2H -- PORT PERRY STAR Wednesday Sept. 22,1 1971 ; sisters in Buffalo last week.}Mrs. Koss Mills, Oshawa, | renowned cartoomst the late = : | Douglas Holtby and Wm.|Mrs, Vera Painter and Mr.|James L. Frise. 'She men- Gray are attending Toronto| Elwood Masters, Myrtle | toned that Tillie Holtby of Pag THE M a Nl C h ep . t e [ N e W S$ University and Gordon Holtby| Mr. and Mrs, L. Diamond,| Manchester, later = Mrs. | is in his third year at Guelph) Willowdale and Mr. and Mrs.| Jas 'Turner of Brendon) Man., Sincere sympathy is ex-) Remember the U.C.W_| College. Bill Gray obtained aj Joah Dobson were guests of | now deceased, was one of his Unit 6 of the UCW held | tended to Mr_ and Mrs Russel | bazaar and bake sale at the! Scholarship from Port Perry! Mrs. Meta Holtby on Tuesday. | public school teachers during their first meeting of ge and (amily im the death! church of Saturday afternoon! High School Mr. Bill Gray was home/his early school days on Pall season at the home of jof their baby which occurred) September 25th | 'To those contributing to the| from Toronto University for/Scugog Island. She had Mrs. Viola Hoskin. Devo-|on Saturday morning. Sum Rev. Harry Melion, Oshawa | ™W™mage sale if you wish) the week end |remarked many times about tional was conducted by Mrs. |pathy too is felt for Rev. J.K.| with be the guest speaker for | 50Me one to call and pick up Mrs. Lucille Gray expres-| his artistic talent even then Mark and Mrs. Hoskin. Mrs./and Mrs, Braham im the loss'). anniversary . service call 985-2245 or 985-2818.|sed greeting from Reach| Mr - and Mrs. Lionel Sametis gave a very inter-|of their only daughter Miss Sunday the 28th at eleven YoU contributions will be| Township of which she is| pjamond of Willowdale visited esting article on Elijah. |Ruth Braham who pamed o'clock very welcome | Deputy Reeve on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Josh Dobson on Friends of Mrs. Hoskin's|away a few days ago Mrs. May Park of south Mrs. Vera Masters Oshawa) afternoon at Scugog Shores Tuesday howed pictures of their trip| The flowers inthe churchon| california is visiting. her is spending a few weeks with| Museum. It was the official Mr. Bill Gray was home > Florida. Lunch was ser- | Sunday were placed there in| caiifornia is visiting her neice Mr. and Mrs. Clarence)unyeiling of a historical from Torento, University on d by the group in charge. |memory of the late Fred) Mrs. Ada Fielding and family.) Masters. Recent guests at the|plaque by John A Frise,| the week end. : ee | Waeren Mrs. J. Bain visited her! Masters home were Mr. and| honoring his. father the) Mr. and Mrs. G. Jackman / entertained approximately two hundred friends and re atives im honour of Mrs Jackman's"parents, Mr. and | Mrs. Murray Williams' 35th | Wedding Anniversary ; Continued from Page 23 Mount Albert, No. 3, will represent the North Ontario Plowmen's Association in the Junior Inter-Branch Class at the International Plowing Match, in Haldimand County Bob Tran, Claremont, No. 2, will represent South Ontario, | and Ron McGuckin, Mount | Albert, No. 3, will represent North Ontario in the Inter mediate Inter-Branch Class at tne International Doug Dunkeld, Claremont "run cot noun" | TORFEES morn '9 STEAKS | Maxim corree <1 CANNE 109 ICE CREAM =. 4:S1 PINEAPPLE Slices 3: : " | CHOCOLATES = 3:'1 DEJEAN Shrimp 2: KRAFT DINNERS 6:<1 CANNED CHICKEN No. 2 and Bruce Pearse Claremont, No. 2, will repre sent Ontario County in the Inter-County Class at the In ternational "2¢ PeaTuRE: ABC DETERGENT ~~. 2::1 S£ST BUY! -- CONDENSED TOMATO OR VEGETASLE CLARK'S SOUPS ~~ 8:1 e GREEN BEANS FEATURE! -- STRAWBERRY - RASPBERRY . BLACK CURRANT ] : ED. SMITH'S > JAMS 39.) ---- F- YORK BRAND FANCY e GREEN PEAS e CREAM STYLE CORN FRIENDLY © PHUOSOPHE Rest MAPLE LEAF -- "nd « SweET - eDLESS BACON 59: MAPLE LEAF . MILD SEASONED . SKINLESS WIENERS 59: Your Choice . +] PeaTune! 14-02. tins " 'ZIP DOG FOOD ~~ 9:5] Ns SOCKEYE SALMON oo sx 67° 250° "Fe CLD SOUT FLORIDA 22. Te | (WELL HOUSE 2" in (46 : orange ones Coffee Rich 48c/ east eur -- "sae -------------- NOW ; KELLOGG'S SPECIAL 'K' 66°. eee 14d, Pack ESS Nn WARE : MONARCH MARGARINE 29° °2="| Fay -- wees" «(ATURD -- tr wine Pi Ab RNANAS ~ 13. ALCAN Foil WRAP | 69. > . "EMIELS PLACE" WHERE GOOD FOOD IS ON THE MENU EVERYDAY! We at times at EMIELS <="ic'rm P ORANGes =~ $1.00 TANG ORANGE 4:79.\4 ot wating or mina, wv PEPPER SQUASH "19° GARBAGE BAGS 59. |22c not take Out some nice Home made soup made fresh daily in a thermos cup so it will stay hot, or a sandwich freshly made, just about any thing you can think of, or maybe an. order of Home made french fries Try this the next time you come in when theres no place to wt Service is fast, Prices are reasonable. Take-Out PISH & CHIPS and PIZZA Phone 985 - 2066 TURNIPS « I SLICED BREAD «--- 4:1 ONIONS rm 49: HEINZ FOODS 7.1 » BABY CEREALS 33 BRIGHT'S MeVITTIES | BLUE BRAND| CUT, WRAPPED APPLE JUICE BISCUITS BEEF int of PORK 49, A TOTAL OF ONLY $19.80 FROM CONCENTRATE 4 PACKAGES HIND QUARTER w= 3189) 59: 85: