fi? FaE | i | i | ation of various organizations etc. But it is an impossibility to be on top of everything. This is where you, the reading public, come in. * Many times we hear readers say: "I didn't see anything about this in the paper." Here is where you can help to make your paper the best source of local news. If an interesting item comes to your attention, telephone it in to your weekly. If you know of an event about to take place, let us know about it. In a town the size of this, there is much to be reported to the newspaper, of local interest. The weekly newspaper pro- vides a service to the com- munity not to be found else- where. This is your news- paper. Help us to make it the best possible by keeping us informed. -- Tilbury Times i E g E : i z i : g &E FF ti S SEs | i £ re creel ' ht sciste Uh 3 3 eg Fe i i i fe g | ; General, Ottawa or Mr. Cafik. in the mail which you can it, you have no reason to grouch when our new match- box post office goes up. Write the letter and yod"ll have earned the right to make loud protestations if your advice is ignored. At least you'll have tried! Bill Brock P.S.--I've just sent mine. @ An advance Circus Grandstand ticket (purchased before the day of performance) entities the holder to FREE ADMISSION to the greunds on the day of the performance (vehicle not included) @ Tickets avoilable from CNE Box Office, at Old City Hall, ticket agen cies, ond Gray Cooch ond Trove! ways-Troilwoys ticket agents CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Until Sept. 6 + Toronto BUILDINGS OPEN ON SUNDAYS AT 1:30 P.M. SEPT. 1 to 6. Tickets: $4.00 Chitdren 12 yrs. ond wnder hail! price, Wed Sept. }--500 p.m and 8:15 p.m. Thurs. Sept. 2215 pm. Fri Sept. 3215 pum. Set Sept. 4--10:30 a.m. and 8:15 p.m. Sen. Sept. 5--B8:15 pum. Mon Sept 6--4:30 p.m ond 8:15 pm PORT PERRY STAR - wednesday, Sept. 1, 197% -s Mrs. Brawn about ten Gays age. om CWS j.2-73> Sep dub at Epsom Church at 1130 am. The 7 Rev. Mr. V. L Thormin will dean Jeffery of Belleville. Carol Brent,| Brooklin in honour of Mrs.) have charge of the service. There are no idle words | Mary Wilson and Susanne||. Stephen's eightieth birth-| This will follow the reopen where children are, Munro stayed for e visit with | day. ing of Sunday School, Sep Thoughts spoken in their | her sister Mrs. G. Johnston) rs Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs.) Sth at 10:5. A hearty wel men, Sey Mee 4 of Glen Major for a few days.| Kerry and Miss V. Prentice| come to one and ell Producing or | Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wil) joined the Sr. Citixems 40) qhe UCW. will bold its for good. son visited with son Keith] visit Toronto Exhibition last| gry toi) mesting at Epsom, In our greet future and Mrs. Wilson of Sarnia} Tuesday. Sept. th G Saauw. ---- 5e eee, Our deepest sympathy (0) 1: seems such « long time bat The word dropped lightly On Sunday Mr. and Mrs.| wr and Mrs. Lioyd Brawn in| maybe I'm not the only one from our thoughtless | D. Asling visited her bro-jthe loss of her aunt Mrs ion. hasn't donated to the lips ther Arthur Ryall of Little| Cuitford Hubbard of Picker-lscxcless bake sale. Hf so tite Ge Britaia. ing Mrs. Hubbard, though! here is 2 reminder for you seeps and drips Mrs. Card had her family) very il] had come to visit) oo me And intertwines with home at different times over thoughts and feelings s0| the weekend. Mr. and Mrs It may decide the course in|ies Card, visited with the which some soul Allen Card family Monday n merville of Seagrave are home from a holiday trip to Moosanee. * Welcome to the new baby at the Featherstone home, and congratulations to the happy parents. Callers with Mr. F. Munro recently were Mr and Mrs. Albright, Mr. and Harry Brent, Bob end of Toronto, Mr. and Enoch McKnight, Utica, Mrs. Malcolm Wil- Mrs Carol Thursday and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. TURKEYS MAPLE LEAF Boneless SAUSAGES DEVON RINDLESS Side Bacon LEAN PEAMEALED Back Baco SMITH'S -- 28 ox. AYUMER -- 1° ot. Tin CHOICE PEAS BICK'S BABY -- 2 ox. & Saturday, 8:30 to 6:00 p.m. Dinner Hams = 93: SCHNEIDERS MINI SIZZLERS so 5B GARDEN COCKTAIL 35c. LUNCHEON MEAT - 47c. TOILET TISSUE - - ~ 33c. Saturday, September 4th GEORGE BEARE and his Young Group Saturday, September tith Sendy and hus For Field Five Admission -- $4.00 per coupic ALL PHASES OF CARPENTRY Courtesy, Imagination and Estimates -- FREE -- "a" 5 to 10 bb. Avg. Webt. 4, so SIE End Cut Centre Cut or Sticed MONARCH POUCH PAK -- Pip. CAKE MIX - - - 6- VIVA -- & - = 2-4&ec. ad »