. Ward claims Estate of Elmer late of the ; in the ® to the undersigned on or be on or fore April 1971, full portions claims. date the sid beautiful fieldstone fireplace. . excellent shed and déceased eeenee garage, 20° x 46° suitable for among -- storage. An ty Snail at only $18,500 with $7,000 to cli _--. DATED Ont ario, this Fe ruary, 1971. Trucks GREER, other ae & OTE: it : ag TP <t ey ea area. 2 Seton " . Opportunity frame home, small barn , handy man. Only $11,500) workshop, one acre lot, well vy with $6,000. down. treed, highway frontage. Full z | price $14,500. Terms. . 1% storey, 3 bedroom frame; Five acre lots, overlooking home with all modern con-} Lake g," good road, ac- veniences, garage, in Port| cess to Lake, building permits i Perry, large treed lot, close| available. Full price $5,900. | plete list see bills). coieec.fc| Nursing Close to schools, shopping =sy terms. ete. Must be seen. ¢ 4 $31,500.00. Terms. to schools, nicely decorated] Low down payment. ie throughout $21,900. with " WED., MARCH 1m , ome MN > Family Home . spring $5000. down. | farm auction aD Desirable 4 bedroom 2 fed , bank barn. | a tractors (int. #656, B4l4, . 1 storey 9 room home, din- imp silo and j --_ at" Mc. -- vie ing room, large kitchen, garage. Very attractive , spreader, Int. Power Mower, W be' utility room, 1% baths. Solid brick home surrour [| 9 rooms brick home," large! Int. 3 pt. plow 1¢° Bottoms, or barn, both in excellent re-| Nestleton Area N.H. side rake, Mc. 10' Hy. ve! | pair. neor Pefferiaw. owner|= bedroom bungalow, electric |duty cultivator, Mc. Power Continued 4 anxious to sell, $55,000 with heating. 5 acres land on n drill 16 run, N.H. #717 Sag terms. " paved road. Asking $30,500 | Forage Harvester with k | Mrs. D'Andrade has fixed up i~ with terms. up and Corn AC. For- | physio therapy room for us. . home on a well treed lot, large living & dining area, Retreat and Income 3 bedroom insulated brick, frame bungalow in Manchest. Older 10 room country home |2 grain augers with motors, af kitchen, plenty cup 100 acres with barns, | | er, all conveniences, heatedl on large lot, paved road. |10° chain harrows cpt., PTO|and pulley's for exercising 8 boards. Modern conveni- one mile road . 901 | Sock shop, excellent garden $29,500. Terms. Sprayer on 3 pt hitch, new/the arms. Already it is a ences. Full price $15,900 acres excellent farm land. | | ¢13.500. Terms. a 3 pt. Row crop and field cul) nucy place and we are all a i f--- He IVAN, THOMPSON Beate, Tee hous 3' ot |very excited about it. ye ee Tee -- cuir sake Sa tien| z - : 1% pop ny enjoy the wooded acres 5 room frame bungalow! Model, Oxygen-Acytelene oy Anyone interested in vol- bg stucco, home i Vatentia with pond a Seenir nme 4 La ua aan JOAN SCOTT -- 985-7014 /fit on rubber tired cont, ol unteering for assisting with 4 conveniences, Asking $42.50000. Terms} | highway property. $19,500 Country building lote--Treed. . Are Welder with at : ' oy ae be Close to shopping. Smal} Askin : | with $4,000 down. house requirement is |'Stiments, Portable 'automa, (welcome to come this Wed nesday evening at 7.45 p.m. March 3rd, 1971. The girls jdraulic platform, who attended the course in = exten- sion ladder, drill press, vises, Whitby will be presenting all ing room. good garden. An| Pots creck te [new lumber, New and |their exciting information on \ ' si \ean ganas : Pa $12,900 tte Britain area. Asking Barbed wire fencing. e : 1% storey 6 room brick home. with conveniences. in 100 ae 21 acres vacant land in went to Toronto for inter 'Utica area. Paved frontace,| MADELINE RODD 985-2819 of HAROLD RUTH. @ . Stouffville RR. 1, | views regarding taking their . jidest building site. $17,000 Benes or pace SGasck {being 3 miles east of Mark |R.N.A. course at night school. eptee aus bar and grocieries. Equiv- ep ag ht We hope they will be success- nto), | Farm sold. | fy) applicants and wish them all the best. Mrs. Jordan was home for .|the week-end to celebrate . her birthday. Monday was Mrs. Sonley's birthday. Her WILSON. Auctioneers | 40n brought her a lovely pot FINANCE ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE \at $4,000 cash. 13 acres 3 miles north of | Port Perry with s ng Part- BAS This |ly wooded. Asking $11,900 farm sale 2 'storey, frame tri-plex | with $2,000 down, balance at | ATKINSON and ! down town Port Perry, fully pro OFFICE HOURS 9% am. -- 9 pm. 3 : 3 rented, -- ee Of mums oH Returns Self contained, apartments. MARY ENGE -- 985-2517 ladies. -- mg ge -- Rel Mr aa - O 2 J n . ole | heat, ranch stvie home, 6 The new "deadlines" or ' aby mg Nelly, rooms, new wiring in barn, ' » Peacock a . Hope . -- CALL - \ drive shed, school bus at! Display advertising of dar.|"°® OM for & visit with George S. Stone F.R.I. ; door. Asking $28,500 ger sise, articles, ' beng relatives on the week 985-2632 | Mew home, bungalow, 4 from meetings, etc, 5 p.m. : bedrooms finished rec. room | Monday. We have now purchased a SIX OFFICE LOCATIONS SERVING YoU Throughout, sisched ars 'play ete a tae aat ts at tee Sunderland re NOet en and sthodks, Pity ads not later than 12! s0 this will be the next item 9 705-357-3671 Asking $36,000. noon, Tuesday. to plan for.