i aiiE : ii fut TH im ot [ H : A g bt (Effective March Ist, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. "Cash Rate -- Sc. per word Ist week, 4c. extra consecutive weeks for a minimum of $1.00 ist week, 80c. for extra cofisecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion --if charged, and additional 25c. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 5c. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS) 5c. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 Card from the Young People | of Wagner's Lake on our IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.50 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c.]/ 40th Wedding Anniversary) i 'i i le : | ! ' ' 'lovely chair and Ruby Lamp. a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.50 per inch with a minumum, Victoria, Corners, Out. | one inch. I would like to take this| All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- 12 O'CLOCK NOON TUESDAY so kindly sent cards and Send cash, stamps, or money orders and save money Somme Sp ae Gn ae PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. Ah is tia In Memoriam | In Memoriam | IRVINE --In loving mem-| GEER--In loving memory| KIGHT, Frank Arthur -- ory of a dear husband, father | of a dear husband, father and |At the Community Hospital, | and grandfather, James C./grandfather Charles Geer |Port Perry on Thurs, Aug. | Irvine who passed away Aug.| who passed away suddenly on |19th, 1971, Frank A. Kight, Sad was the parting no one| We cannot halt the hand \Elsie Edgar, dear brother of | ee : E 3 qe ih i 5 8 : ; Rs ? ? x i - : | [ e Bes . es Limited . Good FLORIDA -- 14 days from ' an offer. . Phone 985-7054 4--Spus CALIFORNIA -- 24 days Oct. 4th. USED 36° McClaryZasy Blee * LAKEHEAD -- 7 days. tric stove. Contact Crest You sell. Sept. 19th & Oct. 3ra | cu ft. manual de. Phone Mrs. J. Robertson [y- -- me retngeraior Contact 985-2598 | stock Dealers Order|Crest Hardware 985-2211. . BE Bailieboro. STEAM THRESHING, bugey | DLT" 1gs.g506855 TF) VEGETABLES, i i EF F Hy ttf s e F i it afternoon of Saturday, Aug- | ust 28, steamup at 1:00, adults $1.00, children free. | xbridge-Scott Historical So -- AD | TROUSEAU TEA can tell. of time : |Annie (Mrs. Milner) Calgary. Mrs. Lloyd Brawn cordially So sudden on earth a sorrow | Or live again the past. George of Uxbridge and | invites friends & neighbours fell. Within our hearts are Laura (Mrs. Smith) of Osb-| to 2 trousseau tea in honour The blow was hard, the memories | awa, and the late Alice Hart-| of her daughter Trudy at her shock severe, That will forever last. wick and Wm. Kight. Also | home in Epsom on Saturday To part with one who was Lovingly remembered by | survived by several neices & | Sept. 4th, 24 p.m. & 72 p.m so dear. wife Ruby and family |nephews. In his 79th year. | 2--Spt.l . Dearer still as years depart |-- __, Funeral service at the Chapel | --- His memory lives within our| TAYLOR -- In treasured 0! McDermott - Panabaker, NOTICE : : hearts. memory a dear son, bro- Port Perry on Mon., Aug. 23 Monday Night Ladies Bowling Sadly missed by wife Ethel.