7 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Morton ; ( - ot te tk no PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, . 17, 1970 a 2 ews Dancey were Saturday visit-|Mrs. Violet Skerratt and|Trenka, Mr. and Mrs. " ors with Mr.'and Mrs. Hillis/ Larry. Other visitors at the|Skerratt and Joanne Service will be h Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sutcliffe | Wilbur Skerratt home were Mrs.|Bruce Bailey and Miss Epsom United Church ' Mrs. Jack Crosier is visit- Trenka and Miss Kathleen|ma Urquhart Sunday, September 20th Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe is spend ne Soe < e Fa : & : Th BOB'S CARPENTRY ALL PHASES OF CARPENTRY . Courtesy, Imagination and Estimates FREE SEAGRAVE, ONT. - 985-7027 . HOME and GARDEN FIX-UP NEEDS = i > NG ae be is \- "or | ~-- < . (1) THRIFTY PASSAGE SET BEDROOM LOCK SET (4) SMALL PADLOCK Streanilined modern design for Like #2-but push- 95 For tool hes etc 49 non-locking doory in home or button knob-lock. 3 134" size. 2 keys... @ cefassenck mo soap Satin Bronze. .... = BATHROOM LOCK SET fees. (8) DELUXE DOR-LOC As #2-but chrome- 4" case. 14" 2keys. © Btass-plated, 3%" inside * Locks with key from ihe aay 154" size with 2 keys. .. $1.34 inside. 2 keys. (2) CARLETON PASSAGE SET Fits most doors and (6) CABLELOCK (9) NIGHTLATCH knob-holes 1%" (3) ENTRANCE SET For bikes, etc. Auto- Automatic lock. 5- to 2%". Brass or 3" Locks front doors BP matic lock. 2 keys. wh. Opens € 2.10 a70 "Xe 379 bronze finish. ..... Brass/ Bronze finish. Aircraft-type cable. outside ! + Good bulk-buy for bush new with formula for heavy lawn ot re-sceding the old. flat spring-steel teeth. of soll. "Gro-Koted'; Hardy, weed-free. 5-Ibs Hi-impact plastic; 26 too: Combination &-point dots up top. Neat tray bese § cromeut. Keen has 8 compartments. Lacquered hardwood