2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Nov. 5, 1970 ASSORTED FLAVOURS - IGA Suppled by THE OSHAWA WHOLESALE LIMITED supply depot for progressive independents ECONO MY-200s or MAN SIZ ki fen Q x Cuts food costs with these FACIAL TISSUE - ASSORTED COLOURS SHOULDER BUTT ROAST of PORK ROAST of PORK ae ae WHOLE, RALF OR QUARTIR G: SMOKED HAMS READT TO SERVE A TROPICAL TREAT BANANAS .€ nm) ieriude "Se SOUTH AFRICAN VALENCIA 2 A PRODUC! OF Um 0 N ES OF SOUTH AFRICA LOMG GREEM SLICERS 5 CUCUMBERS "Sc." DEVON OR SUMNY monn RIMDLESS SIDE bacon D ORANGE CRYSTALS TANG IGA OVEN FRESH FAMILY SIZE POST ALPHA-BITS 10-OZ., SUGAR CRISP OR HONEYCOMBS 9-OZ. 39: GA shoppers recerve a discount they cam meesore Whee on IGA shopper seves $150.00 © (GA cosh-register topes, she com scquire © $2.00 Food Certificate. This is @ discount she on meaere Ts not jest on advertising cleim. Of course, if she prefers, the customer moy exchange her topes for Loton Merchendise Certficetes or catalogue merchandise - the chocce 1s hers tre food discovers or merchondne CEREALS ~ FAMILY PAK -3x 10¢ SIZE MARS CANDY BARS 974° PEAR SHAPED-COOKED ae $ swirsHam ' °1,45 ~ PORK - BUTT CHOPS uw 59° SWIFTS PURE PORK SAUSAGE 2» 31.00 EXTRA $10 TAPE WITH EXTRA $6 TAPE WITH PURCHASE OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PURCHASE OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING cnmes Tits GERBER'S STRAINED me PREMIUM CRACKERS '2 BABY FOODS crm 6 'us APPLESAUCE «2 "st_--=s«EXTRA $4 TAPE WITH 5 anaes iis PURCHASE OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING MASHED POTATOES 'x= BUTT CHOPS p.m seer oF ine pape eon SWIFT'S STEW "a BOLOGNA ont Fam "a a EXTRA $2 TAPE WITH COFFEE CREAMER = «© ET Wn ob ne MAXWELL HOUSE on 4 Ohtunoen INSTANT COFFEE mt BEEF STEAKETTES 22 IGA FLOUR "st CELLO TOMATOES. '3 'Ga Stam eerTt PRooucdd OF USA LIQUID BLEACH «=n. SPINACH at. KRAFT CRACKER BARREL MFG, 3¢ OFF FRASERVALE FANCY FROZEN 1 STRAWBERRIES 45° . VICK'S COUGH SYRUP com: 49° VICK'S VAPORUB -- o> premium of the month . REVOLVING SMALL PARTS CADDY PORTABLE - KEEPS EVERYTHING HANDY 1 168 TAPES (1 FOLDER FOUALS $150.) oat | 4 +4 ~ )) SP, IGA FOR GOOD VALUE PLUS THE.IGA TAPE PLAN PORT PERRY IGA All day Wecinesctry &:30 afm. to 6 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. nights until 9:00 p.m. '