contact with the operator, we could hear the siren. Seven minutes at peak traffic, across highway #12 and down to the fourth. In the dictionary the word grateful refers to a word to describe our feelings of gratitude to other people, and thankful refers to similar feelings to- ward divine providence, fate or some less immediate agen- cy. We don't have the slight- est idea what word is correct under last Friday night's) circumstances. They all ap- ply and many more. Port Perry, Reach and Scu- gog have every reason to be proud of the decisions made, and men selected when their Fire Department was formed. They just moved in, made de- cisions without hesitancy and I never heard a cross word under most trying circum- stances, unless it was A Hi or a word of suggestion to the many' friends of theirs watching them work. And I mean work. They had a job ATTENTION FARMERS WHY PAY MORE? HOME HEAT KEN P. MURRAY ~ Electrical Contractor ' Domestic & Industrial WIRING CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES ON COMPLETE ELECTRICAL H : if i FE FE / : t i i : i ease i friect i We have just one suggest- jon Chief Cook, do you have to put the littlest guy, with the biggest smile, alone on the ladder holding the heavy hose for so long? Thanks a | million anyway. When your | man did suggest it was get- ting a bit heavy, his smile was*still just as big as the hose he was holding. And your chief relieved you im- mediately. } Our hats are off to Port! Perry, Reach and Scugog Fire Department and once again | a way of life, that we had al-| most forgotten existed was exposed and the sometimes now considered extinct, square "Brotherhood of Man" was revealed before our eyes, and all those involved. It has been-Said that the mark of the sincerity of man is his simplicity of speech, trusting this is so, THANK YOU. Jeanne, Jim and Robert Elliot picture page 11 Toronto Tele- gram last Thurs. when Ches- ter as we all call our beauti- ful black race horse won ist prize at Greenwood raceway and an equally good picture of driver Lioyd Brawn long- time foreman at the Comco. All our best wishes for more good luck in the future. i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Caw- ker and granddaughter Bar- bara of Peterporough visited great-grandma Cawker one day last week Mr. and Mrs. Al Christie spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson at Vic toria Corners. A CATSUP "31: Mrs. W. O. Simpson was/ with Mr. and Mri. Earl Wil-| son on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerry, Mrs. | Chas. Geer, Mrs. Norine Card, | and Kathy Kendty attended | church at Coe Hill on Sunday. | After the service Rev. and | | Mrs. Hopkins and family join- }ed them for lunch Mr. and Mrs. Herman/ Kerry attended the 50th wed- | ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMillan of Greenbank on Saturday ; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ashton | tand children and Mr. and {Mrs: Howard Ashton spent | Sunday at Balsam Lake at | Ken Catherwood's Cottage : TE eile them turn. Mrs. Bad Mr. and Mrs Keith Wilson _ and Mrs Ed Me of Sarnia were Kitchen and fami- guests with Mr. on Sunday with Elmer Wilson for Mrs K McEnaney of end. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Knight and children were Mrs Al-Canstie, going to visit his parents on Clarence Heard Friday evening but as they Perry, Mrs. Core were visiting Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Jeap Mit- Elmer Wilson, Kenneth, Mrs Toronto were dinner McKnight and family visited | S88 of Mr and Mrs. Bud Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerry Hearc of Prince Albert after Several close neighbours |*™* Breadalbane Decoration and friends of Mrs. Bud Mc-| Service July 16 Enaney met for « surprise) Mrs. McEnaney held @ visit at her home last Friday | Pantry Shower last Tuesday evening. jevening in honour of the Mr and Mrs Ed McEnaney/| forthcoming marriage of ber and of Kitchener | neighbour Miss Trudy Brawn. who visiting Bud and About twenty-five of Trudy's Jackie were also present and | friends were present and all we were pleased t meetihad « wonderful reunion them. ané an enjoyable evening. -- FREE -- SEAGRAVE, @NT. 385-7027 Avo. Wel.