94 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Weditesday, Feb. 10, 1971 Seagrave News Our bit of news starts on a happier note this week The second wedding in '71 of interest to this community was that of Gene Hurst and Miss Sandra Stewart who were married in Uxbridge on Saturday. Congratulations. Bill Wanamaker was best man (so he says). The Short car took off for Florida again off Sunday morning with the same as last year -- Mr. Short driver, Mrs. H Mrs. Gladys Short and Mrs. Reta Boe as advisers. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Zerring has been release@from hospital and is at home again. There weren't too many visitors around this week. Mrs. Coxworth of Markham & Mrs. Skelton of Richmond Hill were at their respective homes and we suppose their husbands were along too. Miss Marilyn McMillan of Toronto was at home with her mother for the week-end and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mc- Millan and son from Oshawa were there on Sunday. Miss Marilyn Stephens of Port Perry spent the week- end at the Morley Bruce home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fishley and family of Oshawa visited Mrs. Bessie Fishley on Sat. On Sunday morning two large baskets of flowers were placed in the church in mem- ory of the late Mr. Sam Hiozan. Altendance was slightly better and our junior choir excelled themselves in their singing of "Steal Away". We now have a new church treasurer. It seems to be a Wanamaker job. For years it was G. A .then lately N. B. Now it is B. L. and we still have W. H. to fall back on. The M. & S. treasurer's name has been changed from Barr to Carr and the envelope secretary from Belair to Barr. At S. S. the intermediate class sang a hymn for pro- gram and Mrs. Bessie Fish- ley enriched the birthday by quite a bit. This week's activities in- clude the U.C.W. meeting on Wednesday night, choir prac- tice and session meeting on Thursday and an "Everybody Welcome' 'euchre on riday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bruce are coming back home for the celebration of their 50th anniversary. They are ex- pecting to meet all their old friends at the reception in the church on Feb. 2ist. DISCOUNT GLEN VALLIE MOTO SKI Sales and Service 985-7622 1 MS.-18, 28 hp. long wide track, list $1190, discount $236. -- NOW-- $944. 1 Grand Prix 634 hirth, list $1310 discount $262. -- NOW-- $1048. } Used 12-3 Ski Doo -- a cheapee at $375. AREAL ALALSALESAALALALALESERESSEESE Someone lou Love. wil love the taste of old-tashio~ed candies made with sweet dairy crearn and fresh country butter. in beautiful Valentine gift boxes. Valentine Candies from Laura shecord BRUTON'S 1.D.A. Port Perry's Laura Secord Store ¢ pero <n en SSSSTESSSSEESEEEESEEEEESEEEEE EEE EES SSS Mrs. W. Bryan on Saturday evening. The Hamblys at the Gen. eral Store in Burketon are making use of the winter project, last winter they re- plated their store with alu- minum siding, this winter they have put a new stone The Star Receives Giant Letter The Star received an unusual letter through the mail Friday of last week. The letter measured 34" x 22" and was sent from Mrs. Chandler's grade 2 class, requesting a visit | to the Star, to see how a weekly newspaper is produced. If Mrs, Chandier will call the off- | ice at her convenience a»visit for her class will be arranged. Tentatively, the Star staff is prepared to see the children on Thursday, February 18. Posing with the largest letter evér Yeceived in this office are the Star's efficient office staff, Mrs. Ruby Roach and Mrs, Gayle Stapley. front on the store, together with aluminum awning and veranda. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor & family, Sunderland, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor. Greenbank News The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Blakely and fa- mily also to Miss Myrtle Blakely on the passing of their sister Mrs. Hazel Scott of Oshawa, on Saturday. Sunday afternoon visitors at the Clements home were Mr. and Mrs. Reg Philip, Mr. and Mrs. L. Somerville and Mrs. A. Moon and Clifford. Anyone in the community wishing to make cash dona- tions to the UCW bale please contact Mrs. J. lanson or Mrs. H. McMillan by Feb. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mc- Millan attended the SOth Wedding Anniversary cele- bration in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stearman in Ux- John Cook were Sunday guests of the Ross Cookmans. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snoddon and family from Valentia spent Sunday with parents Mr. and Mrs. John McCabe and children spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bark of Centerton. We wish a speedy recovery to Mrs. James Lee who is a patient in Port Perry hospi- tal. We hope she will soon be home. Please don't forget the euchre in the hall on Friday evening, Feb. 12, 8:30. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McCabe on Sat. were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bark & family, and Mr. and Mrs. Gommer of Toronto. The Telegram Indoor School entered a 4 man re lay team, one of our local boys took part in the person of Brian Lee guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phoenix on Sunday. Mr. Harvey Jannack and Mr. Franklin Phoenix have left for a holiday to the south land. The WL will not be held until the fourth Wed. of Feb. Place will be given next week. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Demp- sey and family of Grimsby spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dempsey, also Bruce's father and mo- ther of Stoney Creek visited on Sunday afternoon. Many Children Absent Tuesday The snow fall and heavy drifting in the country side around Port Perry curbed quite a number of children from reaching their schools Tuesday morning. Attendance varied a bit, but was generally poor. At Port Perry High School buses arrived about 11. a.m. with students living primarely near the highways. Buses from Scugog and East Whitby arrived at R.H. Cornish Public School about two hours late. Attendance at 1 p.m. was only approximately down 80 pupils. Only 80 to 90 children of a regular 370 arrived at Prince Albert School during the morning hours. At Greenbank only 30 children from the Village reached the school. The total enrolment at the school is 240. Principal Rowe said, parents should not send the smaller children out on a morning like Tuesday. Only 21 children, four teachers and a secretary made it to Epsom Schoo! this morning. One bus driven by Mr. J. lanson reached the Wed, Thurs, Fri, Set, Feb. 10, 11, 12, 13th, "Sam Whiskey", 7:15. Burt Reynolds, Angle Dickinson (edult | entertainment). Van Dyke, Angie Dickinson. Sat. Matinee 2 p.m. "Some } Saturday, February 20th FRED CHRISTIE, President POWER HUMIDIFIER "Some Kind of a Nut" 9:00. Dick Kind of @ Nut". Coming Next Weekend "The Cheyenne et Annual Meeting ;° | AT 2.00 P.M. Port Perry Municipal Office NORMAN HEAYN, Sec.-Treas. | COMPLETE WITH HUMIDOSTAT sore throats, dried out furn- ' } Get away from stuffed noses, iture. Save on fuel costs. Put