1@ -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Sept. 17,1970) Coming Events Found For Sale 'For Sale TURKEY SUPPER FOUND at Prince Albert WATKIN PRODUCTS HOLSTE: Serteges Seles. Prince Albert Turkey Supper| Store, tinted presoription | for Baeet snd Sepang. op pees See . WED., 7th, serv-| glasses. Phone | (LB, Standish, Seagrave. 905 tee MARE, 2m years old ings at 3.8 and 1. lock. Te. ready for breaking. regisier ; ae a ep ES, Ee ee er dee For Sale SUMATORS for nite % +40 (Bffective March 1st, 1967) per with your friends. pl agg ah tg Fy] ton, Uxbridge. 852-3519. ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 3--Oct.1 WINTERIZE Raglan. D. Linton. Call 655- SKIROULE REAL ESTATE ~ WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE ' VOW" ser loss then bi | rath $728 Sec" eis LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. HALF PRICE : Spec. ) Teenage Ridsid_ Foam tmutetion | Mister T.V. Towers) ss ne: tie stow Bene. sees Rate --4c. per word, Ist week, 3c. extra consecutive he | | S78 King St. w. 723-9525 Sen as Ot Oe Sonteny Fale x Open week weeks for a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 75c. for other sizes also available INSTALLED Bee Ee: os extra consecutive weeks. ance R. LAROCQUE 'eo tower with all channel Janetville - 986-4310 -- --- Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, antenna-- $65.00 = : HAPPINESS is LISTENING TF. WRINGER washing machine, and additional 25¢. will be added. rote Se 40° tower with rotator and | Thor, suitable for cottage. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR "BAND NEXT DOOR" | ONE REGISTERED Suffolk) 91/210 section--$1 = USE OF A BOX NUMBER, SUN VALLEY, Beath, Brooklin 655-4866 9-9 LADIES Skates, size NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THAN Seagrave. -- 5c 4 2--Spt.17| Res. 372 King St. W. 7725. KS . . ry |9. $5.00. 985 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 sae tang suman : : at ee -30 p.m. ; FORD &N TRACTOR with BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEA The Product with the Money| hydraulic frontend loader,| Help Wanted 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 BOY SCOUT a Coev patat Stik, poe Sie -- . , wa good condi > 'emale IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.50 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. P Drive 7. ee nem ines and tubes. Call coucbann ta to school? _a line for agaitional tin ner fe -| Oshawa 728-0458. $750.00. | House clean and peaceful? DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.25 per inch with a minumun gy WERS |? CRADE Holstein Heifers, int Vik ae aaertoee fae "00 a. Tv To is one due te 'freshen, also | with new and high -- » : For Port Pi , Greenban 0 re anure! profits serving All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- ff] "4 seageave "it supers arc] UNSWABLLED -- | spreader. Terence Molloy. | Peers. "Call Sows. Write: 4:00 p.m. Tuesday missed or for special gick-up Uxbridge Communications [Weavy DUTY a Mrs. J. Pang ne ¥~ Send cash, stamps, or money orders and save money Phone 985-2426. 852-3591 -- Uxbridge tric range, suitable for cott-| Phone 895-9939. PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. bn by ane i danas Amare ae BINGO, Friday, Sept. 18th at AND ARIO SALE HELP WANTED 8 p.m. Sponsored by Catholic ee nee ae seem Adios, 'Colin, in - |Men's League. Jackpot $230] Holstein heifers, every week. Registers, new, used, a tha be Cards of Thanks | Coming Events |i 56 2umbers. Minor jack-| ivan Johnson, R.R. 1, South| Rentals, Service. t in this area for men pot $50 in 55 numbers. Monaghan. Phone Bailieboro| Prices. Open , Wed- farming experiences to : 'ine une 'to 2 TURKEY 2 = aa Ge 98: 5. 10 miles south of| nesday, Hamil-| act as ves. EY would 'and neigh-| Head tin oy SO UMMA' nn | Peterborough, Hwy. 28, 2) ton, Brooklin, 6554179. TF Apply in confidence, giving fimy - relatives. friends es] Bead = Semone -| Wednesday, Sept. 23rd, 10:00 | miles east TF. full particulars, te fe] congratulations on the recent] 5, 6 'and'? o'clock. Reserve| the Ascension, 'Rummage ac | GORD' MAR RABDITS for Sale. S05-4UN8. BOX 35 Bee Oe na Zour Licket by phoning Mrs.| cepted not later than 'Tues 'Mercury Motors i Ski-Doo CORN for Sale. $1.00 bus. sasanes sien =~ eu Gerald ee 1 Reader wees oO day night. Sales & Grew Fiber-| Pick your own. 985- Severed cae. See eee eee ae ee te The family e - n new season Wi) Elva Laviolette would like to Revel Canadian Legion for Guides and Brownies will Stat: tte Gaels rennen ein shed i thank their relatives and DINNER be held at the Scout Hall,|ans) Fiberglass & Aluminum! } Territories. Port Perry, Pray 'friends for their cards, mess & DANCE Tuesday, Sept. 22nd, 7-9 p.m | boats. chain saws, | NEW HONEY for sale. Call| pron' guesois eee sree 55} ages of sympathy and floral] SATURDAY, SEPT. 19th | Coffee will be served. bikes, Canadian Ex. Fabre ' Phone 905-265 ot #2) tributes received during our Legion Hall poy Sogn te Fen. pos SP -. oat? ee recent bereavement. Special|4:30 p.m. $5.00 A nag couple | BINGO Thursday, Sept. 24th for the boater. All P oaths Culs 0 ie ie Se Seckeee 150 te -- = on NOW at Gord' 16 CHUNKS, Pigs. Large size Wanted ae con- . ackpo! in numbers.