sf USED Electric Stove and Pro-| pane Gas Heater. Both suit- able for cottage. Phone 985- 1942 WILLYS Jeep, electric winch, 4wheel full cab, also a 40" Findlay) stove, oven & warming oven. | low, | rive, Phone 985-3614. P- ped. Trailer. Phone 985-2212. | WANTED--One or two child- ren to i i | F & g H i | r look after in owr tive. guarantee. money, meet people, worth, Newmarket, Ont. 895-9939. YOURE IN DEMAND when you're an Avan Representa- People want personal Want to earn; win | prizes? Call Mrs. J. Cunney-| 149 Sheldon Ave. | | j nial Restaurant. 3068. WAITRESS for the Centen-| derland area. Call 985- OHN RIEGER ren. $3,000 down. View Lake Handyman's special, 2 bed conveniences, on a ii lolly- snack-bar, counter. g Road, 10 miles north of Osh- awa. 95.00 per month. Call price $6,000 cash. Point Must be seen to be appreci ated. 57 Acres Port Perry Lakeside Beach 125. lent 3 bedroom furnished wat er- front cottage and boathouse All modern conveniences, sandy beach safe for. child- Only 46 minutes from Metro. Asking $9,500 with room furnished cottage, over- looking Lake Secugog. Some large treed lot. access to lake. Full Scugog Beautiful 5 room home,| Access to lake, al convenien-| ces, nicely decorated. Laun- dry room and many extras. 8 room, 2 storey aluminum home, modern conveniences, barn. River frontege on 23 An excellent retirement home. 2 bedroom aluminum | | ent home. Building permit avilable. Cash. Full price $4,000! bank barn, ideal for horses. $38,000 with terms. Highway Farm With View 100 acres medium clay " 2 storey 8 room brick with all conveniences. 21 ft. room with large pic- ture window with 30 mile view, double attached garage, bank barn, excellent pond site, 5 miles from Port Perry. Call for information. gate. Owner anxious to sell. $37,500 with terms. 7 acre building lot in Sun- Trees and stream, on paved road. $4,900 with terms. Reduced 3 bedroom frame bungalow older type home in Man- chester, 3 pe. bath, modern kitchen, on % acre lot, ex- | cellent garden. $11,500 cash. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage. Over- Tooking Lake Scugog, excel- lent condition, b loom & hardwood flors, finished rec. room with bar. Ideal family home. $27,500 with $8,000 down. 1% storey, 7 room frame home, % mile south of Sun- derland. Zoned Highway com- mercial. Large garage and work shop. $13,500 with terms. Lakeshore - Pine Point |2 bedroom frame home with aluminum siding and attach- ed garage. Forced air oil fur- nace and modern bath, hard- wood floors, full basement, beautiful fieldstone fireplace. | excellent storage shed and garage, 20° x suitable for boat storage. An opportunity at only $18,500 with $7,000 down. 46 acres productive clay | partially wooded with excellent view and building site. Corner farm on paved road, 10 miles north of Port Sorry. $18,500 with $3,000 1% storey, 3 bedroom frame home with all modern con- veniences, garage, $5000. down. 21 acres vacant land in Utica area. ideal building site. $17,000 with terms. 3 bedroom frame cottage , only ry 4 with Colorlox siding. 2 vears | treed insulated. Broadloom and tile | old, electric heating, 4 pe. bath, modern kitchen. as vear round dwelling. Only building lot 100 x! $13,500 with $4,000 down. perman.- | -- CALL -- George S. Stone F.R.1. 