Blackstoc On Tuesday, September 8| erborough j school commenced again in| Norman Blackstock as throughout all| Boys' Physical . @ Ontario. As in most other} Education at the . areas, Cartwright Central} Miss Margaret Hooey Public School had an in-| teaching English at creased enrolment and the! Secondary School. following staff--Mr. J. Kirk- D. Welsh, vice-principal; also new to our school, Miss B. e * Bradburn, Grade 1; Mr. G Campbell, Grades 6 & 7; Mr. i E. Challice, Grade 5; Mrs. C.} Education Courses at McMas- Corden, Grade 6; Mrs. K.| ter University, First Year. Dorrell, Grade 5; Miss M.| Elizabeth Thompson is en- Fielder, Grade 2; Mrs. J.| tering Fourth year Pharmacy Fisk, Grades 3, 4 & 5 (oppor-jat University of Toronto e "tunity class); Miss M. Grills,| while brother Bill is taking Kindergarten; Mrs. J. Gunter, | First year Politcial Economy librarian; Mrs. P. Mitchell re-[St Victoria College. - medial Reading; Miss K. Mor-| Naficy Dorrell and Judy] son, Parker, Mr. ton, Grade 2; Mr. R. Robert-| Cochrane are both at Teach-| Ennis Hanna and grand- son, Grade 7; Mrs. M. Rob-jers' College at Toronto. | daughter, Debbie, Mr. and inson, Grade 1; Mrs. C.|Nancy is taking a Special | Mrs. Guy Forrest and Helen, * * Swain, Grades 3 & 4; Mrs. G.| Music Course. all of Oshawa. Thompson, Grade 8; Mrs. S.| Mrs. Joan Mott is teaching| Congratulations to Mr. and Turner, Grade 3; Mrs. D.| kindergarten at Whitby. Mrs. Vernon Asselstine who Venning, grade 4. Brian Mountjoy is entering | have completed the proced- Many of our local young} fourth year at University of} ures for the adoption of people have returned to jobs}Guelph in his engineering | Teresa who has been part of after holidays or are return-| course. their family(fér the past four > * ing to university courses. An| Miss Judy Mountjoy is|and half years. attempt at compiling a list/continuing her course at the} On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. _ has resulted in the follow-/Career School of Hairdress-| Harold Martyn, Mr. Mrs. ng mames--anyone left out, jing in Oshawa. Harold McLaughlin oft Mr. S kindly call, 986-4257 by next} Miss Lucille Beacock is|and Mrs. John Slemon of Monday -- Miss Betty McAr-|taking a Registered Nurses' | Enniskillen attended the Flea thur has a new position; vice-| Assistant's Course in Toronto |Market at Aberfoyle, Ont. * principal of Vaughan Road| Jim Carnaghan is begin- ern University. Jessie Dysart is Dept. Head| Lloyd Trewin is at his 4th of the Girls' Physical and]year at Glendon College. Health Education at Crest-/ | Mrs. Joan (Wotten) Argue ¢ wood Secondary School, Pet is resuming teaching at Can- toric atmosphere. s anniversary on » - +- . 1971 DODGE Chrysler Canada Ltd. will offer a new, 108 - inch wheelbase Sport Coupe called the Dodge "Demon" as one of the low price leaders in its 1971 compact line. Onty one Demon modei will be available with a performance engine and it will be called "Demon 340". ® Designed to appeal to the economy-minded sports compact motorist, Demon follows in the Chrysler tradition of offering a little bigger package for the price. ' ' you're out of the paper... you're out of mind. starts in the pages of this newspaper. And that's . Let us prove it to you, soon. They enjoyed 'having dinner at The Old Mill in the. his- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright who cele- brated their fiftieth wedding Saturday. A PORT nr tee rete e cece nese NEEL T EN OEE UE AEFEEE) EBON ~COORTOLST TERN | VeRO ROONAMEOE RII, : : = , ~% PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Sept. 17,1970 - 43 Family Launched Minister On Hobby It was just 16 years in which the patient is al- most totally enclosed - as compared to the others which cation Centre on Saturday , evening when many friends| T®¢" he spent a week in and relatives called. : ? Percival Thistleworth Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ke- lusky, Bancroft were week- Surveys The Situation By Sobien Twackle end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell and family, having attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. John Rut- ledge, Willowdale were After a lengthy sojourn in other areas. Percival Thistie- week-end guests, Mrs. Pearl/] wort is back in town and for enlightenment it should be Bilby, Hundred Mile House,|} re-established that Percival is a perpetual writer of B.C. was a guest for the week! 1 tetters to the editor, signing himself "Yours indignantly". with' Mr, and Mrs. Jim Mari] 1, also considers there should be a | i : low and family. . Reading aca: 4 Sunday dinner guests of thing and mutters frequently - "Gad, Sir - what is Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright|]} the world coming to". were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ke- So, having