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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Nov 1961, p. 8

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x THe SOMAWA TW, Woterter Nevntw * "'__FBOTPS CLUBS AUXILIARIES > GUIDANCE Hunters Increase _ |sinas'or hunters in the woods [tributed to burning clgaretes or Lei i] - F all Fire Danger Hunters who smoke while waik-|other smoking material being ON'. REGT. ASSN. AUX. p.m. All couples of St. George's Par ents Reaction Will Affect ing instead of ey y.thtct baton carelessly tossed into the under- : : so are regarded as a particular|brush. The Ladies Auxiliary, Ontario wore invited, ass friends of ihe f Starting in Woods menace. Regiment Association, met at|members. Each coupic was ask- Chil d Ch wd abl Gi . Snowfalls, already appearing) "Every hunter, prospector, the Armories with the presi-/ed to bring ng ons, people Tens arit e 1ving in northern parts of the prov-|logger and woods traveller When you ood " dent, Mrs. Fred Porter, presid-|ped in green for the men, an &s\inee, may cause some to lower| should double his efforts to pre- "HOME-NURSING ing jone wrapped in red for the) Around this time of year most community welfare when they) their guard on forest fire protec- Mrs. Betty Sheridan read the|ladies. The price not to exceed|jarge communities put on a sin-jare adults and parents them-|tion, but Ontario Lands and vent fires at this time of year, Call a V.0.N. Nurse minutes and Mrs. William Mac;,|35c. \gle campaign for raising funds selves? Won't our ways and at-|Yorests officials warn that the pinged erg no ayer 725-2211 ill is rest ible for "Home-Nursing Core for raarad ie EVERYONE" ety gave the treasurer's re-| oonpRE STREET WA jt be allocated among the va- titudes go on from generation/forest fire danger will not hel} | The president and vice-presi- E Mrs. Harry Woods, were | | Centre Street United Church |Tious welfare agencies. ae generation? lover until the snow comes io |Woman's Association met last| When children share in giving) In contrast, how wonderful,|stay. Some of Ontario's most : lweek with Mrs. Fred Graham|to this fund from their allow- while driving with our children| disastrous fires occurred during nominated to represent the UX: residing. Mrs Norman. Gower|ances, savings or earnings, they py a hospital, home for the|October and early November -- Fol ye pe alba gers) charge for the devotional|¢an derive good moral values.'aged, or school for blind, deaf, Forest protection officers ex-| auxiliary also elected to help at|Petiod, The theme was "THANK /cHLDREN INFLUENCED 0° ClDPICG "ave" share in teaves fall and with dry. frase BAILEY FOODS LID Hillsdale Manor for November ; . | During such a campaign, our " | fi ; A > baste, were Mrs. Ray Hobbs, Mrs.| The secretury's and treasdr-lchildren may derive much or er sto 2 ni and Jeeee meet then tae | r] j jer's reports read. -\little morally, according to what owe ge! you 3 : . Oy oes Lbs br tessa Be rapid Pr James reported on flowers|they hear ba par ne us. Is think we are in contributing to|A dry fall period can be even] OSHAWA AJAX WEST HILL lalso be donated by the Auxiliary,|sent to sick and calls and cards/even' possible for our children the community fund, we osind Pap ary gain than the men-| The group welcomed back,|were reported to lose much that is precious are generous enough. The same/aqr fal Hees ie Teas, | THE FOOD SHOP lafter their long absence through; Thanks were expressed by the/inside from observing our reac- holds true for what we give to| ire danger is in-| OSHAWA AND WHITBY PLAZA illness, Mrs. Mabel Wolfram,|president to all the membersjtion to the fund-raising cam- OUT church or synagogue, local) (Mrs. William Beaton and Mrs.|who had worked so hard tojpaign. . hospital and the like. If we/for doing good, believing in the |William Lovelock, make the turkey dinner a suc| jy, they hear as, in defense of check on how much we give for| teaching of our Lord and Master ,| The annual bazaar is to bejcess. our own selfishness, condemn- such services in terms of our)when He said, "It is more ' |held November 50 at the Orange) plans were made for the nextling some of the wel'are organi- ability to give, in terms of our blessed to give than to re-| _||Hall on Bruce street at 7 p.m.