10 -- PORT PERRY SEAR -- Thursday, Oct. 29, 1970 ARTICLES FOR SALE -- IS -- ENGAGEMENTS ( Bffective March Ist, 1967) REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR S. } LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. 'Cash Rate ~tc. per word Ist week, 3c. extra consecutive weeks for a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 75c. for extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, and additional 25c. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 -- MARRIAGES -- DEA' 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE In Memoriam MENZIES--In loving mem. ory of my dear husband Archie Menzies who passed away October 23rd, 1967. Se many things have happened Since you were called away So --_-- things to share with you, Had you been left to stay. | Every day in some small way/| Memories of you come our way, Though absent, you are ever near Still missed, loved, always dear. Lovingly remembered by wife Helen, children and grandchildren Cards of Thanks I wish to thank Mr. Gord Harris, Mr. Merv. DeNure &| the fire de ent for com-| ing to my help so quick last} Tuesday, Oct. 20th. Agnes Garvey I would like to thank all) my friends and relatives for the lovely cards, flowers and | gifts. Also a special thanks! to all the people who visited me while I was in the hos) pital. it all made the time cheerful. Susan Smitherman We wish to thank al! our friends of Scugog Island for the lovely picture and arm chair which were presented to us. Brent and Janis Richardson | -- 640 LEGION HALL Mr Bob Je of Prowneial command (ruest Speaker All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- Cards of Thanks _ | My sincere thanks to triends| Remembrance Day BANQUET Saturday, November 7th Tickets available at the Legion Hall or James Norton 985 2745, Metvin Woodeock 985-7017 My sincere thanks to Dr. Kandel & Spears and the nurses of the Port Perry Hos- pital for their excellent care during my recent stay there. My also to neigh- bours, friends and relatives for their gifts, flowers, fruit, cards & visits. Ruth Waldinsperger The family of the late Fred Trewin wish to express their sincere thanks and apprecia tion to relatives and friends for the kindness extended in the loss of a dear husband and father. for the many floral tributes, cards, and do nations to the Heart Fund and Women's Hospital Auxi- liary, to Dr. Allin and hospi- tal staff, to Rev. V. Parsons of Blackstock, to McDermott & Panabaker Funeral Home and special thanks to Mr. Don Snetsinger, our District Manager, who has stood by us so faithfully. and relatives for flowers, gifts and cards during my stay in the ---- Special thanks to Dr. St. John, Dr McIntyre and staff of Cottage Hospital Thanks also to Mr. John Hopkins for a visits. Mrs. Delia Harper My sincere thanks to the Ladies of Port Perry Fair Board for the lovely lamp and the nice party they gave to me. Mabel Honey PM PORT PERRY - | Check The Label u z i a E E g g ; : E E f i i Doris (Mrs. Perry, Betty (Mrs. Neil Howe) of Haliburton, Donna of Port . Mr. Lambe rested at McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 | Kingston Road West, Picker- ing. Funeral service was held in the chapel on Tuesday, October 27th at 2 p.m. In terment Erskine Cemetery. _ MUNRO, Mary Emma--At the Brantford General Hos- pital on Mon., Oct. 26, 1970, Mary E. cer (late of Man- chester, .), beloved wife of the late William Daniel Munro, dear mother of Reta (Mrs. A. Thomson) of Simcoe and George of Whitby, sister of James of Picton; also sur- vived by 5 grandchildren. In her 80th year. Funeral ser- vice was held at the Chapel of McDermott-Panabaker Port Perry on Wed., Oct. 28th at 2:00 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. ce i & 8 Sat., Oct. sist 1 t., m. 2 miles east ot Sand 6 miles N.W. of Uxbridge. Mr. Smockum's gravel pit. 12 gauge shot guns and high powered rifles. Don Lee 852-3528. LADIES CURLING CLUB Will open this new season with an evening "Get-To- gether" on Tuesday, Novem- ber 10th at 7:30 p.m. This will be a casual in- cluding Afternoon ers, Business Girls and all pro- spective curlers. Lunch wi" be served. The membershiv fees are $25.00 including the closing banquet. Anyone wishing to start curling (>i: season please phone Mrs Audrey Middleton 985-7548 Come prepared to curl on opening night. 