OD) i § & | f ¥ Hl 8 & ts H af : L fe i ; Pin Demonstration bee in at Sunday, October 7th Sunderland United Church St. John's Anglican Church, Blackstock, Saturday, October 23rd, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Admission Adults $1.75, ( Effective March Ist, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- _ REAL ESTATE -- WANTED ~ CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. "Cash Rate -- Sc. per word Ist week, 4c. extra consecutive weeks for a minimum of $1.00 Ist week, 80c. for extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion --if charged, and additional 25. will be added. * $0c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS Se. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEAT! Se. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 IN MEMORLAMS -- $1.50 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--61.50 per inch with a : one inch. All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- 12 O'CLOCK NOON TUESDAY Send cash, stamps, or money orders and save money PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. ; 4 i allt Jack "THE HARMONAIRES" Gormley, Ontario will pre. sent a musical progr: | Seagrave United Church on | Christmas Parties | rere ee TURKEY SUPPER Wednesday, October 20th at Grace Church Seugog. Sett | ings at 5, 6 and 7 p.m. Adults | $2.00, children 12 and under | $1.00. Pre Sehool ci'? 'free. For tickets contact Mrs. Maurice Fralick or John 2--Oct.13 E 00, |brand new Englis al gefeg| 5s vaeet| ge 4 1972 Models now Phone 985-7361 Water St. Port Perry OUR GREATEST SALE --Now on at-- Exquisite Fabric Shoppe, Cannington Extra large shipments of all h Crimple- nes, 60" wide, machine wash, no iron, all at only $3.95 yd. Also Printeds, choose from delicate pastel florals or vib- rant, vivid patterns 60" wide, _-- yd. Heavy double-knit lerseys in bright, rd multi- coloured stripes, 54" wide, regular $5.95 yd. Our price $2.98 yd. We have organdy, Kasha Lining, pure wools, washable flannel plaids, nets and laces, Draperies, Braids, Sequins, Maribou, Fringe, Trims and Bridal Fabrics, lus helpful, courteous serv- jee 6 days a week. 22--Oct.20 1 CHROME Red Table, 1 dou- ble bed & ng, 1 commode chair, 1 jo! v8 play: . 1 stroller & 1 large crib. 7458. ashi . . 53 ny a lalt a5 : : é Ri BE 5% re EXCELLENT Saddle Ponies, boken, single. 985-2226. 3--Oct.21 HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, split. | level, owner built home, beautifully decorated and landscaped. Terms arranged. 985-7104. 1965, 1 TON CHEV. Truck, Pg duty with racks. 985- LOWER, 2 bedroom apart- ment for rent. Ideal location, garage, heated. 'Teasonable MODERN farm house for rent 2 miles north of Port Perry. $150 month. Phore 985-3073. -_----- ROOM & BOARD-- ROOM and BOARD available in Port Perry. Box 4. Port Perry Star. 2 BEDROOM Apartment in Seagrave, Adults only. Avail- able immediately. Phone 985-2079. TF. HEATED St S) for Ph 3071 rent one FELT z af ad E if ee NEEDED TO TRAIN ACT FAST! ciation team. As a Dominion Automobile Association Representative you will have guaranteed re- newals. Earn High commis- sions, receive on the job training, with group insur- ance benefits, and pension. Act now and find eut how you can join the Dominion Automobile Association team. For a corifidential interview write today. Mr. W. Stapley, Dominion Automobi Association, 201 King Street, London, Canada Licence No. 328-C-71 SUPERIOR Ready-Mix 2s Concrete cf » Sand 4 %, Gravel t io Stone ah > Supplies Div. of Dougles Coppins Ltd. Port Perry Uxbridge 985-3236 852-3891 Fairview Lodge Whitby ANNUAL TEA & BAZAAR