Dr. Robert Thornton H65 Celebrates 25th The Dr. Robert Thornton 'Home en School Associsition 'reached a wery motable mile- 'stone im 'its history last Feébru- 'ary, when 'it celebrated its 25th -Anniversary. Meany charter imembers 'and former teachers 'were present, and 'the first. two , Mrs. FE. Pipher, and 'Mrs. P. 'Lofthouse were present- ea with life memberships in 'honor of their outstanding ser-' vice and continued interest 'm; our Home and School Assscia- 'tion. @ur Home and School activ ities imclude an annual Kinder- garten 'Mothers' Tea, UNICEF collections, a potluck supper 'for fle «executive members, the, teaching staff, and members of 'the school board, a Christmas: 'treat for the children, a public speaking competition for the 'pupils of Grades 6, 7 and 8, an- mual field day, and closing pic- tic im June, a graduation ban- Anniversary quet, and a hobby show, newly- imitrofuced Jest year which provell very 'successfdl, Mem- bership in our zssacistion Yeach- ea an alktime thigh of 80. Ex- ecutive members for the year are as follows: President, Mrs. Alex 'Oraigie, 'vice-presidents, Mrs. Wartley 'Delaney, Mrs. Arthur Joynt, recording secre- tary, Mrs. Douglas Kerr, corres- ponding secretary, Mrs. E. 'Coedy, treasurer, Mrs. Alex Beaton, and the five executive members, Mrs. R. Gow, Mrs. N. Pascal, Mrs. Larry Hall, Mrs. Bohn Umphrey, Mrs. Len Pipher. 'Committee chairmen are: propram, Mrs. Arthur Joy- mt, Grade mothers, Mrs. Jack Westlake, citizenship, Mrs. Lar- ty Hall, family life, Mrs. Don}: Tsenius; children's reading, Mr. 'red Anderson; fine arts, Mrs. Donal Wonll; property, Mrs. John Umphrey; _ publications, Mrs. Robert 'Stewart; publicity, Mrs. Hartley Delaney. Mrs. L. Barteaux Presides Southminster Federation Southminster Woman's Feder- ation was organized in Novem- ber, 1959. A Woman's Federation is an organization of women which combines in one organization of a Woman's Association and an auxiliary .of the Woman's Missionary Seciety. Some o fits 'ims .are to share in community service, Home Missions and Overseas Missions. The Federation meets on the 'fourth 'Tuesday evening of the month at 8.00 p.m. in the church. The meetings consist of a de- votional period, a business period and a speaker, film or project concerning our work. This is followed by a social time and refreshments. The organization holds a tea, 'bazaar and bake sale in the spring and fall. We :sall Christ- mas cards and also expect 'to make a recipe book of favor- ite recipes during the coming year. Used 'Christmas cards are collected and sent to orphaned and handicapped children in| Switzerland. Bales of clothing have been sent fer overseas re- | | OSHAWA DAIRY LTD. "The Dairy That Satisties" 'lief. Some. of the funds are useil for missions 'and some 'are usedl' for projects in our own church. 'The Federation has equipped the kitchen and installed the plumbing 'in the new church. They have purchased chairs and hymn books. They have helped furnish 'the mranse anil are con- +nibuting toward the rent of our' @hurch. | The slate of officers which is elected for two 'years is: presi- | derit, Mrs. Lawrence 'Barteaux; vice-president, Mrs. T. Wilson; , Mrs. A. G. Nel- Navy League Aux: "a % ea Provides Extras The 'Navy 'League Auxiliary was formed on November 7, 1955. Mrs. Harrison of 'Trenton, 'the 'provincial organizer, 'assist-| ed with 'the organization. The Auxiliary was