Greenbank News ject. | Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leask! with Mrs. Aleta Leask over the week-end. i Sorry to hear that Mr. Gary | is confined to hospital in| Toronto. We hope he is | soon able to return home Mrs. Eva Stone, Sunder-| land, with Mr. & Mrs. George | Stone over the week @nd The evening unit of. the U.C.W. is having a luncheon im the church on Nov. 18th at 1230 pm Mrs. Whipper will be the special speaker. The Women's Institute meeting will be on Nov. 25t5 at2pm. This is our talent month so do not forget your donations. Mrs. i. Crawford, District President of South Ontario is to be our guest speaker. Sorry to learn that Mrs. C. Reycraft is very ill. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Crawford who have moved into the Walter Phoenix house in the village. | Miss Myrtle Blakely, Brook-| lin, Miss Da Stone, Toronto, and Mr. Ron Blakely with) Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Blakely over the week-end. Mr. Ola Doble, Uxbridge,| with the Lorne Bilakelys on A beautiful gift for Mother or Grandmother with a birthstone for cach member of the family Gold Filled of Sterling Silver. eon" 1S ee te Winners at the euchre on) on Sunday. 6th were A number of Greenbank Please keep Saturday Nov. 14th open for the dance in the hall. Frank Barkey will provide the music and ladies please bring lunch. Congratulations to the newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Ken Diceman who were married in Greenbank United Church on' Saturday, Nov. 7th. Mr. and Mrs. John Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Don Beacock &| (heck The Label Service will be held in Epsom United Church on Sunday, November 15th at 11:30 am. Utica Sunday School meets at 10 a.m. Better health is wished for -? Mr. Harold Aird and Mr, Bill Collins who have been recent -| patients in Port Perry Com- th} munity Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Geer and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crosier at- tended the funeral service of the late Mr. Thomas Hirst of Keswick on Tuesday. Several ladies enjoyed a Stanley Products Demonstra- tion at the home of Mr. and Lee and Mr. and Mrs. R. Rodd! with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rodd) Om Your Paper 14. DRESSES $8.95-s10.95-s12.95 -- LADIES - = COATS QUILTED ARNEL ORLON PILE 314.95 315.95 PURSES $2.98 -- $3.98 Mrs. Mervyn MacCannell! last | last Monday evening. DEPARTMENT 95 $4.98 -- $7.98 PANTY EVENING BAGS vom - HOSE $2.98-83.98-85.98 GOWNS 12.293.50 A iced on ea0aes Ge >, LOSE Arnel -§ $1.98 \\ Slip & CRAF $2.98 - 3.98 $4.95 - 6.50 MINI--PETITE-AVERAGE $2.98 - $3.98 - $5.50 ~ HALF SLIPS - PORT PERRY STAR ~ Thursday, Nov. 12,1970 - 3 Utica News Toronto spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Ray MacDonald. Mrs. Ingram of Whitby and Mrs. Chinn, Eileen & Donny of Oshawa were recent visit- ors with Mrs. Violet Skerratt. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Scho- field of Taunton called on Mrs. Cecil Harper on Sunday Master Scott Wilbur at tended Master Gavin Mac- Callum's birthday party on Sunday & visited the Science Centre in Toronto. Mr. Hillis Wilbur attended a Hockey Coach and Mana. ger's School in Peterborough on Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Thomp- son were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Morley David- son of Uxbridge and on Sat- urday evening attended the Kirton Clan dance at Criag- hurst. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Masters of Marichester called on the Thompsons on Thurs-| day. Miss Bonnie MacDonald of ' 985 - 7373 STORE T CO ATS <a JACKETS SPECIAL LINE 319.95 - = uw WINTER BOOTS -- MENS -- $9.95 - $14.95 -- LADIES - $8.95 - $12.95 LIPS --- - $2.98 Pantie Sets