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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1961, p. 7

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| LODGES AND socreTeSs | FELT BROS. PYTHIAN SISTERS JEWELLERS SINCE 1886 The Pythian Sisters, Ontario ------------ \Tempie No. 1, held a banquet) jrecently at St. Andrew's United Church in honor of the annual | jvisit of its Grand Chief. / ; i a) 799. j y | After the meal, the group re-| Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 \tired tothe Ovanaa Nancie for| : = aie ea i ; \its regular meeting. \ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Novembe: 20, 1961 ' re, CWee upline sonia Sik {Most Excellent Chief Kay Large | Golden Jubilee Chapter IODE Sts. essen pened |Pythian Flag an anager Lu- Allots Yearly Donations = a a presented" OUR ENTIRE STOCK i : Manager Sister Lucille Clark Mrs Edward Bind, regent, from students who had received) introduced Grand Chief Bea- fm opened the monthly meeting of|bursaries. A motion was made 7x ; ' ¥. ' Fe eae Be | S ithe Golder Jubilee Chapter,| regarding awards presented at) J A Iirnd temo civere week ta! |IODE, held recently, and wel-|the OCCI Commencement. Tt 4 ia , a feb haates Dr witias tenn comed the honorary regent, Mrs.| was decided to send a donation) 7. fy : ae ' |J. K. Creighton, who spoke|to the Lucy Morrison Beseheiali| ' y ; pone ity Temple No, 5 were ibriefly to the members. Fund which helps students with): $ . gy pres i : = Mrs. G. B. Bouma, formerly great merit complete their) : 3 The minutes bye Pethvg oal of Kelowna, B.C., was welcomed! courses, Members again voted rere - 1 ee jence were read by Acting sec- |as a visitor that Christmas gifts be|% a, 2.0 } g retary Mae Feasby. Sisters | | The minutes were read by purchased for the adopted!' oa é : : |Marion Clark and Anne Stevens Mrs. A. W. Banfield. schools at McKarrow and Geor- " i ' , |were reported on the sick list. | Mrs. H. W. Neill read the! gina Island ne : i t '4 : bE | Mee lei gay was initiated | Men's and Ladies' Genuine Leather | treasurer's report. Mrs P. H. Phillips, member- ; Fe j into the order. : Services ut Home and Abroad)ship secretary, gave a report. & tele i | Mystery prizes were won by| Genuine Leather Travel Alarm iconvenor, Mrs L. V. Walker,|Mrs. R. S Jones read an in- :¥ Mm" j : Sters May. Rutter and Iva : | proposed that the chapter send/teresting report on Common- © ge? Cliff. The big draw prize was Clocks donations to headquarters in| wealth and World affairs, pre- + till. z © |won by Sisters Christine Aitchi- j led M ' f support of the Overseas Relief)/pared by Mr mentvey oe . - json and May Rutter, ewelle ovemen Fund, the National Shipping) Mrs. John Haughton, Golden | It was decided to send Christ- | Rec. Fund. the Korean Projects Fund,| Age convener, read coy ep re TO LIVE AT MAPLE GROVE mas donations to Simcoe Hall, | 9 $5 ithe Provincia! Services at Home}for the coming weeks and also oe ee ge ens . uae. Gleniolme School for Retarded s e M and Abroad Fund and the Na-|another delightful poem written Married recently at _Cour- Maple Grove and the bride Children: ana TR Christivaa| s tional Emergency, and Welfare|by Mr Ralph Tocley. tice United Church were Mr. | groom is the son of Mr. and ' oa ' " : seals, Fund. Mrs Walker explained) Mrs, W. D. Warren, Common-| and Mrs. Allen W. Thompson. | yirs| Carmen Thompson of 'The Grand Chief spoke brief- ji briefly the purpose of each of wealth Correspondence. -- Lik ag fiegemcet ng