sae B@ -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Oct. 8, 1970 'Sengreve News After three splendid news columns we suggested that Roy Scott take over perman- ently. His answer was "no" so here we are again. The Scotts are always very busy entertaining. During the week-end they had Mr. and Mrs. Henry Topping of Montreal and on Sunday, Mrs Derothy Bailey of Oak Park, Michigan and Mrs. Clarence Harrison of Myrtle. We extend belated birthda: greetings to Mr-fsigh Irwin, 91 on Saturday Irwin SEAGRAVE, ONT. controls. is due. ine range party" . we're In the Yellow Pages. BOB'S CARPENTRY ALL PHASES OF CARPENTRY Courtesy, Imagination and Estimates FREE but no range can match a Superior Range for style, for convenience, for value. . I'm a@ range expert and | can tell soutdin th ther Geis aan ead Gaia First you have a choice of gleaming white or $ popular Avocado Green Superior Range In 24" of 20" size. A choice of modern low sithouette, automatic clock and oven timer, plus automatic pre-heat control, and centre simmer burner, see-through glass door, oven light and gleaming easy-care chrome During this special offer you can buy with = NO MONEY DOWN 8 3 months before your first peyment ®& FREE Propane. That's right -- you receive $5 00 worth of propane free on your first delivery after installation of your new Superior Range. if you present this advertisement at time of sale. Ask about our "Old Range Round-Up". You can save even more money. spent his birthday more or less quietly with his family this year. Belated greetings also to Mrs. H. Eagleson of Port Perry who is a few years younger than Mr. Irwin but is cagey about telling her age A goodly numbers of frie- tds and relatives gathered in the church basement on Friday evening for a shower honouring Miss Mary Lloyd and her husband-to-be, Mr. Peter Robinson. The program song led by Mrs. Abraham and accompanied by Mrs. Tobin. Then came a humer- our reading by Mrs Venror and a trio by Bob, Earle and Diane Barr who supplied their own guiter accomoen- iment. Mrs. Belair conducted a name contest and MC. Bruce Carr read an address to the young couple. Of cour- se there were gifts, lots of them, and thank-vous "ard lunch too. Among those pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs. Cox- started as usual with a sing-| worth and Mrs. Twiner from| ter 985-7027 Markham, Miss Marilyn Mc- Millan from Toronto, Mrs. John Skelton of Richmond Hill, bride-to-be. The marriage take place on Saturday in Seagrave church. Continuing the wedding news we note that Mr. and Mrs. Neil. Wanamaker and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stone were guests at the marriage of their cousin, Mr. Leon Butt- erworth and Miss Lynne Beattie in Northminster church, Peterboro, one of the weddings held in that church on Saturday. Also on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Don Hunter attended the marriage of their neph- ew, Mr. Allan Hunter and Miss Rosemary Herbein in On Sunday the same Hunt- ers were guests at the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. -}and Mrs. Harold Bennett of West Hill. And that isnt quite all. The Hunters and their guest report being almost drowned at Markham Fair on Friday. The Fred Nobbs family had a similiar experience on Saturday After a short stay in hos- pital Mr. Neil McMillan is af home again. Let us hope he stays there. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Wanamaker were in Midland attending the funer- al of Mrs. Clarke, mother of Mrs. Earle Martyn. Mrs. Elsie Brown of Tor- onto paid her annual visit to the Wanamakers on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ruther- ford returned late in the week from a trip to Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tobin and family of Blackstock were at home with the Tob- ins on Sunday. To the surprise of many Seagrave church goers did observe world-wide commun- jon after all. A service suit- able to the occasion was con- ducted my Rev. L. Critch. There was some confusion Howard's grandmother of the Mr, and Mrs, Mills who have been visiting their dw- ghter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Kingstone have return- ed home to England. Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach attended the wedding of her niece, Miss Linda Cowan to Mr. James LaHay, at Stoney Creek on Saturday. Dr. M. B. Dymond was the guest speaker on Sunday morning for the anniversary service. Speaking without al ° text to a capacity audience Dr. Dymond emphasized the importance of the congreg- ation as the church rather than the church building, his message to both young and old was well received. The soloist at the morning service was Mr. Bill Slute aeccompan- ied by the organist Miss Lin- da Hunter. The evening ser- vice conducted by Rev. Wy- at S. S. when classes were being re-arranged but we are now ready to go ahead with one class less than last yeer. Karen Carr deposited her birthday money during the session and shy Mrs. Mac- Taggart slipped up with her pennies later. Next Sunday. As usual Late flash. New street lights are being installed in the village. "| Whitby. '| York City and Vancouver. *| had a pleasant trip east when "| they travelled to 'the East "| back in Montreal in time fo Manchester News of Cameron were guests with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock on Sunday. Mrs. Ben Smith and Mrs. Jack Hamilton, of Blackstock | spent a day in Peterborough * last week. Miss Denise Jeffrey was a guest (an attendant) at the MacNeil-Huntley wedding in St. Johns the Evangelist church, followed by the rec- eption in the Amber Room, the good roads convention. Mr. Murray Jackson's fath- er is recuperating slowly in the Peterborough hospital following a heart attack. * Mrs. Jerry Taylor's father, Recently Mrs. Meta How- sam of Manchester spent an afternoon with Mrs. Thomas Redman. Mrs. Howsam was a former teacher at the Head school and lived in the Red- man home during this time. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith ~t Gerrows Beach recently en- tertained guests from New This Sunday there will be church as usual at "Grace." The speaker will be a repre- sentativefrom the Presbytery Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowso" Coast with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Crozier and, arrived lie with the Manchester choir and members of the Prince Albert choir partici- pating in the services was also well attended. Mrs. Thorne, Oshawa spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Aletha Holtby. Mrs, Meta Holtby, a Maude Crozier and Mrs. W. Taylor of Stouffville enjoyed a bus trip to Renfrew and PHARMACY 3 points north to see the aut- Queen Street : umn colours. Port Perry KEN P. MURRAY =v Electrical Contractor | > ae Domestic & Industrial WIRING CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES ON COMPLETE ELECTRICAL HOME HEAT Phone: 985 - 7005 274 ROSA ST. -- PORT PERRY'=_ s Thanksgiving Dinner CONWAY GARDENS -- WILL BE SERVED ~- SUNDAY and MONDAY From 4.00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. * Prime Ribs of Beef * Baked Ham with Maple Syrup * Roast Turkey with Dressing and CALL FOR RESERVATIONS -- 985-2486