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Port Perry Star (1907-2001), 31 Mar 1971, p. 11

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$1,400 From Benefit Drive John Doupe's wife Marlinne accepted a cheque in the amount of $1,400. on behalf of her husband, Monday after noon. The sum was the result of a draw and benefit dance sponsored by Branch 419, Royal Canadian Legion. John Doupe a valued member of the Branch is not able to work anymore due to a tragic illness. He has always been a dedica ted member of the Legion and at the time iliness struck held the position of treasurer. In appreciation for his contribut ions the members of the Branch and the Ladies Auxiliary organized this drive for funds to lessen some of the heavy burdens that struck the family Mike Hiozan is seen presenting the cheque to Mrs. Doupe Photo: P. Hvidsten, Jr Crop Insurance Plan Security For Farmers Vs we cater this new year 1971 we think of aud means of improving our farmer the Today, the all bul disappeared poor at ways} has average farmer is in sermus farming practices and, hope} difficulty and the good farmer fully, imerease our net farm] finds he must still do better teeny if he is to survive I'm sure that this must be truce, when | awe all farm meet Wyss well attended, number of being wked by interested farmers Young farmers realize that im this time of To help him do a better job of farming, the Stalf of the Agri ready and a great] Ontario Department of questions culture and Food, is and willing Lo assist in a great many ways continuous | Advice on seed, fértilizer, change in farm practices, they must seck out all knowledge that in their farm operations | cropping practices, larm man-| agement, } farm building plans, etc., have | | been available to all farmers for many years In 1966, a Crop Insurance plan was introduced in 'Ont by the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture and Food, through the Crop Insurance Nursing Home News | Mrs. Lena Ward celebrated | Her daughter gave birth to a | her 85th birthday on March | little girl. Best wishes Sarah. 23rd. She was visited by her| Mr. C. Peacock féft us this available farm engineering, | they can use In past years, poor farmers could get along withdifficulty, | average farmers lived fairly comfortable , the better farmer 'wm enviable Position in his neighbourhood and ario, enjoyed | son Delbert Ward, Mrs. Dow-| week. He went to Hillsdale son and Mrs. Van Camp The | Manor We are going ta ladies made a lovely birth-| miss him. Hope you will be | day cake and all had a piece| able to play many games of of delicious cake and cup of| cribbage there Mr. Peacock of tea. Many happy returns| Mrs. Kade went out for a} | of the day Lena drive with her son on Sun- | On Friday Rev. Wm. Black | day } gave his monthly church ser- Mrs. Eva McFarlane went vice. Mrs. Alex Williamson|to her home for supper, sang a number of nice hymns| Which she greatly enjoyed Scout & Cub News | . PACK CUBS B. ick Cubs held a tobog-| gan party on Sunday, March | 13, when 45 members of B/ . i) Pack travelled to Greenbank/| p,.,. to Akelah's home for their second game of hoe- | key Port Perry . The wea-| Cartwright 8 to 1. Had it} ther was ideal and cubs and/ 44+ been for the good net} parents using snowmobiles &| minding the score could have | toboggans spent three and| been much higher one half hour on the slopes. | All returned to Mr. Saulnier home where his wife and| tstand some of the parents serv- ed hot chocolate and cookies All report a good time * . . WOLF CUB HOCKEY On March 23 the cubs met | DALEK TRICIAN >> WELL WORK HARD both teams playing good ! key for 1 period. At 8:30 p.m Port Perry B pack defeated the Manchester 16 to 2 by cubs The leaders and appreciated the ice he equipment 70 KEEP COSTS DOWN /F YOUR BUDGETS , | and these games will be play ed for badges, between Cart wright and Port A, Scugdg Is B. Time be announced later who would like to help help is needed ELECTRIC LID. Lighting Centre UXBRIDGE ' Main & Plank Sts. 952-3575 Grand Sale of Lighting Fix- | tures of all types - Clearance | Items Portable Heaters Baseboard Type and Humifi- ers . Small Appliances - Door Chimes - Sentinel Heating Cable for Roofs & Eve Troughs - We have all your Electrical needs at Wholesale Prices. Drop in and see our disptay. Call as for major appliance repairs --- "Looks like your gomg to the showers don't use up all the hot water " Games started at 6:30 | when Port Perry C Pack met the Ist Cartwright B defeated | At 7:30 Scugog Island cubs t Port Perry A Pack. The team won 8 to 4 with The game was tied 44 coaches time | which was donated by Morris Jeffrey & Port Perry Minor WITH All OUR MIGHT, Hockey, also for the use of The cubs are to play again | land and Port C, Cub trophy between Manchester and Port of these games will Any organization or person out with the cost of this ice time please contact 985-3636. Your | and also several old Scottish; Mrs. Jordan, Mr. MeNally, |songs. 