" day' include: ence on water|health dart ment indicate|tory taken by representatives ofjwhere he and his wife are liv-)mated Sino-Indian berger 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 22, 1961 has no matin of Sone ss ~~ a a P eae pe Bhan gg oom vin an dy ex-|there is no need for wholesale|the New York state tax com.|ing, in connection with the will n ae eee trucking monopoly Nor -does| Western Freight Lines Limited, penditures on sewage works in|testing of municipal water sup-| mission. The cash was. kept in|of Mrs. Benedict, who died Oct. ten --_-- advance tay echissir ovens salbens seek|Chatham, and ecretary, S. A.|Ontario rose from $33,000,000 in|plies for possible radioactive|a safe and the securities were/29.. She left Gamble an estim- dia's gefleral elections e . i ,000,000| contamination as a result of re-| filed in cabinets in a room-used| ated $2,000,000. spring. Oshawa Resident pete ergy ® ---- Tela ba athe m Transport <7 A. sere than $81 + Bessing toa toes, sugges 20% : Tuesday's statement tney, the CNR's vice-president He credited the commission's Mrs. Benedict was the grand- R : j I I hi a party headquarters followed - Fs 7 heiress Gamble Ben- i : of highway services. policies, its ability to finance illi ea tny eg "A Indian government EXPLAIN: VE ew: jects and contribu- 1 n edict Porum beanu, who ran Gets ATAO Post PEAS OVE ae Concern For sewage projects and_contribu- Several Millio edict Porum beams. whe rap -- ae Fs day that Communist 'Ching wi e a re red age dict's. objections to be married R Red Chin responsible for further" R truck lines, he said, "in addi- set the cnaaed nineke ee In Securities to Andre Porumbeanu, a for- ap a incursions and»: violated Sn et a tts nay aa ramets | Dollntion (areas ao ca au wag TE DEA, eater aevoments by tag ve | a -" ani , wi ee Bll ts re et ny seam arn ote Stashed Away. |;iivty irmmin ulate funn rot ar Tuesday night without de-)},; heen ordered to oppose rail-|through integration of rail and "i commission's water resources gi teee ae rt charge|against Communis' China Tues-|!"dia. ' ciding on a policy on railroad) 044 purchases of trucking|highway services, substitution division, told the 250 gore NEW YORK (CP)--"Several beousat pe a ions sacar nd day over Peking's reported new) CAUSES owned trucking. |firms to the utmost. But the On-| of highway for rail services and| UY' owing tact wall Sater Secs be tot] Biiem, Selince" in sovuritins, ewes Agnes [ime Oat latins ce dian ernie a . A special meeting is to beltario association does not op-| substitution of rail services for fo be. contaminated. He estim- cocked away in the mansion of|ble in contravention of a court) "Such acts, especially in the i held within two "weeks .tp. 18-ipose such purchases. as long aatighway services -- "| TORONTO (CP) -- Apathy ted it would take sige months ra Mu Katherine Geddes|order. He was freed on bailjcontext of the dispute already nist statement flict with the Cana-|the rail trucking firms operate|creased use of rail piggyback."