Ger- or years as top coun-\many's population are expellees er spy, during which he oncelanq "refugees from German- ined cozily with director Allen! cnoaking areas now dominated Dulles of the U.S. Central Intel: hy communism Perhaps every gence Agency, John defected|thirq West German has rela. o East Germany in 1954. He|tives in Communist East Ger- save the Communists important many. West German and Allied coun-| The German agent spying on 'he latter information included ojected troop strength, equip-| ent, communication and fry quirements for the 15 NATU ountries. Another dangerous traitor-- nd most embarrassing to the overnment -- was Otto John, ead of the government's coun-| ter intelligence secrets, includ-'his own country needs no elab- und dissulse, 24 Jetore e[HAS S13 STAFY " ommunists closed T headquarters around Berlin a great many Te ov German is lo- rg slipped in with the refu- ters of the a Yoga, gee stream. Arm Western security chiefs say Wiension host Berti. About about 80 per cent of the 16,000 agents operating in West Ger- 3 he A vsiquiers as many are working for the East German Ministry for State Se.| The East German Ministry curity (MES) and the East Ger-|for State Security is headed by man Army's military intelli-|Lt--Gen. Erich Mielke, an old- gence branch. The other 20 per time German Communist for whom West Berlin police still cent work directly for the So- viet Union and the other Com-|have an arrest warrant for mur- der dating back to 1931. Mielke munist countries. Ninself bux Drasied of Kio Directing and supervising the se ag ng East German apparatus are two fo Berlin policemen at that Soviet agencies--the Committee A 4 Security officials assert that for State Security (KGB form- erly MVD) and the Defence/only one out of 1,000 agents is Ministry's Military Intelligence|spying for the Communists for Branch (GRU). idealistic reasons. The greatest number are "in the business" The KGB in East Germany, with headquarters in a former|for material gain or adventure. But only a few agents make hospital at the maximum secur- ity compound in the East Ber-/more than $100 a month. lin suburb of Karlshorst, has a| Blackmail is an effective and staff of about 900. widely used recruiting method. persons are full -time employ- # lees of Soviet, East German, Polish, Czechoslovakian, Hun- garian and Bulgarian spy or- ganizations in East Germany, mostly stationed in or around East Berlin. It is the base of op- erations against West Germany. The East German Commun- ists alone spend $125,000,000 a year on espionage and subver- sive operations against West Purchased three months ago, the boat is valued at $25,000. --(CP Wirephoto) Discovery Of Oil In Bedouin Land By COLIN FROST ABU DHABI, Persian Gulf/company office on the water front. scientist in the two - room oil| Shakhbut moves into the multi-| million class. | Shakhbut is 58, a good old age in a hot climate and an even| hotter seat. Of his 14 recorded] predecessors at least eight were poisoned by relatives lusting for the throne. Only two died peace- fully in power. Shakhbut naturally watches his diet. His food taster is al- ways with him. The British had [only large building, a fort about (AP)--This primitive stretch of But already it is clear that|a long job this year persuading Germany, Schroeder said. USE COUNTER SPIES To combat this operation, the Bonn government employs 3,000 counter intelligence agents and office personnel. They operate on an annual budget of $17,500, 000. Officials are reluctant to re- lease precise annual statistics, but in the last eight years West German courts convicted more than 2,000 persons on espionage causeway of rocks. In the tra- dition of Arab hospitality any- one is welcome to come in. You have to get police permission to leave. The royal palace is the town's 60 yards square with a watch tower at each corner. Camels and hump-necked cattle browse in the sands outside. Of in one corner. Choice of three sizes--could be used over mantels, sofas, buffets, vanities, heavy sheet glass with cornflower design scorching sand, remote and un- visited as Tibet, is peopled by|Abu Dhabi, where wealth so far 8,000 bedouins who live--when|is counted in camels and goats, they're at home--in palm frond|will some day be second only to TOWN SLEEPS At the town centre, a patch of sand outside the Taj Mahal grocery store, a policeman in him to visit Britain and take tea with the Queen at Buckingham Palace. charges and more than 19,000 admitted receiving assignments which were not carried out. The most dangerous was Al- etc. Ready to hang. Sizes approx. EATON Special Price, each huts. Kuwait in the Persian Gulf's big/ On his own ground this frail Fweer than one in a hundred money lists, ean read. They have no roads,| The oil starts flowing next no crops. Their ruler, Sheik year from offshore drillings [looking man of less than aver-|orange headdress stands in alfred Frenzel, 61, socialist mem- |age height is infinitely more|sort of pulpit directing the traf- ber of the defence committee powerful than any British mon-|fic--a stream of donkeys inter-|of the Bundestag (parliament) Shakhbut Bin Sultan, keeps the shared two-thirds by the British|arch since the middle ages. |spered with an occasional jeep. from 1953 until his arrest last state treasury under his bed. |and one-third by the French. Every morning Shakhbut At noon the traffic stops. The|fall. "= Soon he will need a bigger|The inland field, combining holds court in a palace council whole town, traffic cow included| Frenzel, sentenced to 15 years bed. Because Abu Dhabi's des-| British, French and Americanroom. His subjects come for-|goes to sleep to escape the heat.|at hard labor earlier this year, ert sands and shallow coastal companies, will go into produc-|ward with arguments and griev-| Some of the wattle huts, called|supplied the Czechoslovakian in- waters cover oil--a lot of oil. [tion as soon as tanker berths ances or perhaps to seek per-|barasti, have square towers like telligence service with West The oilmen are cagey on just can be built, probably in 1963. mission to start in trade. The|oversize chimneys designed to|Germany's defence plans for what they've found. | sheik decides all. catch the least breath of breeze|1961 and betrayed the outlines "It's good but we still don't| TAP RICHES | His capital is on an island|and funnel it to the sweltering/on the Atlantic alliance's de- know how good," said the young, When the taps turn on, Sheiki reached from the mainland by ajroom below. fence requirements until 1963. 18 x 24" 20 x 30" 22 x 34" 7.95 9.95 11.75 PHONE 725.7373 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 276 9-pce. Steak Knife-Carver Set Ordinarily 12.95 Specially purchased from a leading Canadian com- pany, complete in attractive lined 2-tier presentation box, this handsome set with composition handles in- cludes: hollow-ground carving knife, fork with ad- justable safety guard and one steel in the Sas Upper section; six steak knives with serrated stainless blades in the drawer. Buy mow end save 5.00! 7.95 PHONE 725.7373 EATON Special Price, 9-piece set . 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