| : PERE ef « it : 1h af bit F ! Ls fk 1, 4 | g 4 if es 5 FEF En : é BRE BE ear F fi Z Will Be Closed From 2:00 p.m. Thursday, December 31st And Will Reopen Friday, January Ist NEW YEAR'S DAY at 4:00 p.m. Miss Goslin who is a patient in Port Perry Community Hos- Keith, Andrew and Alan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olsen, Mr. Ken Skerratt and Joanne and Mrs. .| Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gray, Mr. _| Perry on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fielding Mrs. Ewart Willis of Sarnia visited Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Wilbur during the week-end. Congratulations to Scott Wilbur and his hockey team | who won the novice all star consolation trophy in Port = * To the Star Staff and rea. ders, a very Happy and Pros- perous New Year. The U.C.W. will meet at the home of Mrs. Oswald Croxall on Thursday after- noon, Jan. 14th, 2.00 o'cloc«. The ladies are cordially in- vited. Mrs. Viola Schnapp, Buffa- lo spent the holidays with her sister and brother, Mrs. J, Bain and Mr. Earl Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mark and family and Mr. Larry Watson, Port Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hope and fa- mily, Seugog, were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gray and family. Mr. and MFS. Harold Gray were guests at the Bert Gray home on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dobson were with her brother Mr. Kenneth Proctor and. family, Oshawa on Christmas Day. With Mrs. Crosier for Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Crosier, Mr. Clark Har- rison, Toronto, Mr. H. Buck- land, Port Perry, Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Taylor and Miss Brenda of Stouffville. Miss Carole Christie is home from Western Univer- sity for the holidays. Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron McKinzie were Mr. & Mrs. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson. Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mit- chell were with the Hitchins family, Oshawa for Christ- mas. Mrs. Baltae and daughter Dorothy of Waterloo, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon King and family, Toronto spent the holiday week-end with Mr. & Mrs. L. B. Roberts. Mrs. Geo. Lane and Mr. Stewart Lane, Port Perry and Miss Bonnie Howard of Ed- monton were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Grant Frank- lin, Mr. Dary!] Williams and Mr. Paul Mason of Burlington are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin and George. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Frank- lin and George had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Franklin, Oshawa. Mrs. Freda Shehey, Ux- bridge, visited Mrs. Crosier one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mas- ters and family, Little Bri- tain and Mr. and Mrs. Steven Carew and children of Utica were with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Masters Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Isoki, Miss Susan Roach, Mr. Hal Martyn, Mrs. Ruth Barfoot, Mr. Johp Richardson, Mis, Carrie Cowan, Mr. and Mrs Wayne Shank, all of Toronto. For a No.1 i Two LATEST DEPARTMENT PORT PERRY, ONTARIO SPECIAL BOOKS CORONET BOOK PATTERNS ALLURE BOOK Stocked Papers Complete Line |Mrs. Phyllis Cranley and daughter Miss Martha of Aurora, Miss Wendy Richard son and friend, Toronto, were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach. Mr. & Mrs. E. Pegg, Green wood, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Kingstone Mr. and Mrs Kingstone were guests of Mi and Mrs. Pegg for Christma« dinner. Mrs. Dolly Roberts with Mrs. G. Hedley at Niagara Falls. Master David Conboy with his mother in Toronto for the holiday. A. E Johnson OPTOMETRIST 229 MARY STREET 986--2383 INTER? product and Fast Delivery Service TRY A TANK OF OUR FURNACE or STOVE OIL Reesor Fuel & Lumber 985-7951 Day Delivery 1.39 STORE