10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 14, 1961 8th Scout Auxiliary " BIBLICA Bake Well In Advance Of The Occasion This Cake Will. Be Fresh When You Serve It Brown sugar, honey, dates,|ful as an ingredient and spice--just everything nice|baked goods moist -- make up the flavor of Biblical| Honey has no better opportu- Honey-Date Cake -- a cake that|nity to demonstrate these time- keeps fresh, pleases the taste, tested qualities than in Biblical provides rich energy, and is just) Honey-Date Cake. Here is a right for any occasion. recipe you can try--Remember People in ages past knew the)you can bake a Biblical Honey- qualities of honey to be unsur- Date Cake well in advance of passed. They call honey "am-|the occasion and still be sure it brosia'" and "the food of the) will be fresh when you serve it Gods" and used it in their own|Try it today food and drink. They prized "| BIBLICAL HONEY-DATE CAKE to keep highly and also used it in religi-| ous ceremonies. People today) know honey as nature's own, (Yield 1 9-inch tube pan or sweet, easy on. the digestive 1 loaf 9% x 5\%4.x 2%4-inches.) system, quick to give energy, 2% cups sifted all-purpose flour delightful to the taste, appeal-| 1 teaspoon baking soda ing in its distinctive aroma,|1% teaspoons baking powder valuable as a source of some/1 teaspoon nutmeg vitamins anc minerals, and use-| %4 teaspoon ginger GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES NORTHMINSTER WMS The monthly meeting of North minister United Church Wom en's Missionary Society was held in the vestry of the church The president, Mrs. Harry Mel- low, opened with this quotation, "God has given the women of J } the western world so many|Mrs. James White presiding. blessings, that He must expect The secretary's report was great things from them." This|read by Mrs. Jack Stacey and was followed by a prayer. the treasurer, Mrs. Roland Mor- Along with the regular busi-/ris gave her report It was ask- ness, the group heard a veryjed if any member had any un- comprehensive report of thejneeded Cub unifornis, to turn Presbytery Rally held recently|them in to the president for the in Ajax by Mrs. Mellow and|Eskimo boys. Mrs. R. B. Galbraith. Mrs. Gordon Varnum was the The collection was dedicated) cuest speaker and gave a talk by Mrs. Dorothy Basley. lon Scouting and keeping the The ar pind led | bY! Scout laws. Mrs. E, S. Dafoe, and another pecs ; | The Auxiliary gave the 19th chapter from the study book, snags yg pee "Sj Sixties,' was ; ee ong * |Cub David Skerrow won the x executives and grade mothers of Miss Schneider's room 9TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX The regular meeting of the 19th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held recently at Cedardale United Church with president, L HONEY--DATE CAKE Christmas Bazaar Successful Event Mrs G. L. Fitches, president of the 8th Oshawa Sea Scout Mothers' Auxiliary welcomed the guests and introduced Mrs. Francis Abthorpe, who opened the Christmas tea and bazaar given by this organization re- cently. Mrs Abthorpe as a for- me: Cub Leader of the 8th Troop, spoke of her great inter- est in this project of the Moth- ers' Auxiliary The well attended bazaar, with ifs many and attractive booths completely filled the parish hall. 'The fish pond attended by Mrs. Robert Dove, was a pleasant) : place for the children. Mrs.| (7 Arthur Clatke, Mrs. Douglas Barton and Mrs. James Thomp- son presided at the homemade} ' candy booth | The knitted woollens sold well| | under the direction of Mrs. John| ; Robertson, and Mrs. Harold Creamer. Dol! clothes and sew- ing were sold by Mrs. Dwight Bunner, Mrs. J..W. Button, Mrs. 4 \N. L. Laughlin and Mrs. Alfred il |Haroid | A new item in the project this| year was a booth operated by) Mrs. D. W. Hewitt and Mrs. D ; |L. St. Andrews on behalf of the A BLOND {boys of the Starboard Troop. This white elephant collection, Three-year-old Wendy Ellen \found many customers. The al-| is the daughter of Mr. D. W. ways interesting home baking! Wilson, Rossland road west, was quickly sold by Mrs.