Page 24 --- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9. 1971 . Centennial Years ; Continued from page 22 JUNE Friday night shop SEPT Canadian Speed | ping is given try-out Dr, Tris on Lake Seugog, 16/M.B. Dymond is elected year old Ottawa boy smashes | M.L.A, Ontario Riding | orld recone ' -- : SEPT. -- C.N.B. Speed Boat ' OcT Cartwrght Central Races held on Seugog, owing! Public School opened to bad weather on Lake John s Shoe Store opens | Ontario repairs). Hurncane Haze! does | 3 extensive damage. Trees, tel DEC Geo, and Harold ephone and hydro lines, T.V_/ Bmmerson opens motel on aenais down in untoldnum : Queen St. opposite Post bers. Many barns lose their | Office F.W. Brock and! ® roofs, alse roof off Phil Orde's | Son becomes A.W. Brock home. Band stand at Lake | Department store. Have been froat collapses More than | business 75 years. $2,000. raised locally for} ; hurnecane relief : 1956 : NOV Flamingo Restaurant | JAN. -- Port Perry to form e opens m new location Chamber of Commerce, (inaug- © Completely Hew interior (for urated Feb, 28.) merty Jeffrey Harness Shop.) FEB. -- James Hunter, Albert Village votes "dry" for! Pulford and Clive Boyd first} ith time since 1916. -- Keith Queen Scouts in Port Pérry VanCamp of Nestieton wins National Dairy Council Award.| MARCH Irwin Tripp sells garage business to Robert 1955 | Archer. -- William Lowcock | e FEB. -- Epsom school dam-| Purchases refrigeration busin- aged by fire. 32 pupils have | &* of late Reg. Boundey. holiday Seugog Chapter LO.D.B. dedicate memorial | 1957 shelf in honour of members JAN C. Popert reopens Farmers in town on business gather in front of Observer Printing Office on Queen, Street. who have died. Memorial |toemer Del Restaurant and xt we Library. moves poolroom to same pre-| JULY -- Dr. M.B. Dymond 1958 for addition to District High) SEPT. -- Old Landmark at © MARCH Anghican Church | mises. M.L.A., Ontario Riding, app- JAN. -- Hon. Dr. M. B. Dy- School. pace a rn gga mr receives gift of ~ from | MARCH - Miss Audrey Kent, a sree Se a mond speaks at hospital's 5th} APRIL -- Queen a Toeg At, tye an I é Catholic Apostolic Church in | totured in a double page an br ew | 2niversary party. Leader Art Jeffor lect ager of Canadian Bank of Com Toronto lspread of the weekend Tely.|™ents made to bring new to attend World Jamboree] ¥ ~ [supply of fresh water into} MARCH Port Perry Liong in the Phillippines in July. merce. APRIL Pee Wee Hockey | APRIL -- Gary Edgar, Scugog | Port Perry. Well is on Oshawa! Club honoured H.G. Hutche- OCT. -- Alex Johns appointed -- captures Peterboro Dis Indian Reserve, P.P.H.S. stu-| Road | son with a life membership on} MAY -- Bob Bell & Art Jef- Clerk Treasurer of Reach e trict Championship dent, wins "Tom Long Boat | 1957 the occasion of his 86th birth-| ford received Queen Scout Township MAY Believed to be largest | Medal for proficiency and | SEPT Over 300 enrol at} day. -- Club organized in Nov,| certificates from Honourable nomunawion meeung ever held | sports | High School, 425 at Public] 1937, P. P. High School Sr. J. Keiller MacKay, Lieutenant NOV. -- A delegation of four mn Canada. Dr. M.B. Dymond iMAY GSectiiioness < haaeia | Schoo! "B" boys C.O.S.S.A. basket-| Governor of Ontario, in Mid | poultry specialists from Rus- s named candidate for Pre rose opens new summer |'NOV Approve legal liquor bail Champions Mr. Hamil nae sia visited the breeding farm gressive conservative Party. | cottage area on Scugog Island. | outlets in Port Perry after| 0" of Rod & Gun Clubl JUNE Chief A. Menzies| of Peel's Poultry Farm Ltd Ont. Riding Named Scugog Village ae a reported an old wreck Relieve) resigns from duties as Police DEC' -- Judith 16, and Arlene s to be remains of old boat! Chief after 6 years. -- Dr. Dy 15, Wallis & Harvey. Rowe SSSCSSSSSesesessssssessessessessesesse seeesseese | "The Stranger" off shore of} mond returned for second drowned. whenthelr cér top- . ® Birdseye Centre Park term as Ont. Riding's Prog. pled over retaining wall at 2 - e@ | APRIL Fire causing an| Conser Member in Ontario Oshawa Harbour. -- 1545 . @ | estimated $10,000 damage to Legislature by large majority phones on Port Perry ex- e @ | Sandiland Jewellers and apart-| of almost 5,000 votes exchange. . @ | ment above store. -- Bell Tel-| JULY -- Council appoints R.J. * 7 ® | phones which will go into | Cameron, Midland, as new 1960 * . effect July 6th. -- North wall) Police Sergeant for Port Perry. a @ | of wharf house collapsed dur-}-- Buffalo man caught 6% JAN. -- Home of Herbert @ | ing winter. Built by Govern-| jp. 24" bass in Lake Scu-| Buckland, Bigelow St., burn- "7 ge ~ @ | ment in 1915. -- Dr. Dymond) gog near Port Perry shore.