25 reidents turned | 29d Mr. Thom, all were out | out Thank you Mr. Black| for a few hours on the week-| and Mrs. Williamson, end } One of the staff, Mrs.Sarah_ "Thought for the Week" | Bursay became a grand-| Never be slow to offer the | i mother on the 28th of March. , Handclasp of friendship Celebrate 50th Anniversary | Newfoundland and New Brun-| Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Ashton, ; Ashburn area. The couple | of Ashburn were honoured o have one granddaughter | on their SOth Anniversary.) and three grandsons The couple have lived in Ash- | Nearly 150 guests attended | burn area all their lives ex-| the recept ven in the] cept the first three years of | basement of Burns Presby-| their marriage when they|terian Church, Ashburn on lived in Grimsby, Ont the afternoon of March 27th.| Married in Myrtle, Ont. on Many guests came from as Mareh 25th. 1921 the couple; far as Toronto, Scarborough, have a daughter, Mrs. Robert] Kingston, Unionville, Brook Sutherland of Utica, Ont. &| lin, Uxbridge and surround jone son Fred who resides in| ing area PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Morch 31, 1971-88 Commesion / Thee: follow wg several plan came im, almost disaster! crop years in Kastern Ontario, when millions of dollar were paid out Lo farmers to prevent! liquidation of livestock duc to lack of food, Today, all Canada, with the exception of provinces in swick, have Crop Insurance programs With ment todays' high invest-| in crops, it is only a good business practice to pro } tect surance this investment with in Completed information is} } available from local) agent office your or county agricultural] | by Arthur McLaughlin Area Manager, The Crop Insurance! Commission of Ontario On Your Paper ROXY THEATRE UXBRIDGE 852-6033 SALE 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 PLUS 1 CENT LAWRENCE PHARMACY Port Perry Now Open Monday to Saturday-- Thur., Fri., Sat., April 1-2-3 "ONE MORE TIME" Sammy Davis, Jr. Peter Lawford 7:15. "DEATH RIDES A HORSE" 9:00. Adult Entertainment. Lee Van Cleef, John Phillip Law. Sat. Matinee 2 p.m. "One More Time". Sun., April 4-- 8 p.m. Box Office opens 7 p.m. UXBRIDGE VALLEY JAMBOREE. Mon. Tues., Wed. Apr. 547 "THE BOYS IN THE BAND" 8:00. The lan- guage in this film may be offensive te some people -- The Manager. Omang NOTICE Township Of Reach By-Law No. 2168 A BY-LAW TO RAISE $200,000.00 TO AID IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF TILE, STONE OR TIMBER DRAINS. The Council of the Township of Reach, pursuant to THE TILE DRAINAGE ACT, enacts as follows 1. The Reeve may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this by-law, borrow on the credit of the corporation of the Municipality such sum not exceed ing in the whole $200,000. as may be determined by the Council, and may in manner hereinafter provided, issue debentures of the Corporation in such sums as the Council may deem proper for the rowed, with coupons attached as provided in section 4 of the Act 2. Subject to section 10 of THE TILE DRAINAGE ACT, when the Council is of opinion that the applica for the purpose amount so bor tion of any person to borrow of constructing whole or in part the Reeve to is row a sum not exceeding may lend the to the of the drainage works 3. A and collected land in respect of which the ficient for the payment of the as provided by the Act READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME of December, 1970. READ a THIRD TIME and PASSED this of March, 1971 EDWARD OYLER, Reeve V. MALCOLM, Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF REACH Take notice that the above of a By-Law passed by the Council of the Corporation of the T ship of Reach on the 26rd day of March, 1971 take notice that anyone who money should be granted in ay, by direct a drainage work the Council 1 resolution and to bor and completion sue debentures as aforesaid the applicant on the amount applied for, same rate shall be imposed, levied special annual over and above all other rates upon the money is borrowed, suf principal and interest Day 23rd Day is @ true copy wn and all persons are required to desires to apply to have the by-law or any part thereof quashed must serve notice of his applicat yn the Head or Clerk of this municipality within 20 days after the date of the last and must make his appli the Supreme ( rt of Ontario within one month after the said date. This on the 3ist day of March and the last publication will on the 14th 1971 on up publication of this notice cation to notice was first published 1971 of April he day Clerk VICTOR MALCOLM pan ee OO OE Ee

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