Chlvtics. ly. The-nex! meeting will be the D ADDING THEIR SIGNATURES these funds She also proposed read an i Nee ei or- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kube of --Photo by Ray Johnston Christmas party. Sister Mary that the yearly amount be sent headquarters certo Pod ri - Shields is in charge of refresh- In a double-ring ceremony | Mr and Mrs. Matthew Leydon to take care of the adopted) ganization, constitutlo : : eT Mibhte: SMAIA Tiara rake Wnlnded : at St. Andrew's United! and the bridegroom is the son cos boy, ho: Ae gee ba of the Bs a Delightful Dolls Pe, ah ee in not 10 forget. their Pythian Only One Each of the Following: Church recently, Margaret , 1 Mrs. Cecil Gray, | Wel! 88.4 speci stmas @iil been prepare . Pied abate ie ca alee heats DELS. j Doruthy Leyden became the . pragors Mat, © "@¥, 'from the chapter. It was als0)a questionnaire sent to chapters Draw Bia Crowd ' eT ee ee - - J .22 CARAT SOLITAIRE RING with 2 73° bride of Donald Douglas Gray. | 4/1 of Usnawa. decided to send a donation in! across Canada earlier this year. g ortio pee ik ie swith brown shoulder diamonds. Reg. 150.00 The bride is the daughter of | --Photo by Peter Ellins sarees of the magazine, Can-' Mrs. J.B Raine proposed shat To Cift Festival faar at ae aha cinte BEAUTYREST AND 45 CARAT SOLITAIRE RING With 4 00 adian Scene a donation be sent to head- » ' Yr, ma- 3 -- B : Mrs. W. D. Burns, CAC rep | quarters in support of the Com- mon, A whole clove stuck into ee a eee 169 Parents View Children's Work resentative, spoke on the work! monwealth Relations Fund. The Festival of Gifts bazaar each end of the pieces adds a MARSHALL REPAIRS shoulder diamonds. Reg. 345.00. lar this: oraanteation. Mrs. Haughton reported that held recently by the Women's Subtle flavor, too pipe bl delay .28 SOLITAIRE RING with pts. 135° Education secretary Mrs. John a panel discussion on survival! Auxiliary of the Oshawa General _-- -- | SPRING MATTRESSES COM- : 4 shoulder. Reg. 275.00 sees Ms Vivash, read letters of thanks! ang emergency measures will Hospital was opened by Mayor SCHOOL MOTTO PLETELY REBUILT LIKE At H&S Open House Meeting be held at the next meeting. (Christine Thomas. The hospital, The famous Winchester paekeowna be caveats. WEDDING RIND AND ENGAGEMENT 99° | It was announced that Mrs. Mayor Thomas pointed out, did . . ' a Hn PEARY DAY --~ 728-6451 RING. Matched Set. Reg. 155.00 .... The regular meeting of thejtopic '"'What Christmas Means St. Mary s Bazaar Ss A. Willson had. offered to/not run. itself ans went on to *" hool, opened in the Hamp NIGHT Ce 7a3catST Dr. Robert Thornton Homel|to Me."' The treasurer's report convene the annual bridge to be thank the auxiliary on behalf of shire town in 1394, has as its ONTARIO BEDDING CO. OVER Ya CARAT MARQUISE DIAMOND RING-- and School Association was held] was given by Mrs, Alex Beaton, Most Success{ul held January 17, '1962. the people of Oshawa for the motto: "Manners Makyth Simple 18k gold setting. 