formed 'to chelp provide extra «comforts 'for the Sea Cadet Barracks «nd Corps. The Auxiliary provides a 'Christmas dinner for 'the 'Cadets Corp. "Drake" and 'Navy League Cadet 'Corps, "Hawking" which zit 'times numbers 325 cadets. They also proviile -re- ffreshments for the annual 'in- spection. The auxiliary is open 'to imoth- ers of Sea Cadets and Navy League Cadets, also anyone in- terested in Navay League work. The officers .are as follows: president, Mrs. George Luhtala; '| secretary, Mrs. Herbert May- nard; treasurer, Mrs. Pery Tul- lock; social convener, Mrs. Joseph Cassidy; ways and means, Mrs. Leonard Anderson; publicity, Mrs, Fred Kunkel. Thonypson; treasurer, velyn Fickes; secretary, Amelia Weeks. Sea) * and School Association 'was 'or- ganized in January 23, 1958. The 'monttily meetings 'are 'heli on 'the first Tuesday of each month. 'There are 36 charter members. During the past year a 'successful "'Night of Cards" was 'held. A tea for the Grade IT mothers was held in September. Winners from the school in|}, Reguler Mitk tized Milk Skimmed Milk Chocolete Mik b Our List of Dairy Products is Complete == Egge Creamery Butter Peete ae FOR EVERYDAY USE OR HAPPY HOSTESSING EATON'S Hostess Shop NU-WAY RUG and CARPET 174 MARY ST. Offers exciting food imports from all around the world . . . to help give your daily menus or party snacks that "extra something'. Brom Morway ... King Qecar Fillets of Hering. 7-oz. tin .33 King Oscar Kipper Snacks--- Two 34-02. 'tins Soft Herring 'Rees. 34-07. 'tin ..... From Austria... 'Manners' of Vienna Neopolitan biscuits. Flaky-'fingers, cream-fisled, in flavours of lemon, raspberry, checolote. 3¥%4-0z. pkg. 25. From France ... Creme Marrons Glace . . . condied chest- nut spread; delicious with whipped cream or ice cream. 834-02. jar ....+... .39 From Jamaica ... Black Mountain coffee. 16-oz. jar, 1.39 Pick-a-peppa sauce. Good with fish, meat, poultry. 5-oz. bottle 49 Mengo chutney . . . for curries, meat dishes; sere with cold cuts. TOE. ME: oes ct ecicceccss ee Spice island Spices -- exotic Frem England... "'Warmilte' .. . tichly floveured .yeost ex- tract 'that mokes -o 'tasty spread 'for sanél- wiches .or conapes; «adds sovour to soups cond stews. 4-oz., .65 B-oz., 1.38 2-oz,, .35 fieank 'Cooper's Jams . . . beautifully gift- packaged assortments, Six 2¥2-oz. jars, 1.89; three 12-0z. jars, 2.99. From Ireland... WcCanns Finest Octmeal . . tasty porridge 1-Ib. . for smooth, 12-0z. tin, .69 From Canada... Qntorio-produced "Owl Pen' honey. 'Liquid or creamed No. 1 white honey. 5¥%-oz,, .29 1-lb., .59 2-\bs,, .99 Quebec-produced honey. 1-lb. ......99 From The U.S.A. .:3 Cranberry Juice from 5S. 3S. Pierce of Boston. 1-pt. bottle .. eeeees From All-Around .. . spices trom many countries. Priced from .55 to 149, Other Countries Represented In The Hostess Shep .. . 'CLIP THIS RECIPE FOR YOUR FILE "Green Goddess" SALAD DRESSING Delicately flavoured. with « smooth consistency thet fully coats each leaf iin the bowl. 1 cup mayonnaise tablespoon lemon juice tablespoons SPICE ISLANDS Garlic Wine Vinegar rounded tatilespoon anchovy paste tablespoons 'SPICE ISLANDS onion :powder Y% cup heavy cream 2 tablespoons SPICE ISLANDS Torragon Wine Vinegar 2 'tablespoons SPICE 'ISLANDS 'Estholot Wine 'Vinegor ® SCOTLANO® @ CHINA @ DENMARK BATOMS MALL LEVEL, @ JAPAN @ INDIA @ SWEDEN ® HOLLAND @ SWITZERLAND @ ITALY e@ GERMANY @ ISRAEL