@ -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Oc. 8, 1970 a 4 Mrs. Audrey Sharpe, an office worker at the Port Perry High School, registers Sharon Sweetman, 20, of Prince Albert and Sharon Slute, 19, of Utica (right) for courses in fy physical fitress at the night school registration night Photo by Bob McDougall Retires After Il Yrs. Service continued icipal office. Also the town ship itself has blossomed and) the tax role this year stands} at $520,000 ~ "It was only about $155, 000 when | took over," re called Mr. Johns as he rem inisced about his days as clerk- treasurer one day last week WORST WINTER "The first winter | was on the job was one of the worst I've seen in this area," he said. February was a particularly bad month. "It started about the first of the month and the snow drifted as high as the roofs. "We'd just get one storm cleared up and we'd be hit with another. This happened all month long, " remem- bered the clerk-treasurer as he puffed on his pipe. He is an elder at the Pres- byterian Church in Port Perry and doesn't figure smoking and church-life mix. But he enjoys his pipe and Ampho- ra is his favorite tobacco. Mr. Johns has served under | three reeves since taking off ice; Howard McMillan ~ one year, Earl Martin - two and Edward "Sam" Oyler ~ eight ENJOYED WORK Municipal work has been an enjoyment for him and he's always been available to help a taxpayer out, even on the weekend when someone dropped into the farm to pay taxes. "Some clerks work a 9 to 5 day and even have unlisted phones but | never minded coming down on a Saturday to open the office,"' remarks Mr. Johns. Over the years he has been active in many local and county organizations. He was on the fair board for 20-odd years and served three of these as president,| was a member of the Ontario County Federation of Agricul- ture and president for two years and served as treasurer of the Ontario County Hog Producers for 11 years. He is still a member of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, Warriner Lodge No. 75 and Masonic Order of Fidelity No. 428 in which he served as a deputy-grandmas- ter for a term Mr. Johns is secretary of the Bread Albane Cemetery board, a position he has held for some 20 years. Now that he's retired he will spend some time develop- ing the remaining acreage on the farm as well as take in the occasional trip up north. He likes to read a lot but doesn't do as much as he used to. His favorite reading is informative articles and he likes. to read the Toronto Telegram. Cottages Wanted a Keen hE eu a Ray Litt, Port Perry High School Vice-Principal, explains * es | 4 ourses that are available in the night school program to Pat 16-year-old irene Clow of Seagrave when she visited the 4 schoo! during regstration night last week. The vice-principal 3 also explained how Irene could further her education Be | through correspondence courses with the Ontario Depart ment of Education | Canada Savings Bonds help you (. | New Canada Savings Bonds | plan ahead--look to the future Id 49 yield an average of 7%% a year : average annual interest . without worry. They're Canada's turi when held to maturity EXHIBIT BUILDING UGHT & HEAVY +f, HORSE Reqstered Shetland and Welsh Ponies wa. WESTERN SHOW 10:00 am Child's Gym Kanna 11:00 a.m. sharp following English Saddle MIDWAY / MARS. RUTH DICK, Secretory 852-3592 | most popular personal investment Canada Savings Bonds are éasy to buy for cash of On instalments, in amounts ranging from $50 up to $25,000 Canada Savings Bonds are cold, hard cash instantly. They can be redeemed any time at their full face value plus earned interest Canada Savings Bonds are safe--backed by all the resources of Canada. They're a very special security Each.$100 Bond begins with $6.75 interest for the first year, pays $7.75 inter- est for each of the next three years, and then pays $8.00 interest for éach of the last seven years On top of this you can earn interest on your interest. You can make each $100 grow to $227.50 in just eleven years That's why we say, Canada Savings Bonds are good today, better tomorrow: an investment that grows and grows Buy yours today where you work, bank or invest . c$.70-25