ado Gat t BS Fa aS He NS ee ee ee oe f F Lee rE i gue ; cellent potential. $21,900 with $10,000 down. Farmer's Ferm 100 acres of excellent clay loam, 90 acres work- able, 4 bedroom brick home with all convenienc- es. 2 barns in good repair, stable cleaner, new silo This property has to be 2 bedroom bungalow, large seen to be appreciated. kitchen, living room, 4 pcre Full price, $45,000. Good bath & full basement with terms. F.A. of] furnace. Garage & paved drive. Located Acreage, Port Perry on quiet street, walking 74 acres vacant land, close distance to shopping Ask- to Lake Seugog. 60 acres ing $23,500 with $5,000 excellent farmland, balan- down . ce wooded with pond. Good fences. $29,500. Good terms. Duck Hunters Port Perry area, 50 acres, Attractive 2 storey brick home. 4 bedrooms, living room, separate dining large pond 12 feet deep. room, large kitchen, on a Paved road into homesite nice dry lot Asking All wooded. $12,000. Easy $22,900 Terms. ' One or Six Cannington Seenie homesites, high, Modern 2 bedroom bunga- overjooking Lake Scugog, low on a good lot. Large some with trees. Number room, plenty of cup» to choose from, six offer- all ed for sale. 950 sq. foot $2,500 FINANCE ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE OFFICE HOURS 9 am. -- 9 pm. Call: Port Perry 985-7384 Oshews 723-0902 Toronto 1642516 After Hours Call: Manager: Howard Forder 985-3439 Maurice Baker 957.7256 George Beaton 985-3040 Bruce Currie 705-357-3992 $1X OFFICE LOCATIONS SERVING YOU bt HAT : i sj faut Hi and new steel imple- ment shed. $45,000 with ex- cellent terms. | 100 acres in Po rt Perry area. Productive soil, cornet farm on 2 paved roads. Large 10 room brick home in ex cellent condition, bank barn, 40 x 8. Close to Port Perry and Prince Albert. $100,000 with terms. Seenic highway property 5 acres with 3 bedroom frame bungalow. Beautiful setting among mature pine trees. An excellent opportunity at only $20,000 with $5,000 down. Seenic 10 acre lot with ex cellent view, in Nestleton area, maple and cedar bush, stream cTosses mod: conveniences. Nice! treed and wit! Tose . paved drive $26 with terms. 3 bedroom 6 room brick bun- galow in Port Perry, double drive, all area. 85 acres workable, bal- ance is wooded with pond site. 2 bedroom frame bung alow with modern convenien. ces, bank barn itable for beef cattle or horses. Death with excellent terms. -- CALL -- George S. Stone F.R.!. 985-2632 Herb Puckrin 705-357-3671 | terse in family forees sale. $29,500 down & fall price of $21,500. cottage, including and motor. Excellent boating large treed lot. Asking $12,000 terms. Call MARION HOPKINS 985-7215 Fred Cook Real Estate id. Realtor 45 acres, Little Britain \area, 7 acres clear. Asking $14,500. 100 acres, Little Britain area, abandond century old log house and barn, stream and pond. Asking $25,000. terms. 100 acres vacant land, Little Britain area, 40' acres workable, 3 spring fed streams, excellent location { | a for trout pond. asking $24,500 5 acre \lots, nt homesites, overlooking Lake Seugog, minimum house re- wirements 1000 sq. ft., only 1900. down. New 3 bedroom cottage, living room, sliding lass doors onto sun deck. acre waterfront lot. Ask ing $14,000., terms. MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 i : i f ' u i 38 cf 1 j i fal i ; E H : He it iT if : iit t hy [El li ' t i i: i z j H I i : af Hf i tf NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOL ELECTORS IN THE MUNICIPALITIES OF THE VILLAGE OF CANNINGTON; * THE TOWNSHIP OF BROCK; and THE TOWNSHIP OF REACH, NOMINATION MEETING of the Village of Cannington, Township of Brock and the * Township of Reach, all in the County of Ontario, that in compliance with the Statutes in that behalf, I require the presence of the said Public School Electors at the Town- ship Hall, Manchester, Ontario, between the 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Monday, November 23, 1970, for the purpose of nominating fit and proper govern themselves accordingly and if a greater number of candidates other than the one required to fill said office are nominated, and make the required declarations, polls will be opened at the designated Polling Division in the , three Municipalities on Monday, December 7, 1970, and the hours of voting shall be from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. The Polling Divisions in the Village of Cannington: Polling Division No. 1 -- Town Hall, Cannington Poliing Division No. 2 -- Senior Citizens Club, Cannington, 18 Cameron St. W. The Township of Brock: 4 Polling Division No. 1 -- Ruddy's - Roland Lee House Polling Division No. 2 -- Vroomanton - Orange Hall Polling Division No. 3 -- Wilfrid -Community Hall Polling Division No. 4 -- Blackwater - Allen's Store Polling Division No. 5A -- Sunderland - Town Hall Polling Division No. 5B -- Sunderland -Town Hall Polling Division No. 6 -- Derryville - Orange Hall Polling Division No. 7 -- Layton - Harold Clark House Polling Division No. 8 -- Manilla -Community Hall Polling Division No. 9 -- Cannington - Town Hall, Cannington The Township of Reach: Polling Division No. 1 -- At Community Hall, Utica Polling Division No. 2 -- Liénel Drew's House, Epsom , Polling Division No. 3 -- Edward Cordner's House, NE pt Lot 6 Con. 11 Polling Division No. 4 -- Township Hall, Manchester Polling Division No, 5 -- Community Hall, Greenbank Polling Division No. 6 -- Hill's Store, Saintfield Polling Division No. 7 -- Larry Willerton's Home, Cedar Creek Polling Division No. 8 -- Community Hall, ® Prince Albert Polling Division No. 9 -- William Keene's House, Seagrave Given under my hand this &h day of November, 1970.