i GPORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Nov. 26, 1970 Handicraft Guild! The Louise Patterson Hand | handicraft. icraft Guild held their meet ing on Wednesday, Novemb er lith at 2 p.m in the Pres-| Mrs.' Moore' 'thanked * fie ladies for coming, Miss Williams and. Mrs. CUEPRST LE PEELE byterian Church basement Naples demonstrated rug The meeting opened with| hooking at the Lindsay Fair. he Lord's Prayer, the secre-| Mrs. Florence Smith show- and treasurer gave their/ ed the ladies how to make a reports plaque from an old record There were twenty mem-| Don't forget to visit the bers present and three visit-| Gift Shop at Mrs. Skerratts, ors west of Utica A letter was read from The next meeting will be Mrs. Patterson and Miss Bak-| held at Mrs. Wrights, Black er had designed a card of|stock, December 9th. Ladies dried leaves which we all|/meet at the LGA. store at signed to send back to Mrs./ 1.30 p.m Patterson. She always likes} Please bring an idea for to hear from Port Perry }Christmas decoration or the Mrs. Naples told of the in-) material to make one, also teresting time, she and Miss/bring your finished plaque. Williams had at the Plough- ing Matches at Lindsay with ve the rain and the mud, also of gifts not to exceed $1.60. There will be an exchange TTT mine of the: Mrs. Cornish, Miss Kent & adians and proposes concrete ways tO" breveservad_a delicious accidents. im 1969, there were 5,374 traffic deaths, 179,957 reported traffic injuries and 404,198 reported property Gamage accidents. This grand total of 528,627 accidents cast Canadians in the neighborhood of $1,000,000,000 in lost wages, medical expenses, administrative and claim settlement costs of insurance and property damage. That's nearly $50 per capita or $250 per average family. The Canada Safety Council promotes the Defensive Driving Course as a major tool in the struggle to reduce traffic accidents. A list of agencies giving these courses ; i gh many people would] stimulating part of the course. s enclosed. with that gentleman,/ On October 16, for instance, i Im the light of studies showing 90 per cent of traffic Nichols at Ajax High] one of the "new breed" of 24 accidents are preventable, the course availabie in all pro- believes that ignor-| police from the Community se | vinces and in English and French teaches drivers to rec- - f the law is largely re-| Services Branch of the Met- 5 ognize traffic hazards, what to do to prevent the hazards "ible for such an atti-/ro Police Department talked 4 : from causing accidents and when this evasive action and through three law with the students. The men : should be taken ' s he is working to dis-|of this branch serve in a A = : i hat ignorance. community, dressing and be- uy One of the main hazards is alcohol which is a factor class the students study] having so as to de-emphasize rs n 50 per cent of fatal accidents according to studies and | ninal law the court/the differences between po j surveys done in Canada and the United States. The | em, law enforcement ag- 3 Council supports the new Federal .08 legislation aimed TAS. at removing drunken drivers from the roads. |n 4 the Council ur further measure Make their special days extra special... Senior Citizens Club About fifty members atten-| nor wil] be served Evening ded the meeting on Wed. 4¢ fun at Club afterwards & nesday, Nov. llth. Mrs. B. presents exchanged. Larrett presided. Two min-| Next meeting will be Wed., utes silence was observed in| Nov. 25th at 2pm. Euchre, memory of fallen in War I) cs. Nov. 2ist at 8.00 p.m. at and 1. Lord's Prayer and 0) Hat back of P.Office. Please Canada was sung by all. Busi- keep in mind meetings are ness was discussed. Differ-ii.1q 2nd and 4th Wed. of ent Committees called on for) .s-h month. Euchres every reports. Euchres are still) other Sat. Come and enjoy very popular, many coming), game of cards. Small Ontario and Quebec, you from districts all around | charge and good lunch pro save up to 25% after 6 p.m There will be a social ev-| i4eq sha ening for members at the) Lacky winners at last Ew -- up 50°*/o after 8 p.m. Hall ard Wed. evening of] cnre Nov. 7th. Ladies High and all day Sunday! each month at 7:30 p.m. Mr.| vrs 4 Aldred: Second Mrs Typical low rates are shown E. Healy is convener for the| 4 Gimpblett: Consolation Mrs entertainment. Lunch provid- IR Fisher. Gent's high Mr ed out of Club funds |. McDiarmid; Second (as Christmas dinner to be held) man) Mrs. H. McDiarmid; at Seugog Grace Church 09) Consolation (as man) Mrs. H Wed. Dec. 2nd Conveners! wackey Please keep above Head U.C.W. Bus to leave! dates marked on Calendar from back of Hall. All to} meet at Club at 6 p.m. Supper Check The Label at 630 om. Roast beef din- , On Your Paper .* emphasize also the indivi- \ Cou law rae that ~~. ff the law is an ass ot," lamented Mr. in Dicken's Oliver dual's obligations to the law, including his obligation to alter the law by peaceful means if alterations are ne- cessary. Outside speakers form a encies and what the law in- volves. They work pod = ease studies of actual litiga tion, discussing the points of law as they arise. The de fendent's case is prepared, and also the judge's vedict. This approach is not mere play-acting: there is little of "Perry Mason" or "Defend- To Order Your WINTER Now Is The Time lice and citizens, the citizens in thi® case being the inha- bitants of Yorkville. An officer fromi the Youth Bureau Department from the Oshawa Police will be anoth- er speaker. His work 5 clusively with juveniles. another guest, a lawyer, will introduce the more theore- tical aspects of law, with a discussion of changes in the law. One subject that inter- ests the students especially is the implications involved in lowering the voting and drinking age. ers" in Al Nichol's classes. The course aims to give the boys and girls an under- standing of the law as it ap- plies to the average citizen an understanding the average citizen is often sad- ly lacking So many lawyers and their clients today emphasize the rights under law, Nichol's is careful DAVE! CALL US indivdual's that Mr ... witha Birthdays, anniversaries, promotions -- to show how much you care, dial yourself in on the fun. And remember -- when you dial station-to-station within In your phone book. Money on DX Premium Quality Fuel Oil Call Collect 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE long distance call! Bell Canada TODAY "lcapabilities or A Court Session in Progress in Al Nichol's Criminal Law Class, Ajax High School. urse At Ajax High School A trip to court will high- light the course. The stud- ents will attend criminal court and then chat with the judge after the morning session. The court session should bring an understand- ing of how the judge and attorneys think and operate, and especially how human weaknesses can affect the impartiality of the law. Another important part of the course is the students' own projects, which may be a prepared paper, a seminar discussion or an outside speaker dealing with one of twenty-five topics from Re- form Institutions, to Careers in Law Enforcement, to Pro- posed Changes in Laws. After the first semester course in Criminal Law, the youngsters can take a second course in Civil Law, begin- ning in February. The Sec.- Treas. of the Steel Workers of America will explain la- bour's role in the legal sys- tem, and a lawyer and land- lord will present views on recent changes in the Land- lord and Tenant's Act. Other possible visitors include a speaker on Legal Aid, and a Security Man from a large store His subject, shop lifting and its implications for teen-agers is of special significance for all young people, as he would explain the store's powers to begin placing charges against sus- pected offenders Al Nichols himself is a de votee of the courses he tea- yches, being in touch with all j the local law enforcement | agencies On more than one occasion he has gone on pa- trol with detectives from the Oshawa Police in order to gain first hand information i that will add to his classes'® j interest In the course, All in all, Al Nichol's law students stand to gain valu Hable practical knowledge of the legal system under which they m y must live. ®