2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 14, 1961 Draws Wide Attention# Wy | a By RICHARD DAIGNAULT lelection reforms which will draw widespread _ attention, '| The most radical of these are limitation of expenses by par- ties and candidates, payment of basic expenses of candidates by the state, and a new balloting) system perhaps using automatic voting machines The government of Premier Jean Lesage apparently has no lintention of going half-way on \the question of limiting ex- / | penses | As one el tion expert put it "You can't limit the election ex- | ~ penses unless you limit what parties or candidates may do during an election campaign." What the expert meant was | |that the law can limit a can- CHECK FALLOUT AREA Henry Bird, (top) emergen- | Exercises Tocsin B. With Mr. , cy measures co-ordinator for | Bird is J. W. B. Beaumont, the Windsor, Ont., area, | an emergency measures vol- | checks fallout pattern maps | unteer who has been trained | used in Windsor Monday for | in radiation assessment. The | York University Head Proposes Money Plan amount; sity bursaries would help the nationwide exercise _ tested Canada's for nuclear attack --(CP preparedness Wirephoto) OTTAWA (CP) -- Murray G.|sibly paying back the Ross, president of Toronto's|received in scholarships. student who was unable to meet young York University, today; An indivi dual scholarship|all university expenses out of proposed a radical new schol-|trust account would be started/his trust fund, Mr. Ross said. arship program to meet the|for the deserving student at the} The program, Mr. Ross said, mounting cost of providing|/Grade IX level and additional|would provide "the essential higher education in Canada funds would be added each year'early assurance to boys and He. suggested to a special conjin high school if the student |virls of talent that if they use ference on education here the|maintained his standard of pro-'their talent effectively, they will establishment of anationa llgress have adequate support for the schoJarship trust fund financed] ocal committees, including egntinuation of their education by governments, private bodies |teachers, would select the stu-'throughout university " and individuals,' An individualldents to receive scholarships Mr. Ross said the system student's scholarship fund|Those selected probably would might reduce the number of would. be built up on the basis] include all who receive. first) tudents who drop out of school of his academic record during/class honors standing as well as before completing their second- high school "some other students of consid ary education Mr. Ross called for "an en-|erable talent tirely new kind of scholarship) Mr. Ross suggested that the NOW SUBSIDIZE and award program" in a pa-|individual trust account should; He said that under the pre- per read to the National Con-|be built up by 90 each yearjsent system of financing, the ference of Canadian 'Universi-\that the high school student/universities are subsidizing all ties and Colleges. The paper|meets the academic standards 'students regardless of talent or was distributed in advance to|This would amount to a total of/needs. Canadian university stu- the press. $3,000 at the end of a success-\dents now pay anly about one He proposed scholarships to|ful four-year high school course, |third of the cost in their tuition university should be provided|which should provide "sufficient}fees and the remaining two- from a fund established by the/money at least for his fees' in thirds amounts to a_ general federal government "'or by such|university subsidy, he said. a body as the Canada Council."'| If 8 Pat se -- did) wr. Ross questioned whether ot a Pi university, 1S aCCU-|««, 2 ' any , "i ASK CONTRIBUTIONS wages lets Os AA taveel all students in university de The major share of money re-|to jhe national trust fund. quired to start the fund should) come from the federal govern-|CAN ADD TO FUND S I ment, Mr. Ross said, but-indi-| A student and his parents\system of aid to higher educa- viduals, clubs and corporations|would be invited to add to thejtion that differentiates between should be asked to contribute.lindividual trust 'account duringjhelp for students and help for Students who receive assistance|high school with the aid of in-juniversities, governments could from. the fund would be "en-|creasing the scholarship to pro-jassist the students while univer- couraged" to contribute after|vide for university expenses|sities could avoid too much de- completing their education, pos-'apart from tuition fees. Univer-ipendence on government grants serve or need this large sub- sidy now provided for them." He suggested that under a | bP ant waATTIAAS - and St. Catharines Toronto . Peterboro Trenton .« Killaloe Muskoka .. North Bay Sunny, Warmer ~ For Wednesday -- WEATHER FORECAST jdidate to spending a_ fixed jamount but it cannot do any- |thing to stop his friends or as- seciates from spending money las freely as they wish. MAY LIMIT BA.{NERS The way to overcome this dif- ficulty is to limit the number of banners a candidate may put up during a campaign, the volume of advertising that may be pur- chased in his favor anc so on, Such a measure would radic ally change the election atmos- phere in Quebec, where almost -'anything goes reduce the ef- political party war chests. If candidates are restricted as to the kind and volume of propaganda they, can use, the effect will be to even the chances a financially poor party has against the well- heeled political machine. Just how tight these limits on 'Ask Ruling In BCE Takeover VANCOUVER It also would fectiveness of (CP) The B.C, Power Corporation has asked the British Columbia Su- preme Court to rule that expro- priation of B.C, Electric Com pany by the provincial govern- ment was illegal. The actio: was taken Mon- day on behalf of the corpora- tion, formerly the parent: com- pany of the giant B.C. Electric Company, by L. St. M. Dum- oulin. The corporation's writ says that if the court finds the take- over was within the govern- ment's power, then the corpor- ation should be entitled to $225,- 000,000 for its 3,800,000 expro- priated B.C Electric shares. The government, which took over the B.C. Electric Company through special legislation last August, paid $111,000,000 for the | B.C. Electric stock, In the court action, B.C Power -Corporation is. not ask- ing for damages, but for de- clarations -- principally that it is envitled to ful! and complete compensation for the B.C. Elec- tric shares. Man Froad In : Fatal Shooting -ORTLAND, Me. (AP) -- A 25 - year-old Freeport, Mt., hunter charged with man- slaughter in the shooting of a girl whom he: thought being kidnapped was set » Monday when a municipal court judge found no probable cause Harold K LaPierre Jr the court he was certain that 10-year o'd Branda Broad of Portland was being abducted by two men when he fired a shot- gun at their gar. The girl, one of 13 children of Mr, end Mrs Olen B. Broad of Portland, was a state ward who had been placed with Mr. and Mrs. William Levesque of Pow nal Levesque told testified 3randa left their home and he his son, Paul, caught with her, urged her to return, then pulled her into their car LaPierre told how he pulled his car in front of the Levesque auto, jumped out, and de- manded to know what the two men were doing with the girl. When the car drove off, La- pierre said he was convinced something was wrong. He loadec his shotgun and fired, striking Branda in the head. expenses will be nobody knows intends to make them as tight as possible, State payment of basic ex- penses by candidates is another reform which is designed to shake parties joose from the grip of political m ines, IS FOR EVERY 0 Mr. Lesage has described this measure as one that would make it theoretically possible for any qualified person to be-|will be an extension of the old come a candidate in an elec-|principie under which a candi- tion, Politics. he said, is not only for the rich but ior every one. any man or jwoman 21 or over may be a candidate and expect to be paid! for his trouble. Presumably, these expenses) |will be met by the government under certain specified condi-| tions and one of them is likely to be that a candidate must get} This should not be interpreted} hy QUEBEC (CP) -The Quebecust now, but indications are the|to mean_ that government plans to carry out/government a determined proportion of the § popular vote. In a sense, such a precaution} | date loses his $200 deposit un- \less he gets half the votes of the winning cardidate. Expect Approval |. For Food Bank MONTREAL (CP) -- Agricu'- ture Minister Alvin Hamilton said Monday he expects the United Natiens Food and Agri- culture Organization will ap- prove Canada's recent proposal for setting up a world food bank Returning fram the FAO con \ference in Rome where the pro- osal was put forward last Tuesday, Mr Hamilton said some objections to the sugges- tion nad beer raised but there was "no open opposition." He added a formal resolution is to be presented to the 105 FAO members before the conference ends Nov, 23 He said objections came from two groups of countries, One was suspicious that the food bank would be used by surplus couniries as a conven- ient way to unload their back logs of crops The other feared that the food bank would inter- fere with norma! commercial opportunities Mr Hamilton said Canada's new proposal was aimed at as- suring these countries that their "legitimate commercial inter ests will not be hurt." WILL DONATE IN CASH Under the proposed plan, do- nating countries would make at least one-third of their contribu tions in cash. This would mean that the food bank would have resources to purchase food if necessary through regular com- mercial chanrels Mr Hamilton said the United States already had pledged $40,- 000,000 worth of goods to the bank but it was hoped that some of this woud be given in cash instead Canada was prepared to give a "substantia!" contribution, but the amount woul be not made public until it has seen how other countries would respond. Mr. Hamiiton said Canada had suggested that the bank start with $100,000,000 in; cash and crops. James E. Coyne Sells His Home OTTAWA (CP) -- James E, Coyne, who resigned as gover- nor #f the Bark of Canada last July after a bitter dispute with Finance Minister Fleming, has sold his home in