High Triple-- J. Parker--&34 Aces 13 | High Triple W.H.-- Longhorns 13 J. Stone--796 High Single-- High Single-- M. Butson--263 J. Parker--337 High Triple-- High Single W.H.-- D. Scott--714 J. Stone--331 High Single W.H.-- A. Haines--283 | 625 and Over Triples-- J. Parker--834; J. Stone-- 787; J. Hadley--762; J. Owen --725; R. Roebinson--T721; F. Hastings--711; K. Skerratt-- 710; M. Vanderby -- 702; D. Butt--701; H. Moore--701; B. Anderson--68; J. Cornish-- 682; B. Beare--682; V. Wal- High Triple W.H.-- % A. Haines--738 Triples Over 625-- D. Scott--714; A. Haines- 648; L. King--643. MEN'S THURSDAY NIGHT BOWLING Ti Standings-- anergy gg | ker--675; D. Murray--679; J. Dowson"s R. & W. gy | Dowson -- i; W. Middleton' 4 --662; D. Wallace -- 660; K. 's Meats 36 Dowson -- 651; S. Whitter-- Causeway Kids 3 D Eden's L. S. 30 649; D. Durham -- 649; D. Can. Tire 268 Keetch--644; G. Menzies--641 cher P 2 |? Harper--627; D. Crawford Nachurs 3 os Port Perry Baptist Church Anniversary Services Sunday, March 7th 9:50 a.m. -- Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Dr. John F. Holliday, well known Bible teacher, pastor and author. Subject: "The Undiminished Power of God". 7:00 p.m. -- Rev. R. D. Holliday, Barrie, Ont. @ Special Music at both services © JOHN DEERE Buy any new John Deere Riding Mower--and get your choice of a tow- along dumpcart or a grass catcher-- for the price of the rider alone Offer good only Weekend during March Freedom 1971. Save your Machine oes weekends and your money, too UTICA FARM EQUIPMENT 2 MILES WEST OF MANCHESTER PHONE: 985-3042 after her i 1th FH | i ag RE Regie SUNDAY, MARCH 7th-- Services will be held at Port Perry at 10 a.m. and at Prince Albert at 11:15 a.m. with Church Schools meeting at the correspond- ing hours. The Minister will be preaching on the theme, "She's Not What She Used to Be." CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. R. C. Rose, Minister SUNDAY, MARCH 7th-- Lent 2 10.00 a.m.--Holy Communion Church School Sermon--Affirmation in Times of Confusion (5) Of the Bible ST. JOHN'S BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, MARCH 7th-- Lent 2 | 11:15 a.m.--Holy Communion Church School Sermon--Affirmation in Times of Confusion (5) Of the Bible PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Black, F.R.G.S. SUNDAY, MARCH 7th-- 10:00 a.m.--""Love of God" Visit of the Sellwood Party at Burn's Church Ashburn | 7:30 p.m. SUNDAY, MARCH 7th-- Welcome to our ANNIVERSARY SERVICES.. (See adver- tisement on this page) United Church of Canede SCUGOG Pastore! CHARGE SUNDAY, MARCH 7th-- 9.45 a.m.--SCUGOG 11.15 am--MANCHESTER | PENTECOSTAL CHURCH | Rev. R. Batten, } Rev. |. Maclean 10 a.m--Family Bible Hour 11 a.m.--Morning Worship | 700 p.m. Evang. Service curling down the crowd but there was a nice gram and lots of useful gifts. Bill Wanamaker acted as chairman for a program con- sisting of a musical romance led by Mrs. Abraham with Mrs. Tobin at the piano, con- tests led by Mrs. B. Wana- maker and Mrs. Barr, and a piano solo by Diane Barr. Then came the gifts, the thanks and lunch. The Saturday evening to- boggan party was a Hi af- fair, attended by 16 mem- bers of that group. They ended up at the Ken Short home for lunch. nesday, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dowson expect-if all is well to be winging their way to Australia where they will be visiting their son Donald and family. Bill Harper's neighbours are wondering if he has lots of health insurance. It looks like it. There were birthday pennies from two more Shorts - Bon- nie and Gordon. Coming up --World's Day of Prayer. Service in Greenbank Church at 2 p.m. Box Social at Seagrave on Sat. March DANCING Saturday, March 6th Club Annrene Music by -- ROYAL AMBASSADORS TEENAGE DANCE -- Sunday, March 21st ANTED... TALENTED ARTISTS Port Perry Centennial "VARIETY SHOW" MR JOHN BARTON PORT PERRY -- 985-2290 0. BOK 456 ~ MR JOHN LAPOROZAN PORT PERRY -- 965.3380 or write PORT PERRY, ONT Sponsored by -- ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, Branch 419, Port Perry, Oltario SCHHSSSSSSHSSSSSSSESESHOSESESEEEESEEEEES SUGG. LIST PRICE $1.89 BAN DEODORANT SUGG. LIST PRICE $1.05 BRYLCREEM CREME RINSE = 99 t= 73° mn 89