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The Oshawa Times, 10 Oct 1961, p. 7

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held recently, the membe: present voted unanimously award $1000 in bursaries other services were raised the chapter through year. BIRTHDAY BALL Mrs. W. D. Burns spoke one of these birthda tober decorations; Mrs. R. .W Heagle, prizes. Mrs. Edward Bind, regei At the monthly meeting of the Golden Jubilee Chapter, IODE Grade 13 students who were continuing their education at Universities or Teachers' Col- leges. Five students from Osh- awa Collegiates were awarded $200 each for this purpose, on the recommendation of their principals, Funds for this and rojects -- the Gol- den Jubilee Chapter, 12th annual ball to be held Oc , reporting that she had been able to engage Frank Bo- gart's orchestra for this event. Assisting Mrs. Burns on her committee are Mrs. R. S. Irwin, S. T. Hop- kins, tickets; Mrs. D. G. Lang- maid, table reservations; Mrs. E. G. Storie and Mrs. D. H Howe, table decorations; Mrs. presided at the business meet- Golden Jubilee Ch. IODE Awards $1000 in Bursaries * saries, Mrs. John Vivash, edu- cational secretary, read a let- ter of thanks from the adopted school at McKerral for gifts of books, sports and equipment sent by the chapter. Letters of appreciation from the pupils were passed around for the members to read. Sports equip- ment, consisting of softball, mitts and a badminton set, has also been sent to the other rs to to It was decided that a picture of the Queen would be present School. of convener, Mrs. L. V. Walker, thanked the members for the {lovely work turned in for the first half of the year, which she sent away in June. Three let- ters received from the chapter's foster child, Joseph Porteli, of Greece, were read. It was de- adopted school at Georgina Is-| 8 _by|land various | projects carried out during the ed to the new Ridgeway Public|# cided that a wreath would be|§ Services at Home and Abroad|§ purchased to be placed on the Cenotaph on November 11, as has been done in previous years Mrs. Bind read a report from Mrs. I. R. Currie, representa. «+ |and Hillsdale Manor in connec: tion with this work. tive to the Red Cross Society|f Holy Cross W.A. Re-elects Mrs. ].T. Mullen, President Mrs. J. T. Mullen was re- membership parties, also wed- elected as presidnt of fhe WA ding dinners. of Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church at its October meeting] DONATIONS held recently in the parish hall. b Met Mallen Jasiied in Take hi her officers are: first|bers for their help an onations Tig po Try Mrs. Jack darmg the past year and oh be ' t [half of the members presente Maher; second vice-president gp Tig Bg eign Mrs. Frank Hoar; RS Vice who expressed his appreciation president, Mrs, Leo Kryhul, See py 1 tiined some projects he retary, Miss Anne Kennelly; wished the group to help with in bridge and enchre reception for the near future, and it was his gerald. ; The officers were installed by Sestie at he Tesburey ip of the Right Reverend Monsignor Philip Coffey. COMMITTEES The president then conducted Mrs. J. T. Mullen presided at EEE at KARNS the meeting. FREE 4 oz. SUPPLY a short business meeting and the following committees were appointed: social, Mrs. James - Hickey; welfare, Mrs. J. F. Lyons; sick, Mrs. Stephen Coe; membership, Mrs. J. Patterson; . visiting, Mrs. eo Karnath, Mrs. Reta Beach and Mrs. J. H. Lyons; telephone, Mrs. Jack Maher, Mrs, Reta Beach, Mrs. Joseph Callahan and Mrs. Me tin Darlaston; press, Mrs. M.