Seagrave PORT PERRY STAR -- News Robert Wanamaker has re- befure starting the last ens The turkey dinner on Wed. night was much as usual with an attendance of approxim- ately 700. This is a tremen- dous undertaking for a smal! congregation but is wonder- ful for community spirit. The fire occurred on Sat. evening about 9:30 when Mr. Robert Virgin's barn and pig pens were completely des- troyed. It had made consid- erable headway before the fire brigade arrived so little could be done except to save the home and garage. The Sunday celebration was to mark Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott's 50th wedding anniver- .|\sary. Look somewhere else for the account of this. | Mrs. Susan Hammond is} better sense AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE To The Residents Of Port Perry and Area The Chamber of Commerce fee! that the public should be better informed of the sewer cofstruction activities and therefore, Ted Griffen, President called a recent meeting in order to obtain this iftormation from Council and Clairson Construction Company. We trust that the following information will be of assistance to those wishing to shop in Port Perry, and the Chamber and Village will keep you advised of any changes in this schedule which may occur as a result of unfavourable weather conditions SCUGOG STREET -- This street will be closed until paving is completed, which should be the end of this week LILLA STREET--This street will be closed while being paved, which will begin on the completion of Scugog Street WATER STREET--Water Street should be completely finished by the end of this week. QUEEN STREET--<Business Section) The eastern end of this section of Queen Street should be finished by the end of this week It may be three weeks before the entire Business section will be completely finished. PERRY STREET ond JOHN STREET--Some latterals remain to be finished, due to ground conditions. ADEQUATE PARKING AT REAR OF STORES-- The Santa Claus Parade will be held as planned as we have been assured by the Construction Company that all excavations will be filled in completely so as to provide a good, level surface as required for that day. Due to the fact that the detour roads will be taking more traffic, we urge the public to drive carefully and cautiously. We have also been assured by the Con- struction Company that the Detours will be better signed which will benefit the public. Please watch for and follow the Detour signs. Please do not drive on roads marked "Closed" We wish to warn the pedestrian of sidewalk restoration construction which may in some cases, be inadequately signed. RESURFACING OF STREETS: Reeve Kenny advised that Queen Street west to Lilla Street will be cold-patched this fall if possible. He also advised that Counci! and Clairson are entering into an Agreement where- by the Council will look after the restoration of all Streets excepting Scugog Street and Lilla Street which will be restored by the Company. As the contract called for the Company to restore the streets to their previous condition only, Council feels that this would mean many streets would be only patched, filling in excavations made for latterals and mains. The Council feel that by taking over this part of the contract, they can excavate the remainder of the street so that the entiré street can be resurfaced and brought to « good standard. They plan to resurface Queen and so-called traffic Streets first, commencing next summer. It may take a couple of years before ai] the streets are completed. SPONSORED BY PORT PERRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GREENWOOD > Pumpkin 87 Ibs. Versus Nicko 40 Ibs. Three year old Nicko Rensink is dwarfed by this giant pumpkin grown on his father's farm in Reach Township, It tipped the scales at 87 Ibs. Also on the same vine were two other large pumpkins weighing 55 Ibs. and 28 ibs. respectively. Mr. Rensink grows large pumpkins every year, but this is by far the largest on his farm, Photo P. Hvidsteri, Jr. HILLTOP HERALD Un Saturday, Nov. 7th, the GBSS.A. boys volleyball tournament (Georgian Bay Secondary School Association Tournament) was held at our school. All three of our boys volleyball teams played well, with our senior and interme- diate teams competing in the finals. The seniors captured the championship and will compete for the All-Ontario Championship being held at Guelph University on Nov. 14th. On the same date our girls volleyball teams will be competing in the Girls G.B. S.S.A. volleyball tournament being held at our school. The hope that our girls teams ATTENTION FARMERS WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON Premium Quality @ GASOLINE @ DIESEL © MOTOR OIL Farm tanks and pumps available. "cSt" oT FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY DINING COFFEE will be promoted and or, ized by the grade @'s them- ROOM SHOP selves. 985 - 2486 The Athletic Association is sponsoring the annual Sadie Hawkin's Dance on Nov. 20 with John Rody from "Chum" being our dise jockey. It is expected that all girls will take advantage of this oppor- tunity to capture the man of their choice for this dance. WE CATER TO BANQUETS -- WEDDINGS AND HOUSE PARTIES Our Winter Schedule Open Daily from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Friday nights until Midnight Our foreign child, Ching So Ling, who lives in Hong Kong Saturday nights until 2:00 a.m. will be receiving another $17 this month collected pach ose SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p 389-3332 this year from the student | TV