~ PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 9, 1971; books may. be dropped into , ROUND THE TOWN' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cox | June Oth. They will be her. and Mrs. Bllwood | for the christening of their may not come again | youngest grandchild Paul, and another hundred years. Mrs. Polkjngham willcelebrate | her 70th birthday while in| Canada. and Mr Clements who are touring Bngland, attended the York stare Vintage Horse and Car- riage Club showing in Harro- gate, England on Sunday, May 30th. > > -- Twenty-eight grade 7 pup- its of Prince Albert school went on a garabage collectior marathon on Thursday, Juse 3, with the proceeds to go to Pollution Probe, Toronto. Over 774 ie was collected along the roads and ditches in Reach Township brought back to the school and weighed. Mrs. Eleanor Todd, Grade 7 teacher said that all proceeds were not im at the time of prin ting -- oe -- Mr. and Mrs. Arwood Mey- er of Chagrin Falls, Ohio and Deerfield Beach, Florida are | visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leonard | Simpson, and are so. enamored | with Port Perry and surround- ung area they have taken a cot | tage at Honey's Beach for the summer . . 7 Mr. Frank Duff visited her son in Waterloo over the week | end . . . A moming and evening | rail commuter service has been approved for the C_N.R. line | between Toronto and Stouff ville. A similar schedule wil) be established on the C.P.R. route between Toronto and Claremont . . . A Centennial coin has been purchased Club to commemorate Port Perry's Centennial. These coins will be sold for $1.00 n the Centennial booth. Mr. and Mrs. P. Rogers.) Cornwall, England are visiting their daughter Mrs. Nancy Polkingham, Mr. Polkingham and children lan, Karen and Paul for three weeks, and Mrs. Polkingham also of Corn- wall, England is arriving o by the Kinsmen | FRIENDLY PHILOSOPHER | oe ' : BRAVO SAUCE 27. FEATURE! -- ASSORTED FLAVOURS JELL-O 1-2-3 3:51 FeaTuRE -- YORK BRAND | PEANUT Butter 55. FtaTuat) -- TOPS OR KENNEL CLUS Ptatuat) -- SUNBPUN GOLDEN HOUR SUCKERS ROSE PICKLES 45- DOG FOOD 4:47. ICE CREAM 2: '49. CROWN 1 11s 79. VALUE CHECK'D - TENDER JUICY ja box provided at the Library, "both adult and Children's | department on Friday, June Lith and no fines will be charged. This is your opport unity to bring in those long overdue books. The amnesty applies to that date only, and for -- 7 -- The annual church service of the Ist Seugog Cubs and | scouts was held in Manchester : -| Poultry Industry Conference SEST BUY! - FEATURE! --- ~ 1m \n00 Page. 'es. eo Box Jer 1See, Tine 7 © Me. 30 to beg - 28 BRANDED _ Pogue chose an appropriate |topie of interest for the boys. Parents of the first Scugog pack were more than pleased when the Pack brought home the trophy for the best float and were also second in the overall points at the Cub- oree. They received an A penant for the third consecu- tive year. > -- ~ Fifteen staff members from Peel's Poultry Farm Limited are attending the annual and Exhibition in London, Ontario, Tuesday, Wednesday i gE / FETE pief ig Ee: FF te if WAGSTAFFE .|and Thursday, June 8, 9 and | . 10th. } (From Concentrete! ORANGE JUICE 2: ig FEATURE! ~ 27¢ OFF PACK -- KING SIZE SUNLIGHT Powder *1.49 California Sunkist Oranges pez, 59c VEGETABLE FEATURES | Ontario Grown Radish or Green Onions 2 bunches 25c FEATURE! -- WITH MEAT O8 MUSHROOMS -- cl SAUCES = ai 69. TENDERFLAKE 21. FEATURE! -- PRE-PRICED $1 00 SWING ORANGE 79. reaTure! -- sdncHe PEANUTS Picser: 39. TOMATO sove 2:27. PRATURE! -- McMAMR AUSTRALIAN SULTANA easms 73: TREND DETERGENT Skintess 14d Pag 5 to Poly Peck 24d. Calle Seg 24-0r. sixe 49 WIENERS rf t Hi S-Lb. Phg. U.S. Corn on Cob 5 for 55c S.A. Varlinka Grapes Ib. 39c MARGARINE -- 39: COFFEE So"... 95: FEATURE! -- UBBY'S FANCY tee Te FRUIT Cocktail 29: FEATURE! -- NABISCO . SHREDDIES --~ 29: PINEAPPLE sv 39. BES) BUY! -- HEAT AND SERVE Tor Pee KRAFT DINNERS 16. FEATURE! -- EASY OFF SPRAY Toe Te OVEN Cleaner 79: G. E. ECONOMY Light Bulbs 40, 60, 100 ~