| meeting which will be a pot luck|7ations sharing the fund, criti. Sica! "o™forts and expendi-|ceive. oe FRESH BLUEBERRY PIE 5le 4\. Prize donated by Mrs. Clif-|supper on Wednesday, Decem-| izing some of the persons giv- tures on luxuries, we might con-| (My bulletin "The Very Self-| jford Sewell was won by Mrs. ber 20 ling their time to solicit for this clude that our giving is very ish Child" may be had by send- MADE WITH FRESH FROZEN BLUEBERRIES |Bert Anderson after the meeting _-- titid ' : x small indeed ing a self - addressed stamped A |fvnd, ar naming certain persons sma , € /a Penny, sale was held in the | COMFORT IN KITCHEN [who don't give as much as We pERIVE SATISFACTION a BANANA FUDGE LAYER CAKE 51 oT es The color scheme chosen for think they should, what effect Wher we consider the good : DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE CAKE WITH FRESH BANANAS paltl SO Ug ein et Sorin cutsocmseam (Marten Be baat ege | © fret re aver aa OR QUAI, (RENIN 294 eae ; e monthly meeting o! -|for the woman of the house who FOSTERS CALLOUSNESS ions, w' gre z shite | " 3 4 |George's Memoria' Church All) 4 spend a gond deal of her; And what if they. see us giv- factions from our giving. How ten, yee 7 ped = ~~ Shop at the bakery with the large variety. E | Doubles Club was held recently) ae Paton patgut kit-|ing. grudgingly and stingily? wonderful when our children) atong with hia parents wen jwith a good attendance, A pot)time there. 4 Will they, too, grow calloused see us gaining such _satisfac-/_ "> \luck supper was held prior to) chen with colors that are not too' +, the needs of other persons? tions, see us welcome the oppor-| {the meeting, after which MYr.| stimulatir best after all,|Will they give sparingly toward tunity to share our Pp | and Mrs. Jack Biddulph, Pend [beta hin fed nisane : Wi y gi pi BY ah a SAL asc Piette \Mr. and Mrs Lorne Nancekival| 0st WORMED 'Are active enough| | A lacted as judges for the Hallow-| and don't need colors in the kit-| : | i costumes Prizes _were|chen to keep them on the move. | ee " awarded to Mr. William Joyce,| i i 1- \Mr. William Murray, Mrs. Cyrii|!" small Riches, vey lige <0 Campbell and Mrs. William|°FS are essential. Natural wood Pe al ag . i Dixon |cupboards give kiichens. a warm Uf, TO LIVE IN ZION Mr, James Allen delighted the|feeling. Plastic counter tops are ye group with his calling for the|colorful and ease housekeeping j At Zion United Church re- | Halliday of Zion and the |Square dance which followed and| chores, while at the sink plas- NEW FIGURE FLATTERY cently, Barbara Halliday. be- | bridegroom is the son of also taught the basic steps * |tie wcare: well and-igoks wall ' a y-| s ; those unfamiliar with the dance. 4 i y - | Mr. E. H. Wilbur of Taunton ' te ee 4 { came the bride of Loyd va | ee ee Mrs. Wibur. | The Christmas dinner meeting|foF dish drainers, soap contain- GE NIH BETTER COMFORT tor of Me ane Me A --Photo by Mary's studio |will be held: December 2 at 7\ers and dishpans. & a Zi SETTER CONTROL te 3 STEAKS . : AX i>. ; AND ig gst | , : m ROASTS For The Teenager e SIRLOIN e WING There are very few girls who|press upon her that daintiness| B77 : ce do not thrill at the prospect of|requires a clean bra every day.| 3 : \ x BONELESS C their very first bra, their first) since bras dry easily over- SS a e ROUND STEAK garter belt. |night, she can suds and rinse : ; é j ' If the garter belt is one of the/her garments at bedtime. A ae ay UY, Se If or ROAST pretty, lacy type well, so much/freshly-washed panty garter belt , ' ie" 6 lb the better, for it is featherlight!j; 9 must, too, for the well- : : bee j : * By . 4 BONELESS is and comfortable to wear. | groomed, dainty girl. | : \ Choosing foundation garments) gpow daughter how to shape | ' j : : : K , ' ® RUMP ROAST most forest fires. In one dis- trict, two-thirds of the fires in a Specials: Thursday, Friday, Saturday pole ayes a teen deserves! aamp bra or panty with her|| Pilg oleae pecate Fos remains in shape and looks like ; ; new. Remind her that elasti- ' Aes : : ee ; --a light wispy cotton bra; # of practical chain Eee cized materials should be dried| # : 4 Ce ' stitched undercup has IC ROAST The panty girdles or panty gar| 9+ oom temperature and never : : i : clever lining for gentle fingers so that it dries smooth, i t control. And with all : : i f : i 4 signet contrl ANd ae Start daughter olf with at| fae | Bat wexeoss'ee | Boneless SHOULDER age group should be as pretty | least two of each type of founda- : q fe ; 3 If all this seems a big bill of| ways be a clean foundation gar- co specifications, it is good to know|ment twosome in the lingerie} | : figure control with the It. This is of the length and é i eee oe -- ae =iae="| FRONT QUARTERS » 39° panties, but the curved sides are|children like bright, stimulat-| ips : ° STRETCH FABRICS turn to more restful colors.