Rockcliffe Park. Ottawa's swank east-end suburb, It has been purchased by his brother, John, an Ottawa law- ver. The price was not dis- closed The 51 year old former bank governor is moving to Tor- onto where he is expected to take a new job: He said Mon- day he has no. definite 'plans INTERPRETING THE NEWS E. German Head "hopping Now Very Eff By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer Anyone seeking to compile a srus of left-handed super- should look up the file rnest Pau! Walter Ulbricht, goateed gauleiter of Com- munist East Germany, He's been called a lot of nasty names in his time, in cluding bearded horror, squalid dictator and, almost demurely, a ruthless opportunist. Only last week, a_ British commentatot called him a 'uniquely odious" character Yet the short, bespectacled former carpenter from Saxony remains obdurately in power, ignoring the irsults, working an indus'rions 18 hours a day mainly, it seems, to keep things as uncomfortable as possible for East German citizens No serions challenge, except for the 1953 uprising, has been offered to Ulbricht since the May day in 1945 when he drove into nattered Berlin with a mot- orized Russtan convoy to take over 'the Communist half of con- quered Germany EFFICIENT MAN How does he do it? Why does Sovict Premier Khrushchev ac- cord such tolerance to a man who obviously cannot command the respect sf his people? A short answer may be that Ulbricht is brutally efficient, and that Khrushchev can't find that| snybodv to replace him, Whatever the factors that UP have kept the 68 year-old leader in power for 16 sterile years, his Did You Know... In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you can have o Full-course Dinnr for ONLY 95c. Forecast issued by the Tor-,coming southwesterly 15 to 25 onto public weather office at this afternoon. i 4:30 < j Northern White River, Coch- ed cues rane regions: Partly cloudy to- Synopsis A southwesterly|day. Cloudy with showers Wed- flow of milder air has spread nesday, milde. Winds south from Manitoba over rorthern westerly 15 to 30. sections of the province. This milder weather will spread to Observed temperatures central Ontario tonight and to Min. Max southern Ontario by Wednesday) DAWSON ...++.++++- 9 afternoon. Victoria . . Edmonton . Lake St. Clair, Lake Huron, Regina :.. Niagara, Lake Ontario, Geor-| Winnipeg . gian Bay, Haliburton regions,| Lakehead . Windsor, London, Hamilton Tor-| North Bay onto: Cloudy, clearing this ev-) Sudbury ening. Sunny, with cloudy peri-| Muskoka ods Wednesday. Cooler, becom- Windsor ing warmer Wednesday after. Londcn noon. Winds northerly 15 to 20/Toronto .. becoming southwesterly 15 to 25) Ottawa Wednesday afternoon. Montreal Algoma, Timagami, : southern Forecast Temperatures White River regions, Sault Ste.| Low tonight, High Wednesday Marie, North Bay, Sudbury:| Windsor 32 50 Partly Cloudy, becoming cloudy|St. Thomas ....... 32 with showers late Wednesday.|/London Little change in temperature,/Kitchener . 4 becoming milder Wednesday.|Wingham ....,.... ! Winds northwesterly 10 to 15 be-'Hamilton ...++.... AUTOMATIC DELIVERIES PHONE 725-3581 & COURTESY TOP QUALITY OIL 43 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA JDIAUIS UNOH-PZ LdwOud © e ° t biggest test now may be forth coming. For Ulbricht is conspic- uousiy one of Stalin's o'd pro- teges, a faithful exponent of the kind of policies now drawing the Kremlin's wrath When the tinbelievable hap- pened and Stalin's body was re- moved from the mausoleum in Red Square, Ulbricht may have recalled with a tremor what he said at Stalin's death: : "The greaiest man of our era has 'eft us. May we all imple- ment the testament of the great Stalin." : STILL A STALINIST? Terence. Prittie, correspond- ent of the Guardian of Manches- ter, describes Ulbricht as "one of the most dyed-in-the-wool Stalinists who ever breathed." Prittie says there now is much speculation in West Germany abou: his ultimate fate in view of the Kremlin's latest line Nearly al! Germany would gloat over bricht's downfall. Nevertheless, there is probab'y an element of wishful thinking in seeking to align the East German leasier with Vyacheslav Molotov, Marshal V oro shilov and other objects of current So- viet displeasure At the momnet, Khrushchey seems unlikely to extend the Kremlin witch-hunt outside Rus- sia. On balance, it looks as though Uibricht's charmed life will continue a little longer. [Season Benefit Asked Separate OTTAWA (CP)--Payment of seasonal] unemployment benefits should be separated from the unemployment insurance fund, jthe Canadian Chamber of Com- merce said today. In 2 brief {o the special four- ;man committee investigating 4;\unemplovment insurance, the chamber's 2x ecu tive council proposed that payments to "sources of drain' on the fund be stemmed It cited as sources.of drain f ey "some marvied women, some | Ge } |Pensivners, louse job tests and , jduration of henefit." The brief said that married b hs Me 4\|women, to receive benefits, i should be required to meet -ad- ditiona' cond:tions--at the least jto prove sume attachment to the labor market, It said some | persons drawing benefits are jdrawing re:!:ement pensions or j ; old age pensions and are not / Bw ty F really in the market for jobs, | % me G It criticized "very loose regu- jlations'"' as ty when an applie- | ant should be required to accept an ayailable job or losé¢ his ben- efits The benefit period, now a maximum 52 weeks, should be | reduced to 30 weeks, or at least jto the maximum 36 weeks ef- fective in 1955 CITIZEN'S CLAIM _ | LONDON (CP)--Gerry Breen has written to the home office |requesting £200 to build an 'atomic bomb shelter. Since the taxpayers pay for making atomic weapons, said the letter, the government should pro- vide them with some form of protection. 