Evening Chapter Strong Arm Of OGH Women's Auxiliary The Evening Chapter, Wo- men's Auxiliary of the Oshawa General Hospital was formed as a small sewing group in January 1956 to take care of the young married and_ business girls who were interested in work of the Auxiliary. These interested few found it difficult to attend meetings in the afternoon and so the Even- ing Chapter came into being. An original group of 12 met informally for the first time on February 20, 1956. It came into being after much effort on the part of Mrs. W. A. Holland who had felt the need for a long time. Informal meetings were held monthly until June 1956 under her enthusiastic leader- ship. On September 11, 1956, an or- ganizational meeting was held at McLaughlin Hall and at this time the membership had grown from 12 to 40 with 24 members present for the meeting. The executive was elected at this meeting, chaired by Mrs. W. A. Holland and the first chairman was Mrs. A. P. Rob- son. Mrs. C. D. Russell and Mrs. R. W. Bassett of the afternoon Auxiliary assisted with the bal- loting. The Evening Chapter continu- ed to grow in size and interest under the guidance of the orig- inal executive. There were no outside projects. Social even- ings were enjoyed to encourage and acquaint new members. No outside projects were under- taken until September 1958 when a dessert bridge was held. This is now an annua! project and since 1959 has been held in the new cafeteria of the hospital. The Evening Chapter has giv- en assistance to the afternoon members with their annual pro- jects, the St. Patrick's Bridge, the Maytime Dance, and the fall Festival of Gifts. In December of 1959, the Evening Chapter undertook the convenership of the winter dance. This is now one of their annual projects. In October of 1960, a very highly successful Fashion Show was presented in St..Gregory's Auditorium and was presented again this year. The membership now stands at 94 and the 1961 executive is as follows: Past chairman, Mrs. G. G. Curley; chairman, Mrs. C. R. Lunn; Ist. vice-chairman, Mrs. J. E. Rundle; 2nd_vice-chair- man, Mrs. D. E. Sager; secre- tary, Mrs. R. W. Bunker; treas- urer, Mrs. M. Powell; corres- ponding secretary, Mrs. T. Nor- ton; Conveners: Knitting, Mrs. R. Moore, Mrs. K. Wooster; Sewing, Mrs. H. Bickle, Mrs. G. H. Jackson; Membership, Mrs. M. Brown; scrapbooks, Mrs. N. C. Briggs; press secretary, Mrs. R. J. Murphy; social, Mrs. D. Kelly. Namesake's Loyalty Inspires Gertrude Colpus H&S Assoc. The Gertrude Colpus Home and School Association was founded in March 1950 at which time Mrs. Gertrude Colpus in- stalled the executive. Mrs. Col- pus, an active worker in the field of education for 27 years and for whom the school was named, was also present for the opening of the new wing of the school in 1959. This association has constant- ly striven to help the teachers and pupils of the school in var- ious ways: last year a subscrip- tion to the National Geographic magazine was donated to the school; cup, ribbons and prizes were donated for field day; a family skating party was held; and a graduation party for senior pupils, was given. The association has also given a helping hand to humanity, by aiding UNICEF. The children, under the supervision of the as- sociation collected $99.47 for UNICEF, and were given a treat afterwards. At Chrismtas, the members of the association col- lected gifts and donated monies for gifts, for distribution to men- tal patients. The programs were varied and_ interesting, with guest speakers, educational films, panels discussions, and the stu- dents participating on three oc- casions -- at one meeting the Primary Choir performed very capably, on another occasion a display of gymnastics and square dancing was given, and a very thrilling and lovely pup- pet show was given by the child- ren accompanied by: the senior Erwinne's Pre-Chrisimas SALE Get in on these very special prices, for now or for Christmas Gifts. BUY SIX PAIR AT THIS PRICE ! SEAMLESS NYLON HOSIERY @ First Quality @ 400 Needle @ Tinted Shades @ Sizes 812 - 11 Reg. 1.50 69... Quantity Limited Sts GOLDEN CROWN, KRAMER KNIT BAN-LON SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVERS All colors. Sizes 14 to 20. 