| } ie , <eeNe Nylon erg es vs for When decorating a child's room, | Si ; (olen, svatatie ee " the lower half of another panty ; | 2 : : 2 - --a garter belt, with the top made| "emember " -- | Os $5.00) of a light-as-air-stretchable ma-|SPlashes of color. These can be} ' ; : \ terial. |charmingly achieved through ac-| : ae . ae Satin elastic garter belts are|cessories, such as waste bas- Me so ° u embroidered with blue roses and) ets) mats and drapes. Nurser- is WA LKER S LEG RUMP and a ; j : 32-40). as a swim suit or party dress. |tion garment that you choose for Ag : . ee hd ( ' $200 a Bl d R lb : : | &§ ealy Blade Hoast ; that designers and manufactur-|drawer. PANTIE-GIRDLE* _ White S/M/L. bloomer - shaped and trimmed] ing colors. As we grow older we| Pos ; : Style = 130 $500 CUT AND WRAPPED FREE decorated with blue scalloped), 7 : | e praia stitching. No need to urge alles can be equipped with wear| SPELL - BOUND her--one to wear and one to ers are very much aware of| The prices of these garments| i : a nf *(a SECRET LADY product) these demands. lare so reasonable that such an| , per : Ae FREEZER SPECIAL with frothy nylon lace. | land tear furnishings and fabrics. | IN R 4 aoe aa oe gas oa ie and drawers of a| Son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug- | grandson of Mrs. Louis Fow- OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SIRLO OAST e 9° ter belts should exert only the alose {0 alveck heat, : A = ; added uplift; embroidered AWARE OF DEMANDS wash. That way, there will al Pee Bac agg sl int aig | Cutlay isn't a budget-denter. | | : ; Y ; ' c ; . front and b beck satin Lasted | RIND QU ARTERS 55° appeared is the bloomer. garter) LIGHT AND BRIGHT | g fj ? ss 4 i panels, provides perfect LB. \lose our youthful energy and j : ee eo ONE kccivsess As for the bras, some are |child's room can be faced with| !a8 Scott, Stacey avenus, is | ler, Oshawa, and Mr. and 728-4626 SHOULDER CHOPS : egy ' gently foam-contoured, lined for |tough laniinated plastic. Vinyl| Richard Douglas. Richard | Mrs. Thomas Scott, Perth, celebrated his first birthda Ontario. comfort and Sane coverings and cai cover) on October Ik. He in" the |" --Photo by trend LOIN & RIB CHOPS w straps made of satin elastic lam-|'"8° Plastic waste baskets and)------ | I | wardrobe in itself, and it is easy| | & . (3-4be.) SKINLESS WIENERS | : PO Re a ESRC re ; (4-Ibs.) BOLOGNA BY THE PIECE young daughter on her first) Punch Bowls, Etc. from | ss (5-Ibs.) MEATY PORK HOCKS foundation garment wardrobe to| Sargeant's Rental : : | (4-Ibs.) LEAN RIB STEW BEEF : 9 ; teach her the necessity of the) 725-3338 ey ae , (3-Ibs.) SMOKED BACON SQUARES Frones ta of Php gai pen 4 ; (2-Ibs.) SMALL LINK PORK SAUSAGES et her launder her own and im-! | : , (3-Ibs.) VEAL PATTIES ath draw ibaa Sa aatiac nee | ae 'pm % (4-Ibs. FRESH MADE COUNTRY SAUSAGE : ee : : ; Pe p | Any of the above for only ror | ° roe Se @ GIBLETS @ LIVER For a Night of Fun... rt : : oa 2b tb HAIRDRESSERS' BALL inated to flannel are excellent|even plastic dolls and toys will] LEAN, SLICED to sell a young girl on the idea. | LET'S HAVE A PARTY Be .. ey. oo : BUY 5 LBS. SAUSAGE MEAT FOR 1.00 SAT. || , i | -- FREE! GET 5 LBS. FREE NOV. 18 tO ee oe Pere * | CUT UP CHICKEN i ee . ya" ~=--C--<'<ié'~sY|s«#SCéPOOLLISSH:« SAUSAGE DINE AND DANCE = ay ome : | | KIELBOsSA @ ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM : | . ' se ci : BU . - L 7 R BERNARD TIERNEY & His Orchestre si seg TURKEY BUFFET sa = rag. young girls used to|take extremely hard wear. Ib shoulder straps. ,, \Cleanliness is easily achieved aa a" COOKED HAM . € in wate Conde ot ad eee | BE A NEW YOU pin tabs, it is virtually a bra-| -- | SEE WHAT 1.00 WILL BUY 7h a es oe starting your) Rent Panes. Gute, @ LEGS @ THIGHS ¢ e@ WINGS @ NECKS BREAST Ib. .... 39 4-\bs. * 1.00 2-lbs . 19° rae ae : a NEW SEASON'S at the 2nd Annual : | " 3 s SAUERKRAUT HAWAIIAN NITE DOOR PRIZES AND FAVOURS ; Tender EAT N PROCEEDS TO HILLSDALE MANOR TICKETS AVAILABLE AT YOUR 27 CELINA STREET -- OSHAWA | TRUE -TRIM BEEF | FAVORITE BEAUTY sie 728-0662 728-0662 12 KING E, -- » 723-3633 (

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