69° in conjunction with Open Housejand it was announced that A short coffee hour was en- important work being done in|Man" Reg. 525.00 ers ' at the school, The Misses|UNICEF cojlections at the with the assistance of a beau- joyed by the members at the the gift shop, with the library i ati Anna Dovgalev and Patsy Luke} schou! amounted to $112.69 tiful bright afternoon a success- conclusion of the meeting. cart and other volunteer serv- " : greeted the parents at the need Mrs. Richard Schad reported!fyl] bazaar was held by St ices ma ao KARN S - | * WATCHES * and registered approximatelyjon the success of the annual Mary of the. People Council of Much the same theme was : : = 180 who came to view their)bazaar and thanked all the con- the Catholic Women's League in GROUPS, CLUBS touched upon by Mrs, Jo Ald- children's work and discuss|veners. The attendance plaque , shurch auditorium, Steven- winckle when she distributed the i 2 their children's progress and)was won jointly by Miss Shir- pied pave sir. The Reverend AUXILIARIES beautiful Dol!x of All Nations MEN'S 17-JEWEL SHOCKPROOF WATCHES problems with the teachers.|jey Kirkey, Grade 3, and Miss Norbert Gignac opened the ba- io their new owners. "It is 'Eye Damage trom Waterprest, fier expauslia Uaad. 17 The principal, Mr. Michael) Marion Kirkpatrick, Grade 2 I , Reg. 49.75 : " 2x parents then adjourned phe workers at the gaily color-- The Lenore Group of Simcoe donated to the Festival of Gifts LADIES' 17-JEWEL BENRUS WATCHES -- ' highly commended for the eX- 14 'the different _ classrooms ed booths were kept busy sell- Street United Church, Oshawa,|by local Eibnic groups," Mrs. e 3 R ee 9 CHES 19" pra ayh bare teu gah nag ne|Where diseuss'ons were held on ing their warés held its monthlv meeting at the Aldwinckle said, "because the year guarantee. Regularly 49.50 .... each classroom and the fine\;omework, methods and cur "s I of Mrs. David $. Jamie-|hospital belongs to us all and rc Ing uality of work being done by : a ata The bazaar was capably con-/home of . . » 4 tk ay groups other than ihe sisiis: riculum. attitudes, ¢ vened by Mrs. Donald Branch son, King | street yer ere hs Sitges Jig al re hoy MEN $ - LADIES GENUINE BENRUS The president, Mrs. Alex Pag he Dei ae who was assisted by a hard- ay Black, the pres 3 have helped the hospital." | Q. As @ time clerk | am some- WATCHES ae otter Mrs George Moss, moderator). ring ¢ ittee. C aners side . paper Th pC ti i f : : Craigie, pre ided. A letter orl ot GY cate WE ts tele working committee CORY Snare The treasurer's report was; The English doll, dressed by times required to agile shop y) Regular Price Sale Price greeting was read from the duced the suenibees et her pans assisting Mrs. Branch were). by Mrs Wallace Butler.\the Old Country Club went to|where electric arc welding is Premier of Ontario, the Honor-| gt . pe vi her _ Mrs. R. R. Freeman, Mrs. N. A. aa sy sident reminded the|Mrs, F. Wales The Welsh doll|performed. Would this injure Me 39 75 Row 19 aS able John P, Robarts, in honor|-- Mrs. Lloyd Courtice, chair-| 5.) Mrs. Ronald Gibbs and) "© , Pree nn tal ney|from the St. David's Society to|my eyes? é s ° school th ;man of history and archives for|,,°' members that the talent money [To 7 " 7s A. It has been stoted that for ba Ph of home and school month. | cn Nader |Mrs. Mark Lambourne, Mrs,|. » in, A collection|Miss L, Reid, the St. John's/A. !t has been sto a a | Mrs. Douglas Kerr read the Se ee ee ae -- Cliff Roesche, Mrs. Kenneth noe et a eee Christ-|Canadian Ukrainian Society's all practécal purposes, workers | ow minutes and also the recom-|@? chool; Mrs, Charles. Mrs. Hart Williams,| "2% ope ' bers| to Mr T Hopkins, while|(°ther thon operators _of @rc manner (paraphresed): "1 leaned s bd mendations. brought forward Ceapiner ane Me Cs Pore! ne walter Atherfold, Mrs, | were sequen ani capone! Sar. B. K oc sis on the Hun-|welding eauipment? do fat need forcibly forword directly over his Now 2 ate included an Essay Con-|awa and District Home and| Kenneth McRae and Mrs. Au-jtg the WA for Christmas re-/garian Culture Clubs Ladies et tar ety Age rs (the President's) body foce to . : School Council, and Mrs. A. J.