| over water pollution has given|@ "A Stive fallout to pollate the late is. } atherine dmin-|Tuesday pending an appeal. _jexisting, cannot but heighten|in political solve a confls 'cs jations, In-|under the same regulations as) Harold White, president of|way to enthusiasm since the On- eth ag Benedict, f bh agp test R ie '| Gamble was still 2 minor at|tension," the party said. dian Trucking hon to deal with| other truckers and remain in-/Hanson Transport Company of|tario Water Resources Commis-| Wells. istrator 5 of a Ta a et th i e the charge was| Observers said the Indian ea oasy of Connie' two ma-| dependent pf the railroads. Hamilton, was elected associa-| sion was agar kh td aay is Da 4 od yor gon "oR a epcariliee and brought. Porumbeanu 5ied re-|Communists: were taking a fe alrends ine ond Twas, xin was tld Kren Peer aw one |SOemeeak cranes MC gumgrah_ none ald tote sld the sacar, enllbrengat, Poruaeess all talcieatnias. rare (A ENE transport field. a " fi it \ |. PRICES EFFECTIVE NOV. 22, 23,2425 | SPECIAL! CHOICE HALVES | | @ LOBLAW QUALITY BEEF | * CUDNEY FOR UNIFORM TENDERNESS PEACHES .............. 2 dees Fhis 59: SPECIAL! CHOICE Soni einer wie PORTERHOUSE, WING, SIRLOIN or BONELESS ROUND KERNEL CORN. @& «::. 69. STEAKS ROA T 82: on SPECIAL! CHOICE Or otha AYLMER SPECIAL! ists scx ate $.X. RINDLESS SIDE BACON it OQ SPECIAL! CHICKEN NOODLE OR TOMATO VEGETABLE LIPTON @ FRESH FROZEN FISH -- PAN READY e | ds SPECIAL! SPECIAL! AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS hier RUPERT shiek Sh CHOICE HADDOCK FILLETS we B5Sc| | ee" RAINBOW TROUT... AQ: SPECIAL! 3e OFF REGULAR PRICE aE Sa doe § COMET SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDBS : : re < 'pat CLEANSER 3 ovxe AQ: this Pie oe ENJOY THE FINER FRUITS of LIFE) =. EXTRA FANCY GRADE! A REAL TREAT FOR THE WEEK-END! Ee LOBLAWS FRESH BREAD uz 2QOc crisp, suGAR-SweeET ! 4 PINK LIQUID gag ee VEL. DETERGENT nic, DO! -- wun __ © FROZEN FOODS © GOLDEN 5 45: 'ze OLD SOUTH ge ae : FESTIVE SHORTBREAD wits BBc ORANGE JUICE 2.75: Delicious APPLES Sed avauatad is Moby manners EXTRA FANCY GRADE! FROM OREGON! C4OOLATE SHORTBREAD cathe 3 3: AYLMER : _ FOR FLAVOUR AND TEXTURE SUPREME! SPECIAL! WESTON'S Cho:ce Mixed Vegetables ob tins 39 bi ; , : ; FESTIVE TABLE FINGERS atic Bc Aylmer Tomato Juice 2.2% 3c GOLDEN os a C ee SPECIAL! Meconmicr's White Swan Serviettés 2%; 39 BOSC oE ARS an a bea eee aR Ue ee el oan, FLORIDA'S FINEST! FROM THE INDIAN RIVER DISTRICT! SNACKERS ration DBO vltttes Rose Sweet Mixed Pickles 23% 33¢ premium QUALITY! aa ae Pe ap "2% ST RUBY RED bk. 39: os ' io SPECIAL! 4c OFF REGULAR PRICE WHITE, WHOLE WHEAT, CRACKED WHEAT, SLICED OR UNSLICE! " SPECIAL! WESTON'S SPECIAL) WESTON'S PLAIN OR SALTED Club Howse Oinves ar} 4ic SODA CRACKERS ................. "« wits BZ Champion Dog Food .....3 ™ 43: SPECIAL! MeCORMICK'S CHEESE SNACKERS thes Sweatheart Toilet Soap .... 1.65" 39c FROM CALIFORNIA'S FINEST VINEYARDS! 3 OFF REGULAR < Sho i 35 LARGE CLUSTERS OF FRESH CRISP BERRIES! : jee Domestic rtening cic c ce 4 WESTON'S FIG BARS a Jacobs Cream Crackers ..2%.. 29¢ ALMERIA C LARGE SIZE 36's SPECIAL! LOBLaws GOLD'N CHOCOLATE CAKE Dares Potato Chips 2 oii 69¢ tosLaws 48. Leslie enatet ACL EN GAR AN IDEAL SNACK! FROM SUNNY CALIFORNIA! Lostaws a Christmus Cake *%'°* 65c.*ye* 1:27 "yee~ 1.85 Luscious, PLUMP, SWEET! QUEEN ANNE CHOCOLATES we Loblaws Festive Rings.............. mt 1.59 PRESS KAMBLY. Loblaws DeLaxe Fruit Rings ieee ate BACH 39 PACKAGE CONTINENTAL CHOCOLATES... ia Loblaws Princess Rings... xz, 2.39 DATES... ae