® Darlaston. * Plans were made for the bazaar to be held the afternoon and evening of November 15 in the parish hall. The ladies were asked to bring their donations' for the fancy wor.. booth to the next regular meeting on Novem- ber 7. H Refreshments were served by Mrs. James Hickey. REPORTS The various reports were read and the annual reports given. The treasurer's report showed a very successful year. Mrs. J. H. Lyons, reporting on welfare, stated that 27 hampers of groceries had been sent to the needy at Christmas; also cloth ing was bought for some fam. flies and 492 articles of used clothing were distributed locally and 203 sent to Northern On- tario Mission. Mrs. Stephen Cae, sick con- vener, reported 12 bouquets of ing and held an induction cere- mony, welcoming two new mem- bers, Mrs. R. M. Morrison and Mrs. John Matheson to the : flowers sent to members in hos- ? . k pital, cards and spiritual bou- a quets sent to the sick and baby gifts went to members with new babies, and reporting on Red Cross, Mrs. Cae stated that 32 articles had been sewed and re- turned and the members had helped serve refreshments at the blood donor clinic held at BERLIN QUESTION | Mrs. D. A. Brown, Empire World Affairs convener, called ; on Mrs. W. H: Libby to read a i timely and interesting paper, tary, read the minutes of two written by Mr. McIntyre Hood, previous meetings and a lei dealing with the Berlin question ter of thanks from Mrs. D. M. | and the European Common Mar- Campbell (the former Miss Bet-| ket, This was much appreciated Mrs. A. W. Banfield, secre- LR Ra 3 NEWLYWEDS Doreen Mary Danks and | and Mrs. Frederick C. Danks Richard Allan Howe were | and the bridegroom is the son married recently in St. | of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. MULTIPLE VITAMIN - MINERAL M In Holy Cross Roman Cath- | olic Church recently Mr. and Vachon ex- For- Mrs. Leo Noel changed nuptial vows. AKING THEIR HOME I N OSHAWA daughter of Mrs. Alfred Bilo- deau of Quebec City and the bridegroom 's the son of Mr. and Mrs. Laureat Vachon of in her Mrs. H. W. Neil treasurer's report. HELP TO SCHOOLS As well as reporting on b ty Turner) for the shoer held honor at the June picnic. read the ur- by the members. Film convener, Mrs. D. C. Hill, has arranged for a film on the British West Indies, called 'The Bright Land," to be shown at the October meeting. a Mrs. L. R. Sawyer, Immigra- ition and Citizenship convener, reported on what is being done Andrew's United Church, The bride is the daughter of Mr. Howe, all of Oshawa. St. Gregory's Auditorium. TONIC --Photo by Ireland | The visiting committee, Mrs. FOR CHILDREN & ADULTS GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES Harry Canfield, Mrs. J. H. Lyons and Steve Bandfordi and Mrs. Leo Karnath made 354 calls to the sick and shut-ins. Mrs. James Hickey, social convener, had catered for re- freshments for 10 meetings, an- and will also be on sale at the bazaar. The annual turkey supper is to be held Wednesday, October Welland. --Photo by Mary's Studio 25 from 4 p.m. under the aus- pices of the Woman's Associa- tion. merly Miss Denise Bilodeau, the bride Emily is the nual tea at bazaar, annual bridge and euchre reception or Monsignor Philip Coffey and two AYERST, Mc KENNA 8& HARRISON LIMIT PARENTS!! ANNOUNCE "YOUR HAPPY EVENT" "The Birth of Your Son or Daughter" in the Oshawa Times Birth Column by DIALING 723-3492 6 Direct Lines To Serve You Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 28 KING ST. E. PHONE 723-4621 OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M. onsumers' (tas INTRODUCES ITS SUBSIDIARY comny SHORGAS Ltd. Teachers Outline to help newcomers to the com- - | P il ' C . 1 munity with the various types of wi PARENTS CoMuITyEE | problems they may have. e October meeting of e up s urricu um Golden Age convener, Mrs.|10th Parents' Committee of the To Parents i E. Houghton, read the sched- om Sulde Association vas Dela | lule of members who will serve|in the Salvation Army Citadel. Parents occupied the seats in| refreshments to the Golden Age The president, Mrs. Burns [their children's classrooms at/Club during the' following MacLeod presided. Roll call la recent meeting when the month. {showed 10 members present. teachers of Dr. S. J. Phillips NEW SECOND VICE-REGENT|I1¢ [easuier s Report was vead {School outlined the curriculum| Mrs. John Vivash was elected |%Y Mis. William 8 oman an for their classes for the school | by acclamation to the office of | Mrs. MacLeod read the secre year. Questions were answered Second Vice-Regent to fill the|'3IY's report, M land guidance given to parents vpoaney Jest by the resignation), te 1%, COON owl. io concerned with helping their|of Mrs. H. A. Ward-Whate, who C children at home. is leaving Oshawa to make her|Tawny Owl