14 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Oct. 29, 1970 Notice To All Armed Forces Veterans Remembrance Week Activities For Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 419, Port Perry November 5th to 8th, 1970 November 5th 6th and 7th Annual Church Parade 10:00 a.m. November 8th In Port Perry United Church Fall in at Legion Hall at 9.30 Hours -- Poppy Fund Tag Days A Dutch student speaks | was not born until after the war. | am able to go to school. | have a buzz-bike. | have parents. | have never gone hungry. | don't know what war is! >" a What is hunger? me What is a concentration camp? What is a razzia? or What is a bomb? What is-fear? og | know we are free! -: | know who liberated us! . | know what they sacrificed |! Thanks a million for ouf freedom | BUY A POPPY REMEMBER THEM! Perry Legion -- Branch 419 Per (SFO SE + fee Fe) + + OREO Her Ce eee eee Port ea "rene eee | ber j leontest was enjoyed by all POT ete ee Utica News Communion Service will be observed in Epsom United Church on Sunday, Novem- ber Ist at 11:30 a.m. with Rev. William March of Mount Albert officiating There will be no church service at Utica on November 8 when the Epsom and Utica congregation is invited to attend the Anniversary Ser- viees at Goodwood United Church. Utica Sunday Schoo] meets at 10 a.m. The Explorers held the Ini- tiation Ceremony at Epsom United Church on Friday, October 23rd, conducted by Counsellors Mrs. Vera Brown and Mrs. Anne Bolton, assist- ed by Chief Explorer, Miss Beverlee Rudkin. Misses Donna Kerry, Patri- cia Bolton, Sandra Bolton, Martha McCallum, Susie Mc-} Tavish and Carrie Warren Were Inftiated into Explorers and received the first Red Star. Misses Rhonda Cluney, Kim McClure, Judy Foreman and Judy Rudkin received the first Gold Star and Misses Esther Howland and Bever- lee Rudkin were presented with the "E" pin. Our sincere wishes for a speedy recovery go to Mrs. A. McKenzie who is a pa- tient in Western Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Locke, Mr. and Mrs.. Rodney Locke | and Miss Brenda Locke of| landsay, Mr. Harry Watson and friends of Uxbridge, Mr. Henry Skerratt of Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Taylor of Bobcaygeon were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Ballard. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rumohr of Sebright visited Mr. and Mrs, Jack Crosier on Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cass- idy of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff, Mrs. Allan Martyn, Mrs. Charles Geer and Mrs. Allan Card were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Violet Sherratt. Recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. James E. Mitchell were Mr. Dave Prentice, Mr. Jack Mitchell, Miss Marlene Ives, and Mrs. Charles Williams and Kristy. Mrs. James E. Mitchell, visited Mr. and Mfs. Milt Parkin of Kinsale on Tues- day. Mr. aiid Mrs. Bob Watson of Toronto spent Sunday with his parents, MR & Mrs. Ambrose Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sut- cliffe and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Crawfor of Pontypool on Sunday. Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clair Brockman of Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Mac- Cannell spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Doug. MacCan nell of Peterborough. } Mr. and Mrs. Olsson Mc- Cosh of Ajax visited the Ma The 60th Annivesary of} the Shirley Women's Institute} Branch was observed at Rag-| lan United Church Hall on| Wednesday, October 21st | After the Opening Ode, president, Mrs. James Coates welcomed the guests. The History of Shirley W.1. was read by Mrs. Roy Robertson The names of Past Presidents and Secretaries were read by Mrs. Henry Wotten. There are three charter members Mrs. Gertrude Brent, Port Perry was able to attend, Mrs. Harold Hock- en, Port Perry and Mrs. Leith Byers, Blackstock, were un able to attend the celebra- tion. Secretary Mrs. Harry De Geer called the roll call of ten Institute branches. The programme began with a reading 'A Christmas Story' by a member of Altona W.1 Mrs. Charles Smith from Blackstock gave a reading "Middle Aged". A member from Brougham W.1 gave a reading 'Pampered Husband'. Mrs. William Heron from Brooklin read a poem 'Search Your Own Soul When Getting Older' A short talk on how an Indian girl chooses her hus- band and gets married by a Claremont W.1. member. A sing song was enjoyed Greenbank W.1. was repre sented. Mrs. Samuel Cawker from Honeydale W.1. sang 4 solo "My Alice Blue Gown" A member from Kinsale WI sang a solo "Ideal". A piano solo was played by a Myrtle WI. member. A reading on} Alaska was read by a mem-| from Whithy WI A eer s Shirley Women's Institute Mark 60th Anniversary through the programme. Mrs. Lorne Parrott, district secretary, brought greetings from the district Mrs. Samuel Cawker, Provincial Board member, brought greetings also and joined in singing "Happy Birthday". A blanket was drawn for door prize Mrs. Coates closed with a verse "Smile". Cannells on Saturday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs, James Mc- Harg of Kingston and Mr. & Mrs. David Saunders and children were Saturday visit- ors with Rev. and Mrs. lL L. day. for the Chronic TENDER LOVING CARE AND UNDERSTANDING IN A COUNTRY HOME ATMOSPHERE. Our elderly guests receive personalized professional care in a spacious and congenial country home The Manor is open for your inspection at any time. GREEN GABLES MANOR bicensed by Ont. Dept. of Health. Stouffville 640-3061 Approved by Associated Nursing Homes Inc., Ont --p Pentiand Je IS COMING 8 Weeks wellery Ltd. 193 QUEEN STREET -- 985-7641 -- PORT PERRY DIAMOND RING OR FINE WATCH 10% Cash Discount on Diamond Rings > »