: -|. Epsom N Reach Central School at Ep- som travelled by bus to the Community Nursing Home im Port Perry. The weather was fine and the young sing- ers arranged themselves in front of the Nursing Home Saturday Night Starkie, starkile, little twink Who the deuce you are, I think I'm not under what they call The influence of incohol Tm not as drunk as tinkle peep I'm just a little slort of Pe. Aatel ey mixer and fill lee Ie all de zens, ¥ to sober Sun- Now Uxbridge J joyed a trip to ems know how Epsom folk Pestry Plant at Post week then a trip moved to Zephyr last wee! ville Zoo. It was a Now Zephyr knows who all the Sree and all had a lovely time. oi & id Caw- Sunday visitors with Mr. ker of Whitby called on and Mrs. Christie were Miss Brenda Payne Please tell us now, before we print the new PORT PERRY Directory on July 20th Look up your listing in the current Directory. If you wish to have it changed, dial "O" (zero) & Ask For Business Office. ~ Bell Canada Built, managed and owned by Canadians ews tay Mr.and Mrs. Gordon Jeffery were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs, John Moore and family on Father's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wat son have had the pleasure of granddaughter Shelly for the week. They visited Tues. | ordian solo. ~| played an instrumental num- °} with small rememberances fron @| (tonge in cheek) reading -- got A.W. BROCK a very nice Pot Luck supper at Epsom Church after which we had a brief programme. We were so pleased to have Mrs. Jean Miliman with us to help with the music. Mrs. Millamn accompanied on the organ while Keith Ashton and Mrs. Ken Catherwood sang a beau- tiful duet. We also enjoyed a duet by Connie Sutherland and Dor- othy Brown. Connie played the accompaniment. Miss Dorothy Brown played a ace- Miss Connie Sutherland ber on the paino. Mrs. Edna Kerry read a poem. She had composed after calling the Hopkins fam- ily to the front seats after which they were presented us all. Mrs, Jeffery gave a very PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 23, 1971 - 3 middie o { said reading and started to giggle (something I only remember doing once before). - Mrs. Milliman played seve- ral old familiar hymns for a sing song. Mr. Hopkins closed the meeting with pra yer. Mrs. Kate Crozier, Mrs. Jean Jeffery, Mrs. Faye Gourlie, Mrs. Doris Armstrong enjoyed the evening portion of "Mrs. Moore Day" at Claremont. I sure hope TJ. got good pic- tures and coverage. It was a wonderful, wonderful homage to a very wonderful teacher. Mrs. Allie Christie attended a shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lynde, Ash- burn on Saturday evening in honour of their granddaughter, Winifred Reid's approaching marriage to Mr. Michael Far- [DEPARTMENT STORE LADIES Sea Queen 13.00-15.00 hit on the funnybone in thefrow of Toronto. Everyone is talking taxes Marry for money? The way taxes are these days you might as well. Marry for love? Taxes are like golf. You drive hard for the green and end up in the hole. After taxes we are « non- profit organization. We didn't mean to be -- but we are. A welcome to the newest little girl in our neighbour- hood a daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson. David Lyons had an acci- dent early Saturday morning 3 and had to be taken on to Tor- onto General Hospital in case eye surgery was necessary but things seem to be rectifying themselves naturally. David also has a broken leg and a Continued on page 5 Ladies SUMMER PURSES