ee _ event of the year and has al- "expense of the taxi, and lack Has Flourished The Jessie Panton Missionary Auxiliary of St. Andrew's United Church was formed in 1923. The auxiliary was named in honor of Miss Jessie Panton .who was a school teacher, staunch church worker and leader of a boys mission band. Monthly meeting are held when all members join in wor- ship and study.. The Spring and Autumn Thankoffering meetings are highlights of the year when we have special speakers and invite groups from other churches. Overseas relief and Home Missions each re- ceive their share of help. Lead- ership and aid is given to the Mission Band. The annual bazaar which is held in November is the main Ways proved a success. - Jessie Panton Missionary Aux Since 1923 past president, Mrs. W. F. Man- uel; president, Mrs. R. W. Mar- fyn; 1st vice-president, Mrs. F. Getz; 2nd vice-president, Miss Marion Cuthbertson; recording secretary, Mrs. Charles Kinton; corr. secretary, Mrs. Reginald 'Tumey; treasurer, Miss Grace Anderson; Christian Steward- ship, Mrs. J. H. Hunter; liter- ature secretary, Miss . Helen Yule; missionary .moniily_ sec- retary, Mrs. T. D. Kerr; flower convener, Miss Nellie Scorgie; supply secretary, Mrs. W. E. Dodwell; assistant supply sec., Mrs. T. D. Kerr; press secre- tary, Mrs. W. F. Manuel; assis- tant press sec., Miss Florence Hawkes; community friendship, secretary, Miss Katie Wotten; pianists, Mrs. R. Aldsworth, Mrs. L. French; social conven- ers, Mrs. W. Bear, Mrs. George Drew; mission band leaders, The executive for 1961 is: Hon. president, Mrs. George Telford; Mrs. F. Britton, Mrs. J. G. Dancey. Transportation, Volunteer Help Needs of Cerebral Palsy Council The Cerebral Palsy School'! and Clinic is located at Simcoe' Hall, 387 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa; this consists of Nur- sery School, Junior Grade School and Physio-therapy treatments. We hold school five mornings a week. In June we were for- | tunate in having a volunteer) worker offer to teach crafts one morning a week. There were nineteen daily students and four out-patients, with two graduating to normal school, since their condition has improved this year. We have two qualified teachers, .a-physio-therapist and a craft worker. All students are transported by taxi; a rather; costly affair. The Parent Council celebrated its 8th birthday in March 1961. In January we were fortunate in having the Women's Welfare League of Oshawa accept the Administration of our school, with a Crippled Children's Com- mittee made up of five mem- bers of the omen's Welfare League and six members of the Parent Council. The school necessary for mothers to go to school each day. President, Mr. David Gray, R.R. 2, Newcastle; Ist. vice- president, Mrs. A. Rose, Bow- manville; 2nd. vice-president, Mrs. M. Gartshore, Newcastle; treasurer, Mr. A. Rose, Bow- manville; secretary, Mrs. J. Luke, Oshawa; correspondence secretary, Mrs. R. Campbell, Bowmanville; directors: Mrs. W. Brown, Bowmanviile, Mrs. N. Harper, Oshawa, Mrs. W. Fellowship Group | Invites Newcomers To King Street WA The Fellowship Group was or- ganized in April, 1942 by. Mrs. James Wilson. We have a mem- bership of 39 and new members are always welcome. Our meetings are held in the evening of the third Tuesday each month, they consist of a devotional period and program followed by a business session. Funds are raised by catering for weddings, banquets, etc., be- sides holding. numerous rum- mage sales. The Fellowship Group spon- sors the "Snowflake" Bridge in January and the '"Strawberry"' supper in April. We assist with the "Feast of the Seven Tables, a project of the WA as a whole and we also help with the Men's Club turkey dinner in the fall. Officers for 1961 are as fol- lows: President, Mrs. Dwight Bunner;_ vice-president, Mrs. Seymour Bigwood; secretary, Mrs. Howard Armstrong; treas- urer, Mrs: Glynn Pearse; card convener, Mrs. William Eddie; pianist, Mrs. Thomas Goch; as- sistant pianist, Mrs. Ivan Mor- rison. Group leaders, Mrs. Frank McClure, Mrs. Audrey Metcalf, Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. Jules Ethier, Mrs. Lawrence Millson, Mrs. Glynn Pearse. Sterricker, Oshawa; public re- lations, Mr. D. Arkless, Oshawa. Staff-principal, Mrs. W. Ster- ricker, Oshawa; teacher, Mrs. M. Gartshore; craft teacher, Mrs. J. D. R. Galbraith, Osh- awa physio-therapist, Mrs. J. Almond, Oshawa, medical ad- visor, Dr. R. A. Gill, Oshawa. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, November 14, 1961 47 Afternoon Aux. Of St. George's. Over 65 Years Old Our Branch was formed about 65 years ago. During the last year we held 10 business and devotional meetings and 30 sew- ing meetings. Have 38 members and 6 Life members; average attendance, 27. ae Members attended WA Board meetings and conference held at Diocesan Centre, Toronto and Oshawa Deanery Confer- ence. We use the Study Book and subscribe to the Living Message and Bulletin. We have two prayer partners. The sick and shut-ins are visited in hos- pital and homes. Flowers are sent to bereaved members. Cards are sent to sick and be- reaved. Canned vegetables and fruit sent to Beverly Lodge, Toronto. We met our pledge and sent cheques to our Church wardens, Maple Leaf Hospital, Kangra, India, Arc- tic Missiens and the University of African Missions, Central Africa and WA Diocesan Cen- tre for Indian Mission in Can- ada. Bales were sent to Mont- real Lake Mission, Diocesan Centre and Simcoe Hall. We gave to the United Thank- offering; make our money by free-will offerings, rummage sales, May sale of work, sell- ing of cards and_ calendars, quilting. and selling of quilts and birthday offerings. Four members are in the Tuck Shop, Hillsdale Manor, about every six weeks. Officers: Mrs. John Sawyer, president; Mrs. Charles Gibbs, vice-president; Mrs. William Chaplin, recording . secretary; Mrs. Charles Tuck, correspond- ing secretary; Mrs. E. A. See ley, treasurer; Mrs. George Puckett, Dorcas secretary; Mrs, H. W. Browne, education- al secretary; Mrs. Thomas Keast, social service secretary; Mrs. S. W: Wotton,' United Thank-Offering; Mrs. Harry Campbell, 'Living Message; Mrs. Charles Gibbs, Prayer Partner secretary; Mrs. Wik liam. Collins, Scripture; Mrs. Wilbert Hall, card convener; Mrs. Thomas Murrall, refresh- ment convener; Mrs. E. J. Weir, pianist. Ladies' Auxiliary To NUPSE First in Canada The Ladies' Auxiliary No. 1, National Union of Public Serv- ice Employces, was founded January 27, 1960, and received its charter from the national office in February 1961. The auxiliary was founded in co- operation with the 220-member of Local 50, National Union of Public Service Employees, which is composed of Oshawa Board of Works Emp!oyees. Oshawa is the first city in Canada to have an auxiliary in this union. One of the welfare projects of the auxiliary is make ing layettes and. children's clothes for use at Simcoe Hall. Present slate of officers: President, Mrs. Harry Nor- ton; vice-president, Mrs. Leon- ard Crawford; secretary, Mrs. Clare Bowman; treasurer, Mrs. Vernon Claus. Meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of eévery month . at Simcoe Hall. Trustees are now two members. of the Women's Welfare League, | and as a chairman an ex-mem- ber of the Oshawa _ School Board, The Parent Council still raises : money, for the school having held euchres, dances, a bazaar, rummage sales, draws, an auc- tion and a penny fair. We receive many donations from interested persons and organi- zations, without which we could not manage. We are very grateful for the co-operation we receive from Mr. Harold McNeil, Director of Simcoe Hall. The school held a Christmas Party, and most students' birth- days were celebrated at school. In June a family picnic was held and greatly enjoyed. As it was held on a Sunday it gave all the parents a chance to meet each other. Since we have several shift workers amongst eur members they find it im- "possible to attend meetings. - wo of our problems are the of. volunteer helpers. It is still nly wW SAVE 50% On FINE QUALITY RUGS and CARPETS AT... - NU-WAY RUG ond CARPET . 174 MARY ST. Whether It's a Personal Gift... Or a Banquet... We're At Your Disposal! We of the B. B, Reed & Sons, Florists LASER FOR ALL OCCASIONS Are Happy Indeed To Extend Our Women's Clubs of Oshaw "bMext Time Try Us ter Satistection end Service! R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS f 10/2 KING W. -- 163 BLOOR W. -- OSHAWA 4 To The a & District!