2--Nov 5 BINGO--Friday, Oct. 30th at 8.00 p.m. Sponsored by the Catholic Men's League. Jack- pot $160.00 in 49 number. Minor jackpot $25.00 in 52 numbers. brush included. Phone 985- 2276. Cancer Forum for Women, Mothers and SUNDAY, NOVEMBER Ist x at 8 pm. 985-2751. Roxy Theatre, Uxbridge [KITCHEN RANGE, burns Two Films will be shown "It's up te you" and "The Odessy of Dr.\ Pap" Plus a Distinguished 50c. doz. SHORT Dynel wig, ash GRADE A Large blonde, worn once, stand, 45c. doz. INGLIS automatic washer & (double condition. Reasonable. Phone 985-7266. Fa 4 SHEHAN, Pete and Joyce (mee Cookson) are happy to announce the arrival of a son Mark Andrew. 9 Ibs., 10 ozs. on October 4, 1970 at Grace Hospital, Toronto. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cookson, Seagrave and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Shehan, England SCOTT -- Alan and Maxine (nee McMillan) are pleased to announce the safe arrival of a son, Dwight Alan, on Sunday, October 18th, 1970, at Oshawa General Hospital. A long-awaited brother for Dwayne and a perfect birth- day gift for Mommy. All are well. Many thanks to Dr. A. Stocks, Dr. McKay and fourth floor staff. --{ HOLLIDAY -- Gordon and Joan (nee Warren) are happy to announce the birth of their son, David Gordon, 7 ibs. 15 oz, on Thursday, October 22nd, 1970, Port Perry Hospital. A brother for Ricky and Sandra. Special thanks to Drs. Cohoon, nurses and staff of Port Perry Hos pital LAMB -- Bill & Margaret Ann are happy to announce arrival of Kenneth Wil n October 2ist, 1970, 5 ons. A brother for & Janet On Your Paper BINGO Thursday, Nov. 5th, at 8.00 p.m. at Legion hall. Jackpot $160 in 56 numbers. Legion special $60 in 18 num. bers. Top line 20 reg. games. Share the wealth. DANCE -- Come and enjoy round and square dancing at Port Perry United Church Auditorium, Saturday, Nov- ember 7th. Music by Fra~* Barkey. $1.25 per person Lunch provided. 2 Nvs CANCELLATION EUCHRE s by May. belle Rebekah Lodge, held at Oddfellows Hall will be can celled Sat., Oct. 3ist, due to Hallowe'en Festivities. Next Euchre Nov. 14th. RUMMAGE SALE Sponsored Guide Mothers, to be held lay, Oct. 30th. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. in the Scout Hall. For information or ickup call 985-2300 or 985- 134. 2--Oct.29 CWA. BAZAAR & TEA in Catholic Hall, Sat.,-October 3st, «4g ~ Home Baking, Country Store, Sewing. Free draws Oct. 29 MALLOWEEN WITCHES STIR UP MAGIC AVON Representatives stir up magic too, when_ they build successful, profitable business of their own. Call now:--Write: Mrs. J. Cunney. worth, 149 Sheldon Ave, -- or Phone 605 oven), all in CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY CONSTRUCTION FOR SEWERS NOTICE RE QUEEN STREET Notice is hereby given by Council, that during the Construction of Sewers on Queen Street, parking will be allowed on Water Street without any meter charge. JOHN F. RAINES, Clerk Village of Port Perry MALE HELP WANTED PLANT OPERATOR (PART TIME) Port Perry Provincial SEWAGE SYSTEM Man physicially fit with Grade Ten education. Demon- strated Mechanical Ability and knowledge of basic elect- ricity. Permanent employment, modern plant, good work- ing conditions. Duties will include daily maintenance, inspection and fecord keeping, involving approximately 20 hours per week, on the Sewage collector system and waste stabil- zation pond Application forms can be picked up at the clerk's office in Port Perry. Mail replies stating plant and position for which you applying November 14, 1970. are not later than Recruitment Officer, Yersonal Branch, Ontario Water Resources Commission, 135 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto 7, Ont.