befriended Percival in bygone days, it was lusky, Bancroft; Mr. and Mrs./] not surprising that Percival, upon his return, should make John Rutledge, Willowdale,|| my abode his first port of call and after the somewhat Mrs. Pearl Bilbey, B.C.; Mr.11 dubious excitement of our meeting, Percival launched and Biss. Joy Rutledge, Oskit rine ito his tirade concerning the local ville, Mr. and Mrs. Rupt. : 2 4 ey vane. Byers, Bowmanville, Mrs. Percival is thorough. He assembles facts and then Wallace Holmes and Bonnie,|| 'wists these facts to add weight to his argument and the Oshawa, Mrs. Robt. Graham,}} way Percival presents these facts, one sometimes has to Galt, Mrs. Finley Sutherland,}] agree with him. and Maylene, Bancroft, Mr Percival started off with vehemence. "Take the sewer- and Mrs. James Marlow and}} age works" | quickly replied that "I did'nt want it - family,.Mr. and Mrs, Dalton ' " . Dorrell and family. Week- he could have it - compiete" and from then on it was end guests of Mr. and Mrs.|} # one sided conversation, with Percival maintaining the Wright were Mr. and Mrs,}} lead. Joe Rutledge of Oakville. Percival was amazed at the number of cars driving around Port Perry -he thought that the traffic had greatly increased, until he did a survey and discovered that the traffic comprised the same small number of cars driving round and round trying (a) to get to where they wanted to be and (b) having got there, trying to get out again. Percival quotes one elderly matron, sitting at the wheel of her stalled car, out of gas and sobbing des- perately. She knew where she was, she knew where she Her many friends are pleased to know that Mrs. wanted to get to, but she could nm@ longer face the barriers, the detours, the excavations and the mountains Edna Van Camp was able to come home from Port Perry Hospital on Saturday. We wish her improved health Mr. Jack Rahm has return- ed from a two-week trip to the East Coast with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Corden, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gunter.|} o¢ piled earth. This lady said she had seen an advert "4 ps a ae ae in a Toronto paper - "ARE YOU DESPERATE" and attended the Centennialj} 'id Percival know the number? Dance in Port Perry on Sat- Percival is now prepared. He has purchased 2 pair urday evening. of desert boots in which he can brave the vast expanse Mr. and Mrs, Howard Brac-|] of sand - he has a face mask for combating the Sahara kenridge, Bailieboro visited] jike dust storms - he has acquired a fifteen foot vaulting pole for use over the excavations. Percival also has an alpine pick to assist him over the crags and peaks and he also has snow shoes equipped with small extended floats to help him over and through the water filled depressions and valleys when it rains Percival follows the trend of modern living. He says there are pills for headaches - pills for stomachaches pills for population contro! - pills for just about every thing, so Percival asks why cannot the sewerage con tractors establish a small, centrally placed booth from her aunt, Mrs. J. A. sonn ston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ar- cher, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Don Fleming, Oshawa were recent guests of Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Ardis McAr- thur, Don Mills returned re- cently from a most enjoyable two-month vacation in the which thev could dispense anti-frustration pills. Percival also suggests that the coniractors could place mini-skirted quides at strategic points for vehicular traffic direction land perhaps for pedestrian traffic too) Percival is always thinking shead. He says when major project is finished, inevitably there is an official dedication, with lots of officiating bigwigs. Percive! wants to make the scene. He suggests thet the con tractors, upon completion of the sewerage project, erect a temporary open sided washroom in the centre of the village, equip it with @ silver toilet bow! and Percival British Isles a n d Continental Europe. would be honoured to make the first official opening flush On Wednesday the regular card party had 15 tables with the following winners Ladies Ist Mrs. Percy Van- Camp; 2. Mrs. Walter Law. rence; Consolation Mrs. Wm. Hopps. Gents Ist Mr. R. Al- sop; 2. Mr. Chas. Smith and Consolation Mr. A. Munro. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Enniskillen were Saturday evening callers of Mr. and Mr. Mrs. Wilbur Toms The silver bow! could then be suitably inscribed and were Sunday evening dinner placed in a position of honour, at which future gener guests of Mr. and Mrs. Char- ations could gaze in awe and pay their respects. me Gay, COTES The things Percival thinks of. (Continues on Page 19