Seagrave News /Ashburn News es Twiner attended the Fowler-| ily, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Som. | Reeves-- 210; N. Warren -- Jackson marriage in town) erville and family, Mr. and | 22; J. Storra--204; P. Con- the same afternoon. | Mrs. Ross Munro and Mrs. | 20rs--203; D. Wilson -- 207; Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bruce,| George Johnson and family. | V- Aiken--201; H. Page--200; Mr. Lloyd Bruce and Miss) Special visitors with Mrs. | 4--Chapman--235; M. Smits © Donha Bruce saw the daugh-| Neil McMillan were Doug, his --226; J. VanSchagen -- 202; r.of Mr. and Mrs. Orville, wife and son, Mrs. Venning! D- Gibson--221. AOQQoQogQon gon QoogogogoooggQgooonooogggoooogooooonononogonogonogongQgoooaaoooagoagao & MASTER FEEDS Port Perry, phone 985-2131 SLSSLSSSSSSESSESSSESSEEEESEEESEESSESSSESSESESSSSSSSSSSSSSSA SASS ASS . The Christian Family Sun-jof a True Mother." of thelr recent to St. Su marrt Blackstoc day Service was well attended] 1.A Christian Mother. | Petersburg, Florida, and also cent graduates of Brock Uni! 0. Swunier tee eee core at Burne Church, on Sunday} 2. A mother who has ®lan interesting "commelitary. vee, & Gathasinns. Sunday was a big day for | Little Britain, morning May 9th, with the | church. We closed the meeting by Mr. John Goslin from Cae- at least 5 sets of parents The Marquis family didn't Sunday School assisting in the 3. A mother who has a repeating The Lord's Prayer sarea called at the Venner/ .).. their small children | report their visitors but Jack worship service . Bible, and one who lives it. |i, unison. leash wns gums dome on Sunday. ome <a 'and One Ghost entertained Plans are being made for} 4. A mother who has ®/»y the lunch committee. . Mr, Nick Newlands is haven. infants a a Mr. and Mrs. Heywood Short | Duly Vacation Bible Schoolto|pathway to the throne of / Theodore Knight thanked our, ing » Sure' wn fom Ml pertram, son of Sr. and Me [andthe Ken Short family at [precy mc gerey ATS, a a, sastag| ni fo Da Rnd how: sister Mrs. . ye . . ity. shire England, -- _ Wanamaker; Catharine | Centennial Restaurant. The Ladies Bible Class met|she has a tremendous task. Pie nad 'nesta elk ie mne, daughter of Mr. and| Next week--Back to normal) .: the home of Mrs. Wm.| 6, A mother with a hope.|.: the home of Mrs. C. Harri- Mr. and Mrs. W. Parke of Mrs. Jack Short; Melody-An- we hope w Gard led | n i Toronto had lunch with the . Sa Hopkins on Wednesday even- Mrs. m. ¢ ner in}son, which will be the last ~ ter. ne Louise, daughter of Mr ing, May. 12th, with about| prayer. Mrs. C. Harrison was) necting until fall. 7 a Parke! sod Mrs. Len Somerville; RBOWURNG 13 members present. Our|in charge of the program, and) My. and Mrs. Wm. McAnd- , ae Nedwell's siste ete Mark Douglas son of Mr. and president, Mrs. R. Batten/read a poem titled "Mother/\... non Mills visited at the Bwcws tunity Mrs. Doug McMillan, and conducted the meeting. Mrs.| Love." Mrs. Routley gave aliore of Mr and Mrs. E. brated 4 birthdays at one Julie Lynn daughter of Mr. & LADIES MONDAY M..Routley read the scripture| reading on "My Mother" |i.5n on Mother's Day. time by going to Rock Haven} yy. Gary Marquis. Nine NIGHT BOWLING lesson from Proverbs 31: 10-| which was written by one of Mr, James Doble, Toronto Peterbore for dinner on Sat-| i.aies formed a special mo-| Sharlie Brown 54 | 31. Mrs. Batten's meditation| her 8 year old students. Mrs.| visited with his mother on wang. ther's choir for the occasion} Snuffy Smith 47 | was on "The Six Attributes| Harrison also read another| Mother's Day. All the Shorts from down and seemed te know how to Peanuts 43 TSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSsesrerss . at Fish pint helped Gary) sing. Numerous relatives of Mighty Mouse 42 Twiner te his birth | ne habies were present to| Pluto 36 OW day on Monday night at the) vircocs the baptisms and} Banana Splits 34 y Twiner home in Markham. | oak up family parties later} Hot Wheels # : We need a special issue) in the day Beatle Bailey 33 r for the wedding news this| 4: ine Neil Wanamaker| CSPer 28 y week, Mr. and Mrs. Jack! nome were 2 sets of grand: Pinochio 23 ' @ Short deserve first mention.| ,orents Mr. and Mra B L,| Lioness 23 ' y They were at Cambray at the Wanamaker and Mr. & Mrs. Gumby 21 ' War Avi haved / Bruce-Boustead Nuptials on| ao Leroix of Cannington, | 4igh Triple-- Ai fe ' Friday. Then on Sat. they also Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lloyd A Scriver--634 ' were guests at the marirage) 54 sons of Cannington, Mr, | "igh Single-- 4; of Ona's cousiti, Miss Donna! ..4 Mrs Joe Stone and fam.| A Scriver--255 A Daniels and Mr. Douglas} ijy and of course Bill Wana- | Ov@® 600 Triples-- y @ Houghton in Kedron church. | .sker and Sharon Sweetman. - Seriver--634; P. Ellicott y Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dowson} at Somervilles you could , --%3- 4 and Mr. and Mrs. Belair were} fing Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Som. | Over 200 Singles-- y guests at the Van Kessel-| erville, Mrs. W. Somerville; A. Scriver--223, 255; P. El-| ¥ . ° y Manns wedding in Port'Perry| sot tebs ot Cecesbant an | cot -- 224, 232; 3. vine-| gt give you a beautiful. lawn ¢ on Saturday. and Mrs. Rae Munro and | 220. 203; C. Wilson--249; B. ; Mrs A. Short, Mr. and Mrs.) Susan of Epsom, Mr. and Mrs. | Heayn -- 206; D. Phinney-- y ® Cliff Short, Miss Shirley| Lioyd Somerville, Mr. and | 209; J. Scriver--218; S. Stone " Short and Mr. and Mrs. Garv| Mrs. Lorne Blakley and fam-|--206; D. Goreski -- 204; M. y Y ". 4 4 iv 4 4 / 7 ¢ 4 "4 / / / v4 / 4 / 7 e) @ 5 Q S 2 re «- & ~ | 2 0 2 ~ . O O "f 9 . a . F fs ; D sone 3 Y } v " --- STORE HOURS -- 4 ) odes x 10 am. to 6 pm. -- Tues, Wed. & Sat. 'i Ia 72 BROCK STREET WEST 10 am. to 9 p.m. -- Thurs. and Fri. g Hd 6st e : UXBRIDGE 852-7521 3 ee --_-_--- oe S 2) 's, rs + - 5) 2 2) 5 f * 0 ¥ - v Myeale » 5 o : * O x S rat 5 ~ . g , 2 A Sf ee ; 2) a . 4 + 5 et '4 7 @) Ny r a _ 7, + AY 5 . oe ny ry PoOOCt oe: 4 OQODAGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOROOaAaK . A