27--Real Estate fc for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale _ 27--Real Estate for Sale 29--Automobiles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale ONLY ONE -- This large 7-room split-level home is Bagg a lovely treed country lot in suburban Oshawa, Three large bedrooms with ample closets, 2 bathrooms, living room with stone fireplace, modern kitchen and dining room, family T.V. room and walkout basement. Oil forced air heating ond electric hot water, but just look! All this for only $15,000 with very easy terms. Please call for your personal showing. for RENTALS -- we hove a number of. houses and cpartments rent to suit your requirements -- 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms ------ immediate possession available -- all sections ot the city. WILSON Realtor Oshawa Shopping Centre til 9 725-6588 Weinberger 723-7244 Charlie Rankine 728-3682 tee a, | with fireplace, 2 room apartment, rent- ling at $50 now, double garage, A good bu: PRIVATE sale, five room brick bun- «Bi nspect ba galow, north-east section Bever'; |Street, terms, Telephone | 725-6398. " | Rossi. tive TWO rooms, upstairs, one down stairs, | attrac' three-piece bath, laundry facilities, or large rooms, kitchen, clean and warm, Married ' f | vanity, Asking $14,500. Good terms, Wil- corres ee gentlemen: Apply 67 Bec-) oes Realtor, Ask for Charles Rankine, $600 DOWN, $9100 full price, five-room value, near schools, excellent location | please call MO 85765, brick bungalow GOOD income home for sale, extra, WORTH looking at. 7-room. split level at $14,500, Only 4% years old, To Mr, Siblock at 725-6544. ad. This three year old features roomy kitchen with din- ette, tile bathroom, colored fixtures and '49 CHEVROLET parts for sale all in excellent condition. . Telephone 723-2880. 1953 PONTIAC, body and motor A-Ljpypy newly upholstered, Sacrifice, $350. Tele- phone' 728-1890. '53 ROVER, black, 4-speed transmis- sion, mechanically sound. Owner leav- ing town, 728-3086 evenings, 5 - 7.30. i058 VAUXHALL deluxe, good condition. Will take trade-in, Telephone MO 8-5270. "82 FRONTENAC, Good good bungalow, close to Central Collegiate, features garage, hot water heating, de- '28--Real Estate Wanted HI-FI four speaker, over $200 in LP. records; also record bar $100. Also '54 Buick, $300. Dunbarton, 839-2709. PRITERS, cash registers, a 's, sales, service, new, used, Bill Ham- ilton, Ashburn, Brooklin. WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. GAS range, white enamel, four burner, two storage drawers, in se condition, Price $30, Telephi tires only 3,60) miles. South a fT Moetio. Sell to highest bidder, 655-3429. corated and large lot. ranged, Phone Douglas L. Gower Real- jcondition, St. tor. 728-4651. SINGLE rooms, also furnished bachelor | Reeve of Sel apartment, hot water; close to General) Motors and bus. Apply 105 Ritson North. | |THREE- 725-1300. SINGLP or double furnished 5 ladies or gentlemen, use of kitchen and, down. Box 541 Oshaw Gregory's Church area. Have good down payment. loshawa, near public school and bus. 'a Times. Terms to be ar- !fWO or three-bedroom home in good Call Russ hofield-Aker Ltd., at 725- or four-bedroom bungalow, room, !Around ten thousand with two thousand |FORD Consul, '50 Pontiac, your choice $95, Easy terms. Stewart Motor Sales, 822 King West. 725-1667, "Sy Austin. Priced cor quick sale at Fina Service Station, 627 Simcoe Street South 63 FORD, good transportatioi Apply Fina Service Station. 160 Street South. m, $75.|55-- Simcoe washing machine, central location, Tele- WE HAVE BUYERS METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 ADELAIDE ST. W. Attractive 5-room bungalow -- large lot -- paved drive, large broadloomed living room and master bedroom, large ktichen with loads of cupboards and good eating area, 3 bedrooms. Storm windows, doors, close to public, separate anc new high school. This is a real buy at $10,900.00 with reasonable down poyment. $7500.00 4 large rooms, 1¥%4-storey home -- modern kitchen with loads of cupboards. Make your offer and down payment. Must be sold, For homes, apartments, business properties, lots, investment properties call this office or any salesman evenings for futher information, AFTER 5:30 CALL 725-7610 Dick Barriage, 725-6243 Joe Maga, 725-9191 John Kemp, 728-2392 Everett Elliott, 723-§ 9290 _ HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 728-1679 