----- Cty. Councillors Receive $5. Per Day Pay Increase Members of county coun- cil received a five dollar in- crease in daily pay for attend- ing meetings, although some councillors questioned the fairness of the payments. Councillors will now re ceive $35 a day for attend- img council and committee meetings, compared to" $30 im 1970. The payment of 12 cents per mile for travelling expenses established last year will remain the same. Rama Reeve Wesley Stitt called for a review of the payment system, stating some councillors were paid three times more than others be- cause the committees they belong to hold more meetings. Clerk-Treasurer, William * Manning explained road com- mittee members receive more | year. per diem payment than other committee members because the road committee has more meetings in a year. Some committee meet six or eight times a year while others meet only twice, be said. He also explained represen- tatives from the northern part of the county who drive up to 100 miles to attend meetings receive more mileage pay- ments than councillors in the southern municipalities. Council passed a bylaw approving the daily payment increase and adopted a recom- mendation to imcrease the maximum allowance for mem- bers attending conventions, conferences and association meetings by $50 to $550 a Operation Of County Homes Reduced By $36,600 In ' Ontario County's 1971 levy for operation of its homes for the aged will be reduced by $36,600 from the 1970 level. This is a result of the first report of the standing commi- tee on homes for the aged, presented to county council. The county levy this year will be $273,700, compared with $310,300 in 1970. Estimated expenditures for Fairview Lodge, Whitby, in 1971, amount to $1,013,016, with estimated revenue being $614,556. <A surplus of $6,860 is used to reduce the levy to $191,600. Estimated expenditures for Lakeview Manor, Beaverton, amount to $641,035, with estimated revenue being $547, 340. A surplus of $11,595 is used to reduce the levy to $82,100. The report stated 354 re- sidents were in the homes for the aged on Dec. 31, 1970, of which 124 were paying full maintenance, During 1970, 104 persons were admitted and there were 105 deaths or discharges. On Dee. 31, 25 persons were awaiting admission. Of the 215 resident of Fairview Lodge, half were from Whit- by. The only capital appro lage, Port Perry, Seott, priation estimated for 1971 is $100,000 for installation of an elevator in Fairview Lodge. Organizations Receive Grants Several organizations which serve part or all of Ontario County received their 1971 grants from county council last week. Council, acting on recom- mendations from the standing committee on finance and assesament, alotted $150 to the Ontario County Mutual Aid Fire Services Association, $1,200 to the Canadian Nat jonal Institute for the Blind, $300 to the Ontario County Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society and $1,750 to the Salvation Army. The Ajax-Pickering and Whitby Social Planning Coun- cils each received $3,000 and the handicapped children's swimming program for Pick- ering, Ajax, Whitby and Ux- bridge received $100 Council voted to grant $500 for purchase of new books to Noirary boards in Ajax, Bea- verton, Brock, Cannington Pickering Township and Vil : Us bridge and Whitby Kenneth Jackson, president of Flamingo Pastries Ltd. is seen in the left hand picture with Kenneth Jury, manager of Assar Engineering Ltd. In the right hand picture is the total staff of the plant respon- sible for the construction of the specialized equipment. Be- low is the equipment designed especially for Flamingo Pas tries Limited and to be in- Stalled in April. Expansion Program At "Flamingo" PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Marth 3, 1971-83 New Equipment And Additional Space Will Increase Production, Add Employees Perry three time® on various | $4,000. on research prior to}on labour cost, but the fact new machine engineer- ed & manufactured in Eng- land for Flamingo Pastries Ltd. should arrive here some time in April and greatly in- crease production at the local plant. Mr. Ken Jackson, president of the company recently re- turned from a two-week busi- hess trip to Newcastle, Eng- land where the machine now is under construction for Flamingo Pastries. Ltd. The company manufactur- ing the machine, is Assar En- gineering Ltd. ,a small manu- facturing company specializ- ing in precision equipment. General manager is Kenneth Jury who Aas visited Port occasions. "Mr. Jury and I started tot work on developing this par- ticular piece of equipment in November 1969", Mr. Jack- son said. Describing the principles of the baking machine, Mr. Jackson explains that in most cases when companies turn to automation they have a tendency to change the for- mula to suit the equipment. "We have done it the op- posite way by developing the machinery to suit the form- ula. This machine will im- prove the product and it will be scrap return free. It is all hand tooled and our company has spent about construction of the machine," Mr. Jackson said. This machine is the first of two units to be installed. The fj will be erected in the p mt production area, but will later be moved to the new plant along with a second unit some time in the fall when the new plant is completed. During the last year or so, Flamingo Pastries Lid. has distributed "Brownies", a po pular and tasty small cookie. With the installation of the new machinery, production of the "Brownies" will com mence in the local plant. The new, productive mach ines will definitely cut down additonal products such as the "Brownies" are to be produced will increase the staff by about 40 next Janu. ary. Mr. Jackson was pointing to the fact the expansion pro- gramme and the new ma- chinery would also enable the company to go into pro- duction of other types of tarts, such as lemon ,etc. Flamingo Pastries Ltd. is also aiming at the U.S. mar- ket and has already received a Pennsylvania licence for the sale of the local product in that state. Mr. Jackson expects shipment of tarts over the border will begin about September. 1975 World Plowing Match In Ontario County Plans are proceeding for the World Plowing Match to be held in Ontario County in 1975, Robert Timbers, reeve of Scott Township and past president of the Ontario Plowmen's Association told county council recently Reeve Timbers said Ontario County was selected as hort for the World Match at a convention of the Ontario Plowmen's Association last October The World Plowing Match, which has taken place in the Netherlands, Britain, South Africa, Yugoslavia, and other countries was held twice in Canada, at Cobourg in 1963 and Peel County in 1963 In addition to the world match, Ontario County will host the 1975 International Plowing Match, which is held each year in a different Ont- ario community. This year's international match will be held in Haldimand County Reeve Timbers said Ontario County had originally decid- ed to bid for the 1974 Inter. national Plowing Match, but requested 1975 instead, when county representatives heard the world match was coming to Canada that year He told council the Ontario Plowmen's Association ex pects to change the date for the international match from October to September by 1972 because of the possibi! ity of better weather In the past 10 years three matches have onlv had sunny weather, he said Reeve Timbers described the events as "less of a plow ing match and more of a farm and home show" A tented city and exhibit area covers about 75 acres, with 1,500 feet of frontage sold to exhibitors and cater ers. At the 1969 Internation. al Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Demonstration, in Paris, Ontario, there were 375 exhibitors and 40 cater ers Farmers compete in about 40 plowing classes for senior and junior championships Reeve Timbers explained revenue from the plowing match is split three ways among the host municipality, Ontario Plowmen's Assovia tion, ment The plowmen's association obtains revenue from sale of exhibit space and the muni cipality from parking fees, he said Preparation for the Inter national Plowing Match be gins about five years before the event, when a convention of the Ontario Plowmen's As sociation decides its location for a particular year Committees and provincial govern from various counties apply to host the event and a special commit tee from the plowmen's asso ciation selects the best site The match must site for this plowing have at least Continued on page 19