Mrs Sawer) ho This visit to the classrooms|home in Winnipeg. json. were Inlroguce THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 10, 1961 7 |was preceded by a business Mrs. G. E. Hare gave a report president. EE re - -------- meeting of the Dr. S. J. Phil-|on the work of UNICEF and| Plans were made for a bake- lips Home and School Associa-|stated that there was a film|less bake sale for the end of KEEP IN TRIM tion, conducted by the presi-| "Children Come Running", the month. dent, Mrs. Malcolm Adam. In| Which would be available for Refreshments were served by 4 . reviewing the business of the Use at some future date. Mrs. William James and Mrs. Sto Overeatin " Take Exercise association conducted since the| A report from Mrs. W. H. Gib-| Charles Langfield. P g annual meeting in May, Mrs. Pie who represented the chap- The next meeting will be held Adam announced the names of [lef at the annual TB Associa-jon the first Wednesday after- Columnist Advises Teenagers [iver of, ie prize books) Sirs Bini eaa'a re foe 18 Noventes: awarded to the top student in|, Ars. Bind read a report from . |Mrs. F. E. Turney, con f CENTRE STREET WA each Grade 8 class last June; : y, convener oO Teens and predeens, if youcise, this one aimed to tone the (trom ring ls a ene; the Holiday Tea held in June, in (West Group) have a lot of fat that doesn't fit les of the abd Miss Jeannie Fraser; from Mir.|V ich she thanked the members| The West Group of Centre the waist, and your hips are| Position: Sitting on floor, fac-|Carl Ritchey's class, Miss Jane| [0 their work in making this street United Church WA met away past the yard-wide line ing each other, legs crossed/Collard; from Mr. Archie Hu- project {uch a success. recently in the Chapel. get a move on. tailor-fashion, partners clasping|bert's class., Miss Judy McLean | op, i in hes reported that| "c,up leader, Mrs. Leonard Invite your best friend to ex-|hands. and Mr. Glenn Sacks (tied). TL Jece ved a letter In con Goldsmith, presided. Mrs. War-| ercise with you. Turn on a rec-| Movement: See-saw! One part.| The principal, Mr. Laurence habilitation Education" ~ a n |Te" Dickson led in the devotion- ord or the radio to some lively ner pulls all the way down until| Savery, introduced the mem-|spoke briefly on this subject.|2l period, using as her theme, music and whip through some |her back is on floor. Now it's up|Pers of his staff. including six|Mrs. A. R. Garrett has kindly|. Thanksgiving" and "Count shape-ups. You can have fun|to the partner to pull her back|neW teachers. There are 24|apreed to act as representative| Your Blessings", and read a with calisthenics and still direct|up as she in turn goes all the|Classrooms in the school as and to report further to the|paper on "The Pilgrim's First the line of pull smack through|way down. This tug-of-muscle| Well 8 2 home economics and chapter in regard to this. Thanksgiving". the bulges. exercise affords tough resistance 2. Industrial arts room. | "After the meeting was ad-| A rummage sale was plann- In this first exercise the ac-|--just what is needed to put| Mrs. Adam presented the past|journed, a social half hour was|ed for Friday, October 13, at tion is centered at the waist. It's|bracing tone back in the girdle pssident s pin to Mrs. D. K.|enjoyed by the members. 1 p.m. Any person having goods the familiar whirl-a-way exer-|muscles. Repeat 6 to 10 times. ig Sumpleled 3 two-| for this sale was asked to call se, done partner style. To streamline the hips, do a RR Position: Sit on floor, facing|chorus girl routine. [ars pales as0 announced plans| pry ARDS BASE, Calif. (AP)|MIs. Wilfred Badgley. each other, legs outstretched,| Position: Standing feet wide UNICEF" campaign in the | Jacqueline Cochran claimed a] The annual fall bazaar is to soles of feet touching partner's.|apart, arms stretched foward at|school. [Yori air speed record for wo-|be held Thursday, November 9, Have legs wide apart, and keep|chest level and separated. Part-| Mrs. Reginald Garrett ex.