| ed to ground. Fine stamp @ | acce new t as Minister : ; ¢ aia ~~ ot = AUG. -- Fhe detrese collection partially saved. o * of Gordon Cumming, Epsom.| Continued on page 27 . ~ @ | MAY -- Plan approved for! cee . @ | construction of a $43,000 " . @ | Curling Arena in Port Perry.| mine o . fee cate When The Spirits Flowed . @ | opened June 2nd.-- Four Por- Continued from page 22 . : onto youths drown in Lake|| was a fine of $500 together with imprisonment for ¢ @ | Scugog. -- Mr. Bruce Mackey) | making it without a license. In spite of this heavy pen- ° ~ @ | called to the bar at Osgoode! | alty illicit stills were not uncommon, for the Scotch . ' @ | Hall, Toronto. -- Liquor Con- people declared that they couldn't abide the Canadian . We Extend Congratulations ¢ | trot Board's Store cpened.|| Trade stuf. ~ @ JULY -- Dial telephone ser- Of course there was a certain amount of secrecy about e : @ | vice operating. No more tele-| | the manufacture of the liquor; but had you been able * h f P rt Pp rry © | phone operators located here.| | to have travelled the winding course of the Nonquon as . to = Vi age O oO e : | Changeover to take less than| | it twisted its way through swamp and bush, you would > ns @ | 'wo ae to complete.) | likely have found some evidence of secret stills, as th e . . Scout Hall addition progress- | following story id indi » ~ ; © owing story would indicate: . on the Occasion oO HS @ | '™ vig hee to generous sup- A number of years ago when W.E. Yarnold was 7 2 pore = Om =many citizens surveying some of the bush along the Centre Road, a . | Wm. Harris, barrister, nam- "y P : " ats me ; 'ou should catch it and send it to the museum," said 7 ed Liberal Candidate for Ont ' pa . © | srio Riding Mr. Yarnold with a smile, "they would pay you well for ° . e | a a Canadian born alligator." During his survey a secret ed . | SEPT +33 pupils regis-| | sti) was found, with its small furnace, worm, troughs ,- . tered in public school and other appliances. Later the man with the alligator . ® | OCT. -- J. J. Gibson & Son| | SOry was met again, and Mr. Yarnold said to him, . ° | entertained 250 at official| | "I found the little brick stable in which you kept that $ . @ | Opening of new building at| | alligator, and the trough from which you feed him." 6 @ | poultry plant on Bigelow | Three men were seldom or never known to make . ° Limited : Street whiskey on the sly, for it was found that three men - 5 4 BRIDGE ONT @ | NOV. -- Curling rink opens. pcre ge Boca a emote long. Two men were " it of the liquor law was not easy. e TI om R UX e | enoug' enforcemen y ~ U C d , * DEC. -- Mrs. Audrey Hall} | Sheriffs were scarce. Long before one could arrive on 4 fats . @ | won $2,249. on TV program} | the scene, news of his coming preceded him. Naturally o PH ONE 985 2832 * Love or Money." First} | the men who make the whiskey had more friends than . . Canadian to be a telephone| | the sheriff. > ,- DAILY LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION SINCE 1954 si ; But whiskey has fallen on evil days, It now has to * 1959 isten People " e TO AND FROM LOCAL MARKETS ~ | | Sruawe for He existence Geet Get 8 ° é | JAN Douglas Edenborough kindly as formerly. Within sixty years past there were . USA. - QUEBEC - MARITIMES - WESTERN PROVINCES @ | chosen to be page boy for| | twenty-four places where you could buy liquor in the . : | the Legislative Assembly. | | Township of Reach, and most of them were in »peration Jecescoooocce SOSHSSOSESSSSESSESESESEOEESEES ~ "OUNCE! Hives approval | [fly years ago: to-day there are none. +a PORT PERRY STAR ye CE NTENNIAL EDITION