PORT PERRY STAR -- W: Dec. 2, 1970 -- - Blackstoc W Continued | Ont. now cate coed Ghomeuhe Coe coal Shen fesleeetoen wash WL mem-| The pres aM their Children's teochers The Good Things of | bers remember your Christ - Coe © pick up their report Christmas mas party at Mrs. R. Para-|chre were as follows:-- This is a new system Of re- there| t's the time to enjoy the dine's home next Thursday | "ies Ist Vivien Carl, 2nd porting to the parents. for good things of Christmas| evening, Dec. 10. dy Geer, 3rd Annie Christie, Sorry to report that Mrs. Nominations for the position| time when we give and Epsom - Utica U.C.W. mem-|L0w Loa Cassidy. Ladies Oscar Graham and Mr. Bill Board of Education rep-|___¥° Share: bers keep in mind the chan-|400r prize -- Rosetta Evans. Marlow are both patients in| 1 edlightening resenting Manvers and Cart-| We children are wide-eyed | ged date for your Dec. meet-| Gentlemen: 1st Oliver Lane, Port Perry Hospital, We wish| on i wright 'Townships. Present| _' breathless suspense, | ing which will be next Tues.|2md Ab Timms, 3rd Bruce @ & speedy recovery to both of representative, Art Rowan was| 424 the sweet scent of pine Dee, 8th. Ormiston, Low John Hodgson. om returned by acclamation to| fills the air. > Mrs. Wm. Hooey attended position. Mr. Rowan very It's time for old carols, old a family dinner party in Tor- capably answered the various customs, old friends, onto on Wednesday, Nov. 25/11. questions that were submitted | For shortbread and cookies im honour of her mother, BPS. | 100 a0! those present. and cake, Kenneth MacDonald's 100th) 200" For trinkets, filled packages, 0 eee for holly, for wreaths, was formerly of Head Monday. And the good things that ' - mother will bake. are wrapped up in joy a. han fe os Sg ~ rupee Ga Dec. 7th you have the opportunity. to elect Guides Perry your Council for a two year term. . Saturday when the rain let} Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Short I have been accused of causing an election for up in time for their Christ-|0f Toronto called on their/# Jnich 1 make no apology. 1 think we have a lot mes Resear held in tho Scout) sunt Wire Oe end Me more at stake than the cost of an election. I person- and Guide Hall. cousins ally wish there had been a lot more people willing torun * : 3 : é About two hundred people 4 3 browsed ae coum gaily -- ---- minted I have been a councillor for the past 3 years and decorated rooms no- ° > feel this is b .-| Family Dinner ctrl Me tp : E He ; . | Let us go forward not backward on Dec. 7th. Elect a responsible council. For DEPUTY. REEVE -- VOTE -- VERNON ASSELSTINE a? FS SERVED FROM 4 PM TO 8 PM. hE j , : ; H : [ Norman Mairs solicits your vote for COUNCILLOR Having served yoo as councillor for the past two yeors to the best of my ability, | would again ask for your support at the polls on Monday, December 7th, 1970 in food buys Smith's Garden Cocktail = 33c. panK THINS HONEY POD 14 ox. Tin Tenderloin End tb. 5 9: 3 Ib. Avg. Wght. Stokely's Fancy Peas - 5-$1.00 oetomn & ee th. 128 ox. FRESH CHICKEN -- VOTE -- Norman Tennyson Councillor TO THE ELIGIBLE VOTERS OF CARTWRIGHT Javex Liquid Bleach - - 75c. MIXED -. OAT MEAL - RICE 16 o Pablum Cereal - - - - 49. GlideSprayStarch - - - 49. St. Lawrence Corn Oil - - 39c. a ar tn en omiss I] Bick's Pickles - . . . seo /Legs«Breasts OI: your ballot on ALL PURPOSE 5 th. Beg 4 7 Fi R FI Z a € 9 : MAPLE LEAF Small Link Monday, Dec. 7th, 1970 Five Roses Flour 59. Sausage " 49: Johnson's Ruq Cleaner - $1.59 : -- ELECT -- SelaveChec.Chip - - Se. Malick Ca nente ALL PURPOSE tb. Maxwell House Coffee Polish Sausage 6 Order Your Christmas Turkey Now Plump Grade "A" Ont. Hen or Tom Birds Com- Harvey Graham COUNCILLOR FOR CARTWRIGHT TOWNSHIP