BESSBOROUGH DRIVE There is 1230 sq. ft. of living space in this brick bungalow with carport on a beautiful lot. Broadloomed living and dining room, family kitchen with dishwasher and plenty ot cupboards, three good bedrooms with built-ins and a. beautiful four-piece bathroom with tub enclosure and vanity. The recreation room finished in mahogany panelling with fireplace and bar is just the place to do your Christmas entertaining. Immediate posses- sion, owner transferred. . Price reduced for quick sole. Call Loreen Kellett for further information, 723-3770. MASSON STREET $18,900.00 -- 2'%-storey brick home on lot 80' x 144', Living room 24 x 12, separate dining room, kitchen, two-piece washreom, heated sunporch. Second floor 'has four bedrooms ond a four- piece bathroom, Two rooms on third floor -- hot water oil heating, An ideal family home. To inspect call __boreen K Kellett 723- 3770, Marion Drew, |phone 725-1 815 0. FOR LOWER PRICED 24,000. 80 acres, 8 room m brick home, HOMES conveniences, barn, shed, creek, com- We urgently need listings on muting distance of Toronto, Oshawa, Whitby. AXminster 3-4391, or Box 551, properties -- $10,000, or under. For free appraisal Markham, Ontario, John E. Lumley, k house, barn, about 1 hour from Markham, AXminster 3-4391, or Box 551, Markham, Ontario, John E. Lum- ley, Realtors. PRIVATE SALE Three bedroom brick bungalow w! Hollywood kitchen and dining area. Fully decorated and land- scaped, Close to all schools with ex- cellent bus service. Spotless condition, Tel Telephone | 728-8835. _Please no agents, we 728-8423 TREMBLAY Street, five room_ brick 725-1726 bungalow, Hollywood grime all good li-- SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD. 723-2265 725-0243 Daytime .. Evenings "61 PONTIAC, convertible, V8, auto- matic, white walls, wheel discs, price $3,195. Will finance. 723-2674. 132 FRONTENAC, good condition, good tires. Only 3,600 miles. South of Myrtle. Telephone 29 anytime. 57 DODGE pach, custom radio, white- walls, tutone, brown and white, Best value in town, $695. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King. NATURAL grey Pe: length, excellent condition, worn @ ne times. Telephone 725-9857. ZiG ZAG sewing macihne, sews for- -|ward and reverse, makes buttonholes, does decorative stitches. "rigina) price $179. Can be had for halance owing, $47.00 cash of seven payments of 87. Write Box 428 Oshawa Times FREE winter storage for your power hae al with pre-spring tune-up, Free pick up and delivery. Telephone MO 8-4511. tall CALL Elmer when buying or selling furniture, televisions, appliances, oil heaters, vacuums, The best for Telephone COlfax 3-2294, ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates free. Terms, Order early. 723-4989. ELECTRIC razor servi 'Sunbeam, chick, Ron. VOLKSWAG jearce model, in top shape, Hur: this one. Only $695. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King. 55 PONTIAC coach, completely refin- ished, runs like new and priced to sell. Only $595. Van Heusen Motors, opposite abt on King. 54 FORD Zephyr sedan, fine English d s, alumi reens, hedgedin tot, Only. § sre ae |29--Automobiles for Sale hedged-in lot. Only $1 ee ranged. Tindall Real E 29. ls sLUXE TORENT - Bee best offer. 72 1g) ENVOY station wagon, low mileage, APPROXIMATELY 50 ACRES GF WORKABLE LAND For 3 or more years on Stevenson Rd. N. Partial use of barn possible No live- » many extras, 8575. Reasonable, j, immaculate con- dition, radio, windshield washer, ee up lights, must sell, going to Buro 5 S reet North, 723- 4376, OM (in the dash) transistor car- 9s, lowest priees in town. Try Do-/ m nion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. "Volkswagen, very good| - $1295 or in good mechanical condition. Can be cd. Telephone quality car with economy as a bonus, |Only $395. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King. 36. STUDEBAKER sedan, overdrive) transmission, radio, mechanically sound. Needs slight body work, Only $295. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King. and serviced since r car, We sold 5, Van Heusen Motors, le F 'ew. Only " |oppos' te RENAULT with radio, 44 miles to ithe gallon with this car, $895. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on "| King. one owner, stock. For further informa- tion Dial 725-9970 or 725- VOLVO 2. THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage |; FINA SERVICE _ 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 __ | Confectionery Store and 7- room apartment for owner, olso 2 rented apartments, 2 parking spoces ond 4 gar- ages. Will consid property cs part trade. For full in this steady income call Bill Irvine, Vic Estate, 728-6228; 728-2868. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH. LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER |- PRICE $7,900. | $700 DOWN $700 Six-rooms, ccntral location, taxes $112 one mor $65.00 per month BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607°KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 _ NEED A GOOD | SOLID CAR FOR WINTER? Evenings L. $. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. Realtors 43 PARK RD. S. $12,900 FULL PRICE eat, clean and cosy 5-room brick and stone bungalow with enc d breezeway ond attached ga fully modern in every respect, new forced air by oil furnace, 3 tooms in basement with modern kitchen, terms arranged on this clear property, call Sid Martyn, 723-9810. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 3-apartment building, each fully self-contained, downtown lo- cation in commercial area, will exchange for suitable bunga- low, central, Call Cy Preece 725-8761 or evenings 725-6027, ELGIN ST. E. Income home, 8 rooms, 4 rooms on each floor, second floor been rented at $95.00 per month, leaving first floor for owner, brick const n, cil furnace, private drive and garage, open to an offer of full price and down payment, balance on one open mortgage, call Sid Martyn, 723-9810, $9,000 FULL PRICE Jut a few years old, 5-room brick bungalow, modem kitchen, rooms and 4-piece bath, oak , forced air by oil furnace, substantial. cash required, bal- call Cy Preece 725-8761 or North-west section, rage, uc d in basement, m one open mortgage, gs 725-6027, 100 ACRE FARM 12 Highway, 90 acres excellent workable land, om framil ily home, hot and co!d water, 4-piece th, peed barn with hydro and water, silo, urther particulars and appointment to see call Sid Ma rtyn 723-9810. V4 ACRE ORCHARD Taunton Rd, oe nice building location, open to an offer for cash. To buy or sell and do it well call Snelgrove 723-9810 or 725-876] Cruiks! hanks ot '60 VALIANT, four - door sedan, radio $1895 5-room brick, attached gar- '59 AUSTIN A40, sedan .. age, selling for less than re- $695 placement costs, sub down payment requir consider all Ask Bill Horner, at 728-5123. $11,500 FULL PRICE $11,500, $500 DOWN $500 Two-year-old brick bungalow, very close to Sonpinng centre, decorated, rp home Carries for ts 00 per month plus taxes. Act fast for this one. Call Ed Drumm at 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., Realtor | 123 | Ne Will for '58 DODGE four-door, 8 cylinder, autematic, offers. 57 PLYMOUTH, _ four-door, automatic, radio $845 '56 FORD, Tudor, 6 cylinder, radio .. $745 '56 MONARCH, automatic, $595 '56 DODGE, two-door $395 ROBINSON MOTORS 574 Ritson et S.--725-6518 Your Chrysler,Dodge and Val at Deal er 728-5 8 Simcoe St 103 '36 PONTIAC hardia d custom radio, whitewalls, Motors, opposite omatic, custom o, chrome dises, nn original upholstery. Only $895. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King. 60 MOR Ris Minor, the ideal Christmas mt if credit sa' an Heusen Motors, | on King. >, beige and brown, | upholstery. Real- 95. Van Heusen » Brewery on King. '5 two door sedan, excellent motor and good tires; low mileage, good upholstery. Must be sold, $125./ Apply 174 Church Street between 6 and| 30 p.m OLDSMOBILE in excellent condi- . original mileage, one owner, Rea-| . Telephone 655-3737. | i956 BUICK four door hardtop, jmatic, radio, power steering |brakes, Telephone 728-0079. r. » in running cond! rt w slicks and McCullough 'Also 53 Packard Clipper with oor or terms accepted. Tele- pos 5S PONTIAC d | wit! h original x ly beautiful Motors, oppos PONTIAC, auto- GMC % ton panel. "A-1_ con. ition. or best cffer. Telephone 725-1053. 2T coach, good condi-| : best offer, Tele-| 20! phone particulars, 61 PONTIAC 0 Calef, four door, white .op, 8,000 miles, Cc an trade a finance. Sacrifice. Tele- custom deluxe, tur- leather trim, 2,000 8. c trade and finance, Sac ce, Telephone 728-1203. y¥. ¥% ton truck, low mileage. Alma Street or telephone WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment GROCERY BUSINESS OSHAWA AREA $13,500 Turnover in excess of $100,000 on a strictly cash basis and showing a substantial profit. Well located and no opposition in the area. Store is well equipped and in spotless condition. Pp Owner will give good lease on store and 5-room apartment. Stock at invoice. For confidential inspection of statements, call Mr, Smith or Mr. 728-1679. etc., Millen of Harry Millen Real Estate, of Used Cars. 725-0331 |30--Automobiles Wantcd | WiLL Jused ca up to $2,000 cash for good Telephone 725-8132, LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want ears for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 725-1181, SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid oft. DODD MOTOR SALES ATTENTION Veterans of World War II or Korean Theatre WHITBY CLS TED HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Applications will be ac premises at 2 Wi ted for the purchase or rental of the rtable FOU R- ROOM heated apartment, ' service, parking, $60 10 8-5 self - bedroom contained P es for rent $80) | good | monthly, allable December ist. Call mornings | 107 actively decorated two apartment, dryer, $85 | 3 ooms drive, close to schools, churches, s ng centre, etc, Selling price $10,250.00 -- Down Payment $513.00 or monthly rental of $63,00 For further information call or write: Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation 650 Lawrence Avenue West, Toronto 19, Ontario, Mr. D. _Hale y -- RU i 7245) _ ive lor ---- paved Atic ition: sseil | session can be arranged. Call W, k Building, MO 8-3338, 3253, » single be o with s ntlemen only. and refrigerator. ace Street, Whitby. ielep ho Py shawa. ROOM and board, Tele- sTU ¢ A super value, "approxi- | mately, 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.09,| Apply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, 111 Dundas Street West | THREE bedroom unfurnished ment, csitrel seoatien ie Walley. 72 vate home, Telephone MO 8-4834, ROOM and board wanted for January jby male teacher. apart-|awa Times, Whitby. Apply GOOD income home for sale, 'OR SALE: Westinghouse sher, $100, MO 8-3889. oats, dresses . Mrs. Toms, MO -- _ 8 and two ~ bedroom | 294 Chestnut Street West. m $85; spaciou 8-255 ratot and drapes.| carrey Coin Laundry. apartment, hydro, heat, hot water in-|9.9974, po: 'Bebaten mn, realtor, evenings, RENT -* Three room (ppartment, for one gentleman to share room, with twin beds, in pri Apply Box 910, Osh- "extra Road South or telephone/yalue, near schools, excellent location. 65, ~ automatic rebuilt ard guaranteed. Must PTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Waid, Phone MO 106 Brock South, new wash, 15 cents, Two for one Two roomed unfurnished sale on dry cleaning and pressing. MO HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 728-1679 MASSON ST. $24,500 -- 11-year-old home in this desirable area with large professional! ands lot. Double atteched garage with double saved driveway, enclosed tiled breezcway, Ground floor tastefully . decorated throughout. Attractive centre holl and staircase, fully broo med, powder room, large bright mod- ern kitchen wi th bui clothes washer and dishwasher, Sep- arcte large breakfast m. 21-foot living room with natural fireplace and picture windows, 18-fcot dining room with thermopane walls, overlooking garden and with door to patio. UPSTAIRS -- 21-foot master bedroom, 4-pc. tile bath, 2 other bedrocms and family room. Taxes $500. Heating $180. ow down payment with flexible financing to suitable pur- chaser. ; 3 cluded, close to shoppi ing, parking space. Telephone MO 2 FOR RENT $60 month! room apa area, newly ¢ ac ties, parking, close to Ladle children's Playground, Apply 300 High Street, - | wateh, brown cord strap, CONTAINED four - ly decorated, private entrance bath. Telephone MO 2.3246. LOST -- Lady's pink gold Gruen wrist reward. 318 treet West or phone MO. 8-4294. Troon apart. nt, in Whitby, parking space, recent. ard __To inspect call Harry Millen Real Estate 728- adhd ee J. A: SHERIFF BC SERVICES. keeping service for sm weekly, monthly or as de: Stale ts pre pare dine tax returns, MO 8-8252. FOR RENT: Two-bedroom apartments $90 and $100, in modern building; stoves, refrigerators. MO 8-3591., Complete bi ora GRAVEL - LOAM Cement, Gravel Driveway Gravel and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 Increased Fall Business Necessitates Placing Noon REALTOR $1,000.00 DOWN Once in a great while is a home offered for sale with so many * features over ond above the price, This 6-room brick home near G.M. North Plant is only 10 years old and contains 3 large bedrooms, ig room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Com- pletely decorated and in immaculate condition, Included in the purchase price are all venetian blinds, broadloom in the 3 WOMEN IMMEDIATELY Real opportunity those. who qualify, CALL 725-8466 ATTENTION HUNTERS We rent: Canoes, Car Top Boots, Shot Guns, Decoys, Cabin Trailers, also Power Tools, Garden and Lawn Equipment. MO 8-3226, WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES. WHITBY for living room and dining room, new lined drapes, aluminum storms windows, doors and large aluminum porch canopy. Owner is purchasing new home and present home now being offered ot the reduced asking price of only $10,500. One Open mortgage for tl balance at $70.00 monthly, Taxes only. $176.00. Se ieving, Call now for an appointment to ifspect. You will be glad you did. he g is Open to 9 p.m. 25 ONTARIO STREET DIAL 728-1673 314 PARK RD. S. 723-942 $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-800] CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your us ed Cor to Ted" Talk " to the New Car Dicter and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 31--Automobile Repairs HILLCREST SUNOCO for ALL your Motoring Needs 1 mile East ot Oshawa No, 2 Highway OPEN 'TIL 11 NIGHTLY 725-481 | HOUSTON"S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 32--Articles for Sale LIKE new, charcoal gray mohair coat, size 16-18, $40. Telephone 725-7866, SELLING furniture? We'll! buy it. Re: frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact 19 Prineg Teet. Ph one 728-1131. ion Camerano, 120 Telephone MO FULL length genuine grey persian lamb fur coat. Size 16. Will sell for $100, Mantle radio $5. 845 Somerville Street. Visit our new Streamlined Drugette Department -- Dry Goods, Children's Clothing, China and Glassware, Notions, and Kitchenware. GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson, Road South, Oshawa Only |Strect South, '38 PLYMOUTH Savoy sedan, one own-|" - Circulation D Devartment. Oshawa | \8 Church Street, lV. Phil son, ete. Cords, cutting heads in stock, Meagher's, 5 King Street West. OVERWEIGHT? You can lose inches in| 30 days, Home rentals for vibratory) belts, Barrell massagers, Slim-Rite Cen- tre, 204 King Street East. 728-4501. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair table . rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. WINE and cider barrels. Solid oak, all sizes, Oshawa Hardware and Electric,| 723-7624, B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat-| teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543, LADY'S piano accordian, Camerano, 120 s, % size, student forced to sell. Telephone 725-6814 after 5 p.m. STOVE, "Frigidaire Imperial, 40" wide, in excellent condition, Apply 17 Me-| Laughlin Boulevard after 5. Bie SINGER sewing machine, electric por- table excellent condition, $40 MO 8-5467 YOU'LL pay less for furniture and ap-| pliances at Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe 73. Call us for wash- » range ani USED paris and repairs for all_makes| of wringer type washers, % hp motors, $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash. ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- toi 0 WEIGHT? You can lose inches in 30 days. Home rentals for vibratory |belts. Barrel massagers. Slim-Rite Cen- tre, 204 King Street Kast. 725-4501, good condition. Apply 763 Ritson) Road TEN sheets, rentals, va Church Street 723-7624. TYPING |white newsprint save, 4% Ib pkg. $1.00. 9 tb pkg. Pp cots, ground Hardware, 8 paper on sale, letter size,| buy in bulk lots and $200 mes utter 64c Ib.3 1; bread, » shop daily, Ritson Roard | | CIGARE |Gem c |Glecoff's Supermar ket, and|South, Oshawa. Open every night till 10. _|GOOD selection of recond »jat reasonable prices. Parkway vision, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your color TV store. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in' allowance. Free demon- stration. Telephone 728-4683. ACUUM cleaner part attachments, brushes, guaran teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Kepair Serv ice, 728-0591 anytime. your service business will pre prosper with a daily ad in "Business Services" in the Oshawa Times Classified Secti Dial 723-3492 today to learn about the | low commercial rates. TYPEWRITERS for students, Guaran- tee standards at low prices. Bill Ham ilton, Ashburn, Brooklin. DRAPES, livingroom and dining room, bedroom drapes and matching bed- spread, Gocd as new. Telephone 725-3339. repairs, DRAPERIES OF LATEST MODERN DESIGN Living room drapery, 79c yd. and up, Bedroom drapery -- satins and rayons, 1.40 yd, up. Kitchen drapery, 69c yd. up. Made to order by ex- perts -- nominal cost. Ready made selection at discount prices, M & C DRY GOODS BEA i side Ee ALO ani AS RENT, RENT, RENT Silver tea service with tray, cups and saucers, teaspoons, punch how. and cups, ice bucket with tongs, Highball, old-fashioned cake and cock- tail glasses. Dinne-ware for all occasions, FREE DELIVERY Sargeant's Rentals 725-3338 T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. structure with all- channel antenna, al! galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year, Tue TELEVISION 171 Bond St, East, 728- -6781 COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm windows and Prime windows anc doors only $40. Install Canada's finest awn- ing and Po.ch railing. Very reasonable price, Call ALEX VAJDA, 7273-9851 SPECIAL -- Self-storing alu- minum doors. Reg. 49.50. Limited stock available, $35.00 completely installed -- ALSO Combination aluminum windows and cano- pies at special prices, FREE ESTIMATES on all in- terior house remodelling. PHONE 728-4614 725-7147 LONG SAULT CONSTRUCTION CORP. LTD. 134 SIMCOE ST, S, id. Rosenberg, Bg ough, Aja Sewing Centre. Telephone WH 2-6561 or W ------| were visitors in the village on |SIMPLIC ITY washing machine, "Teason- jable, |mother, Mrs. Mary McNeil. /Of BCE Shares PONTYPOOL PONTYPOOL -- Miss Fannie Peterborough, has returned home after u two-week visit with Mrs. Wm. Rennie. Sorry to report Kenneth Fallis is in Civic Hospital, Peterbor- ough. He had tv be taken by _jambulance, in the early hours of heart attack. Mr. and Mrs, William Rennie had a surprise visit from their niece Jessie and family on Sat- urday morning. They took them on to Kingston with them to visit their daughter Hazel and fam- ily over the weekend. Mrs, Curtis McKay and her sister Gladys Bebee, Peterbor- spent Saturday with friends in Orillia. The WA met at Mrs. Chas. MeNeil's home, on Thursday evening. There was a good at- tendance even though it was raining. The main topic of busi- ness was the turkey dinner. After the meeting a dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Mc- Neil and Mrs. K. Fallis. A number of our ladies motor- ed over to Janetville on Wed- nesday eyening to hear the ad- dress by Mrs. Sue Bonsteel, a \former minister's wife. Also |enjoyed the singing by the CGIT girls. After the program the \ladies served a lovely lunch. Mrs, Luella Burgess and Mrs. Lillie Robertson, Lindsay, visit- jed with their sister, Mrs, .H. Richardson last week. | The dance in the LOL Hall on \Friday night had a good crowd. *'Mel. Lavigne and his Blue ater Boys supplied the music. |Roy McGill, Bowmanville, won the 50-50 draw. | Raymond Emery, Dale spent |Saturday with his parents, Mr. jand Mrs, Earl Emery. | The ladies had a busy time lees Wednesday, cleaning the {church basement in preparation |for the turkey supper. Mr. and Mrs Gary, Toronto, | Wednesday afternoon. |. Mrs. N. Chambers has closed her residenc: and gone to To- jronte for the winter months. | John Van Been has. moved into the Curtis residence for the winter, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold McNeil, Toronto spent Sunday with his «:| Precedent Cited 'For Payment MONTREAL (CP) -- Attor- ney - General Robert Bonner of British Columbia said Mon- day there are many precedents for the decision of his prov- ince's government to pay the market price for shares of Brit- ish Columbia Electric Company. Among them, he named Que- bee's purchase of the Montreal Light, Heat and Power Com- |nany in 1944 and the British La- bor government's purchase of 540 private utilities in 1947-48. He said the B.C. govern- ment's decision to take over B.C. Electric last August does not represent any "definite So- cial Credit policy regarding public ownership of utilities." Similar action would not be contemplated for utilities such as those supplying natural gas, "which have a long history of private ownership." AFRICAN SCENERY the Tugela River, in South Af- rica's Natal national park have a total drop, of 2,800 feet. 32--Articles for Sale SAVE 888 Fe doors I] sale, self-storing Z Bar, installed, $44.95. Terms, Tele- phone 728-5181. GURNEY forced air gas furnace, com- plete with thermostat and controls; also hot and cold air plenum, can be con- d to Propane, $180 cash. Also t_baby carriage, new condition, phone CAPE en fluo: jacket; girl's skates; kitch- ent fixture; dining room fix- coats, Ii in good phone 723-4929 before 6. WESTI HOUSE automatic washer to trade for wringer washer with pump, Telaphone 728-5105 for more informa. tion, RURAL route mail box in good condi- tion, $43 99 gallon oil drum, $12; Rem- ington used typewriter, $20; sump pump almost new, with plas portable piano organ with 3 music books and carrying case, $175 or best offer. 210 Gibb Street 2638, NIAGARA Cyclo. massage Pp uto- matic timer, used only three or four Himes, Telephone 725-7419 for further rs. tic 728 dining room 1 suite G (square e table, six ch t) and china cabinet. Westinghouse automatic washer, able. Telephone 728-4404. RIGERATOR, stove, '61 models, chrome set, three-piece sectional, al- most new, odd 'pieces, reasonable for quick sale, Apply 1248 Wecker Drive, ALL kinds of printing, "wedding invita- tions our specialty. Telephone 723-4670 anytime, TV AERIAL, 4 40°, two years old, (ieee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 14, 1961 15 Monday morning with a severe} The waterfa'ls and gorge of! ROVER-RANGER NEWS SRS CRUSADER ° About 15 years ago, Commis sioner Radcliffe approached Skipper Carson and Mate Cartei Ranger crew in Oshawa. The branch of Rangering Betty Lou Thompson, Skinner, son, and Doreen Thompson. meetings to this new location. ing the names of Canadian ships. Crusader, Harold Bateman, the Rover Crew at this time, Rover boat group was formed. This group, to help at the Oshawa Fairs, motorcycle races, etc., they were called upon. and training for about half a Sea Ranger Since then, Sandra Gaskell, Ship Crusader. tional officers, 4TH OSHAWA ROVER NEWS night. good time was had by all. Instead of a regular meetin fixing up the den. A long to the Crew, replacing the one that was accidently broken. members of the Crew attended the Blood Clinic to donate blood|; as part of our service program This week the Crew will con- duct an out. of doors program for the Scout Troop. --Curt". The 5th Oshawa Rover Crew is proud to announce that it has]: acquired the name of Phillips as their official crew name. Thus from this time forth the -|Crew shall be known as the 5th Phillips Rover Crew. The story on how the name, Phillips, was adopted will be presented later. Along with their new name, the 5th has accepted two new members -- Donald Adair, who was graciously received from the 16th Oshawa Scout Troop ;|and Bob Stark, who is beginning his first venture in Scouting, are both going to be a credit to the crew. At the recent Ontario Rover] Conference, held at St. Cath- arines, Jim Saunders and Dave Waite were proud to be repre- sentatives of the 5th Phillips Rover Crew They report that the Conference was very enjoy- able and that many new ideas acquired at the Conference shall with the proposal for another first crew, SRS Marco Polo, had long ago dissolved and she felt it was time for another crew to get started, Skipper Carson, then working at the high school, gath- ered together a small band of girls and together they sat down and decided upon the Seas Among the first girls were Peggy Dorothy Tremble, Norma Attersley, Edith Thomp- These girls along with their offi- cers met at each others homes until Guide Hall was finished, at which time they moved their The crew was still lacking a name and so they wrote to the National Defence for a list bear- At last they chose upon "Cru- sader" and having done this, wrote to the captain of the ship asking his permission to use the name for the crew, The captain consented and they were offi- cially named Sea Ranger Ship skipper of consented to let the girls use the for their cutter practice, and the Oshawa Yacht Club also took the girls sailing once in a while. Camping was also part of the training, and|4 several giris under Skipper Car- son attended the original pioneer camp held at Doe Lake. At this time, a Ranger - Rover first aid trained in first aid was then able when Along about this time, Skipper Carson. and Mate Carter both had to leave rangering, so Lor- raine Dean, acting as mate, kept the crew together herself by carrying on with the meetings year. Joan Nesbitt, who fs now our