9G - PORT PERRY STAk ~ Wednesday, Aug. 25, 1971 . 1. at | on ckstock | =o They enjoyed Continual daughtcrindaw, Mr. and Mrs. John ee Anson Taylor at sum | Dwayne Rev. & Mrs. Clarence Fer-| ior home on Lake Muskoka, 4 this well and guson, Don Mills were Sun! iss Christine McMenemey,| Mr, and Mrs. S. Simpson of returning day guests of Mrs. O. Hill &) Oshawa spent a few holidays 'orkshire, England have been weeks for Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Por with her cousins, spending some holidays their ~ ter and family. Rev. and Mrs.) ang Eleanor Kelly. . and Mrs. Fred heed Merrill Ferguson of Toronto Mrs. Argue returned home | They called on Mr. and Mrs. group is expected to be Monday atter a three weeks holiday |Tom Hodge and family one! reé one guests. with her daughter Mr. & Mrs. | day last week. | ret buses, Gxiven thy 4, Mrs. Leith Byersehas been Hyde in Rochester New York.| On Sunday Mrs. Ruth Wil Dorrell and went to able to return to the Nursing yr and Mrs. Hyde were Sun-|son and Mrs. McQuade ac' where they enjoyed oe Aa Home from the Port Perry day evening callers of Mr. & "companied Mr. and Mrs. Al much « tour of held . Hospital. Mr. Byers is T© wire Tom Hodge and boys. (lan Wilson to Scarborough Oshawa. evening 2c. mm covering from surgery inthe yr Charlie Primmer, Ha- to visit Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd| _ Mr. and Way. and Spee Oshawa Hospital. Mrs. Nel mijton spent a couple of days Wilson. This family gather-| Howard ee Lake lie Crawford had to be taken last week visiting Mr. and|ing was to celebrate Ruth's and Mrs cheon guests --- --- to hospital by Ambulance on yrs Frank Bailey and Mr.| birthday and Glenda and| #4 Joy | Harold McLaughlin -- week Saturday. Other area resi-| ang Mrs. Hector Shortridge | Lloyd's seventh wedding an-| *° family reunion at Pef- ily. mmgoddy- soy - Derid Atoms dents in Port Perry Hospital | and Bill. niversary. / ferlaw on Sunday. This an were Mr. Contunued on page 17 ~ include Mrs. M. Edgerton &/ 4 belated welcome is ex-| Mrs. John Wotten and Miss Mrs. Fee. Better health WS) tended to Mr. and Mrs. Cross | Eva Parr have both returned wished for all these people.| who moved into the apart |home from Port Perry Hos- Mrs. Harry McKee, Nor-| ment in Jim Marlow's house | pital. wich is spending some time) the first of August, Mr. and| Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Dorrell with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fer-| wirs. Eric Fletcher moved to|and family, Mr. and Mrs. guson and boys. Mr. and Mrs.| their home in Caesarea Glenn Larmer and family and ~ Russell Ross of Toronto were! ir Dwayne McKinley of | Mrs. Ralph Larmer and Mr. Friday guests. Grenville County spent the and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and! LALAAALASASASASAS SSSSSESSSSSESSESESESE EES SS Mrs. Roy Taylor spent last! week with John Larmer on family attended gicnie of tp zx e ss i . wa wpubend with her con and| ins @.55 euchanes ponmem.|Seemer araatens of te Oat} ana Yel) eldte rt eo rz > 71. 4 SSS ESSSEEESSSEESESEESEESEEESESSE SSS TSSSSssssss335." ANDERSON C.V.I. Anderson Street, Whitby Telephone: 668-5809 Grades 10-13 -- 9:00 a.m. Grade 9 -- 10:30 a.m. AJAX HIGH SCHOOL Bayly Street, Ajax Telephone: 942-1610 All Students -- 9:00 a.m. BROCK DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Cannington Telephone: 432-2311 (705) All Students -- 9:00 a.m. Textbooks Available at the School--Sept. 1, 2, 3 CENTRAL C.l. 240 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Telephone: 723-4678 Grades 10-13 -- 9:00 a.m. Grade 9 -- 10:30 a.m. DR. F. J. DONEVAN C.1. 250 Harmony Rd. S., Oshawa Telephone: 728-7315 Grades 10-13 -- 9:00 a.m. Grade 9 -- 10:30 a.m. DUNBARTON HIGH SCHOOL 655 Sheppard Ave., Pickering Telephone: 942-0350, 839-1125 All Students -- 9:00 a.m. EASTDALE C.V.1. 