Pe ONTARD CENTRAL AGREULTL & VE STON ASOT THE FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBITION WILL BE HELD AT PORT PERRY. ONTARIO ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, a AND FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 6,7 & &,'8G THE GROUNDS CONTAIN 23 ACRES_AN AND CONVENIENTLY maths - | $5,000 IN PREMIUMS | FINE HALF-MILE TRACK * || COMPETITION OPEN TO ALLI | speciaL SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS iS EVERY DAY! And by their attendance and patronage foster and encourage the development of Agnoulture and al) ite edjancts, Domestic Arte, and al) the Meabanioal Trades and kindred employments. 57 Send to the Secretary for a Premium List fg | FINE DISPLAY OF LIVE STOCK | FRUITS AND bine FARM AND DAIRY PRODUCTS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, T, POULTRY, NEEDLE WORK, FINE ART. BTC. p® LOWEST EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILROADS SE I, OID x casocas \ncceshosnsniphanessihipertiamrabisioces avwstie tetshssssviseiuelaa HENRY GORDON, ritnincaiecbenacitivesess otapvanemineie Secretary. 9 ha te ot Printed for MP ARCOM Gheerver Glee Port Perry Seteree This large Fair poster was lent to us by Mrs. Eliza Fralick, "Deugeg Island and was reduced to the size of a page from the original size of 28" x 40." It's a colourful creation and was designed and printed for Parsons, Observer Office, Port Perry on the occasion of the first Annual Exhibition in October, 1886, heid by Central Ontario Agricultural and Live Stock Association.