2.99 ~ 3.98 GOLDEN CROWN, KRAMER KNIT CARDIGANS To match. Sizes 14 to 20. 4.98 ~3.98 AR a WOCL SKIRTS Plain ond plain shades, mostly one of a kind-- broken sizes ond colors. Reg. up te 12.95. NOW 2.99-7.99 All LONG SLEEVE BAN-LON PULLOVERS new colors. Sizes 14 to 20. 4.98 KRAMER KNIT BAN-LON PULLOVERS With foncy neck ond colors. . ln many shades, Sizes 16 to 20 4.98 SPECIALTY SHOP OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY ® 11 SIMCOE STREET FLANNEL AND CORDUROY SLIMS In grey, green, black and gold. Sizes 10 to 20. 3.98 4.98 q SOUTH, OSHAWA SLEEP WEAR Flennefette, Arnel and Cotton Pyjamas and Waltz - length gowns. Plain, prints and designs. Sizes S-M-L, 199 3.98 e 723-7421 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 14, 1961 23 choir singing selections from the operetta "Hansel and Gretel". The teachers and children made all the puppets and puppet thea- tre, which were excellent. Another highlight of the year was "Curriculum 'Night' at which time a parent visited a classroom to meet the teacher who explained the teaching methods and scope of education today. Our association sent delegates to the Home and "chool Conven- tion in Toronto, the Regional Conference in Peterborough, and the Leadership Training Camp at Lake Couchiching. Our money making project was a donation from each fam- ily, and later a bake sale was held. The slate of officers for the year 1961-62 are as follows: President, Mrs. George Wand- less; vice - president, Mrs. George Luhtala and Mrs. Lloyd Weiderick; recording secretary, Mrs. William Renison; treasur- er, Mrs. Samuel Russell; cor responding secretary, Mrs. Done ald, Munroe; executive mem- bers, Mrs. Jack Crew, Mrs. Morgan Self, Mrs. Robert Suth- erland, Mrs. Alex Repa; Staff representatives, Mrs. Jun Smith, Mr. Daniel Tomlinson; program chairman, Mrs. Leon Davey; parent education chair man, Mrs. Melvyn Anderson; Health and Safety chairman, Mrs. Charles Bolton; citizenship chairman, Mr. Earl Brown; s0- cial committee, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. Earl Brown; Mem- bership chairman, Mrs. Robert Beharrell; publications chair- man. Mrs. Harold McCabe, hos- pitality committee, Mrs. Austin Sudsbury, Mrs. Alex Repa. Reguler Milk Homogenized Milk Skimmed Milk Chocolete Milk Whipping Cream Table Cream Sour Cream Buttermilk Our List of Dairy Products is Complete Eggs Creamery Butter Sweet Butter Cottege Cheese OSHAWA DAIRY LTD. "The Dairy That Satisties" MAMMA MIA! HOW CONVENIENT... ! Forgot something in one or other store? ... . Is it after hours... or on Sunday? ... You're lucky. Yes mo'am, The House That Jack Built is open, we mean, always open 7 days a week, from 8 a.m. 'til 12 p.m., and carries so many lines of merchandise, that it's almost like shopping in 10 stores ot one time, GROCERIES, MEATS, GAMES, MAGAZINES, WOMEN'S APPAREL, JEWELLERY, MEN'S and BOY S' CLOTHING, TOILETRIES, CAPS, JEANS, GLOVES and WORK GLOVES, DRUGS, NOVELTIES, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, HARDWARE, PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES end oa full line of GREETING and CHRISTMAS CARDS, and... YOU PAY NO MORE...! SPECIALS! FAMOUS LINCOLN 99ers -- FIRST QUALITY NYLONS seca. @9* DUPONT -- MADE IN CANADA, 51 GAUGE, 15 DENIER 11-35 --- CANADA'S BEST NYLON BUY DELICIOUS ANYTIME -- CINNAMON BUTTER HORN ROLLS ALL VEGETABLE MARGARINE REG. 39¢ SPECIAL, Pkg. 35° a 25° "THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT" TOWNLINE KING ST. EAST PHONE 728-2561 ' ~ OSHAWA