'BACKACH (CP Wirephoto) | When kidneys fail Canada Research) = Said Inadequate backache, tired OTTAWA (CP) -- A disting-|some 200 leaders of government "4 HEALTH MAGNIFIED Laurence Nichols, 8, of Ro- | A successful operation was land, Man., helped himself | performed on Laurence which and a Winnipeg hospital reach | required open heart technique. a milestone recently when he | Of the 100 patients, 78 were became the 100th patient of | children.' an open heart surgical team. feeling, disturbed J rest often follow. uished. Canadian scientist|and industry that "both govern- |warned Monday that total phys-;ment and industry must share ROYAL BANK APPOINTMENT Dodd's Kidney Be Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel better--sleep bet- ter, work better. ical and human facilities for re-\in some way the financial sup- search in Canadian industry|port for leadership required to| are dangerously inadequate. set our scientific technology Dr. C. J, Mackenzie, former|right."' president of the National Re-| He made the statements as rch Council and Atomic En-|he officially opened the new re- y of Canada Limited, told/search and development labora- er . ~ \tories of Northern Electric Company Limited two miles west of Ottawa. The laboratories will employ . some 400 scientists, technicians Full-Time Job and supporting staff. They have | been provided with the most modern equipment available for ping has become a full-time joo|Tesearch in the fields of com- for housewives'in Cuba. munications and electronics and The rationing system for; methods to improve the long- meat, lard and cooking oil in-|distance transmission of electric] ; troduced in August now' has|power spread to several other house-| Dr. Mackenzie said the labo- hold commodities including! ratories, located on a 70-acre soap powders, toilet soaps, eggs site overlooking the Ottawa and butter River, will play a major role Today store - owners, when,in helping Canada to strengthen they receive rare deliveries of|its over-all scientific and indus- eggs. butter or soap, are de-|trial research competence. manding thet shoppers show| He said Canada learned dur-| their registration cards. Theyjing the Second World War that | refuse to sell to housewives who} a country's military survival] are not regular customers. depenas largely on the techno- At some Havana markets sys-|logical competence of its indus- tems have been improvised to|\try as a whole and not on the ensure fair distribution. At one,/competence of a few large units for instance, shoppers who hope!of industry to buy eggs must arrive by|-- be 6 a.m and jcin a lineup at the market administration office. There they receive numbered cards carrying the name of a | market stall-holder. As many as 500 cards may be issued, de- pendipg on the size of the deliv- ery Shoppers then form a second lineup at the appropriate stall and by 9 am. may receive 10 eggs HAVANA (Reuters) -- Shop- J. M. WADDELL J, M. Waddell. who has been appointed Manager of The il Royal Bank of Canada's new if 128 Wilson Rd, South Branch in Oshawa, Mr. Waddell comes to his new post from the bank's Toronto Woodbine & Danforth Branch where he has been sta- tioned for the past four years. The new branch is the Royal Bank's second in Oshawa. DON'T DELAY Frozen, iscerated turkey, jonce it is completely thawed, | should be cooked, within 24 hours CHRISTMAS SEAL CAMPAIGN MEN'S LA In Buying Christmas Seals . . . HOTEL LANCASTER find cases of TB through | j You Help tuberculin tests and chest rae CLE APN X-ray prograrnmes, The GOOD FOOD BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER, BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 Steaks TENDER LEAN, SLICED 12 KING E. MEAT IS OUR BUSINESS ...at BUEHLER'S Specials! On Sale Wed. Only! RIB STEAKS CLUB STEAKS COOKED HAM work will not be finished until the last case is found and treated. to medical research which must be stepped up to find new anti-TB drugs to fight drug resistant TB germs -- perhaps a TB vaccine and a simpler tuberculin test. You Give Sirloin Boneless Round Steck in making possible better health and living by telling the public about TB and how to fight it. 79: 69° LB. You Share deep concern for all families by helping to keep them safe from TB; and assist us in our rehabilitation and social pro- gramme. You Show Christmas Seals are inspiring symbols to remind us of work not yet finished. Please use these Seals and speed your gift to the ONTARIO COUNTY TB & REALTH ASSOCIATION c/o BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA OSHAWA: . i 4 teeta Mead aS