| and the late Mrs. Wilson. Mathew Sutton, Mrs. F. G. % sae Edith Taylor, thanked all the members for the lovely gifts that were donated. It was decided that to hold the Christmas party on De- cember 19 further plans will be made at the next meeting. The draw prize, which was donated, was won by Sister Edna Huband. Refreshments were served by Sisters Kay Large, Ann Heaslip and Ann Coulson. LODGES AND SOCIETIES LEND-A-HAND CLUB |their reports and the members The 'Lend a Hand Club of;who were ill were rememeber- Past Noble Grands, Rebekah' ed. Lodge No. 3 held its regular) Plans were made for the business meeting in the Oddfel-|Christmas party in the form of low Auditorium, with Sisterja turkey dinner to be held in |Gladys Blyth, president, presid-|the IOOF Hall, December 4, at ing assisted by vice president,'6.30 p.m. Sister Alice Lanning. "| At the close of the meeting a ' : The meeting opened with pray-{game of cards was enjoyed and The next regular meeting will er, roll call and reading of min.|refreshments were served by|De held on Tuesday, November utes. Sister Alice Lanning, sick|Sister Stoneburg and her com- oa convener reported visiting sis-|mittee. ters in the hospital and sendin) i out get well, piethday and anni- DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND versary cards. Sister Pearl Pea-| lhe regular meeting of The) House with both. The Ritual: of cock, CPT representative report-| Daughters of England "Em-\the Badge and The Ritual of ed three beds, one wheel chair Pres of India', Lodge 26 was! Jewels ceremonies presented. andone walker available for'@ld in the Orange Temple.|Carol Clough and Maureen anyone wishing the use of them... Vorthy President, Sister|Comerford received The Ritual The December meeting will Edith' Taylor, presided, with! of the Badge Degree. Receiving be a pot luck supper, Christmas vice-president, Sister Edna Hu-)The Ritual of Jewels Degree party and exchange of gifts be- band assisiing were Fran Blaze, Donna Ko- ginning at 6 o'clock. The chaWain, Sister Ka y| black, Mary Kolynko, Marguer- The meeting was followed by Large. led the devotional per-jite Stone and Louise Thompson. bingo and refreshments served|i0d. The charter was draped) The president Miss Judy Glov- by hostesses, Sisters Edith Eyv-|4"4 two minutes silence held forjer presided over the business ans, and Beatrice Pidduck, Ma- the late Sister Susan Water-|meeting which followed the Ri- ble Disney and Gladys Blyth. house. jtuals. It was decided that the : The secretary read thank-you|proceeds of the fashion show PNG CLUB cards and correspondence was|held October 24 be donated to | | The Mizpah Past - Noble-'read from Grand Lodge. Com-|the Diabetic Association and the 4 |Grand's Club held its meeting) mittee. reports were given and Holmes Fund. @_jat the home of Sister Gladys|discussions held on various sub-| The next meeting of the Phi E BEAUTY |Stoneburg with Sister Jennie jects..The penny sale-which was|Phi Chapter will be held at the |Perry presiding. : held recently was very suecess-|home of Miss Margaret Russell The various committees gave ful. Worthy president, Sister on November 21, | Wendy is the granddaughter | pry BETA SIGMA PHI A meeting of the Phi Phi Chapter was held at Adelaide | of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Furey, Oshawa. --Photo by Ireland | Knowler, Mrs. Frank Sturch, Mrs Michae! Kadoski and Mrs. Roy Day. Selling aprons were Mrs. Doug'as Redpath, Mrs. Clarence Sptcer, and Mrs. M. B. Proctor The novelty booth under the |direction of Mrs. Stan"ey Gales was most interesting with its apples guarantees that the appl large collection of Christmas wreaths, Moist and Spic Y% teaspoon allspice : ¥ : Y% teaspoon salt 1-3 cup butter or margarine ges % cup honey pkgs. (744 ounces each) pitted dates, finely cut 1-3 cup milk and gift!) savored for many months t Sift t ' fl assisted with their sale Si ogether flour, die tees ' ie ) : p : hae Mrs Clare McCullough, tealine harvest will be available, a soda, baking powder, -onvener, set the long tea table|+ och as if they had just bee and salt. ¢ shige butter or 'ase sch Lage ee go age picked, wel! into winter. garine thoroughly. Add sugar sult i pig aoe = Here's an apple dessert, how gradually; blend well. Add eggs Mira. Liovd Sturch 'Assisting ren ever, that one at a time sgl ye welllthe kitchen were Mrs. A s. right away. after each addition. Ad oney| Evans, Mrs. Murdie MacLeod, , shiy.|Mrs. William Lock, Mrs. K. G. ng : shied ecm 3 thoroughly. Sw kates Mrs O J Broadbent, |flavorful, you'll like this cake a Add dates; mix carefully. Add ord Mrs. Leo Glover. The 'serv.