265 Harmony Rd. N., Oshawa Telephone: 723-8157 Grades 11-18 -- 9:00 a.m. Grades 9-10 -- 10:30 a.m, ~s S555 55555555 THE ONTARIO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Attention All Students Ontario County Schools Will Open SEPTEMBER 7th at 9:00 a.m. Secondary School students who have not yet registered should do so at once in person, at the office of the school they plan to attend. School offices are open Monday through Friday during office hours. Transportation routes will follow the same general pattern as last year. Detailed % information is available from your school office. GENERAL VANIER SCONDARY SCHOOL 155 Gibb Street, Oshawa Telephone: 723-5227 All Students -- 9:00 am. HARWOOD SECONDARY SCHOOL 80 Falby Court, Ajax Telephone: 942-8125 All Students -- 9:00 am. HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL Henry Street, Whitby Telephone: 668-6742 All Students -- 9:00 a.m. O'NEILL C.V1. 301 Simcoe Street N., Oshawa Telephone: 728-7531 Grades 10-13 -- 9:00 a.m. Grade 8 -- 10:30 a.m. PICKERING HIGH SCHOOL Church Street N., Pickering Telephone: 9424761 All Students--before 9:00 a.m Textbooks available at the . school from August 23rd. ~ PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL Rosa Street, Port Perry Telephone: 985-7337 Grade 8 -- 9:00 a.m. All High Schoo) Students--9:00 a m. R. S. McLAUGHLIN C.V.1. 570 Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa Telephone: "728-9407 Grades 10-13 -- 8:00 am Grade 9 -- 10:30 a.m. UXBRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Third Avenue, Uxbridge Telephone: 852-3391 All Students -- 9:00 a.m. kK. D. MUNROE, Director of Education ' } % Exhibition f ec before Fomily Sze Fur is where you find #, onc you li find ¢ whesmver you look of th= yeors CNE--Aug. 19'to Sept ¢ indoors autdgers on land wpte o- im the ow --the CINE hos o grect assortment of fascmating cttrachons to dehght vsitors of all ages ackgrouncs ond tastes The Midway A mile ond c half of breothtoking ndes ond skiitesting gomes Bands Two ovtstonding bonds will be fectured nm the Bondshell the Centra! Bond of the Conadion Armed Forces from Onmowe (Aug. 19-28) ond the famous United Stotes Aw Force Bond trom Woshungton, 0:C {Aug. 30 to Sept. 6 Aquerama The sploswest spectock afioot--grocety ogite eqvabots. wocky wote: clowns ond mony other wet onc wondertul delghts every doy along the wotertron' Free Horse Shows Four tree horse shows on the CNE Coliseum including Jumpers ond Hunters (Aug 23- 26) Pomes ond Soddie Horses (Aug 27-29) Drought ond Stonderdbreds{Aug 30-Sep* 2) ond © grect big Western Horse Show ond Rodeo (Sept 3-4 Air Show All eyes ore on the skees for the Conodion international Ai Show. Meodlining th: years top fight progromme ore the US Aw Force Thunderbirds cerobotc teom, the US Golden Knights porochute team ond Conodion Forces Air Defence Com mond end the Royo! Avr Force September 34 ar bpm The decicoted television paste: to milhons of wewers brings ha widely televised Cothedre! of Tomorrow 'folly to the Grondston Sunday. August 22nd 2.30 G nO vets ore 3 wr Ones All Star Gospel Sing-Out Jom m the mune of the Edain Howtin Singers ot the All Stor Gospel Sing Our in the Grovdstend, Sundey, Auguy 29 ot 1.30 pm Ticken $300 Agricentre * toscimating loot ot the world of food How #4 grown, produced, » Packaged ond put en the shel! Nothong like" anywhere A grec' new enterttornmen! comptes off shore ot the Exhibinon grounc: Aypresen- tohor in sight ond sound of whet Ontono so! obout : i H { eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Semor Cinzem: tha yeor Semor Ciens will be admitted FREE tc the grounch oll doy Tversdoy. August 24. ond Tuesday, Augus' 3) Proot of age moy'be requested of got