985-2632 Herb Puckrin Sunderland 705-357-3671 ~-- 1 Perry, large tr jot, close to schools, nicely decorated; -| throughout. $21,900. with, Paved frontace. fully | Canal from back | | yard to lake. Presently used , ALTOR) j Brick Side Split 2 year old, 3 bedrooms, < kitchen,, L_ shaped dining and living room, stone fireplace, 1% baths. Launiry room on ground floor, garage. Excellent location. $34,500. Port Perry Brick bungalow, finished bedroom house with many extras on large treed lot, close to schools or down town shopping. $31,500. Terms. Exceptional Lot Attractive setting for this 8 year old 5 room frame and stone bungalow, at- tached garage and paved drive. V, modern home, finished room & bar, utility room and storage. Many extras. Asking $31,500. Good terms. One mortgage to Vendor Port Perry Special 4 bedroom bunga- law, living room, separate dining room, kitchen and rec. room, 2 baths, walk- out basement. Extras in- clude broadloom, central vacuum system, electronic air cleaner, water soften- er Large, well land scaped lot. $29,700. 6% % Mortgage. Family Home Desirable 4 bedroom 2 storey 9 room home, din ing room, large kitchen, utility room. 1% baths. Treed lot. Large garden area and tool shed. Ask ing $21,500. Good terms. Retreat 50 acres. stream, part'v wooded, off paved road, Sunderland area. $20,900. Terms. Special 1250 square foot winter- ized cottage with founda- tion, sunporch, three bed- rooms, conveniences, large stone fireplace. electric heat, 150 ft. good shore- line on west shores of Lake Scugog Island. Ask- ing $17,900. Good terms Homesites Adjacent to Port Perry, rolling country acreace Minimum lot area 1500 square feet with 120 ft frontage for estate homes of 1,350 sq. ft. Easy com- muting Metro or Go Train. Asking $6,500. Terms Raglan, Myrtle Area 8 acre homesite, scenic rolling land, paved road frontage. $14,000. Terms OFFICE HOURS Call: After Hours Call: Ken Holliday 723-5420 George Beaton 985-3040 189 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY, ONT. FINANCE ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE Port Perry 985-7386 Oshawa 723-0302 Toronto 364-2516 Manager: owaerd Forder 985-3439 Bruce Currie 705-357-3392 SIX OFFICE LOCATIONS SERVING YOU Billiard Parlour, Income Block Uxbridge. 30 miles Toron to, 7 pool tables, pin ball machines, snacks, 6 apart ments, beauty parlour, good income. Asking $90,000. Excellent finan. cing. Business Opportunity Port Perry. Store avai! able for new business. 33 ft. frontage in main busi- ness area, a ent over store. Brick building, good repair. Must be sold. Ask- ing $45,000. Terms Sunderland Area Estate Sale 120 acres, 85 workable, balance bush and pasture. Four bedroom home with all conveniences. barns in good repair suitable for beef or horses, a very pro- ductive farm. $45,000.00 with good terms. Port Perry 3 bedroom brick veneer home, recently decorated and broadloomed. Base- ment finished with beauti- ful 12 x 33 ft. rec. room, laundry room, den and possible 4th bedroom. Close to schools, shopping and supervised swimming. $26,500. Terms. Sunderland Area 91 acres productive soi) Corner farm. Attractive 8 room brick home, all con- veniences. Attached g.r- age. Implement shed and workshop. Bank barn suitable for beef cattle or horses. $49,500 with ex- cellent terms. Uxbridge North 25 miles Metro, 22 acres with bush and stream, good homesite overlooking stream & pond site. Open trails through cedars. Ask- ing $22,900. with % down. Cedarshores West view, Lake Scugog, 75 foot waterfront it Five room, two bedroom cottage, cathedral ceiling:, insulated, panelled, con- veniences. Oil hea'. Some furniture & appliances. Sleeping cabin and Boat house. Well kept area $17,000 with $5,000 down 200 Acres -- Woodville Close to Highway 46, 150 acres productive clay loa™. balance mixed woodlard with stream and pond. Good farm buildings pre- sently a beef operation. Eight room brick home, four bedroom, 1% baths, very attractive setting. Full price $80,000. wit good terms. 9 am. -- 9 p.m. Ken Middleton 985.7548 Maurice Baker 652-7256