ie -- -- | = aa BI t+ ma 1 | a iS | Beles eee ia as ais. > ~ aa: -- ' -- - , | @ -- PORT PERRY STAR -- wednesday, Sept. 1, 1971 3 iG i 1 a I F ( Bifective March ist, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. "Cash Rate -- Sc. per word Ist week, 4c. extra consecutive weeks for a minimum of $1.00 Ist week, 80c. for extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, and additional 25c. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. ff ey 'i sith 4 g Se. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.50 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. be live a line for additional lines. foe DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.50 per inch with a VIKING Wringer Washer in ® inch. Excellent Condition, 3 yrs./RiGiID FOAM Insulation 1", --- old. Price $50.00 965-2413. |s'C1P FOAM, %", 4x8 All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- 12 O'CLOCK NOON TUESDAY sheet 80c. 985- : per bushel, | 1967 CHEV. %-ton, long wide * -- your | box, lic. #X68014 as is $795; '| vegetables for sale, 1 mile|one dine plow $125 Phone east of Raglan. Don Linton. | 99¢ 5517. i "| NICE BED C Co: In momery . Table to match, Dishes, a- tech. ae eee oe ¢ "|shing Machine, good condi- . Cost denly = tion. Phone 985-7153. Phone e's me ; coupes Bg ong Page well 'Tole MOTO SKI Capri 28 hp. nze and white, table ex- : ; Always remembered hy 340 single cylinder, Goad | ends to 60", 4 pF For Rent " mother, ba sisters Si 3 Lede --- Make an -- ha cacti ype : MA brothers. : : jone 985-7054. _4--Sptl5 | sTRAWBERRY Blonde Fall,|FARM HOUSE, large, 25 ay = Siu Mr. and --_ ness Fisher, long. natural hair. Phone] acres, 2 miles north of Man- 4 4 of our dear son and brother Pinciias &, Florida. HARPER'S 985-3294. chester, Highway 12, Con. 7, held in the Prince Albert Sremtoed sod Mr. Fred Cot are Mrs. and Mr. Fred Car. Cards of Thanks nochan all of Port Perrv. : - "9 Lot 12. ly week-end, . = cor aa acta we [semen games| lower Land |iotfTan, ales fai |p 4, aw eat =f Ws ryt tle but means ae rare LA CORN will be 3691 after 6:00 p.m. _| 4 7 i Te y te Howard, we a a on Aug. 27th. | 7:30 roy hy at being GLADIOLUS 1964 GALE Outboard motor, Comet ieee ge a Mother & & family mmunity Memorial | your family. 40 h.p. electric start. Phone] apartment in new duplex. PHONE RESERVE ORDER By | 985-7369. Fridge, stove, heat and hy. * ae dro paid. $175.00 per month. r Ni 10 miles north of Oshawa on running condition. Phone} Shirley Rd. Phone 985-7777. LINDA'S School of Dancing in Uxbridge, --a be- 1964 VALIANT, excelent ginning Septem! Tth. Les- Mr. and Mrs. Dom Swain| Allin, nurses and staft. [S008 Commence | September |3 Miles Neo of Port Perry 5 ROOM, 2 bedroom, fully ; , ' a = 4 po Oy Se gh Little (nee Lacwi-k)' Associ- FOUR Auminum Storm Win. hed antllile hen ae. community shower held in ate Member CD.TA. dows 31 x 71; a Sewing Ma-| tric heat,5 miles east of Port Blackstock 2--Sept8) AT EXQUISITE FABRIC Ferry on ¥4 sere int. Avail =, SHOPPE, CANNINGTON Phone 966.7794 even-| Sarn °Pt: 50th. Phone 985- We would like "ends TURKEY SHOOT Se ae ee sincere thank you to the Labour Day, Sept. 6, ashable Plaids, 54" only FOUR BEDROOM farm house Prince Albert Community 'm. Two miles cast $2.98 yd. All new colours IN DEERE #1010 Crawl 0 for the many gifts, +g -- Mf Sandford, 6|in our Silk Weave Crimp- | CHUN DEERE # #51 Back.| £ 3¢;,bath, oil heating, stove miles west of Uxbridge. | !enes with co-ordinating scul- . Completely recondition- includes trac- Suede, only $2.98 yd. Drap- _Jery Fabrics, Lining, Pleater Tape & Hooks. Bridal Fab- rics and Veilings, 10% off f° sa Voting ox'st|1 Centennial Lanes Groups. Organdy, Pillow- Ticking, Pillow-Case Tubing, SNACK BAR Pin - Wale and Jumb»- Wale Corduroy. "You'l tind what || QIPENING SAT. SEPT. 4th too! Open Monday to Satur- From 1:00 p.m. rm ; * | day. 2--Spt.1 OPEN SAT. SUNDAY and LABOUR DAY £ 1971 MAZDA Sedan low mile. 1:00 p.m. to Midnight = Park on p and asking price. 986 OPEN BOWLING -- Mondays, Tuesday and gh. 1. TF. Thursdays until further notice * e ler Mrs. fs Z William Port iROQUOIS Tent Trailers, buy roti, pring ALOUE TE } eo S 1 on 20 h.p. units $595. Village Sales *| Janetville. 705-324-2050. (Closed Sundays). -]} 1966 HONDA °0 motorcycle in good condition. If you have $125 and are interested phone 985-7704. FIBRE GLASS Sting Ray Seafiee, 20 HP. hnson with a foot acceleration, one , your oid. Price $795.00. Call MIE it BAR -B- QUE MR. ALEX CARRUTHERS, M.P.P. Durham and family would like to extend a cordial invitation to everyone a = ef 4 -~ + ° 3 to the 4th Annual Steak Bar-B-Que which will be held at their Garden Hill Home on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, beginning at 4 p.m. -- EVERYONE WELCOME -- > tal it Fa g AE 1 | :