hee be me UE ee Bg i ob oO eee eee ee ar ae ee Os wt tet BS tb Ah ss Te ee ek ee eRe RR he ee ee ees 8 G@ -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1971) Consultant Donald Patterson Ontario County council sla-/ an Cuts EMO Budget $8,000 cause it represented shed the Emergency Mea! 11.600 increase over last sures Organization's 1971) year's estimate and grants budget estimate by $8000 , from the senior governments have not increased. Reduction of the budget after a searching enquiry in- to the value of the organiza thon = be 4 requirements, said Mr. Ed _ EMO coordinator Lt. Col.) wards, would increase the FS. Wotton presented an federal and provincial share | of the costs by 13.5 per cent and decrease the county's share by the same percent- of S42.16) to "re evaluate the responsibilities" of EMO continue its program) of determining available | shelter space in buildings in| : : } the county and update plans | Whithy Deputy Reove Joka | Goodwin amended Mr. Ed- for co-ordination of munici | pal Sinationn Gustng war er] wards amendment, to refer » " | the new budget estimate back peace = disasters Financ and | to the EMO for redistribution assessment | ef funds committee chairman Tom Ed : estimate to the EMO committee's re-| funds, statin commendation to adopt the | s money in last year's budget doe -- * : pte ee wished | required discharge of EMO's po ats ' - Fa, He = a secretary after eight months. crease of 10 per cent Over) m.. organization's staff now 1970. . : , consists of himself and a de- Mr. Edwards called for the puty, he said reduction of the budget, be Half Load Regulations Are In Force On Ontario County & Suburban Roads Effective MARCH Ist te APRIL 30th, vehicle loads may not exceed the allowable loads given under Section 54, Subsection 4 and 5 of the Highway Traffic Act. W. A. TWELVETREES, P. ENG. Lt. Col. Wotton explained | municipal bs moved an amendment) .. -ouncil the need for more| Ober, 1970, has recomméfided insufficient | Oshawa become the only city IMBERADU FOLDING DOORS 1% SLAB BIFOLDS with Track and Hardware REGULAR Sale Price 2-0--$14.30 $11.00 2-6--$16.20 $12.45 3-0--$17.90 $13.75 (NET) LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER 235 WATER STREET -- 985-7391 -- PORT PERRY Presents Regional Government Report SEVEN OF 18 Under Mr. Paterson's pro posals Oshawa-East Whitby would have seven members on a regional council totalling 18. The study's third dis- cussion paper recommended the new municipality be given 11 members on a regional council of 31. The revised representation proposals would give the | following municipalities two representativeseach - Pickering West; Ajax-Pickering East: Whitby. The remaining muni- cipalities would each have one representative. Oshawa should merge with East Whiby Township on the north and absorb about one quarter of Darlington Town- ship on the east, according to the regional government re- port, submitted to the Oshawa Area Planning and Develop- ment Study The report, written by con- sultant Donald Paterson, pro- vides the study with final recommendations on political structure and boundaries for the Oshawa-centred region, which is scheduled for im- plementation Jan. 1, 1972. Mr. Paterson, who based his report on the previous third discussion paper and the hearings in Oct- HIGHLIGHTS Other major recommenda- tions in the report include: All police villages be dis- solved under regional govern- ment; . The regional council choose The region, which would/ine name of the new region tentatively be called The Re-| and tocal councils choose the gional Municipality of Oshawa-| name of their own municipal- Ontario, would include all of | itieg- ; Ontario County, plus the A three-year term of office three southwestern municipal-| ro, a1) elected officials; ities of the United Counties of First regional chairman to Northumberland - Durham -| he appointed by the province; Bowmanville, Darlington The head of each munici- Township and Cartwright) ality have the title of mayor; Township. in a region, which would in- clude eight other municipal- ities, to be called "towns." The minister of municipal affairs establish the size and composition of local councils, except for Whitby, which would remain as it is at pre- sent; EIGHT TOWNS The eight towns would be: Bowmanville - East Dar- lington; Whitby; East-Picker- ing - Ajax - Pickering Village; West Pickering; Uxbridge (Township)- Uxbridge (Town) Scott; Port Perry - Reach - Seugog - Cartwright; Mare Rama; Beaverton - Thorah - Cannington - Brock. POLICE FORCE A regional police force be created for the southern municipalities and the Ont- jario Provincial Police continue DING ge SHELVING 1x12x8' -- K3 WITH VINYL EDGE me BO: PLYWOOD POPLAR UNDERLAY 4"x4'x4' wins s] AO WEISER LOCKS = ie REG. $10.35 NOW BATHROOM SET SETS Regular $4.20 Regular $5.12 vow $3.80 | vow 34.85 to serve the northern munici- palities ; The regional council would be responsible for trunk san: itary sewers and treatment plants, plus water purification and wholesale distribution; Public transportation would be a regional responsibility and would not extend beyond the lakeshore municipalities. | Functions handled by sep | arate boards or committees) would be returned to coun- cil control where feasible; Each council would be per- mitted to establish committees it considered necessary, as long as the councils remained fully responsible for each function assigned to them; Business licences would be the direct responsibility of the regional council ; SCHOOL BOARDS The Ontario County Board of Education and the Ontario County Separate School Board should have their jurisdiction expanded to cover the new region. Their memberships should be adjusted to reflect the new jurisdiction and the terms of office«should be made to coincide with that of the regional and local councils, A municipal-education liai- son committee should be cre- ated, comprised of the reg- ional chairman, the two board chairmen and senior staff from each body. Oshawa Times. Nursing Home News We were sorry that Mr. Waite was ill and unable to show us the films on Thurs- day night. He is coming next Wednesday, if he is well. The ladies of the 7th unit W.A. United Church, came, and we.had a lovely time, singing hymns 'nd listening to their devotional. You would be surprised to know how much good this does the residents here. The evening ended by having the usual cup of tea, and home made cakes and cookies, provided by the la dies. Mr. Matthews, who is a son. in-law of Mrs. Gillespie, and Mr. Reimer of the Gideon Society International of Can- ada, came and dedicated the bibles they had given us some time ago. The Rev. Mr. Black was here also. We like to hear his wee concertina. He said the prayer of dedication, also led in prayer. Both Mr. Matthews and Mr.| Reimer, led us in singing our! favourite hymns. We were) accompanied on the piano by OPTI BIN ' -- 8:00 p.m. -- Thurs., March 4 Sacred Heart Parish Hall UXBRIDGE BIG JACKPOT $270. LITTLE JACKPOT $60. -- -- $11.00 Games Mrs. Barbara Pipher R.N. We welcome Mrs. L Eve- leigh and Mr. W. Weir to the home. They came from Oshawa this week. Mr. Jack Weir and Mr. Frank McNally were out for the afternoon on Sunday with their relatives. ENDORSES QUOTAS ON BEEF IMPORTS A resolution by Perth County to petition the Hon. Horace A. Olsen, federal min- ister of agriculture, for quo- tas on imported beef from overseas received Ontario County Council approval last week. Mrs. Grace Love, chairman of the special committee on agriculture and reforestation, said the resolution objected to beef from Australia and New Zealand coming through Canada for export to the United States. The beef, imported by Can ada through a Commonwealth agreement, is shipped to the United States to get around an American cut in direct | beef imports from Australia and New Zealand, said Mrs. Love. MIST GO -- 57 Numbers 48 Numbers PORT PERRY 985 - 2473 OFFICE -- RESIDENCE