|a dessert or as a hearthsid dry ingredients alternately with ets y milk, adding flour mixture first|Christmas corsages were Mrs evening and last. Beat only until blended|E. V Davies Mrs. Peter Bell, APPLE BRAN CAKE after each addition. Spoon hat- spake M. J. igiigiing san Al 14 cups sifted flour sr into a greased ¢ ped| oars Ries Bef '| 14 teaspoon baking soda ter into a greased and floured and Mrs. Aijlan Morrow. Mrs. R.|,'* coma Sine powder 9-inch = yeh pos 9 a 350/7 Ross sold the tickets to the 5 raven be g degree F. (moderate) 0VeN/ tearoom jt § ae about 1 hour. Cool in pan about) --_--_------ 4 teaspoon cinnamon l% teaspoon ground cloves 10 minutes; remove from pan; Astra Group cup soft shortening cool thoroughly. rons segs cup sugar Bazaar And Tea tive aprons, tea towels and doll Guide Hall with seventeen| Fall colors of gold, brown|clothes present. and green graced the tables Hats, mitts, socks, and bab Arrangements were made tojand gates in the Memorialjoutfits of all kinds were sol have a bake sale. in January.|Hall of Simcoe Street United|by Mrs. Howard Toaze from th The knitted squares were handed Church, when the Astra Group/knitling booth. Mrs. Robert Mc in to be made into shawles. It of the WA held a very success-|Leod had charge of the touc was decided that the "Lend-a-|ful bazaar and tea. and take card table. hand-Box" be turned in before) Mrs. Harry M. Smith opened the next meeting I The December meeting will)one patronized the home baking | ning were kept busy in th be the annual Christmas pot-|tables or the sewing, knitting) home baking booth. luck supper and will be held at)and christmas booths. Cedardale Church on December| Christmas trees, logs, candles, 4 at 6.30 p.m. A $1.00 gift will/and be exchanged. {stuffed monkeys, baking spices Apple Bran Cake i of the Girl Guide Association was celebrated this month at charge of the tea room. Thos: you'll want to tryjing who wore bright and gay snack with coffee any nippy Mrs. Walter Roe, Mrs. Regi- the bazaar, after which every-|nald Pipher and Mrs.Alan Can-| Mrs. Brian Durance had puppets and|served, helped to make the tea Apple Bran Cake Tasty Desert or Evening Snack This year's abundant crop oi|1 egg e|l teaspoon vanilla flavoring beautiful treats your family so enjoys can} % cup whole bran cereal oj}. cup coarsely grated apple novelties. Mrs. Reginald Coombs come. Thanks to advances in| % cup cold coffee brew storage of apples, the fruits of} tbsp. soft butter s| % tsp. cinnamon n one-third cup confectioners' sugar -| Sift together flour, soda, bak- powder, salt and spices S'Blend shortening and sugar. or marg. a spicy loaf cake with a cinna-|Add egg and vanilla; beat well. |mon crumb topping. Moist and Stir in all-bran and apple. Add S\sifted dry ingredients alternate- €\ly with coffee, mixing after each addition. Do not overmix Spread in greased 8 x 8-inch pan. Bake in mdderate oven (375 deg. F.) about 40 minutes While cake is baking, blend butter, cinnamon and sugar to- gether with fork or pastry| blender until mixture is crum | |bly. Sprinkle over cake. Bake! about 5 mfitites longer. Cut into squares when cool Yield: 9 servings. eee MONTREAL - WINDSOR/DETROIT SARNIA - KINGSTON Windsor/ Detroit + Sarnia Dep. 9.15 a.m.-- Kingston * Montreal Dep, 9.30 a.m. See your Travel Agent, or 'phone NORDAIR 728-9011 Tordain® This service operates, by authority of Class 2 Licence; days and times are tentative, subject to change or cancellation without notice. SERVING THE FUTURE FROM SOUTHERNMOST CANADA TO THE FAR NORTH © y e| oi h! e| There's Something Special about Rowena ; best costume. Cub Ian Smith ex- ee ipressed his thanks on behalf of HUMORESQUE CLUB 'the Cub Pack The Humoresque Club oat A social half hour followed Patricia McConnell presiding Das thas. ri cs < to be The secretary, Mrs. Mary} December 13 at 8 p.m Armistead, read the pean hentia teocadeen Mrs. Adrian 'Hill and Mrs and all correspondence received.