|gusta Descheemaeker, Mrs.) membrance Auxiliary's contribution. Mrs. gi. ace, end several times drew in| test for Grades 7 and 8 on the) Timm' -Ocident of Oshawa and|Larry Dodds, Mrs. Wilson Map-| The chocolate drive will com-|Norman Irwin of Whitby dressed|Other investigators regard 200 along breath, then forcibly! 5g 50 aow 29 75 (aay Home and School Coun-| plebeck, Mrs. eGrry Reed. Spe-| mence on November 27. a Canadian doll which went to 'eet os te m breathed directly into his meyth . e ' rage REAPS ue ery JORE GROUP fine thing to have these dolls Karpiak, ard his staff were >, zaar and welcomed everyone LENORE GR . ; rie : af ispe ss 7 . r i cted exposure of by- d nostrils, which expanded his cil, The topic for discussion by| cial draw in charge of Mrs.| It was decided to dispense) Miss Luckhurst. Mrs. Janis a cna Bae wens on pa : the panel was "Equality of Edu-| Ber Jones - draws|with the Christmas party but/Streiss had dressed two dolls,|°'™ Bit ; : lungs ond improved his respirge| ' . j cational Opportunity in On- a a ae aes the group will cater ra He one in ae ----s and e duet sage pity Bg Saathy Reet MEN S A N D --_-- BENRUS tario,"' and since all of thes 7 c t to be iven y eé one in Latviar national dress; . ° jevelope e new so . ae ie 'ladies were members of a spe.|byme and.Mrs. Fred, Lawless, Teay coun : the first was presented to Mrs.|mouth-to-mouth method of re- tinue independent breathing and WATCH ES ALL VY THE REGULAR cial commitice. they were able|. The tea room which was a", pirthday party was sched-'D. J. Turner and the second |suscitation, the Red Cross? thot instant death would not PRICE! to talk very specifically on/busy corner all afternoon was yjeq for January 1962. to Miss Madeleine Lovell. An'A. No. Motith-to-mouth breoth- occur . : their findings through their stud-| convened by Mrs. George King) mys. Stan'ey Taylor gave ajIrish Colleen, dressed by Mrs.jing as a meons of reviving un- Tongue Sucking ies to date and of the wide and Mrs, Leonard Weeks. Win-|\tajk on '"'Remembrance". Mrs.|J. Bulahood, and Mrs. J, Jenkin|conscious persons was probably Q. What cen be done for a scope of other topics for study,,ners of the lucky draws were [,ycas Peacock showed slides on was won by Mrs R. Edwards; |practiced b, prehistoric man. tongue sucking child? She is e.g., special courses, help for Mrs. Fred Lawless, Mr. Robert east and west Germany. the Scottish doll bought in The first medical record of its 20 months old, needy children, apprenticeship| W. Mills, Mrs. Lloyd Bolahood, Réfreshments were served by,Scotland by the WA went touse wos in 1743 The Inter- A, Frankly, we don't know, There in the community, retarded chil.|Mrs. N. A. Fry, Mrs. Leo Can- Mrs. K. R. Wagg and her com- E. Ford; the colorful Polish doll|notional Red Cross was char- are various theories to explain dren, rehabilitation and why,non mittee. jfrom St. Hedwig's Society has tered in 1863). By the woy, the reason for thumb sucking CORO NECKLACE AND EARRING TUESDAY ; f : with Miss Sally mouth-to-mouth ' os breathing was and tongue sucking ond just as {students arc dropping out of a new home i ¢ 9 te] j school, etc Howson and a most interesting|used on Mr. Lincoln as he lay -- many suggestions about what tol' SETS NOW 12 THE REGULAR SPECIALS Bi Wea ili ee aecad ap Dutch doll dressed