| ther and uncle Robert Wal-|2t2P.m. Interment Breadal- | League bowlers for | sons & daughtersin-law, | ker, who left us suddenly on |Dane Cemetery, Utica. |7 pm. 8 pm. Phone | mR. ALEX CARRUTHERS, MPP. Durham end family daughters & sons-inlaw, | A: 25th, 1961. . | 2723 or 7067 after 5:30 p.m. | and grandchildren. fie has across the river, WRAY -- Kenneth Wray |] would like ¢o extend « cordial invitation to everyone ye {To the thore of evergreen, [Port Perry Community, Hos HEAD MEMORIAL CHURCH |} to thie 4th Annus Steck BerBQue which will beheld} -- In loving we long to see : memory of a Guar grand. dear face, fort in his Gath year' Dea | Scugog Shores Museum at their Garden Hill Home on _ mother Elva w But the river flows between; Gath year. Dear SERVICE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER beprning of & away Sept. 7th, 1970. , sometime we brother of Lillian, Ida, Flor SUNDAY, AUGUST 29% . - What we wolud give if we see ence, Helen Dear uncle to) 7:30 : -- EVERYONE WELCOME -- could say The face we loved so well, | P¢phews and neices. Funeral Rey. Alan Barnes, Columbus Hello Grandma in the same we'll clasp his service was held at McDer-- Museum open before and old way; a hand, jmott and Panabaker. Inter after. To hear your voice, to see And never say farewell ment at Pine Grove Cemetery ~ . your smile, missed by mother, | Prince Albert. BINGO Friday, August 27th To sit with you and chat pw Ba Rd at 8 p.m. Sponsored by the awhile. indaw Bruce, nieces Men's League. Jack So you who have a Grandma Esther and Jeanette, Births |pot $190.00 in 52 numbers. cherrish her with care. nephew James. , Minor jackpot $65 in 58 num For rot Bag know the KENNEDY--Hi, my name | bers. EDGAR -- In mem. | is Jay Andrew, and I'm ~ Till you see her vacant chair.| ory of a dear mother and pleased to announce thet my | BINGO Thursday, Aug. 20th Sadly missed by Grand- | grandmother Dorothy Eliza-| parents Ron and Linda (Nee |@t 8 p.m. at Legion Jack. children Michael & Marie | beth Edgar who passed away Andrews) are doing well. 1 $150.00 in 55 numbers. Collins, William and | Aug. 30th, 1967. |arrived at the Wellesley Hos. | $5 per line and $10. Judith Herrington | Always a smile instead of pital. Toronto on August 20, | full card. = a frown, at 4:15 p.m weighing 5 Ibs. | LAVIOLETTE -- In loving| Always a hand when one 12 oz. and I'd just like to say EXHIBITION of a dear mother was down, hello to my grandparents Mr Elva who passed away Sept.) Always true, thoughtful and and Mrs. E. Kennedy, Ses.) 7th, 1970. kind, grave, Mr. and Mrs. Frank BUS 2 My heart still aches with Wonderful memories she Ardrews. Fovom, and many sadness left behind. other relatives. WEDNESDAY ove tears fee, | Always remembered by - lst SEPTEMBER t it meant to you daughter Sylvia LeSaux No one will ever know. yo gh Announcement _ Leave © a.m. The days are sad and lonely | grand-daughter Jeanne.' yy. and Mrs. Roy J. Collins @ Ticks © And everything goes wrong. | -- of Po . . te MRS. J. ROBERTSON I seem to hear you whisper) RISEBROUGH -- In loving Of Port Pemy are Rappy to, RS-2508 "Cheer up and carry on". | memory of a dear wife and 2™nounce - a Each time I see your picture| mother, Allaurien B. whe forthcom! wa You seem to smile and say away August 28, 1 daughter Elizabeth Give Away Don't cry I'm only sleeping | Gone from us, but leaving ™T. George D. McLean, son We'll meet again some day. | memories, of Mr. and Mrs. George Mc party PERSIAN kittens. -- Sadly missed and lovingly| Death can never take away, Lean. Se. ee Phone 985-7660. remembered by daughter) Memories that will always end, a bee einea Antionette and husband | linger at the Port United William Collins, daughter! While upon this earth we Chureh_ at 3:00 p.m. on Sept. For Sale Joana and husband Bovd stay. 1ith, 1971 -- Herrington Detseebestite SS SSS 'TKINS - husband and family NOTICE qo Se oe SUGGITT--In loving mem. on home for 2 <5 Ot a > TuiTtio nreteck, Fy : 5 Passed away August 26, 1062 Check The Label Yoke, They ers for the Pasture. Vitamin page in " J memory silently turns On Your Paper Mars Teyler, ARCT. RMT RUN Ait in sour feed. ere Gindye and faly.