* nm : -. > ror 3 | "5 7a Guiding in Port Perry Dist rict begins the week of Sept- ember 20th. Listed below is complete list of dates, times and leaders. Ages for groups are: Brownies--7-11; Guides --~10-15; Ranger--14-18. Ist Port Perry Brownie Pack meets Thursdays at 4 p.m. Brown Owl -- Mrs. E Hvidsten, phone 3089. Tawny Owl--Mrs. C, Warriner 7117 2nd P. P. Pack meets Mon- days at 4 p.m. Brown Owl --Mrs. R Peyton 7607. Towny ~--Mrs. G. Tassell - 2379. Srd P. P. Pack meets Mon- days at 4 p.m» Brown Owl-- Mrs. E. McCallum - 7411. Tawny--Mrs. A Bolton 7428. Ist Seagrave Brownie Pack --to be announced Ist Port Perry Guide Co meets Mondays at 7 p.m Captain--Mrs.-J. Parry 3077 Lieutenant -- Miss S. Sweet man - 2492 2nd Port Perry Guide Co meets Wednesdays at 7 p.m Sat Sigert Pa VEY Ma ee 2p Ga My, ke PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Sept, 22,1971 - & Guide Schedule mene Noe Ds fd it Ist Seagrave, Guide Co. meets Tuesdays at Y p.m Captain--Mrs. K. Howell, 7690. Ist Port Perry Ranger Co. meets Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Captain--Mrs. M. A. Lamb, 7701 Additional enquiries may be directed to either. Local Assgciation Chairman -- Mrs. B. Bracken, 2186 or District -- Mrs. L Commissioner Quinton, 3216 Mary Jane Crosier, Ontario County Dairy Princess is Dufferin County: Mary Jane Crosier, Ontario County; | C2Pt@in -- Mrs. A. Wannin- nary pate ae | posing for the photographer with four other County Prin- Kathy Thomson, Brant County; Jennie Reid, Bruce --_ 4 - - ee - Mrs s aliar : cesses during CNE competitions. From left Nancy Brown, County; Isabelle Johnston, Carleton County | $rd Guide Co. closed , ; + stable. Therefore, the cattle | ~ Take Special Care During _ Comm Harvesting Period The Ontario County Farm | these gases are heavier than Safety Council would like to remind you to be safety con- scious as we head into the 1971 corn harvesting season. Every fall there are Ont- ario farmers, who lose their lives through the careless operation of corn harvesting equipment, and there are many hours lost from the job due to injuries. Don't let an accident hap- pen to you this year. Make sure all safety shields are in place and never work with your machine while it is still running. Never al- low riders on your equip- ment. If your corn harvesting in- volves silo filling, then you must be on guard against the poisonous nitrogen diox- ide and carbon dioxide gases that are given off during the fermenting process. Both air and, therefore, sit on top of the silage. As you open the doors above the settled silage, these gases roll out and down the chute. The carbon dioxide is odorless and. colourless and causes suffocation by cutting off your oxygen supply. The nitrogen dioxide is an orange-yellow or yellowish- brown colour, and will make you cough and feel extreme- ly weak. You should never enter the silo until at least a week after silo filling. Even then you should run the blower for 10 minutes before enter- ing the silo, and keep it run- ning the entire time that you are in the silo. Once the silo doors are open down to the silage, these heavier than air dioxide gases will" go down the chute and into your standing nearest the chute opening are in the danger spot. You should never enter a newly filled silo without someone else around in case you need help. There can't be too much air circulation around a silo the first month after it is filled. Fresh a Patsy Hutchinson graduated from Oshawa General Hospital School - of Nursing Sept. 17th. Patsy is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff '| Hutchinson, R R No. 2, Port »| Perry. She' has accepted a | position on 'the Staff of Ajax | General Hospital. Grade "A" CHICKENS 3- 3% lb Avg. Wah Sweet Pickled .™ AI DON'T BE CAUGHT SHORT WITH THE COLD WEATHER COMING Cottage Rolls th. 57 Schneiders Mini-Sizzler Sausages». pks. 55c Maple Leaf Ranch Style Wieners pis. 49 Schneiders or Maple Leaf Bologna 6 ox. pks. 25c Anti-Freeze Special! $2.95 gal. ' 1 Cold Weather Special MINOR $22.95 TUNE-UP Features: Points, Plugs, Condensor and Dist- s ributor Removed and Tested Transportation Specials 1966 , 2 door 1968 Plymouth, 2 hardtop, V8, Auto, door, 6 cy!, Auto, radio, Radio, fully safety check- "ew W/W tires 38,000 ed, Al condition original mites, fully saf- and Test Drive! ety checked, new car Come vi ~~ v Scanlon Motors G4 WATER ST. -- Port Perry -- 985-2212 ORANGE 32 oz. 4 oz. Tang Crystals 4 0 75° HALO Reg. - Oily - Dry : Honey Pod Peas Light Bulbs 2 2° 39° Cream Style Corn WHITE SWAN INSTANT COFFEE Nescafe 31.29 Shampoo 4x WESTINGHOUSE 24 - 40 - 60-100 Watt ; Blades ~~ 75°) Toilet Tissue 2 31 / STOKLEYS FANCY