fgg i weeks for a mi $1.00 ist week, T5c. for extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, Music by the chair set, and additional 25c. will be added. ROYAL 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR AMBASSADORS USE OF A BOX NUMBER. Admission a NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS $3.00 per couple 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEAT 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 IN MEMORLAMS -- $1.50 minimum for 4-1ine verse, 10. a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.25 per inch with a one inch. All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- 12 O'CLOCK NOON TUESDAY i} Port Auditorium, Saturday, 4 Sth. Music by Frank Barkey. $1.25 per person. Lunch provided. GIBSON -- In loving mem of a dear father, Edgar "| 1961 PLYMOUTH, good run- ning condition, body solid, but needs some work. $50. on : pm. Inter-/ at 8:00 p.m. at Legion Hall Birdie, Bill and family.|ment Indian Cemetery, Sew- | Jackpot $175 in 58 numbers. Bog. Legion -- $70 in 20 num- bers. 0} a line 20 regular Cards Thanks 3 Share wealth. Sales and Service of Announcement |"""~ = he Peat SNOW BLOWER, 4 hp. ex. Claremont Dr. M. B. aoe Guarantee > ay cellent condition $100. Phone Gate Mrs. S. Vander Heide, Osh } part) 965-7239. 649-2007 of}Albert Community Hall Sponsored by Prince Albert Community Centre. Anyone son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Gord-| having good winter clothing, ; Hay Mei | Carnegie ot Port Perry. |tye tat "tall Sooaiae "| YO™ cme sq Thants to my family and| Scturday, Jeousry 2nd. 1971 |- a il tacstation ai h , tma ] rees Toronto for their kind _ a ag haem a TOY DRIVE e SECONDS. r ! Ss S thought 4 acts during my tby, » | Leo Club of Port Perry TOY 4x8 in %" %" 1" FOR SALE SPRUCE and PINE stay in hospital. r DRIVE, Friday Evening, Dec. ctner sizes also available ; ingal 4th, Saturday, Dec. Sth. Gifts Marie Nightingale Announcement za ee SO, See R. LAROCQUE would like to thank every-| yér. and Mrs. Mervin Storie| Shs" denatad to hondicapped TF. for their flowers, cards, wish to announce the d visits during my children. For k-up call y in the hospital and since s | 965-7068 or' bes 3547 walATKINS SINCE 1868 |] Up to 16 ft. $1.00 & Up Free veuivery coming home. Special thanks vitamin pre mix cattle feed. GEOFF. TAYLOR and SON 1s. STANDISH Oo 7603. Jean Carnochan @--Dec31 ' 5 985-2494 Birth : egisters, Desks, ? Chairs, Files, new, used. Ren- ebb omoanee > tated a Property.| tals. Service Discount Prices|# CORPORATION OF THE Open Tues. Wed. Thurs. of their son Adam Roy, 7 Ibs. : . . 14 on. on November 26, 1970 | genGO, Friday, Dee. 4th at Bill Porm oe | e: at Oshawa General Hospital 8 p.m. Sponsored by the Ca « 0 Proud grandparents are Mr.|tholic Men's League. Jack- ' 2 FIRST MORTGAGES on new homes - Nestleton area. $9,500 and $12,900, 104% interest. Due in four 5 Phone 6554497. 4--Dec.10 BIG SALE ON 8 USED SNOWMOBILES & SKI-DOOS many in excellent condition : 16 hp $299. to ot 18 hp $890.00 to