| 9th PARENTS' COMMITTEE Otto Young served refreshments. A report was given for wie} The 6th Birthday Anniversary|The Birthday cake was cut by ata and all standing com-|o¢ the 9th Parents' Committee\Mrs. Jack Lee, President. mittees. , Lee, President, The Lions Club is giving its annual Christmas dinner on Monday evening, December il, | at Simcoe Street United Church. The club's Christmas party will be on Thursday evening, December 14, and names were drawn for the exchange of gifts The CCB Conference is to be at the CNIR Camp at Lake Joseph, Parry Sound, in June, 1962. The official delegate elect- ed to. represent the club is Mrs Eva Wakely and the alternate delegate is Miss Vera Siblock. The members sang 'Happy Birthday,' for Mr. Charlie Lovell although he was absent due to illness. Refreshments were served by Lionettes Mrs Rufus Lambert and Mrs. Jack Anderson. ALBERT STREET H and S The November meeting of Albert Street Home and Schoo! was held recently. Mr. Robert Goddard intro- duced the guest speaker, Dr Charles D. Jackson, psychologist with the Board of Health. Dr. Jackson will work primarily with the children at the Mental Health Clinic. 4e spoke mainly of the maladjusted and disturb- ed child. The things that lead to} the conditions and often lead to a xerious mental problem. He especially urged the close bond between teachers and parents, thus home and school. The principa!, Mr. Robert Cowley then introduced the two speakers, who spoke on the Community Chest Fund. They were Master Robert Morrison, | winner of the contest at Albert! Street, who spoke of the handi- capped, and mentally retarded.) Miss Gail Miller was a close) runner-up. She spoke on "Mul- tiple Sclerosis'. Mr. Cowley ex- pressed his thanks and pride in their ability. Mrs. Stephen Macko read her smmary of the events of the "Area C" Conference of the On- tario Federation of the Home and School, held at the Oshawa Central Collegiate Institute on October 21. The president, Mrs. N. E. Wright presided, the secretary, | Mrs. Lloyd Patterson read the minutes, and the treasurer's re- Mrs. Otto Young, the enclosure cards on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Mrs. Leonard Jackson led the) group through the stages of a) at Brownie. BUY NOW MEAGHER'S TELEVISION AT... 23TC622 RCA VICTOR Long range "New Vista" Tuner, Picture Stabalizer Circuits, Automatic Channel Equalizer, Bonded Picture Tube, Copper Bonded Circuits. 209° Street. has asked for help with|from the Christmas booth by "Raggedy Ann" dolls were sold)room an enjoyable part of the jevening. } Mrs | Prizes were drawn during the jevening. These were won by Mrs. Murray Davidson and|Mrs. Gabriel "Lavictoire, Mrs. Mrs. Donald Patterson of the|Russell Hayward and Mrs sewing booth, sold many attrac-'Byron Worden. Mrs. Robert Hess Kenneth Cowan and Our "White Elephants' are items that we really want to dispose of in a hurry . We have marked them away down and put them out on WEDNESDAY AT 9.00 A.M. Quantities are limited so please be here early for best selection! CHILDREN'S WEAR COATS SETS -- 9 only -- Boys' and Girls' sizes 1 to 3 Holf Price ! Reg. 15.98 to 17.98 7.99 to 8.99 HATS--Children's, for Winter, 7 only--Reg 1.79, each 50¢ SLEEPERS--SLACKS--T-SHIRTS--PLAY SETS -- All reduced to clear PRICE Va LADIES' WEAR SCARVES -- A small assortment BEADED COLLARS -- Pearls PYJAMAS -- Reg. to 3.98. 1,99 SNUGGIES -- "Harvey Woods". Cotton/Wool. Reg. 1.89. 1.00 HOSIERY -- "Penman's" Wool/Nylon Subs. Reg. 2.79 1.39 SOX -- "Penmons", Bermuda length for Girls. Nylon/Cotton quality. Size 9% to 11. Reg. 1.29. 79¢ HOUSEHOLD NEEDS CURTAINS -- Our stock of display and counter soiled curtains. Reg. to 6.98, pair 2.99 DRAPERIES -- 6 poir only. Reg. to 16.98, pair 5.99. SHOWER SETS -- 8 only. Discontinued patterns. Shower cur- tain and window drapes. Reg. to 10.00, set ... BED SPREADS -- 5 only G99, Seen 2, MIXER COVERS -- Bucilla made linen in fancy designs. Reg. 1.59, each 50c TEA TOWELLING -- 22" wide linen in assorted colors. Stripes. Reg. 59c to 69c, yard 4% BLANKETS -- 'Ibex' Flannelette in double bed size. Colored borders. 70" by 90", pair 5.99 SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR OTHER SALE ITEMS Reg. to 2.98, each Reg. to 1.98, each Good weight home spun. Reg. to 3.99 Simcoe AT MEAGHER'S ee 8 ort was given by Mrs. John) ubbard. 5 KING STREET WEST 723-3425 i| Athol Store Closes 12:30 Wednesday Ht. At WARD'S Ratreshments Bare 66x700 by! Regus A | A Really Milder High Grade' Virginia Cigarette with the EXCLUSIVE -- e AS <a candy houses along with|who worked in the kitchen and = re | u MAU ed a a »most effective filter tip yet developed choicest, extra mild Virginia tobaccos @rich flavour, exceptional smoothness firmly packed for longer-lasting smoking pleasure Coe) 2 fA. du MAURIER FILTER » SUPER