by the La-|mortally wounded on the floor of | do to stop these practices. We e Associall as rge e "wie ewe : Cc sh | Box 7 and 8 in Ford's Theatre know it sounds trite, but maybe PRICE appoint a schoo! education chair- dies' Hebron Reformed Churc This was at approximately 10:15 the child will outgrow it, eae Soak \ | a > Thole 2 G N r . : PROCTOR 4-SLICE man to set oe study group to e * ane by Rays hae on thot tragic Friday evening, Our primary function is to pro- Regular Price ' Sale Price AUTOMATIC assist with this work. Refresh- oP, ' bf P-|April 14, 1865. The doctor, a vide prescription and_ related ments were served by the moth: pell's care. Miss 1.00 Universe, 23-year-old Army Medical Offi- health services of the highest Now 49c TOASTER ers of Mr William Haynes' dressed as a bride in snowy cer, this quality. related the event in trade § 4 'las : 5 agd *e by Mrs J. J. 17.25 direction pryek j c R. Bannon SCHOOL OF DANCING English' of "e aociiny, was i | 2.00 Now 99c --- won by Mr. A. Peddie. CHRISTMAS CONES D.E.A. Another highlight of the Fes.) 3,00 Now ] 49 IRONING BOARDS) 2s. is the time of year to by Mrs. V. Ii. Noltte of @ hand: ; start collecting all shapes and | Ta aton Aichi as teal: Adjustable to all heights. sizes of cones for ace wtuler ers rns ' some rug she had hooked ner) 4.00 Now 1 OY Metal. Reg. 11.95. table centres. Combined with Pre-School, Character, Acrobatie self. ood -- gg geal 28 KING ST. EAST . evergreen boughs, the canes was Mrs. Sandy White of Min- 80 5.80 may be left in their natural den, Ontario | | gy -- CRYSTAL SETS New Va color or may be splashed with FRIDAYS as ee er ee ere Ronan Ge ' the Regular Price. paint. Finely cut tinsel from - -- Reg. 5.30. Badminton Sets used Christmas cards may be ond zi 1-STRAND Reg. 8.50. sprinkled on the paint while still atts Reg. 2.95 damp, adding a touch of sparkle. SATURDAYS Venety stole Pees Fagin gee a gh CLAIRIONE coeen Bea WEDNESDAY to cool a few Niputegtl before MASONIC TEMPLE OF CANADA HI-FIDELITY plunging them into water or ee SS 2 Ce vives [| STONE RINGS anode solnsinbs couse wart. ion: - : : hear Cloirtone's remorkabl RED ag ometimes cause wary Information: 723-7253 -- pooAla alg Regis brie JUNIOR MISS BIRTHSTONE RINGS -- 49" METAL WAGONS |" ta HAE i models. Come in ond hear For all months. Reg. 9.95 . ' the brilliant clarity of sound é Reg. 1.98 = ys reproduction! Note the MEN'S GENUINE BLACK ONYX RINGS -- 14" 1.25 : purity of line in the superbly Assorted styles. Regularly 30.00 ....... ° i g Be : crafted cabinets. You will, 8 : : } ; we cre sure, judge CLAIR- i MASONIC, K. OF C., ODDFELLOW EMBLAMATIC GIFT-BOXED = TONE the finest you have RINGS. NOW ever heard or seen. \ = GENUINE CULTURED PEARL RINGS -- Our Enti GLASS SETS adil ua ab lal eae ae rack Sets of 8. Reg. 2.95 tape MEN'S LONG Why SS . For bleached, tinted, abused or CAR COATS M\\\ (7, natural hair... Fy a ede ee : New Curon tomsinated fabric. Se / ALL THIS WEEK PA CN ee : Boudoir Sterling Silver Reg. 18.6 . ES 10.00 Exclusive !-Year pa sh 1 Alarm Clocks Cuff Link Free Service jel am - Luminous Dial and OSHAWA W / TELEPHONE 728-4351 Warranty i : | % www 3.50 Jie " He 7 rp 10.00 . DISCOUNT "Where Discrimating Home Furnishers Meet" salts 4.50 : 4 vain stvuine || KELLY'S Decor Lounge || FELT BROS. Pty: oe 360 King St. West JEWELLERS SINCE 1886 728-0311 (CKLB Bide) 32 KING ST. EAST PHONE 72b-o195 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA 4

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