| Marine, Claremont Phon 'tress. ee soling words, also to Dr. John| Music By George Beare And| Legion special $45 in 15 num: | @4g 2007, 17 years experioncel eros, ree mattress. 985. "io Diamond & also Armstrong's . bers. line, 20 regular : ; - MONEY secured tion will be held in Camp- bellford at St. John's United Church Auditorium on Sept. 19th, members only. Meet- ing starts at 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Banquet at 6:30 prin I would like to take this tunity to thank my fa- mily, friends and relatives, for visits, cards, gifts, and flowers during my recent ill- ; f ness. Special thanks to Dr. » Price, Dr. Mills, and nurses - and staff of Oshawa General rai 33 Hospital for care during my Pe stay there, to Brignal]l Ambu- y lance for quick and efficient TEA, RUMMAGE AND BAKE SALE Manchester United Church Basement, Saturday, Septem- ber 19th at 2:30 pm. All Welcome. 2--Spt.17 games. the wealth. ~ EUCHRE Saturday, Sept. 19° at 8 p.m. sharp at Oddfellows Hall. Sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Admission 50c. Prizes and Lunch. A BENEFIT AUCTION |ilike new. Phone Oshawa At Raglan for the in | 728-3473. TF. United Church of various |}@------------____----+ articles: Including Antiques, SKI - DOO Other useful items welcome.| « Sales and Service Sale 1:00 p.m. 1971 Models oo evely CLIFF PETHICK, MAJICHER Auctioneer Pontiac - Buick Lid = Phone 7361 - 62 Pass service. Thank you all once (Mrs. Mac.) Ruth MeMillan Many thanks to the rela tives and friends for flowers, cards and visits during mv stay im hospital. A special thanks.to Dr. McIntyre, Dr. ; Rennie and the wonderful nod staff of Port Perry Hospital . Grace Taylor Fad ARMSTRONG -- Tom and ¥, Pat proudly announce the » arrival of a son Stephen Wallace, 8 lbs, 9 ozs. on Sept. 10, 1970 at Port Perry LUNCHEON Friday, Se 25th, at 11:30 to 1:30 at Presbyterian Church. Tickets $1.25. 3--Spt.24 BEACON Snowmobile Club Dance at Beacon Marina, Cae- sarea, Ont. Saturday, Septem- ber 19th, 1970. ne Welcome. Admission $1.50 per person. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The Hospital Auxiliary Meeting will held on Mon- day, Sept. 2ist at 2:00 pot at the hospital. The dfaw will be made on the oil paint ing so please have r tie. Hospital. A _ brother for 7A Catherine Louise. Thanks to| kets turned in,. Everyone : Dr. Price and staff welcome JACKSON -- Gerald and SCOUT MOTHERS Emelda are nanny to an "< AMUKILIARY | nounce the birth of their son lar Meeting of the Scout Robert Michael, 7 Ibs., 11 of. Cub Mothers, Monday, September 7th, 1970. Special thanks to Dr. Price, Dr. Allin and nurses of Port Perry Hospital On Your Paper September 2ist at 8 p.m. in Scout Hall. All Mothers Wel come ---4 OPEN MEETING Tuesday, Sept, 29th at 7 p.m in Municipal Hall. Sponsored by Take Off Pounds Sensib!v All interested people wel come. HOUSE & LOT for Sale Reply to Box 31, Port P Star. Check The Label On Your Paper ALL RESIDENTS OF CARTWRIGHT TOWNSHIP ree . . ,yOu're invited to a special meeting sponsored by Cartwright Lakeshore Ratepayers Association, to get the facts on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th, 7:30 p.m. at Caesarea Community Hall Guest Speakers--Alex Carruthers, MPP, Durham County and Donald M. Paterson, Study Principal, Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study. ATTEND! Pres.--M. MacGregor Sec.-Treas.--John Harper '| TENT TRAILER, complete }ONE REGISTERED York with mattresses and spare tire. Phone Sunderland 357- $24,000.00 50 acres, cement block barn, steel staunchions, hydro, water pressure. Reasonable taxes, good fences. Close to Port Perry. Cali Jim Oliver DRIVERS NEEDED Sales Associates Train now to drive semi HARVEY DAWE LIMITED /|truck, local and over the REALTOR road. Diesel or ; experi- Lindsay 705-324-9488 ence helpful but not neces . You can earn over MASSEY Ferguson 24" Rid.|$4.00 per hour after short ing Lawn Mower, good condi- tion. Baby a new condition. Phone 7266, A. C. TRACTOR, tiller, 3 bottom plow, cultivator, drag harrows, well mp. grain roller. Call 7180 even. ings. 2--Spt.24 DINETTE SUITE, limed oak extension table, China Cab- oy Buffet, 4 chairs. Call 8 PIGs, 985-2736 1960 G.MC. % ton truck, st side, long box, body repebred. new | Good condition Certified. 985-7728. BUNGALOW, convenient! located, close to store, chores & bus stop, Hwy. 22, 1 bed room. All conveniences, cup boards, ample closet space, basement, attic, good garage, beautifully landse: with many perenials and roses Good rden. Immediate sale or will hold. Call 985-748) 10 weeks old. Phone shire boar, 2 years old. Phon 263-2137 between 5:30 an 6:30 p.m. Eber Millson AASALAABMM EY