first Mate soon joined with "Deanie" to keep the crew go- ing. Edith Thompson, a former ranger, then left her four years of Scouting behind her and came back to rangering as skipper of Anne Jones and both former rangers, have been made addi- --Sailin' Sam. Last Saturday, the crew spent all day preparing for the Hallow- e'en party and hayride the same Nearly all members of the crew were present and a last Wednesday night, the Crew spent the evening cleaning and awaited event occurred wien John Black presented a raquet Last Thursday night, several 5TH PHILLIPS ROVER NEWS Crusader History Is Interesting be put into effect in this crew in the near future. Meeting crews from different parts of Ontario gave the chance for the ith to set up winter camps with its neighbor, the 5th Etobico. This topic is in operation at the present time. The crew's latest meeting was a recreation night and this re- porter 1s very sad to say that the "'Bad Guys" beat the '"'Good Guys" in a game of "Crazy 8", That about wraps up the 5th Phillips Rover Crew's news at the present time. Until we next go to press "Good Scouting". --"The Big Five", 7TH OSHAWA D. M ROSE ROVER CREW Ye Olde Quagmire Inn throughout its history has been the scene of many an old en- deavor of the D. M. Rose Crew but on Saturday, Oct. 28, the den surpassed anything of the past. The den could really be called a "pad". The tables and chairs were missing so everyone sat on the floor; lighting effect caiae from candies; along the walls were abstract paintings done by the Rangers, and along the ceil- ing were foot-prints (your guess is as good as mine). Everyone present had a good time and Miss Bobby Tilling was the lucky winner of a Beatnik doll in a contest to raise funds for UNICEF. At the regular crew meeting on Oct. 26, the main event was a report by Ted Eagleson and Bruce Luke on the "First An- nual All-Ontario Rover Confer- ence" held at St. Catharines on the weekend of the 21 and 22. Eagle gave a very informa- tive report on the events of the conference and also a very in- teresting account on what went on Saturday! Thursday, Nov. 2, District Commissioner Charlie Anderson was present at a business meet- ing chaired by Second Mate Bruce Luke, The main item on the agenda was the Crew's annual Christ- mas party, which will be held at our den at Camp Samac on Dec, After the meeting the squires tried on their new maroon berets for the first ome. 2-Year-0ld_ Bull Named Champion TORONTO (CP) -- Toni Ride of Hatley, Que., exhibited only one animal at this year's Agri- cultural Winter Fair. His two year-old bull, Alderwood Ele- gant, Monday was named the grand champion Ayrshire. The reserve was junior cham- pionship won by G. M. Bralwey, Ashburn, Ont. The Central Ontario Cattle Breeding Association picked up its first fair.grand championship in the Holstein bull class with its entry, Thornlea Texal Su- preme, The junior champion was For- est Lee Rockett Kismet Boy owned by Forest Lee Farms, Springfield, Ont.. Albert E, Cornwell, Norwich, Ont., and Emilio Ferander, Moreila, Mex- ico. The junior reserve title was won by Robinswood Jackpot, owned by Ebydale Farm and Werner H. Romahn of Kitche- ner and Petersburg. The grand champion Jersey bull was Basil Royal Oxford Aim owned by Oak Hill Farm, Cambridge, Ohio, and the re. serve was Ron Head Quad Jes- ter owned by Lionel McKeown, Mono Road, Ont. The junior jersey title went to Mordale Basils Venture owned by Cecil Mortson and Sons, Queensville, Ont. The grand champion Guern- sey bull was Beechroft Victor's Thor, owned by Robert J. Batty, Brooklin, Ont., and the reserve grand Guernsey bull was Ren- wood Supreme's Tradition owned by Donald MacKenzie, Mount Vernon, Ont. The junior title went to Mc- Donald's Farm Bruce owned by H. J. Stewart, St. Catharines. MERRY MENAGERIE perfect ci plete with wiring. Telephone 725- 6005. 34--Lost & Found Saturday, black leather wallet Return wallet and papers, Athol Street East or telephone 728.4529, LOST -- One male Boston Terrier, black and white, answers to "Puggy". OSHAWA Disappeared from home Friday at eleven thirty. 725-6727, CALL Lumber Qnen to 10 p.m. daily "YOU CAN COUNT FOR EVERY BUILDING NEED AND MOST COMPETITIVE 'PRICES 728-4688 McCULLOUGH LUMBER SIMCOE N. -- JUST SOUTH OF TAUNTON RD. THE Number © 1961 Il- 14 Walt ie! Productions World Rights Reserved ive, ON OUR SERVICE" 'Someday, son, they'll all be yours!"