|Men Monday--her seventh new|at 3 pm. and will be opened backs of Foces on Jove, Hold ners clasp right and left hand. pressed to the principal and his Thark in less than two months. by Mrs. Warren Dickson. Mem- arms out at shoulder level. ~|The record, set Friday, wa Movement: Whirl at the waist,|SWING LEG UP JEialy he 5S prSciation of the 784 337 miles an hour over ations and gifts for the bazaar and reaching forward, touch fin.| Movement: Both swing left leg|School Association De and|jgo-kilometre closed course. [to the next meeting on Tuesday, gers to outstretched toes. One[UP 10 touch outstretched hands.| portunity to visit the re Blin held the old 100-kilometre November 7. Jarier swing to ¢ it One touches the clasped hands ¢ Ss ulS {record of 652.552 m.p.h. Cards were displayed and sold er to the left to couch toes i D i ! on same side, Again circle at|far side. Repeat, touching oppo- orem fi lass | waist, this time in opposite di-|3ite toes to hands. No fair low-|won the room count 53 rection and touch fingers to|ering the arm level! |ments were served by the toes. Repeat 6 to 10 times, keep- Knish wih majorette strut--| y mo put oomph in it. Lift alternate|dra Pegg's cl double fun--and definitely waist Mrs. LR. Skelton Cn ey whittling. you stretch both arms high in|N. S. McGillvray and Miss air--marching across the room.|Edna G eld' iy RESISTANCE EXERCISE Exercise session ve ; na Greenfield's class, con-| . : r-- i Then try a resistance exer-/time for the homework. Wsiveed bY Mes, Wilired Sioger- Pr fie enf / mene . { CLAIMS RECORD Mrs. Leonard Goldsmith or bers were asked to bring dona- partner swing to the right, the| i ir| the other touches single hand on ng learn someting whut their t ing ing circle centered at waist. It's [ees Je Mpls lle So knees smartly toward chest, as off and Mrs. Alvin Gavel. 33% Q. We got Kathy when she was la week old and plon to adopt | her. She is mow 4 and her | natural mother wants her back. BRAND NEW 110 King St. East for Fall . . . You'll Uincents Parking at Rear NOW OWNED AND OPERATED BY Let us help you select the 'Hair-do" that most becomes you from the many flattering coiffures designed love our soft, na- tural looking permanents. Enjoy the wonderful difference in the way you look and feel with a new hair color, tint or color shampoo. BEAUTY SALON hn | What are our legal rights! |A. Consult an ottorney. Laws and legal opinion regarding such matters vary in different areas. Generally speaking, the rights of the natural parents to their child considered first ond most important, However, a New York judge recently made a precedent-shattering decision and awarded a child to foster parents because separation from them would be harmful to the child. This is probably the first time a judge has ruled that under cer- tain circumstances, children have rights which tronscend those of their parents. Urine Odor Q. My urine has quite an odor, Whot con be done? | am 77 years old. | A. Normally, fresh voided urine lis olmost odorless. Urine with a | marked odor may be passed if Itoo little water is consumed and ofter eating certain foods, such |as asparagus. Drink enough water and avoid the foods and the odor soon disappears. Odoriferous | urine may also be passed when 28 KING ST. EAST there is marked retention in the bladder and when large numbers of bacteria (germs) are present. Both of these conditions obviously indicate the need of medical help. Our advice -- see your doctor. Vitamin Dosage Q. Will you please state the best time of day to take vite- mins--morning, noon, or aeve- ning? A. Vitomin needs are based on daily requirements and it matters very little when they are taken 30 long as daily needs are met. Always ready to give you Pre-| scription Service with the accent on Service. > (f | ; [ [ Bring your prescriptions to wus with every assurance that you will receive the finest professional service. . | Better Through OSHAWA 723.4621 | GAS Forced Air FURNACES AND DUCT WORK COMPLETELY INSTALLED Normally . . . . . . . . $498 Special Allowance . . . . . $150 YOU PAY ONLY *348 (While this offer lasts) NOTHING DOWN! YOU CAN PAY ON YOUR GAS BILL «+++ ONLY 1.80 A WEEK! Inquire today at . . . LIMITED OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 728-9441 Sg ah dk es A Bh) ee i Hi SAE WN

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